Full Cattle Yard

In the pasture - happiness; to see the bad - you will endure hard times; see bold is a good future; drive cattle - get joy; a large herd - well-being; to whip - expect injustice; cattle - happiness and wealth

  Dream Interpretation from Dream Interpretation Hasse

Seeing Cattle in a Dream

If you dream of chubby cows, sheep or goats grazing in a lush green meadow, wealth and family well-being await you. To see livestock in a stable - nothing threatens your family, you are worried in vain. To feed cattle - such a dream means that your work today will provide a prosperous future not only for you, but also for your children. See bathing animals or wash cattle - to the successful completion of all your affairs. To be present in the barn during milking - get access to a money project, perhaps you will participate in some state program that will be well funded. Milking a cow himself is a happy omen. Sleep means that your business will bring you huge income. If you do not have your own business yet, it is time to open it. All undertakings in this period will have a happy continuation. To dream of lambs, kids, calves, piglets - a dream promises profit from trade or a successful courtship of the daughter (son) of a rich person.

Imagine a healthy, well-fed, well-groomed cattle grazing in a lush green meadow. Together with adult cattle, young animals also graze. All animals are healthy and cheerful.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Almost all of us have been in the countryside in our lives. If he hasn’t been, then he certainly knows what cattle look like - a cow, a bull or. And what can they dream of? How to interpret this dream? We offer you the most complete interpretation of "Cattle" sleep in all kinds of dream books. Seeing an animal in a dream, people, as a rule, do not attach any importance to this. However, in such dreams there is a deep meaning. If you dreamed of livestock, then in your life big changes are coming, which many interpreters of dreams testify to.

What is cattle dreaming about? There are many different interpretations of such dreams. (cm. )

English dream book

  • According to English commentators, the cattle dream is a good sign.
  • Seeing a well-fed and beautiful cattle in a dream means that in the near future you will find financial well-being and good luck in business.
  • If in a dream you also drive a cart loaded with cattle, this can only mean that with your perseverance you will achieve very great heights. Persistence and determination will help you achieve all your goals, and your efforts will not be in vain.
  • However, to see in a dream cattle consisting of black and long-horned animals promises the approach of enemies, and one must be on guard.

Dream Book of Gustav Miller

Dream Interpretation

  • According to the dream book of health, to see in a dream livestock fed and grazing in a green-covered area is an unspoken symbol of health and well-being and can mean that your well-being is out of danger.
  • However, the dream book argues that the thinness and unpresentable appearance of livestock may indicate violations in the field of such vital organs as the spleen, kidneys, intestines. In this case, you should treat your own health more carefully.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation from A to Z interprets a dream about livestock in different ways. The meaning of sleep depends on which animals you saw.

  •   If you see a whole herd of animals, it means that soon you will be able to relax outside the city, enjoying all the blessings of nature.
  •   Dreaming cattle made up of cows means that you have a reliable rear in the form of best friends who will always come to your aid.
  •   If you see how the cows are milked, it means that you are in the struggle for the right to possess a large fortune, and, quite possibly, you will win this struggle.
  • Some not only want to know what the cattle they saw in a dream means, but they also ask themselves - what is the dream of a cow for? According to the dream book, this can only mean one thing - you need to beware of the treachery of a woman.
  • To see a bull angry and rushing at full speed on its way means that you may become an object of fun at your colleagues.
  • If sheep and sheep wandering from pasture and raising a cloud of dust on the street, it means that soon you will find yourself at a public event that will not bring you much benefit.
  • In a dream you see yourself riding a ram - it means that your dreams and hopes are not destined to come true. (cm. )
  • I dreamed of cutting cattle - your loved one tries to avoid quarrels with you and does not mind you, being afraid to offend.
  • Hearing the dying screams of cattle in a dream means illness and the possible loss of a loved one.

Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream Interpretation for the whole family

  • According to the family dream book, if you dreamed of cattle, the interpretation of sleep is as follows: a woman grazing a herd in reality has great authority in her family and enjoys great trust from all households; for children she is a best friend.
  • However, the dream book for the whole family claims that cattle seen on the night of Wednesday to Thursday promises you trouble at work, you can be slandered in a case to which you have nothing to do.
  • If you dreamed of livestock, and this happened on Sunday night, it means that your child does not have enough communication with peers, and it's time to send him to kindergarten.
  • Seeing cattle in a dream on Monday night - your secret and cherished desire will soon come true.

Dream interpreter

A dream in which you or someone else drives the flock into the pasture, announces that you will soon become the object of human rumor.

