Esoterics where to start its study and knowledge? Interesting Learning Esoterics for Beginners

A thorough understanding of one's own essence, natural processes, the world around is the dream of any seeker. This path is quite difficult, but leads to amazing discoveries. Esoterics for novice practitioners may seem like a rather complicated and controversial science. It is easy for a neophyte to get entangled in the whole variety of books, teachings, and worldviews. Caught in a dangerous web of religions, you can lose the ability to adequately assess reality, which leads to mental problems and destroys the personality. But you don’t need to be afraid of spiritual searches, it’s enough just to show awareness while comprehending an incredible universe.

Myths, fears, difficulties

In ancient times, sacred knowledge was carefully guarded from the uninitiated, whose level of consciousness did not allow them to be adequately applied. Everything was kept in the strictest confidence. The halo of mystery around the adepts of occult teachings terrified a simple man in the street. Any magical action or miraculous event instantly became a legend. Many similar stories have been preserved in fairy tales and sacred texts.

Today, the growth of general interest in occultism, magic, coupled with tremendous scientific achievements, as well as the powerful propaganda of traditional religions, which has an undoubted political origin, have contributed to the creation of many myths about esotericism. Stereotypes make it difficult to recognize the true purpose of spiritual practices, shifting attention to external attributes.

The most common misconceptions

Let's look at the most common misconceptions and prejudices in this regard.

  1. There is only material reality. Stories about other dimensions, levels of being - superstition of uneducated people. A skeptical attitude makes it difficult to see the magic of the world. Studying only matter, it is impossible to discern the universal unity and essence of things.
  2. Esoterics have mental problems. The environment is always negative towards extraordinary people who are out of order, from which such opinions appear.
  3. All these new teachings are ordinary sects. At the heart of this prejudice is simple xenophobia. Indeed, there are people who unscrupulously use the aspirations of their followers for spiritual discoveries for selfish purposes, but not all do this.
  4. Esoteric practices are an easy way to instant achievements. To develop hidden talents, changing your usual thinking, you will have to make tremendous efforts, the study of esoterics is a laborious process.
  5. Ritual instruments, clothing, external observance of the rite - an indispensable key to success. The practical value of esotericism is by no means in ceremonial attire or beautiful rituals, it lies in the global work with internal perception, which forever changes the external reality.
  6. Training takes place exclusively through the master, in order to begin a full-fledged spiritual path, it is necessary to find a mentor. The intention to obtain sacred knowledge will bring to life the necessary circumstances, people, books, you only need to wish to start the lessons.
  7. I am not worthy of secret knowledge, I do not have exceptional abilities. Doubts are the main obstacle in any business, personal development will help to gain the necessary power and height. The main thing is to realize why every step is being made.

The exact definition of a mysterious term

The word esotericism causes many different associations, sometimes negative, associated with religious restrictions. The term is formed by the Greek σωτερικός - “internal”, “hidden” and means something secret, intended exclusively for a narrow circle of initiates who use mystical experience to study the world.

Some mean by definition a set of lessons and practices whose purpose is to comprehend the whole depth of the soul, one’s own spiritual world, activity directed inward into the very essence of human nature.

Some adherents claim that this is the science of the deep destiny of mankind and each individual, the internal processes of the universe, their connection with the soul of any creature.

The ability to understand the secrets of the universe, looking deep into yourself, knowing an unknown reality, is undoubtedly attractive to many novice seekers. Spiritual work allows you to learn about the world immeasurably more than you can imagine, you just need to start learning, and then change your own beliefs, the reality around, expanding your perception through full awareness of what is happening. The search for a destination, an invisible path is able to add new sensations, give freedom, joy of life, vivid impressions.

New discoveries or stages of knowledge

The path of powerful esoteric for beginners seems incredibly difficult. Where to start a neophyte incredible lessons that allow you to find the real happiness of unity with the world? There are many theological schools, the purpose of which is to maximize the individual abilities of each student, helping him to fully find himself.

A single seeker should start learning the basics of esotericism with practices related to self-contemplation, getting rid of mind-bound attachments, working out fears that impede the realization of personal qualities, talents granted by nature. In addition to spiritual power, physical strength should be developed, alternating meditations with various exercises that strengthen the body.

Then you should know the talents hidden until now. Extrasensory abilities open up to some practitioners, they acquire a healing gift or successfully express themselves in music, literature, and draw incredible beauty of the picture.

Having understood your own abilities, striking in their infinity, you can influence the surrounding reality by subjugating matter to yourself. Distance, circumstances, time are no longer dominant over a person who has managed to regain his own power, getting rid of the influence of society.

