Birth number for woman

Understanding - the dates of the calendar 11.10.1991 year.

  • Astrological symbol of people born 11/10/91 \u003d\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e Libra (from September 24 to October 23).
  • What is 1991 according to the eastern calendar ~ White Metal Sheep.
  • Element of the horoscope symbol of Libra born on 10/10/91. - The air.
  • A suitable planet of people who were born on the day of this day of the month is Venus.
  • This date occurred at 41 weeks.
  • According to the calendar, the month of October is 31 days.
  • The day lasts October 11 - 10 hours 51 minutes  (longitude of daylight hours is indicated - according to the average European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kiev.).
  • Orthodox Easter Holiday\u003e April 7th.
  • According to the calendar in the yard - autumn.
  • According to the Gregorian calendar ›››› not a leap year.
  • Suitable zodiac colors for happy birthday people. October 11, 1991  ›› Mauve and Peach.
  • Trees matching the combination of the zodiac sign Libra and 1991 on the Chinese calendar ›Thuja, Larch and Mahogany.
  • Stones are protective talismans for people born today ›› Andalusite, Klinochlor, Sapphire.
  • The best numbers for people who were born on the day of October 11, 91 ~ Nine.
  • Strongly suitable days of the week for people born per day October 11, 1991  ›› Thursday.
  • The main features of the essence, the astrological sign of the zodiac of Libra, which were born in this number\u003e are compliant and cheerful.

Description of men born on the day of October 11th.

Man born October 11, 91, may be interested in you, but your secrets do not interest him, and if you look closely, he often does not notice what is happening under his nose. Despite the friendliness, natural softness and lightness in communication, it is quite difficult with Libra. The horoscope testimony suggests that he is a natural seducer. He has many contradictions, life will not be easy with him, and he will have to work hard to attract his attention. He will stand on your side if he does not see the whole picture. He is inclined to draw conclusions about a person from an external analysis; he does not delve into psychology. It's better to make a decision on your own, because you should not forget about the natural indecision of a man if you look at the calendar for October 11, 1991. They are rightly called the minions of fate.

What the horoscope says about women born today, 10/11/1991, according to the eastern horoscope of animals.

If women on the calendar for their eleventh October 1991 birth find a way to solve their small problems, their life will be very interesting and filled with sincere feelings. Relations with a man are highly valued by them, and this can be a good basis for a strong family. It fluctuates between independence and submission, depending on what is considered right at a particular moment. They are a masterpiece of beauty, gentleness and femininity, so a man likes to be near her.

Women are born on October 11, 91, are quite sociable and charismatic, fascinating storytellers and a real gift for the interlocutor. They seek to establish a strong relationship with their lover, and they succeed. They are very popular with the opposite sex, and are forced to constantly choose. Family happiness will be if they learn to solve some problems of character compatibility through compromise. They will make the house cozy. In the interior of their home, as a rule, there are attractive, elegant trinkets with which they tastefully decorate it.
  It is unlikely that a woman according to the calendar on October 11, 1991, will begin to live according to the laws of others. Trying to subordinate it to your will by force is better not worth it - she cannot stand it. It is endowed with natural beauty, which makes it attractive and valuable for men. A woman was born on October 11, 1991, to look after and love children. They do not like frequent changes. They do not part easily, but do not burden themselves with long experiences.

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Under the zodiac sign of Libra, famous people were born:

actress Bridget Bardot, writer William Faulkner, pope Paul VI, musician George Gershwin, politician Lech Walesa, writer Miguel Cervantes, musician Giuseppe Verdi, musician John Lennon, writer Jean Lafontaine, Cliff Richard, writer Thomas Wolfe, writer Graham Green, poet Mikhail Lermontov , Marcello Mastroianni, philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher Nicholas Roerich, writer Oscar Wilde, businessman Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Louis Aragon, Camille Saint-Saens, Philippe Noire, writer Ivan Bunin.

Calendar for the month of October 1991 with days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Th Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

general characteristics

The life of people born under this sign is governed by a sense of beauty, harmony and justice. Thanks to tact, generosity and poise, they are always surrounded by people. These people rarely have enemies and have a strong influence on others. Responsible, have good business qualities.