Universal dream book

Modern dream book

  • This dream book says that cattle seen in a dream promises large-scale changes in your life. However, what the changes will be depends on the appearance of the cattle: if the cattle looks well-fed and healthy, then you will soon have success in the career field.
  • Skinny and shabby cattle, seen in a dream, says that you doomed yourself to exhausting work of your own free will to achieve ghostly goals.
  •   What is the dream of cattle running in a panic across the field? This means that you and your business partner will need to make every effort to improve the financial situation of your company.
  • If in a dream you milk a cow, only positive changes in your personal life await you in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

  • The dream "livestock" is a symbol of contemplation and goodness.
  • The dream "peacefully grazing a herd of livestock" means peace of mind and harmony.
  • I dreamed of walking among cattle - which means being in a state of self-knowledge, peace and peace.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Another popular dream book that explains in detail to us what livestock are dreaming of.

  • I dreamed of fat cattle - the better fed the cattle, the more successful your life will be.
  • If in a dream cattle grazes peacefully somewhere in the distance, then your day will be successful and success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
  • If in a dream the cattle is dirty and groomed - you should think about your chosen profession, as your negative attitude to work can affect the result of all activities.
  • The dream of "raging and roaring cattle" testifies to your mental torment and conflicts with yourself. You should control your emotions so as not to aggravate your situation.


The dream of livestock, most often, is a favorable sign, because it portends only good events. But, you must pay attention to the details, and remember them. So, if the cattle in your dream is well-fed and well-groomed, grazing peacefully in the meadow, then your life will be calm and successful. If there is no aggression, a sick animal, and other unfavorable signs in the dream, then a dream will bring only good reality. The main thing is to believe that everything that has never been dreamed of is something positive in life, and then it will always be so. Good night!

After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits.

It means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July, August

To dream about cattle being driven   - to a rich offspring.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

To drive cattle   - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Cattle in the pasture   - happiness; see thin   - you will survive difficult times; see bold   - good future; drive cattle   - get joy; large herd   - well-being; whip   - expect injustice; cattle   - happiness and wealth.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you see a grazing domestic cattle   - means that you get a lot of pleasure, spending a vacation in the lap of nature in the countryside.

Herd of cows   - portends that you will be firmly established in life thanks to the support of friends.

See the milking of cows   - in the struggle you will gain the right to a significant fortune.

A cow walking at you with its horns down   - danger from an insidious woman.

See an angry bull sweeping everything in its path   - You will be mocked before your enemies.

A flock of bleating sheep and sheep raising a cloud of dust on a village street   - means that in reality you will receive an invitation to a cultural event from which you can’t take anything sensible for yourself. Riding a ram   - a sign of empty dreams and unfulfilled hopes.

Slaughter cattle in a dream   - your beloved will be the farther, the more afraid you will argue in order to avoid a quarrel. Hear the dying roar of cattle in a slaughterhouse   - portends sorrow and mourning for the death of loved ones.

Female dream book

Healthy, well-fed cattle grazing peacefully on green pastures   - means prosperity and happiness that you share with a reliable life partner.

Dreaming dirty, skinny cattle - portends hard work throughout life. After such a dream, you should think about changing your habits and attitude to life. You probably don’t like your job and, therefore, wasting your energy.

See panicky cattle running   - means that you have to make every effort in order to maintain your career.

See a herd of cows during milking   - a harbinger of the fact that you will become a happy owner of such benefits that so many people claim.

To dream in a dream how to milk a cow with a full udder   - portends great luck in life.

See calves in a dream   - a sign that you will find yourself in the center of universal attention and win the heart of a person who will become your reliable friend. Also, such a dream portends a good profit in commercial matters, and for a lover, the bonds with which he will cherish.

If the calves are not very good   - do not expect prosperity. It will be much more difficult for you than you expected to get what you want.

If you see a calf sucking milk   - You may lose your beloved because of fears to show your feelings. It is also possible the loss of any property due to neglect.

Common dream book

Dream of a lot of livestock   - to the fire.

English dream book

To dream of cows grazing peacefully in a meadow   - a good sign. Such a dream promises wealth and prosperity.

If in a dream you rule a wagon drawn by a bull or an ox   - means your diligence and diligence in affairs is beyond praise, and you will be rewarded for your tenacity with a great fortune. About the appearance of ruthless enemies warns a dream in which you see black and long-horned animals.

Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Pasture of livestock on the flock   - marks the one who has seen this dream, that he will hear human talk about himself.

Modern versatile dream book

Slaughterhouse   - This is the place where the victim has no chance to escape. In a dream, are you a lamb led to the slaughterhouse, or a person working in the slaughterhouse?