It is worth getting rid of the routine, devoting yourself to activities that bring sincere joy. Any business should be perceived as a creative process, a creative act that adorns the world. Gradually, the simplest things will become happiness, from which the ability to see miracles in everyday life will appear.

Practical esoteric implies the need for constant hygiene of consciousness. Getting rid of an obsessive habit of stress, unnecessary thoughts, empty worries will help clear your head for useful knowledge.

Self-education brings more useful knowledge than a sweet dream at boring lectures or lessons at a prestigious institute. Traveling, reading your favorite books, visiting exhibitions and concerts contribute to the bright development of intelligence, and skills in the field of practical psychology, oratory stimulate personal growth.

Meditation will help you to know the most remote corners of your Self. You need to study yourself in order to understand your own place in the vast world, decide on the direction of your path, to realize what is missing for a sense of happiness.

Contrary to a widespread misconception, the study of esotericism does not taboo money and material values; they are not an obstacle to spiritual development. Material abundance is a manifestation of the favor of the universe. Property creates danger only in case of excessive attachment to things. It is worth taking valuable gifts of fate with gratitude and showing generosity yourself.

Exalted dreams will help achieve incredible achievements, the main thing is to trust them, presenting the desired result as vividly as possible. It is dreamers who change the world for the better.

You must not allow yourself to listen to people who do not believe in a successful outcome of spiritual research. Envious, ill-wishers and doubters will pull down, devaluing all efforts. It is worth getting rid of such a society.

It is practice that helps true progress. Actions contribute to gaining invaluable experience. It is necessary to work daily, moving forward a little.

Crawler tools

The main tool of esotericism is his consciousness. By learning to manage your own thoughts, you can shape the reality around, changing events, circumstances. Ideas can transform the future, and a negative attitude has a devastating effect, from which the most ambitious plans suddenly fail.

Freedom of choice is an immutable law of the universe, according to which every second a person unconsciously determines the direction of his future life, being the director of his future. Everyone is given the opportunity to control all events, but in the absence of awareness, a priceless gift suddenly turns into an ominous curse, from which thoughts become enemies. In order to effectively realize your dreams, you need to believe in the successful resolution of problems, eliminate doubts and let a miracle happen. Meditation will help calm the flow of restless thoughts of novice practitioners, gain balance and serenity, which is very lacking in the bustle of the city.

The voice is not just a sound, but a wonderful tool for spiritual practices. Allowing yourself to sing, to freely express your own opinion, to tell the truth means to allow yourself to be, to acknowledge your own existence. It is necessary to be attentive to each pronounced phrase, try to reveal all voice possibilities.

Items of power are various artifacts, guardians of power or conductors of the energy of space. These are talismans that help in complex rituals, bring good luck and protect the owner from hostile forces and creatures.

Signs, runes, cards are an additional connecting link between the practitioner and his Higher Self. His invaluable participation is necessary in the search for answers to important questions. Over time, a person acquires the ability to do without intermediaries, turning to the unconscious directly.

The secret teachings of antiquity are now becoming publicly available, the halo of mystery is gradually dissipating, and hidden knowledge is freely distributed, but the beginners' fear of the unknown and superstitious religious restrictions carefully protect the mystical experience of their ancestors. To study yourself, you need to cast off the inner fetters and trust the wise universe, receiving invaluable life lessons.

Esoterics for beginners

So, esotericism for beginners and not only.

The books that I list below are the best I've come across in many years. Some of them are very unusual ... Perhaps not all of them will "go" ... Some just need to grow. But it’s definitely worth a try.

Don’t be afraid of the names, phrases, and terms that appear in the book’s contents, forewords, and chapter list. Books from the list are written in simple and understandable language, but nevertheless, many of them are very complicated and “multi-layer” things, the meaning of many of them comes only after some time. Tested on my own skin ...

The list will give the best books in the main areas. Only together they will give a very good and “balanced” understanding of many things that are worth knowing and understanding to a person who is attracted to esotericism.

There is definitely no “garbage” that was written exclusively for making money on gullible gullible and superstitious hysteria. Only the best books on esotericism that I have been able to read.

I must say right away that probably not more than 3% of what I read was in this list of books on esoterics. This, as they say, is “candidate minimum”.

If you think that esotericism for beginners is no longer interesting to you, you can simply consider this my personal rating of books read. The emphasis in choosing books is on the practical value of literature for esotericism.

Carlos Castaneda (from 3rd to 11th, only then read books 1 and 2!). The development of consciousness through the practices of Toltec magicians. Very strong books !!! Everything described really works. A bunch of effective techniques for developing consciousness and abilities. Must read!
Florinda Donner - “Shadow of the Witch” is a very strong and “living” book, do not be alarmed by the title. There is simply nothing to compare her with. The magic of the Indians of South America, the practice of spiritualists. A fellow practitioner of Castaneda describes teaching practices of healers and spiritualists. There are many stories in the book that you can’t imagine. Each story carries an “abstract core." It certainly will not leave indifferent.
  Reutov “Dream Hackers”. Practical skills development techniques described as light fiction. Based on information from Castaneda’s books, a group of practitioners developed their own methodologies. Read and have no doubt.
  Mikhail Nekrasov “Ensemble of universal worlds” - the structure of human energy shells, chakras, the effect of working with them.
  Sergey Lazarev (everything you find). Karma. Best author on the topic.
  Vadim Zeland “Reality Transerfing” - highly recommend.
  “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” with comments by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati - in my opinion - the best book on yoga in general. In fact, there is not only about hatha yoga, there is information in other areas. A bunch of useful information and practical things.
  Paramhans Swami Mahesvarananda. “Chakras and kundalini. The latent forces of man. ”Topic - the energy device of man. The best book on chakras.
  Swami Sivananda (whatever comes) Yoga is simple, logical, accessible, without any mysticism and “cockroaches” peculiar to eastern authors. All the books the author has read are excellent.
  Sakharov “Opening the third eye.” Clairvoyance, clairaudience. A practical guide to developing abilities. Simple, consistent and understandable.
  Mantek Chia - wrote a lot of great qigong books, which cannot be said about the captured video. Read everything you find, but I highly recommend the books Iron Shirt, A Treatise on Changing Muscles and Tendons, and Tao of the Light (I’m not sure of the name here).
  Alberto Villodo (everything you find). The development of consciousness, the ancient magical practices of the Indians of South America.
  Taisha Abelard (everything you find). The magic of the Toltecs. Fellow practitioner of Castaneda.
  Elena World “The Art of Dreaming” (not sure of the name).
  Robert Monroe (all you find). Astral exit, lucid dream, WTO.
  Mikhail Rainbow (everything you find). Astral exit, WTO.
  “Turbosuslik” - (I do not remember the author). The nature and methods of eliminating complexes. The latest working development technology.
  Simoron & Simoron “Burlan-Do”. The modern school of “magic”, the technique for getting what you want.
  Barbara Brennan “Hands of the Light”. The topic is energy healing.
Sergey Sidersky (everything you find). Yoga and energy, but not only. He writes in simple language, interestingly and without any “mystical tinsel”.
  Dan Millman “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” (there is a movie on this book, but the book is much better). The development of consciousness. Interesting thing.
  Ron Hubbard “Dianetics”. Work with consciousness. Attention, I warn you! The author is the creator of the sect!
  Sotilian Secorius “The Way of the Fool”. Ambiguous, scandalous, with profanity, but dispels some illusions, useful and funny.
  Fantastic, but ... Nevertheless, I think that it will help to get to the understanding of some key things that I found only there. These books are very interesting to read.

Green “The Journey of Iero”. Telepathy and clairvoyance. Fantasy.
  “Angel of death with trembling hands.” Fantasy. Telepathy and clairvoyance. (downloaded on the Internet, I don’t know the author).
  Vasily Golovachev “Forbidden Reality” and there are still a couple of good books whose names I do not remember. Heroic adventurous fantasy (mostly). The author has many works, but only a few of them really make you think and suggest very interesting thoughts.
  The list of the best books on esotericism will be edited over time. Also, I missed some books (or I don’t remember the author, or the name, or both). I will try to add later.

If you have questions about why there is no book or author in the list, then there are many options: either I did not read this book, or I do not remember the name or author, or I did not like this book.

The study of esotericism in practice cannot be reduced only to reading books, only practice is taken into account, how you live and what you do, having this information in your head.

I recommend mastering meditation and concentration, studying and practicing stalking (Castaneda), lucid dreaming, yoga, tarot cards and runes. Tarot cards and runes are tools, crutches for consciousness, but they will help a lot.

The practice of meditation and concentration will help you develop your abilities quickly and safely.

The martial arts of Southeast Asia will be very useful, I especially recommend the old traditional martial arts schools of Vietnam, South China, as well as the practice of tai chi and qigong. They will help cleanse the energy channels, increase the overall energy potential and become healthier in general.

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  • Literature.

    I am increasingly being asked where to start studying esotericism? And although I do not consider myself an authority, I will try to everyone interested to offer a list of literature on esotericism, which I would advise to read.

    So, esotericism for beginners and not only.

    The books that I list below are the best I've come across in many years. Some of them are very unusual .... Perhaps not all of them will "go" .... Some just need to grow. But it’s definitely worth a try.

    Don’t be afraid of the names, phrases, and terms that appear in the book’s contents, forewords, and chapter list. Books from the list are written in a simple and understandable language, but nevertheless, many of them are very complicated and "Multilayer" things, the meaning of many of them comes only after some time. Tested on your own skin ....