Under this sign were born:  Virgil, Didro, Lamartin, F. List, F. Nietzsche, Lermontov, Wilde, Mahatma Gandhi, Eisenhower, Eugene O "Neil, J. Gershwin, Sarah Bernhardt, Bridget Bardot, M.Mastroianni.

Zodiac sign

  • Impact:  Venus, Saturn.
  • Symbol:  scales, book.
  • Colors:  dark blue, green, sea wave and pastel colors.
  • Stones:  opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearls, beryl, moonstone, green jasper, crystal, chrysolite.
  • Metal:  bronze.
  • Flowers:  calendula (marigolds), roses, violets.
  • Mascot:  heart, book.
  • Happy day:  Friday Saturday.
  • Unlucky day:  tuesday, sunday.
  • Favorable numbers:  2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15.
   Born from September 24 to October 2  under the influence of Venus - gentle, friendly, dreamy.
   Born from October 3 to October 13  under the influence of Saturn - they are prudent, live without luxury and ambition.
   Born october 14-23  under the influence of Jupiter - they like to eat, sensual, capable of literature, love ceremonies.


Temperamental, hesitating in search of balance, the right moment, the right word in the way. No sign has more manic-depressive and non-heroic people, no sign has a better sense of time.
   Libra emphasizes the role of knowledge, loves to accumulate facts, value information of any kind, withholding information is considered a crime.
   Like air, they want to circulate freely, hate the dark, despise poorly lit rooms, need people around them, know how to win them: charm, affection, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly provided services, understanding other people's point of view.
   Both men and women try to seduce their whole lives, expecting in return praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval, they cannot live without feeling popular, loved by everyone, including luck. Feel cheated if they feel they are not loved.
   Dependence on the surrounding world impedes their originality; they work better on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, goodwill, little willpower.
The trend is to avoid responsibility. They will sleep better than fight. They cannot say no to anyone or anything. When choosing between temptations and temptations, the will fluctuates. This can lead to indifference, compromise, a lack of commitment, sometimes to some difficulty, and ultimately to a guilt complex.
   Libra is a sign of measure and moderation. They are not averse to measuring, but do not want to be mediocrity. Their story is a multitude of points of view. They better lose the idea, but save the life. Libra needs to learn to use feelings to make decisions and overcome super passivity.
   Men are very preoccupied with fashion, sometimes in a snobbish spirit, are sometimes effeminate in clothes.


In youth, they balance between several possibilities. They need help. They need to make a few suggestions and not rush. You can’t put pressure; it’s better to make several attempts than to push on something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they easily get tired.
   Good at working with others. Great sense of collectivism. They give orders easily and naturally, at the first obstacle they can go aside and retreat. If they are at work, then they are doing it well. Best of all, they get the final strokes. Valuable is their supernatural sense of time and the right moment. It cannot turn them into compromisers. There is a danger of amateurism.
   The best use is everything related to fashion and entertainment: fashion designers, decorators, art dealers, antique dealers, book agents, theater agents, lawyers, judges.
   Often they are embarrassed to demand what they owe, to collect debts, do not check accounts and are never slaves of money and property, but they know how to calculate their budget.


Scales are controlled by marriage; more than other signs, Libra needs an alliance with a partner in order to feel perfect.
   Libra is the bridge between the Virgin, led by the mind, and Scorpio, driven by desires. The suspension and swinging bridge also marks the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breath, lack of physical strength.
   They do not fall in love at first sight, are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus means extra love.
   Concluding the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people, to like in society.
Scales are sentimental, they cannot but be tender, the need for public approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or a favorable position for internal depth and compatibility, they can marry only half after heart.
   Libra is flexible and can find a common language with a person. Their body lacks an instinctive, animal, so it must be supported by a supermobile, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything, just to not be lonely and have a dialogue.
   Libra men do not pretend to be a conqueror, but often expect the first step from a woman. If a woman does not take the first step, they feel unwanted and rejected, give up and look for good luck somewhere else. They are inclined to seduce everyone at any time, if Libra is sure that they want them, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one.
   There is no partner more charming, generous, and adaptable. Otherwise, Libra becomes gloomy and cold. They are easy to influence. They rely on women to achieve success and goals.
   Men and women sometimes hesitate between two attachments that seem equally necessary. It happens that all life they try to unite, combine them, make both objects of love friends.
   To make a choice. Libra must first learn to love, make decisions based on feeling.
   For Libra, they are most suitable: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn should be avoided.