Business executives often dream of slaughterhouses   - when they are forced to reduce staff.

Slaughterhouse   - symbolizes fear. Perhaps you are afraid of a bad outcome of some dark matter. Perhaps you are confused about what is happening in your life now?

How do you feel about the slaughterhouse in a dream   - Does it inspire fear in you, confuse you or make you want to run?

If you dream that you or another person ran away from the slaughterhouse - it means that you (or another person) will cope with something serious in your life, despite all the difficulties.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Herd of cattle peacefully   - contemplate beauty, peace of mind, peace, balance of passions / great time for spiritual work.

The herd moves fast, roars, roars, approaches you   - the abundance of base passions overshadows your life.

Walking among cattle   - be in the process of knowing your passions and drives.

To drive cattle   - joy.

Beat the cattle   - a prosperous year, abundance.

Cattle roar hear   - misfortune.

Cattle slaughter see   - danger to life / your renunciation of earthly joys inflates callousness, pride and revenge in you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Cattle   - chores, nourishment, snow, death; grazes   - success, prosperity; graze   - misfortune; beat   - someone will beat; kick out of the barn   - danger; kick out in the field   - death; kick out at night   - danger from fire; feed   - well, offspring, the children will be healthy; think   - losses in the household; cut   - end to troubles.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream cattle   - this is to death.

Collection of dream books

Cattle   - to minor losses.

See large numbers of livestock in the meadow   - to a favorable development of the life situation;

See exhausted, dirty cattle   - to an unfavorable development of a life situation.
Throw a pinch of salt in a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bedding inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it on paper and burn this sheet.

If you dream of chubby cows, sheep or goats grazing in a lush green meadow, wealth and family well-being await you. To see livestock in a stable - nothing threatens your family, you are worried in vain. To feed cattle - such a dream means that your work today will provide a prosperous future not only for you, but also for your children. See bathing animals or wash cattle - to the successful completion of all your affairs. To be present in the barn during milking - get access to a money project, perhaps you will participate in some state program that will be well funded. Milking a cow himself is a happy omen. Sleep means that your business will bring you huge income. If you do not have your own business yet, it is time to open it. All undertakings in this period will have a happy continuation. To dream of lambs, kids, calves, piglets - a dream promises profit from trade or a successful courtship of the daughter (son) of a rich person.

Imagine a healthy, well-fed, well-groomed cattle grazing in a lush green meadow. Together with adult cattle, young animals also graze. All animals are healthy and cheerful.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Interpretation of sleep Scott in Miller's dream book

To dream of beautiful and well-fed cattle grazing peacefully on green pastures means prosperity and happiness, which you will share with a pleasant life partner. To see dirty, skinny cattle in a dream means that you have to work hard all your life, since you will not direct your forces where you should and you will not love your work. After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits. To see cattle running in panic means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse. Seeing a herd of cows during milking means that you will be the happy owner of a condition that many have claimed. For a young woman, this dream portends that her love will not suffer from her choice. Seeing in a dream how a cow is milked with a full udder means that you will have great luck. If you see a calf sucking milk, then you are on the verge of losing your beloved, because hesitate to show your reciprocity, or the loss of your property due to neglect of affairs.

The meaning of sleep Cattle in a modern dream book

If you graze a whole herd - you have a good relationship with the children, you are their best friend. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - portends trouble at work, you will be accused of not committing, which you don’t even know about; from Saturday to Sunday - it is time to send the child (or grandson) to kindergarten, he needs to communicate with peers; Sunday to Monday - your wish, which you never told anyone about, will come true.

Cattle in Hassah's Dream Book

In the pasture - happiness; to see the bad - you will endure hard times; see bold is a good future; drive cattle - get joy; a large herd - well-being; to whip - expect injustice; cattle - happiness and wealth.

Dream Cattle by L. Morozova's dream book

If you dreamed of livestock in the pen - to great happiness; to see cattle in a dream in a pasture - to well-being and success in business; if you dreamed of a thin, sick cattle - you will experience bad times; if dreamed of fat cattle - to a prosperous future; drive cattle to pasture - to great joy; see a large herd in a slaughterhouse - expect injustice from those in power; if cattle were dreamed - fortunately and prosperity in the house.

Interpretation of sleep Scott in an English dream book

If cows grazed calmly in your dream in the meadow, this is for wealth and a prosperous life. To manage a wagon drawn by a bull or an ox - such a dream means that a great fortune will be your reward for diligence and diligence, which are worthy of all praise. Black and long-horned animals are the harbingers of ruthless enemies in your life.

See also: