Zodiac sign scorpio. Scorpio sign color. Compatible with fire zodiac signs.

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. Scorpio has not only a partially threatening name, but also the corresponding character traits. However, they are very attractive to people.

Mysterious and destructive - this is how people who encounter them characterize the representatives of the Scorpio Sign. Often their eyes are called literally magnetic. The character of Scorpios is stereotypically considered one of the most complex, but there is an opinion that these people can only be loved or hated. However, Astrologers were able to understand what the Scorpions expect from love, relationships and marriage. But where does this dangerous and attractive sign of the Zodiac draw its strength from and how to learn to understand it better? First of all, it is worth understanding which planets and how they are controlled.

Sign of Scorpio: astrological information

For all the characteristics and qualities of people are responsible for the Planet, which may be in a strong or weak position. A particularly strong influence on life values \u200b\u200band worldview has a Protecting Planet. This is how primary astrological information about the zodiac sign Scorpio looks like.

Validity:  from October 24 to November 22
Patron Planet:  Mars, Pluto
Planet in exaltation:  Uranus
Planet in exile:  Venus
Planet in the fall:  Moon
Element:  Water

Since the aerial triad of the Horoscope is associated with the feelings and emotions of people, Scorpios are often unrestrained and impulsive. They are carriers of very deep and soulful feelings, which are under the strictest control.

The planet Mars is associated with the ancient Roman god of ruthless war. It was not for nothing that the satellites of this planet were given the names Phobos and Deimos - Fear and Horror. But due to the fact that Scorpio is the water sign of the Zodiac, its influence is somewhat softened. Carrying an active principle in itself, the energy of the red planet makes you constantly act and bestow confidence in yourself. In fact, it is she who increases the willpower of the representatives of this Sign.

Pluto has an absolutely amazing effect on Scorpions. In Astrology, this planet is associated with rebirth, destruction and death, and it is named after the god of the underworld. It is associated with uncontrolled energy, and the destructive principle in it is combined with the reverse side of the coin - creation.

Unusual facts about the zodiac sign Scorpio

Having become acquainted with the representative of the Sign of Scorpio, many remain perplexed and conflicting feelings. The realization that Scorpio has inexplicable power causes a feeling of rivalry among strong people and a feeling of protection among soft and vulnerable people.

Something dangerous is often expected from Scorpio. On the one hand, we can say that this is justified: Scorpios often take revenge, and do it from the heart. However, there is one “but.” Representatives of this Sign do this only if they are disturbed or harmed.

Surprisingly, the person born in this period of people little reflects feelings. It gives little of what is happening in their heart. Even the eyes remain as if untouched, no matter what storms rage behind the soul.

Calmness is something that can literally annoy Scorpio. He needs a constant supply of emotions. Sometimes they feel much better walking along the tip of a knife. The daily routine is usually of little interest to them. This is due to the huge energy reserve that these people have. Energy must be constantly directed to something, so that it does not begin to destroy the Scorpions themselves.

A well-known tactic of these people is to go ahead and without looking back. If they see a goal in front of them, then the obstacles for them turn out to be of little significance. Obstacles include difficulties of a material nature and those around them. An opponent is a person whom Scorpio will defeat as a result. Of course, if the result is really important to them.

It is very pleasant that the Scorpions most often do not consider it necessary to lie. Yes, you may not know what this person is thinking. But if the representative of this zodiac sign expresses his thoughts and opinions about something, then he does it quite straightforwardly.

Since the native element of Scorpions is water, they turn out to be true experts on the human soul. It may even seem that they see people through and through. Therefore, keep in mind: in 90 of 100% of cases, they will accurately recognize your lie. Even if they don’t show it.

Maximalism is a very common quality among Scorpions. They show it in any field: in love, work, when making purchases - always always. We can say that in most cases they understand only “everything” or “nothing”.

Communication with representatives of the Zodiac Sign Scorpio resembles the following situation. The child was forbidden to pick up matches, but he really likes to watch the fire burn. These people are attracted by danger, and if you are ready for risk, you are here.

Among other things, representatives of the Sign of Scorpio often turn out to be creative personalities with a lot of special talents characteristic of them. Develop your strengths with Astrology and don’t forget to press the buttons and

The characteristic of the interaction of people, based on their belonging to a particular zodiac sign, is called astrological compatibility. He is Scorpio, she is Scorpio ... This union from the very beginning frightens people around it with its explosiveness and the constant intensity of passions. For Scorpios, such a state of affairs and such feelings in a relationship are commonplace. But still they will not let each other get bored.