    The list will give the best books in the main areas. Only together they will give a very good and "Balanced" understanding of many things that are worth knowing and understanding to a person who is attracted to esotericism.

    There is definitely no "Garbage", which was written exclusively for making money on gullible gullible and superstitious tantrums. Only the best books on esotericism that I have been able to read.

    I must say right away that probably not more than 3% of what I read was in this list of books on esoterics. This is, as they say, "Candidate Minimum."

    Thus, if you think that esotericism for beginners is no longer interesting to you, you can simply consider this my personal rating of books read. The emphasis in choosing books is on the practical value of literature for esotericism.

    Carlos Castaneda (from 3rd to 11th, only then read books 1 and 2. development of consciousness through the practices of Toltec magicians. Very strong books! Everything described really works. A bunch of effective techniques for developing consciousness and abilities. It is a must read!

    Florinda Donner - "Shadow of the Witch" - a very strong and "living" book, do not be alarmed by the name. There is simply nothing to compare her with. The magic of the Indians of South America, the practice of spirituals. A fellow practitioner of Castaneda describes teaching practices of healers and spiritualists (communicating with disembodied spirits. The book contains many stories that are of the category “You Can’t Think of It.” Each story in itself is “The Abstract Core.” This book will definitely not leave you indifferent.
    Reutov "Dream Hackers". Practical techniques for developing abilities, described as light fiction, which is too much like reality to be a complete fiction. Based on information from the books of Carlos Castaneda, a group of practitioners from Russia developed their own techniques of stalking and lucid dreaming. Read and have no doubt, the book is very interesting and definitely worth the time spent.
    Mikhail Nekrasov "Ensemble of Universal Worlds" - the structure of human energy shells, chakras, the effect of working with them.
    Sergey Lazarev (everything you find. Karma. The author describes his healing experience and how he came to understand the basic mechanisms of karma. Best author on the topic!
    Vadim zeland "Transerfing Reality" - I highly recommend it to those who want to understand what egregor is and how it works. Comments will come later.
    "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" with comments by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati - in my opinion - the best book on yoga in general. In fact, there is not only about hatha yoga, there is information about other directions. A bunch of useful information and practical things in a simple language without oily speeches and “Charms”, into which all sorts of “type enlightened” gurus often fall.
    Paramhans Swami Mahesvarananda. "Chakras and kundalini. Hidden powers of man." Theme - human energy device. The best book on chakras, again without any tricky speeches from pseudo-gurus. Excellent information on the topic, with a description of the device, the mechanisms of the chakras and the effects of practices.
    Swami Sivananda (whatever comes) yoga is simple, logical, accessible, again without any mysticism and "Cockroaches" characteristic of the Eastern authors. All the books the author has read are excellent.
    Sakharov "The Opening of the Third Eye." Clairvoyance, clairaudience. A step-by-step practical guide to developing extrasensory perception abilities. Simple, consistent and understandable.
    Mantek Chia - wrote a lot of great qigong books, which cannot be said about the footage. Read everything you find, but I highly recommend the books Iron Shirt, A Treatise on Changing Muscles and Tendons, and The Tao of the Light (I’m not sure about the name here.
    Alberto Villodo (all that you find. Development of consciousness, ancient magical practices of South American Indians.
    Taisha Abelard (everything you find. Toltec magic. Co-student of Carlos Castaneda (see. List head.
    Elena World "Guided Dreams". A lucid dream, I highly recommend the author to all practitioners. There is practically no theory, but there are many stories from personal experience that can be very useful if you are not a fan of esoteric practice on stepping on a rake.
    Robert Monroe (everything you find. Astral exit, lucid dream, WTO. Classic themes. The most famous author. Mikhail rainbow (everything you find. Astral exit, WTO. Conducts WTO trainings. "Simoron.

    Esotericism and esotericism are two different concepts. The first is broader, and with its help characterize an ancient teaching. The second is used within narrower boundaries, describing only modern trends. Esotericism can be defined as a combination of special secret knowledge, psycho-spiritual ways of perceiving reality.

    Esotericism includes:

    Esotericism can be represented by a certain teaching, containing the quintessence of knowledge about the world and man. Moreover, this knowledge was always secret, and only adherents of one or another school owned it. If you decide to study esoterics on your own and are thinking where to start, then remember: each stream has its own esoteric. The ideas of astrologers and alchemists, magicians, masons and others about many world processes can vary to one degree or another. Of course, there are some common points, but there is no complete identity in these teachings.