How to achieve excellence

Usually well-versed in people, practical, often buffers that smooth out the roughness of life, wise judges like Solomon. Find satisfaction in public life. They are sociable, love guests, hospitable, and are hard-pressed for failure. They are materialists, they love beautiful furniture, clothes, accessories, they often suffer from envy when friends succeed in something. They love beauty and art (the sign of Venus). The essence of the personality is the need for self-expression and beauty. Despite the love of family, women - Libra are weighed down by household chores and feel the need to communicate outside the house, when everything goes as it wants. Libra has a great mood, the problems of her personal life and work put them out of balance. The main virtue: the nobility of thoughts and the kindness of the soul.


Weak disease resistance. Appearance is often misleading. The main enemies are cold and damp. Predisposed to sciatica and rheumatism. Men - Libra is usually beautiful and slim, tall. Women are slim, with huge eyes, sensual mouth and curly hair. During an illness they like to feel care, attention, sympathy, prone to simulation. Weights need gymnastics.

Elements: AIR

Cleverness, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. You are a kind of family "translator", an interpreter. You are good at writing letters (when you have to do this), but generally prefer telephones, do not like to give in to emotions.

Prefer coldness. You are fascinated by plans. A couple of them always ripen in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to operate with logical arguments, you have clear, clear thinking. In accordance with your element, you should choose friends and lovers from the air and fire. Air is compatible with water, if not afraid of the wind, and with the earth, if it is not against the wind.

Your advantages:  common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help: a good conversationalist, impartiality, judgment, love of freedom.

Your cons:  stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, self-will, licentiousness. If you are Libra, you are pronounced air: cold, calm, focused, your main strength is persuasion.

If you are Aquarius - then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by a boil of thought, mastering plans. You die of a desire to give free rein to an unsuspecting world. If you are Gemini, then you are changeable air - then warm, then cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions:  air must live in open windy places where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table by the window. If possible, be on the street.

Your invisible spirit that protects you and protects you is a bellows that prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.


Seek peace and harmony, many become diplomats, clergy, lawyers. Beauty plays a huge role in the life of Libra - many artists and artists were born under this constellation. One of the most common activities is law. Libra is charming, easily converges with people, but the environment has a great influence on them. They cannot work in the midst of dirt and nervousness. If official circumstances bring them together with people who do not like him, they are unhappy.

Likes to live in a big city and make friends. It is distinguished by taste and appreciates beauty, loves the garden and flowers.


Like air, pleasure and entertainment are needed. A hobby is often associated with art - opera, painting. Libra tastes great. Many women - Libra love to dress beautifully and can go shopping all day.

Zodiac horoscope

Sign of Air. Under the auspices of Venus. The character is light, the mind is clear. Those born under this sign are distinguished by a balanced character. Venus generously rewards them with the ability to love, elegance, grace.

LIBRA easily finds harmony in life, even then, when they suffer from a disease or misfortune. LIBRA hates quarrels, troubles, complications. More than anything else, peace is dear to them.

Libra Men  most often minions of fate. They are loved in society for their courtesy, courtesy, cheerful and good natured character. They are excellent attorneys, diplomats, traders, actors and administrators.

LIBRA woman. For the second time we meet with a great sign of femininity. The patronage of Venus makes these women seductive, affectionate and moody. They like to sleep late, adore jewelry, trinkets, goodies.
   Their main occupation is love. To love and be loved is their only dream. They hate reproaches, scenes, complications. The slightest contradiction causes them anger and tears. They are minions, selfish, but affectionate and very kind, like children.

Sign relationship:  an alliance with GEMINI, LION, SAGITTARIUS, AQUARIUS and Aries is favorable for LIBRA. The alliance with CAPRICORN, CANCER, Taurus is not very favorable, but here the good character of LIBRA can defeat fate. With the sign of CAPRICORN, friendship is favorable.