Love compatibility: he is Scorpio, she is Scorpio

Despite the fact that representatives of the same zodiac sign came together in this tandem, we are not talking about mutual understanding here at all. Scorpio Scorpio - discord. Among them there are equally successful tyrants and people capable of compromise, striving to seize a partner completely and freedom-loving, not respecting anyone around and quite nice personalities. The only thing that unites absolutely all Scorpions without exception is that it is better for their partners to never hurt. It is unlikely that in this tandem, representatives of this stinging sign will be able to show another the right path, help to work out karmic debts. If these people are still together, then most likely they did not agree on love, but out of cold calculation.

Family compatibility: he is Scorpio, she is Scorpio

Their marriage can be quite successful if the partners show mutual respect.

Together, Scorpios will be able to achieve those goals that would remain only dreams if they fought alone. In such a marriage, there is a constant struggle for leadership. Since the Scorpions are mysterious intriguers who love to lead a hidden game, long simulated cease-fires are possible in this pair. Treason is not excluded. But they simply will not destroy their family. For the sake of children, every Scorpio is ready for anything, even to sacrifice himself. Parents of them are pretty cold. This is due to the fact that Scorpios from early childhood begin to prepare their children for a harsh adult life.

He is Scorpio, she is Scorpio

In this pair is in full swing. Often, it is sex that makes these partners stay with each other, as the compatibility of the signs says. The Scorpio woman is very erotic and passionate, which delights any man. In turn, a strong representative of this sign also has huge sexual magnetism and charm. In bed, their relationship seems to be reborn. However, after sexual sobering, the problems do not go away. These signs are too fundamental to give in to another for the sake of love and feelings. In addition, Scorpios are keen on the problem of fidelity. They themselves are not averse to taking a walk on the side, but their partners are wildly jealous and, learning about treason, leave forever. In order for their union not to be destroyed, they should learn to forgive and accept each other completely, not try to remake their beloved for themselves. Here are all the secrets that the zodiac hides.

Scorpio ... Compatibility of representatives of this sign will be just perfect if love lives in a couple and there is no place for destructive principles.

Scorpios are very emotional and sincere, they fascinate with their kindness, determination, perseverance, devotion. Persons born under this sign are purposeful and persistent, leaders and fighters. Can two strong natures be together, is Scorpio suitable for Scorpio?

Scorpion compatibility

When two Scorpions meet, it seems to them that everything is beautiful, easy and simple. They complement each other in everything. They look like two drops of water. They bathe in their sexuality and all-consuming eroticism. Unfortunately, the excessive sexuality of both partners can be a problem, since consensus and understanding end outside the bedroom door.

So do Scorpios fit together? A difficult test for such a couple will be life. Uncompromising and conflicting Scorpions may simply not endure simple everyday problems. Such a couple can not lead a boring lifestyle. Outdoor activities, walks, friends should be present in everyday life.

Couple Scorpio - Scorpio

The Scorpio man is a real support in family life. Behind it like a stone wall. He is always there and ready to lend a helping hand. Scorpio woman is a caring mother and a wonderful mistress. She is energetic, sophisticated and temperamental.

A couple Scorpio and Scorpio have a great chance of a happy family life if they are born in different decades of the month. One before November 15, and the other after.

Chances for a happy marriage

Nevertheless, it is impossible to give a final answer to the question whether Scorpio suits Scorpio. But if they direct all their perseverance towards maintaining their union, then there are chances. Only the diplomacy of one and the authority of the other will help make joint decisions. We must not forget that Scorpios remember their grievances for a long time and contain mental trauma. Scorpios should be careful in their actions and actions relative to each other. After all, any carelessly abandoned phrase can settle pain and despair in the soul of the second half. The ability to forgive, give in and sacrifice oneself will enable two Scorpions to live a long and happy life.

SCORPIO AS A NATURE PHENOMENON Modern stargazers vied with each other that Scorpio is a sign of death and sex. If so, then why; 9 And if it is more ...

Scorpio as a phenomenon of nature

Modern stargazers vying repeat that Scorpio is a sign of death and sex. If so, then why? And if so, is that so?

Scorpio is, first of all, a sign of latent, psychic changes. Destructive-creative and ever-changing beginning, dying and resurrecting essence. Scorpio - the eternal metamorphosis of life, a bright butterfly flying out of a nondescript cocoon. A frog turning into a princess, a Phoenix bird rising from the ashes, a dove that has to be an eagle.

Scorpio is a deep nature in the sense that the external side of his life is not comparable with the mysterious and incessant metamorphoses in his soul and heart. It has many faces, like the sacrament of rock, fickle, like the weather. His mood is changeable, the psyche is vulnerable. Following the thunderclouds, the sun appears, and the drizzling rain is replaced by heat.