    Over many millennia, so much knowledge has accumulated about the world around us that it is simply unrealistic to master them in one human life. When deciding where to start the study of esoterics, remember the limitations of your capabilities, do not try to cover everything at once. In addition, in recent years there have been many pseudo-teachings that have literally flooded the Internet. Therefore, when choosing the path that you intend to go, be careful and careful.

    With the help of esoterics, people learn the hidden, mystical essence of man and the objects around him. Esoteric studies the processes occurring in the entire Universe, and not just on our planet. And, according to the doctrine, each human soul simultaneously reflects all these processes. Practitioners consider esoteric science to be an applied science; it is still preserved in many mystical traditions. But it is not recommended for beginner esotericists to use such knowledge, only experienced masters can do this.

    If we talk about the semantic meaning of the word "esoteric", then this is any hidden spiritual practice.

    Each esoteric teaching says that in order to fulfill his desires, a person first of all needs to learn how to concentrate on achieving a goal. This will set in motion the surrounding forces, direct them to the materialization of well-constructed thoughts.

    Many of you must have heard, or perhaps even asked yourself, what does the word “esoteric” mean? In simple words, which will be understandable to everyone, these are some forgotten knowledge and techniques that allow, using the hidden capabilities of a person, to influence the world around us, one’s own body and worldview.

    With the help of esoterics, people get the opportunity to know themselves and the reality surrounding them, not only from the point of view of three-dimensional reality, as we used to do, but in a completely new way.

    Reality is not three-dimensional. It is limitless, and not all subject to the eyes. Just like a person, not only a physical body, but also a complex system of energy nodes and channels, a cocoon, an etheric body and other things.

    Such knowledge has been accumulated over thousands of years by many peoples of antiquity, and only a tiny fraction of them have come down to us. However, even they have sufficient importance and many opportunities.

    However, most of the people at the moment simply ignore the existence of this kind of technique, in view of the fact that now the minds are occupied only with the material component of life. And this is a mistake.

    As already mentioned above, the universe consists not only of the material, but also of the subtle plane. I wrote a separate article about the subtle plan, you can read it here. Existing in harmony, they complement each other, and one cannot exist without the other. Only having achieved a balance between physics and metaphysics, you can find peace of mind and realize your true destiny in this world.

    Very often people ask the question: “Where to start the study of esotericism?” The answer lies on the surface - from books.
    Many will say, but what about a teacher or self-development? And there is an answer to this question. At the initial stage, you do not need any teacher. You gain basic knowledge (basics), which in the future will be useful to you through trial and error. If at the very beginning you have a teacher, then you will not feel these basics on yourself, because everything will be easy and you won’t gain the experience you need for further development. In addition, there is a high probability of becoming a hostage to the teacher himself and his opinion, since at this stage you cannot have a full-fledged opinion.
    Self-development is a utopia, the rejection of knowledge carriers forces you to develop at a low speed and with great effort, both psychological and physical.
    Below I will give a list of books for beginners with which to start studying esoterics, which will be replenished over time, in my opinion worthy of attention. At this stage, you need to understand one pattern - the more information you have, the more fully your opinion. Also try to read “opposing” authors and primary sources.
    100 Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

    Cradle for the Cat - Kurt Vonnegut

    Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk

    The ensemble of universal worlds - Mikhail Nekrasov

    Transerfing reality -Vadim Zeland

    Seagull named Jonathan Livingston - Richard Bach

    City of the Sun - Tommaso Campanella

    What books you will find - OSHO

    Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

    Wonderland without brakes and the end of the world - Haruki Murakami

    What Books You Find - Jill Edards

    What books you will find - Jose Silva

    What books you will find - Dmitry Nevsky

    The Teaching of Don Juan - Carlos Castaneda

    Esoteric Basics

    1. Knowing yourself. This process has always been of interest to man. There are no limits for perfection, and esotericism once again confirms this. Those who decide to embark on the path of enlightenment, first of all, need to learn to get rid of the framework that was created by the mind and various cultural prejudices. For this, various breathing exercises, meditation techniques, etc. have been created. Of course, no one will be able to get out of the usual borders the first time. But with the help of training you can learn a lot.
    2. Knowing your abilities. In this direction, esotericism as practice implies an awareness of the skills that every person has from birth. For example, this includes the techniques of levitation, telepathy, telekinesis, extrasensory abilities and healing. A separate esoteric teaching is responsible for each of these skills.
    3. Knowledge of the world. The third area is studying the techniques and methods of human influence on everything that is around him. For example, with the help of esoterics, you can learn to succeed in business and in your own feelings. This also includes parapsychology, magic, various studies of the origin of energy, astral, etc. Bright representatives of the third direction are the magicians, sorcerers and psychics popular today, who almost daily prove the existence of parallel worlds and their intersection with our world.