How to choose a life partner

LIBRA - charming and lovely, you can fall in love with them at first sight, they know a lot about love. Usually there are few hobbies. Libra is happy if their feelings are appreciated. Sentimental and love to leave something in memory of love. A woman born under the sign of scales wants to please everyone. Being close to her is important to understand that sex and flirting are two big differences. Otherwise, you can ingloriously wither from erotic suffering. In choosing a permanent partner, the scales are very picky. Husbands are great experts in love, they often enjoy a bachelor life. Libra loves music, art, society. Comprehensive Libra conquer partners, but they find it difficult to live in peace because of high demands. They require love, attention, peace. Get along with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. They do not like Capricorn and Aries.

Sexuality Man

And again the duality of nature. On one side of the scale is his wonderful character, grace, elegance, desire for stability, the love of others. On the other - a painful, hidden from everyone, indomitable attraction to a woman, an unceasing thirst for sex. Sometimes successful harmony is achieved, and he manages to curb his temperament. But it happens that the other scales go down, and the need for pleasure overshadows the whole world. Such a condition is fraught with disruptions, nervous disorders for him. Intimacy with a woman only for a short time alleviates his suffering, and if it were possible, he would give up his family and work, and all plunged into eroticism. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the partners do not get his attention, since he seeks only to satisfy his own passion. He is able to achieve relative peace in family life, provided that his wife will be a woman with a similar temperament.

  • Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius;
  • Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer;
  • Fish.

Birthday horoscope

  You were born on Friday.
Friday is the day of Venus, the person born on this day is a person of feelings (but not emotions). They are reliable, practical, and you can rely on them literally in everything. On Friday, aesthetes, actors, creative people, peacekeepers and carriers of the world come to the world - these are their best qualities. In the worst case, these are slaves of their passions, lazy people and opportunists. It is believed that Friday is a day of peace and justice, art and contemplation, aesthetics and love. This is the best time for dating related to love contacts, as well as for connecting marriage. But on this day, all sorts of excesses should be avoided, because they can bring a person out of balance and adversely affect his health. It is advisable to fast.

Astrologers believe that the man who was born on this day of the week:

It is impossible to resist the charm of this artist, and when he says that he loves you, he thinks exactly that. Tenderness and gentleness are the basis of his character. He needs peace of mind. And the feeling that they love him, approve, take care of him. And when this romantic hero falls into the arms of a woman, there is hope that he will remain there forever.

Horoscope Compatibility

Relations between Aries and Libra

People born under the sign of Libra, reading this chapter, may exclaim that I treat them unfairly, because I myself am Aries (they always say that someone is unfair to them). Do Aries envy the astonishing calm of Venus-controlled Libra when their bowls are balanced, as is sometimes the case? Not. On the Karmic wheel of life, these two signs are opposite, so each of them lacks what the other has. At the very least, the typical Aries will never openly admit that he is somewhat envious of Libra, although secretly Aries would like to imitate their calm balance.

The word "balance" comes from the word "scales" - or vice versa. In both cases, these words and this solar sign are related. Nothing is more important for Libra than balance. They are afraid of losing it, and yet often lose it. Aries can envy Libra in her soul when she makes a quick decision, and then receives the inevitable emotional trauma. “Am I right? Should I say yes or no? ” And this is after it’s too late to change anything. Believe me, indecision, Aries hesitationafter  deed much more painful than hesitationbeforefrom which Libra suffers.

There is no one more charming, smarter and more optimistic than Libra, who hold balance tightly. They are inimitable in their ability to harmoniously combine groups of people and avoid friction (when not personally involved). Men and women of the Aries sign admire and respect Libra for virtues that they themselves lack. But Aries is also a Solar sign, the opposite of Libra, in this way. Libra should also admire the virtues of the Mars type and respect them.

Does this sound like an order? One of the most notable differences between Aries and Libra is that Aries's simplest statement sounds like a requirement. Even when Aries asks a question, it seems that he orders rather than asks. On the other hand (and we should see both sides, since we are dealing with Libra), when Libra ruled by Venus asks a question or speaks out, they manage to make you feel vulnerable and unable to defend themselves.