Scorpio is a sign of the predominance of emotions in a person, therefore Scorpio is distinguished by a sensual perception of the world. His thoughts and actions are primarily determined by the emotional background. Scorpio perceives the world and reacts to it sensually, even when others do not see any special reasons for this.

His emotions are stable and strong, stabilized at a high level. Scorpio usually does not want, this is too weak a word, but longs. He is not upset, but worries, does not rejoice, but is delighted. But the external energy is not enough for him. Hence his passions and instincts, from this those properties of character for which he is called Scorpio.


Scorpio only looks impartial, calm, and in fact more than emotional, because it hides its swamps of sensuality from prying eyes. In it - quiet and affectionate - at any moment, wild, uncontrollable passions are ready to wake up, sweeping away everything in its path. Passion is combined with cold.

Scorpio is a purposeful and gentle nature, sentimental and strong, patient, wayward and mysterious. He is reserved and impatient, careful and ready to go to extremes and adventures. No matter how much Charon agitate, he still swims from one coast to another.

Scorpio is greedy for money, pleasures, but generous to the weak. He is insatiable in spiritual pursuits, but can give the last shirt to the person who turned to him for help. Scorpio is proud and ambitious, practical and prudent, independent and courageous. Volitional qualities, love of life, perseverance are characteristic of him. Hatred, envy, deceit Scorpio is also well known.

Hidden sensory energy does not allow him to sit still and rest on his laurels. He, as in a song, is always missing something, and he is constantly busy trying to achieve this. Scorpio sure if you really want, but not, then it is possible. And I’m ready to get my way by any means. He knows how to achieve success and balance on the edge of the abyss.


Scorpio is a living transformer of emotions, otherwise it is a transformer of sensory energies. This is its magical function. It turns low psychic energies - instincts, sensations and passions - into high energy of feelings, for example, into love, And in real life, into emotions of various calibers If Scorpio does not developed, then he is an animal - rude, impatient, selfish and so on. If it grows spiritually, then the angel is noble, sincere, kind, and the like. Each has its own proportions.

If Scorpio is a transformer of psychic energy, he needs a potential difference, contrast, struggle. Fighting for Scorpio is a vital necessity. Therefore, when there are enemies, he is well. When there are no enemies, Scorpio begins to experience an incomprehensible uneasiness and in the end comes up with the image of an enemy with whom he is fighting. Any partner can become an opponent for him.

The adversary is also necessary for Scorpio in order to understand himself. He needs to be different from others, to show his merits, he needs a struggle for existence. In battles with circumstances, opponents or himself, Scorpio is realized, grows spiritually, develops mentally, comprehends the environment and his own personality.

Scorpio is weak when recharged, and strong when the polarity of sensory charges becomes intolerable. He - restless, sarcastic, anxious - is ready for destructive actions and harsh actions. Scorpio is a thrill seeker. The riskier the enterprise, the greater the chance that everything will end for him as he needs.


All people are selfish. And Scorpio is no exception. His egoism is innate, but not acquired - from bad education and an unfavorable environment. He is so arranged that he is selfish, and not a bit to blame for this.

The egoism of Scorpio depends on his magical transformations, on how he receives and uses energy. He is used to concentrating his efforts on the most important and desired for himself, and therefore he is economical in his actions.

He has less strength than passions. This imbalance gives rise to a special type of psyche. Scorpio achieves his emotional, passionate. And then his actions.

not feelings or arguments of reason begin to rule, but passions, gross instincts. This is what is commonly called egoism. There is no egoism in nature. After all, animal egoism is a struggle for life.

So it turns out that Scorpio can behave in a civilized, socially and psychologically equipped world like a scorpion - a creature that stings everyone indiscriminately. But Scorpio does not attack first. He still needs to be brought to this.

Indifference to Scorpio is unusual, frivolity too. It is easier for him to love or hate than to quietly maintain a relationship. Love for Scorpio, among other things, is also a dangerous game. Life is also a dangerous game.

His experiences are intense. Scorpio, when he is excited, feels an emotional wave sweeping him over his head. And at these moments I’m really ready to turn into a scorpion or a butterfly flying on fire. And then he must be afraid, because at this moment Scorpio begins to fear himself.

Scorpions are very different. Some are scorpions, others are angels in the flesh. Everything is determined by the quality of their emotional life, by what happens in the depths of their psyche. It is this sign that astrologers are most confused about. They do not know how to portray him. Either in the form of a creeping reptile, or in the form of a noble eagle, or in the form of a quiet and merciful dove.