    What associations do you have when mentioning esotericism? Surely, something mystical, unusual, and sometimes fictitious. However, you still visited our resource and read this material, which means that esotericism is really interesting to you. Let's try to figure out what it is, how to call esoterics correctly, and whether it is possible to master it yourself.

    Decide on the concepts of esotericism

    What is esoteric? In the scientific world, it is customary to say that this is a doctrine that is engaged in the study of those phenomena that were not recognized by traditional science. But if you dig deeper, such a definition seems somewhat ridiculous and absurd. Why? Take, for example, the expression about traditional science: can the methods of treatment with opium or mercury, previously recognized previously, be considered traditional, that the sun revolves around the earth? Of course not.

    On the other hand, the postulates of esotericism have not changed for years, they have been static for centuries. Scientific schools and leaders are changing, new laws of physics are opening up, which are at the root of the old ones, and esoterics continues to stand on all the same "eternal" truths. Esoterics is, of course, a science that is engaged in the study of those areas to which “material” (and not traditional) science has not yet reached.

    While scientists paid tribute to fashion, joining any scientific school, defending this or that point of view, in esoteric discoveries were made, which later became the basis for quantum physics or string theory. Strange, in the “mystical teachings” the multifaceted nature of the Universe was spoken several centuries ago, and modern physicists have only recently begun to talk about it. As you can see, esoterics are simply those laws that science cannot prove by experimental traditional methods. Without a doubt, esotericism is a very powerful science that has gone far ahead.

    What is esoteric in itself: where to start

    Now let's talk about what esoterics do. Their practice for the average person is something unbelievable and is beyond fiction. In the framework of esoteric teachings, people learn to change the state of consciousness, work with energy, learn to control their consciousness, direct the energy of the Universe as they need, work with information channels to determine the future. By the way, psychology, to a certain extent, refers to esoterics as well - the social direction of the science of human consciousness.

    The benefits of esotericism

    “Why do I need this?” - perhaps a similar question has already flashed through your head. Esotericism, even its basic principles and principles, will be useful to everyone, without exception. After mastering the basic concepts, a person learns not only to absorb information and go with the flow, he will learn to think, recognize the signals that the Universe gives him, and will be able to control not only his physical body, but also his mind.

    Comprehending the truths of esotericism, absolutely all life principles are changing. A person who understands how the Universe works, how the energy of the people around interacts with his consciousness, looks at the world in a completely different way, he creates his own environment. Studying esotericism does not mean at all that you will be divorced from the outside world. On the contrary, you will learn to interact much better with him.

    Starting an esoteric study on your own is not easy. Initially, you need to understand that you have to really work hard: it is difficult to abandon the foundations of society in one fell swoop, in which the character of almost all of us was formed. Therefore, for the best result from teaching esoteric art, we recommend you a number of educational lectures, courses and programs led by masters, those who have already achieved certain successes in a particular branch of esotericism.

    You can start by exploring magical traditions. Magical science is the fastest path to spiritual development. We offer convenient distance learning. The distance learning program is designed so that you can even remotely learn the basic tenets of esotericism. Additionally, you can always get expert advice that can help you solve current problems in a completely different way and with minimal effort.

    You can talk a lot. One can deny it, one can be skeptical. But if you only try once, your opinion about esotericism will change once and for all. Learn to build the world around you today!

    Esoteric videos for beginners - how to develop abilities

    The harm of esotericism

    A person studying esotericism is a thinking person. This is one who knows how to analyze, one who comes to the truth. Of course, these people are harmful to power, system, society. We are in a certain society, in a rigid framework, each performs a certain role. And if a person begins to think, this can lead him beyond the bounds of the framework. His actions will be meaningful, and this is completely undesirable for those who control us. Always remember, if you fight off the herd, they will try to drive you back.

    The book is at the intersection of esoteric knowledge and deep psychological experience. The author seeks to induce the reader to change reality through fairly unusual techniques.

    There are not many practical tips in the work, but there are a lot of questions that can become the starting point for working on yourself. In addition, in the center of the story is communication with a real northern shaman, whose experience and strength are incredibly great, because he knows the secret knowledge of many local peoples.

    In many ways, this is fiction based on the real story of the author, who met the main character and conducted many interesting conversations with him about life and death.

    Carlos Castaneda can be safely ranked among the greatest mysteries of the twentieth century. It is known only about him that he is the author of ten best-selling books and the founder of Cleargreen, which now owns the rights to Castaneda’s creative heritage. Everything else is nothing more than speculation, not to say speculation.

    Castaneda carefully kept "the secret of his personality", practically did not give an interview and categorically refused to take pictures (however, by coincidence, several photographs of Castaneda still exist). He even denied that he had ever been married, although Margaret Ranyan, the author of a book of memoirs about this man, claims that Castaneda was her husband. In other words, the true biography of Carlos Castaneda was known only to himself; the inheritance of all others is to try to reconstruct it.