It doesn’t matter if Libra is asked: “Why are you so ignorant?” - or remarked: “What you are doing is a complete lack of upbringing” - this will cause a note resembling a “lost string”. They speak softly, affectionately, as if enveloping the interlocutor with maple syrup. That is why Libra can argue with Aries for hours to give the impression that it was Aries that was impossibly rude and unbearable. It is not surprising that Libra often becomes a lawyer who can win any verbal fights in court.

If Libra-lawyers can circle the judge around the finger and win over the indifferent part of the jury, you can imagine what is happening in the battle of minds between them and the impulsive, impetuous, emotional Aries. Perhaps Libra will blame Aries for not making serious decisions with such haste, that he will recklessly rush forward, not thinking about the possible consequences. Then Libra will recall the beauty of the Lady of Justice symbol with balanced scales in hand.

Aries will be indignant: “Yes, but she has a blindfold in her eyes!” How can she distinguish the right from the false? ”Scales will softly explain:“ Well, dear, the blindfold saves you from prejudice. ” Then Aries can ask Libra if he (or she) knows the story of a donkey who died a starvation because he could not decide which clover field to start with ... In the end, Libra will smile, and since Aries Venus greatly influences Aries, the fire, hissing at last, will die out. The benevolent, open Aries cannot resist the smile and kind word for a long time, besides he is too naive and does not suspect Libra that they use their charm as a weapon, but Libra does just that. During their relationship, Libra will almost always remain cold and still. But when Aries's aggressiveness becomes unbearable, this usually mild personality can become furious.

Libra instinctively avoids unpleasant hassles, but for the sake of their own precious calm, if they feel that something is seriously threatening them, they begin to act, and, as a rule, decisively. To avoid a fight. Aries will have to understand and accept the logic of Libra.

True, Aries, although they respect the opposite Solar Sign, will be reluctant to reckon with the judgment of Libra and even more so accept it. Aries recognizes that Libra is fair, logical, and thinks well and their decisions are almost always correct, but until Libra makes a decision, a typical Aries will go crazy, waiting for the result. The very word "decision" causes panic in Panama. Aries does very differently. Need to make a decision?  Fine. Flip a coin or just do what you instinctively think is right, and then forget it - that’s Aries motto. Dive upside down. (And if the pond is shallow. Aries will fill the cone and stick the plaster and continue on.) This does not mean at all that Aries does not see the potential value of a good, smooth, safe path, it is simply interesting for him to quickly run away from right and left and see what is there. And this is one of those qualities that Libra admires in the opposite solar sign.

If you want to test the astrological knowledge of people, ask them which of these two signs is more violent. Before you answer, think carefully. Libra is Air, and Aries is Fire. Fire is more volatile and frantic than air, but Libra is the main sign of the three signs of Air, which means Aries is also the main one, but still we must not forget that in nature air is not at all as harmless as it seems. And if he becomes aggressive? Have you ever watched a calm, soft tornado, cyclone or hurricane? Also remember that the main component of air is nitrogen, due to which powerful explosions are produced. So, who has a more dangerous character. Aries or Libra? Most books on astrology, referring to the fact that Libra is controlled by Venus, describes them as soft, peaceful, calm and sweet. And indeed, for a while they are. Just do not get them angry. Nevertheless, we must admit that, trying to imitate some of the positive features of Libra, Aries could get considerable benefits.

These two often argue. But, frankly, the goal of the quarrel for Libra is to defeat and achieve final peace and justice, and for Aries - to defeat and prove that he is right (even when it is not) to satisfy the strong "ego" of Mars.

The connection between Aries and Libra is usually a good experience for both.

But if there is a negative Solar-Lunar aspect between their horoscopes, they may have periods full of friction and conflict. The harmonious aspects of the luminaries give Libra an atmosphere of freedom of thought and action, which has a good effect on Aries’s pride. Typical Libra usually treats Aries gently, which helps to reveal the best qualities of the nature of Mars. Instead of forcibly fitting Aries to some kind of behavior pattern. Libra more often recognizes his personality and respects it. Under the influence of a natural instinct to imitate the opposite Solar sign, Aries often discovers that relations with a friend, relative, and lover's workmate of Libra do not hurt his courage of Mars and do not interfere with his mobility, but make his character more tolerant, balanced. And, on the other hand, Libra's indecision is gradually disappearing, they are more firmly moving towards the goal. As always, this combination works best when composed of people of the opposite sex. If Aries and Libra are of the same sex, the recurring feeling of envy, regret, and competition often affects their relationship.