Secrets of the world and other people's secrets attract Scorpio. He has the ability for unconventional methods in science and medicine. He has a good command of his own psyche and is able to control someone else's. Scorpio is perceptive and intuitive, he is a born mage and psychologist, a talented schemer. Scorpio easily finds weak spots in a person. He doesn’t need to get into his soul, feel someone else’s mood, influence him, knowingly or unconsciously using the techniques of household magic.

In the dark depths of Scorpio’s soul lies an unknowable mystery, devilishness - something incomprehensible, frightening and at the same time attractive. If Scorpio is well, others feel it right away. If it’s bad, Scorpio may not mention the spruce, but it will become sickeningly different.

A scorpion, if it wants, draws itself to itself like a magnet, but it can create too dense an emotional atmosphere in which one can suffocate out of habit. In homeopathic doses, Scorpio is useful as snake venom to the patient. In excessive - it turns into poison. Scorpio himself likes it, along with the rest, but he is not used to it.


Scorpio emotionally refers not only to events, people, animated objects, but also to material objects, things. Scorpio loves power and money as a means to achieve their own desires and satisfy passions, but not by themselves. He knows how to take risks, especially in matters related to the material sphere, and more simply, with money.

Creativity, art is impossible without feelings, and Scorpio is certainly a potentially creative person. It is important to awaken and support creativity in it, if nature itself has not taken care of it. In creativity, Scorpio is also erotic, passionate and often does not know the measure. Here, as in love, he can destroy himself and others. Another pole of passions is a complete renunciation of the low nature, constant spiritual searches, and the associated yearning of the spirit.

Scorpio knows how to make decisions, make choices and get things done. He is purposeful, always busy with something. Scorpio is able to concentrate, to stand where others cannot stand it, it is hardy, it has a high resistance to diseases and adverse environmental factors.

Scorpio is an individualist and does not tolerate outside interference in his life, considering this to be an attempt on personal freedom. He used to live by his own laws. Foreign rules are not a decree for him. Therefore, he will not listen to anyone's advice and trust his own intuition. While Scorpio relies on feelings, but not logic, he is perspicacious and accurate in his assessments.

Scorpio dramatizes life out of an emotional attitude towards it. He painfully experiences setbacks, can become isolated, engage in self-discipline. Scorpio is vindictive, not used to forget grievances and forgive mistakes. His main problem is to learn how to manage your own emotions. Not only others suffer from them, but he himself


Scorpio perceives the world around him sensually, he is emotionally involved in what is happening, emotionally refers to communication and affection. The way they relate to himself is doubly important for Scorpio. When Scorpio thinks about personal relationships, he means benefit, business. When busy with business communication, he means personal connections.

If you like Scorpio and he does not see you as a rival or foe - this is your luck. Then he is a faithful and helpful friend. If Scorpio has an antipathy for you - beware of He or will start to fight you openly, or, if you are stronger, will try to defeat you without disdaining the forbidden methods. Scorpio is a good ally and a bad enemy of Scorpio is better to love than to hate. It is better to be friends with him than to fight him.

You can not scold him - he will do everything in spite and in his own way. He cannot be pitied openly - he will be offended. It cannot be limited - it will rebel. Scorpio must be treated with sincerity and honesty. Firstly, it is almost impossible to deceive him, and secondly, it will be worse for you. If feelings have disappeared from your relationship - write is missing.

With people below in terms of intelligence, social and material status. Scorpio is friendly, here he is patronizing, caring, caring. But if you find yourself in the sphere of his interests and feelings, he will require you to match his efforts and emotions, make you treat yourself as an authority.

To people equal to themselves and higher. Scorpio is cold, maintains contact as necessary. Scorpio does not like equals, perceiving them as competitors and potential opponents. He, as a predator, expels his own kind from his territory.

The inner passions of Scorpio are clearly manifested in the erotic sphere. Here Scorpio is jealous, suspicious and convinced owner. He is more interested in satisfying his own erotic desires and less interested in the feelings of a partner. Too intimate sphere of his life depends on natural instincts. Scorpio knows how to love passionately, without looking back. A person who is not capable of this will seem to Scorpio as a parody of the Terminator or a pale copy of the Snow Queen.

Scorpio can do everything for a loved one. Even to kill him, if he betrayed ... He knows how to wait, but does not know how to forgive betrayal. You can make a family nest with him and go into intelligence, to know the depth of love and its horror. Stand on the edge of the abyss. The head is spinning, the brain is intoxicated, the mood is elated, romantic ...

Fear Scorpio. Love him.