    Carlos Cesar Arana Castaneda (presumably his full name) was born December 25, 1925 in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. In 1951 he emigrated to the United States, and in 1960 there was an event that radically changed the life of Carlos Castaneda himself and thousands of his followers - Castaneda, then a student at the University of California, who came to Mexico for “field materials” for his diploma work, met don Juan Matusa, an Indian from the Yaki tribe. Don Juan became the spiritual teacher of Castaneda and for twelve years passed the secret knowledge of his tribe to the ward.

    With the permission of don Juan Castaneda began to write down his words; Thus was born the first of the world-famous books of Carlos Castaneda - The Teachings of Don Juan. The Way of the Yaki Indians, published in 1968. This book instantly became a bestseller - as did nine subsequent ones. All of them are a recording of conversations between don Juan and Castaneda, and the chain of events in them breaks off in 1973, when don Juan mysteriously disappeared - "melted like fog."

    Legend has it that Castaneda himself left our world in a similar way - as if dissolved in air. A less poetic version of the obituary reports that he died on April 27, 1998 of liver cancer and that after cremation, Castaneda’s ashes, according to the will, were sent to Mexico.

    Considering information about what esotericism is and what it studies, we often come across such a concept as occultism. The occult sciences are a system of secret knowledge about the spiritual and material world, giving the initiate great opportunities. Indeed, they are somewhat similar to esoteric teachings, but there is one fundamental difference. Esoteric is spiritual development and self-knowledge, awareness of one's Divine essence and complete detachment from the material world. Occultism is the development of one’s abilities to gain strength and power in the material world, such knowledge helps to achieve high status and material wealth. Currently, the occult sciences, such as: numerology, palmistry, healing, astrology, fortune telling, etc. are called esotericism. This is not a true statement, since their main task is to improve life in the material world. While esotericism is the path to God and spiritual perfection.

      Esoterics for beginners   - the concept is rather strange. But, since there are thousands of such queries in search engines, it means the article can be useful. What is esotericism in simple terms? Where to start learning? What then? Risks, benefits and prospects. Let's figure it out together.

    1. What is esotericism for beginners?

    Esoterics   - This doctrine of the hidden faces of the world is not recognized by science.

    To rely on science is a thankless task - we know that. Not so long ago, scientists insisted that the earth was flat, mercury was useful, stones did not fall from the sky, phones were useless, aircraft heavier than air were impossible, etc. Now they have already recognized the recognition of quantum physics as a part of science. But she absorbed a good half of the esoteric sections. It turns out that   esotericism - not mysticism, and a science whose time has not yet come completely.

    What does this mean for us? Either we recognize it and attribute ourselves to the intellectual vanguard, or we reject and continue to defend the old foundations, holding onto flat land to the end. There is a third option - suitable for most - just not to think about it.

    2. What relates to esotericism?

    Everything can be attributed to the sphere of esotericism. But, for clarity, we can talk about such areas as:

    •   (study of other worlds inside and outside the human mind, dreams, astral projection, the influence of psychotropes and meditations, trances, hypnosis)
    • work with energy (chakras, subtle bodies, energy flows, acupuncture, remote exposure, treatment and harm without direct contact, objects of strength)
    • control of consciousness (self-change, awareness, NLP, psychotechnics)
    • peace control (work with flows, rituals, intention, pendulums and)
    • information extraction (all types of fortune telling, communication with essences and subconsciousness, clairvoyance and psychometry, dowsing)
    • body work (yoga, tensegrity, gypsy)
    • social sphere (applied psychology, stalking)

    3. The benefits of esotericism.

    Clinging to the topic of esotericism, a person is often completely absorbed by it. He changes to the root, his habits, environment and life itself change. A person begins to think. Reflections on the unknown and the unknowable become background for him and he grows intellectually. Bad habits quit. Esoteric ceases to understand why he drank and smoked before (for example). But more importantly, it ceases to harm the world around it. He ceases to transmit negativity to the people around him and begins to see much more positive in his life. This positive is manifested in everything. He begins to appreciate and love his life. That alone is worth a lot.

    Speaking more globally, a person who is interested in the topic of esotericism ceases to destroy and begins to create and create. And this creation of the new world brings him pleasure.

    4. The harm of esotericism.

    Starting to think, a person becomes harmful to the system. Why, for example, does the government need an entity that refuses, by order, to go to kill or die? What does the system care about whether a person appreciates his or someone else's life? An example is rude but fair.