You’ll say about the other: “Well, I’ve dressed up.” About a Scorpio woman - never. Her outfit will not be deliberate, but, on the contrary, natural and attractive. She will dress like a gypsy and at the same time she will look one hundred percent. Large, oriental-looking jewelry, bright, even colorful dresses or formal dresses with a predominance of dark red, purple, cherry or green tones are very suitable for her. It concerns this and makeup. Scorpio woman can use rich catchy colors. What is vulgar or tasteless for others is organic, sensual, intriguingly mysterious for her.

Mysterious, romantic, exotic, she works well for her image. Therefore, it is all from the program of Yuri Senkevich: Bombay, Cairo, Baghdad. A sultry woman is the poet's dream ...

A happy day for Scorpions is Tuesday. Aquamarine, coral, ruby, topaz and malachite can bring them luck.

Scorpions often have a hard time communicating with people because of their expressive nature. Nevertheless, if you can get close to a person born under the sign of a scorpion, he will become your true friend for life. Scorpios are often serious about any kind of relationship, they are faithful and responsible. Scorpions become good friends and quite serious enemies, so it is in your interests to learn how to behave with them.


Common traits

    Be faithful. Treat the scorpion with love, respect and dedication, and you will be rewarded! Surrender to him 100% and he will return it to you a hundredfold. Scorpions, as a rule, have a few really close friends, because they need to feel connected with a person at the deepest level. Fake and short-lived friendship of a scorpion is not interested. If you become part of his life, he will never forget you.

    Do not anger the scorpion.  If you are very guilty and admit it, a scorpion, in the end, can forgive you, but he never  this will not forget! Betrayal will corrode the soul of a scorpion, heating up a thirst for revenge in it. That is why the symbol of the sign is a scorpion. The likelihood of victory in the fight against scorpion is extremely low.

    Scorpios love to compete.  And most often they become winners. Scorpios love sports or some games where there will be an opponent whom you can defeat. If a scorpion has a goal, he will always try to achieve it. Scorpions do not give up and usually succeed in what they do.

    Scorpions love attention.  If you are talking with a scorpion, you may notice that he is listening to you very carefully. Nothing can distract the attention of a scorpion if he is busy with something that interests him. Therefore, the scorpion expects the same level of attention from the interlocutor. So do not be distracted during a conversation!

    Be honest.  Scorpions respect those who are not afraid to be themselves. Scorpions often have a very mysterious and piercing look, representatives of this sign radiate calm and confidence, but in fact they are quite sensitive people. They observe and analyze, collect information. You may be able to trick the scorpion, but do not be surprised if your trick is revealed over time. If a scorpion convicts you of deception, consider that you have died for it.

    Scorpios love to listen to stories.  They are the type of people who prefer to listen to stories about you, rather than telling about themselves. Scorpios love being trusted with their secrets. Most of them do not like secular conversations and various superficial topics for conversation.

    You should not immediately tell all your secrets to a scorpion, otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you.  Scorpio himself likes to “get to the bottom” of the truth. Therefore, try to be mysterious, but at the same time frank. You can still keep some details from your past to yourself.

    Do not ask the scorpion too personal questions. At first, the scorpion will be quite secretive. Too personal questions confuse the scorpion. Representatives of this sign are very difficult to open to someone, even someone they trust.

    Do not forget that scorpions often seem quiet and reserved.  But this does not mean that you are not interested in them. Scorpios often rely on their intuition and observation. If the representative of this sign is your company, he expects that it will be interesting to you.

    Think about what you have in common with the representative of this sign.  Scorpios love to discuss interests. Maybe you have the same tastes in music or in movies? Do not forget to talk about it!

    Show your scorpion your concern.  Scorpions really appreciate the slightest signs of attention, even if they do not show it. For example, you are standing next to your mutual friend and are talking about something. Feel free to hug the scorpion lightly or show your friendliness in some other way.

    • Give sincere compliments to the scorpion, show him that you respect him. Scorpio will appreciate your tokens!
    • If you give a gift to a scorpion, it must be significant for him and somehow special. This is more important than the value of the gift.

Scorpion Date

  1. Put on something dark or bright (for example, black, red, blue or purple) - this will attract the attention of a scorpion. Representatives of this sign are attracted by dark colors. Put on something that accentuates the color of your eyes.

    Do not blame the scorpion for his actions, until you have earned his trust.  Scorpio really appreciates a sincere relationship, but it takes him a lot of time to get close to someone spiritually and physically. Therefore, a scorpion is not so easy to fall in love. Representatives of this sign need to make sure of your devotion and sincerity.

    Look into the eyes of a scorpion.  Eye contact is very important: looking into each other’s eyes, you will feel spiritual closeness that cannot be reached with words. If a scorpion likes you, his eyes will glow.