    This is where the main danger lies. A man is hammered into the framework of society. And when this framework begins to crumble - society will not understand this. Did everyone see the movie “The Matrix”? Cars do not need a free man. And in life there are the same invisible forces, for the time being, ready to force a person back into the capsule.

    If you just read esoteric literature, you are safe. But if you start to think, the protective mechanism will turn on, which will "return you to reality."

    I understand that I have very vividly described the danger. But there’s no point in talking more specifically about it, because for everyone in life everything happens differently. Just remember that if you leave the flock, an evil shepherd will come and try to drive you back with a stick.

    5. Where to start the study of esotericism?

    In this question there are only a few basic rules for beginners:

    • train perfection
    • train mindfulness
    • listen to the world

    Everything else is my advice:

    • start with a change in thinking (for example, V. Zeland’s book “Reality Transerfing”)
    • strengthen energy (there are a lot of practices)
    • build clarity of thought (meditate)
    • don't stick in theory
    • don't believe everything you find out
    • read
    • communicate

    Always remember - esotericism is not what it seems!

    If in time you decide that you understand what esotericism is and start to consider yourself an expert, you will become another warrior in a horde of pseudo-philosophers and pseudo-mages, you will settle in some all-esoteric forum and you will raise your own self-importance at the expense of others. It will take away all your clarity of thought, energy and time. This is hard to avoid. Almost everyone goes through it. It is important to remember in time that movement is life. It is important to understand when you stop moving, give yourself an impulse and leave without saying goodbye. Then you will continue your journey into the unknown.

    What associations do you have when mentioning esotericism? Surely, something mystical, unusual, and sometimes fictitious. However, you still visited our resource and read this material, which means that esotericism is really interesting to you. Let's try to figure out what it is, how to call esoterics correctly, and whether it is possible to master it yourself.

      Decide on the concepts of esotericism

    What is esoteric? In the scientific world, it is customary to say that this is a doctrine that is engaged in the study of those phenomena that were not recognized by traditional science. But if you dig deeper, such a definition seems somewhat ridiculous and absurd. Why? Take, for example, the expression about traditional science: can the methods of treatment with opium or mercury, previously recognized previously, be considered traditional, that the sun revolves around the earth? Of course not.

    On the other hand, the postulates of esotericism have not changed for years, they have been static for centuries. Scientific schools and leaders are changing, new laws of physics are opening up, which are at the root of the old ones, and esoterics continues to stand on all the same "eternal" truths. Esoterics is, of course, a science that is engaged in the study of those areas to which “material” (and not traditional) science has not yet reached.

    While scientists paid tribute to fashion, joining any scientific school, defending this or that point of view, in esoteric discoveries were made, which later became the basis for quantum physics or string theory. Strange, in the “mystical teachings” the multifaceted nature of the Universe was spoken several centuries ago, and modern physicists have only recently begun to talk about it. As you can see, esoterics are simply those laws that science cannot prove by experimental traditional methods. Without a doubt, esotericism is a very powerful science that has gone far ahead.

      What is esoteric in itself: where to start

    Now let's talk about what esoterics do. Their practice for the average person is something unbelievable and is beyond fiction. In the framework of esoteric teachings, people learn to change the state of consciousness, work with energy, learn to control their consciousness, direct the energy of the Universe as they need, work with information channels to determine the future. By the way, psychology, to a certain extent, refers to esoterics as well - the social direction of the science of human consciousness.

    The benefits of esotericism

    “Why do I need this?” - perhaps a similar question has already flashed through your head. Esotericism, even its basic principles and principles, will be useful to everyone, without exception. After mastering the basic concepts, a person learns not only to absorb information and go with the flow, he will learn to think, recognize the signals that the Universe gives him, will be able to control not only his physical body, but also his mind.

    Comprehending the truths of esotericism, absolutely all life principles are changing. A person who understands how the Universe works, how the energy of the people around interacts with his consciousness, looks at the world in a completely different way, he creates his own environment. Studying esotericism does not mean at all that you will be divorced from the outside world. On the contrary, you will learn to interact much better with him.

    Starting an esoteric study on your own is not easy. Initially, you need to understand that you have to really work hard: it is difficult to abandon the foundations of society in one fell swoop, in which the character of almost all of us was formed. Therefore, for the best result from teaching esoteric art, we recommend you a number of educational lectures, courses and programs led by masters, those who have already achieved certain successes in a particular branch of esotericism.

    You can start by exploring magical traditions. Magical science is the fastest path to spiritual development. We offer convenient distance learning. The distance learning program is designed so that you can even remotely learn the basic tenets of esotericism. Additionally, you can always get expert advice that can help you solve current problems in a completely different way and with minimal effort.

    You can talk a lot. One can deny it, one can be skeptical. But if you only try once, your opinion about esotericism will change once and for all. Learn to build the world around you today!