Aries should try to understand that Libra needs to save energy and not spend it without urgent need, which Aries is often forced to do under the influence of Mars. This is Libra's way of maintaining physical and emotional balance, and not laziness at all. When Aries sincerely tries to soberly evaluate their disagreements and honestly tries to sympathize with the nature of Libra, Libra should return this mercy with love and joyful gratitude, which will significantly raise Aries' emotional mood. Libra would rather be happy and pleasant than capricious and grumbling if Aries would be honest with them.

Partner Compatibility

Aries woman - Libra man

As already mentioned, Libra and Aries are facing each other on the Karmic wheel of life. The astrological rule is that if you are strongly attracted to the opposite solar sign of the other sex, then you usually do not converge with this sign of the same gender. Then, it seems, the Aries woman and the Libra man should be precisely those lovers who are destined to live together happily all their lives. They are beloved by nature, because it is the influence of Venus. But another fate may be destined for them, if between their horoscopes there is no harmonious connection between the Sun and the Moon.

A waste of time for astrologers to constantly remind about the fatal charm of a Libra man for women. He has enjoyed steady success since he was thirteen years old (or earlier), and he usually responds to flattery with Libra's famous charming smile. He is well aware of the blessings given to him at birth by Venus. But he most likely does not understand that all this charm can become a curse if he connects his life with the Aries woman (no one ever just maintains a relationship with Aries, namely, connects).

The woman who follows him wherever he goes is able to turn from a soft lamb into a fire-breathing dragon, in which the irrational Mars jealousy bubble most often. Nevertheless, before he decides to leave her, because she interferes with his fun life, the Libra man will ponder the word "love." The more it accumulates in the depths of the soul, the more powerful and satisfying passion it can become.

Falling in love, getting married for the sake of marriage are Libra's usual mistakes. His lover may be sweet and desirable, but if she is not bright enough to argue with him, challenging him, his beautiful mind will become rusty. This will not happen with the Aries girl. Their intellectual disputes will last them for several lives.

When the Libra man begins to worry, yearn for lost freedom and break free, where there are so many seductive women, Aries, most likely, will not timidly ask why he is leaving, but will cry out: “And where are you going?” It would be better for her, of course, to tame her anger, which can frighten the Libra man so much that he rushes to run headlong, even forgetting to pack his suitcase. Aries will win if it uses the logic of Libra as a weapon. “Think, dear. Life is more than a long evening with wine, women and music. When the wine is drunk, you will only have an empty bottle. Then the holiday will end. Of course, this bottle can be refilled, right? Is your ability to love really inexhaustible? But why don't you direct your romantic motives in a different direction - towards literature, music, art? I could help you. My mind is no less bright than yours, although our bodies are different, because you are a man and I am a woman. ” A final reminder is needed. When a Libra man is made to think about gender differences, he becomes helpless.

A typical Aries woman is unlikely to follow this advice. Rather, she will scream: “Get out! Who needs you! ”He will throw him out the door, slam it shut, ban him, throw out his cassette and a bathrobe from the window, and then will erupt all night in useless anger and regret. But my advice: really the only way to communicate with Libra is honesty, logic, reason.

In the relationship between Aries and Libra, in this combination of Fire and Air, there is so much good that it’s just a shame for them to waste time arguing. A typical Aries woman does not need a man endowed only with biceps. She is looking for a lover with a powerful mind, which just applies to the Libra man. He encourages her to challenge both mentally and emotionally and will enjoy their disputes - as long as they play by the rules, without touching each other's complexes and do not step on sore and sensitive places.

Tact and politeness are the natural qualities of Libra, however, Aries did not give anything like this. Aries woman actually never wants to be rude and unkind, and especially in relation to the man she loves. She simply does not think before speaking, and her opinion may be overly self-confident. Do not forget. Aries - A sunny sign of the supportive dictator. Benevolent dictators care about people, are compassionate, noble, and devote themselves to the cause of the common good. But they are not worried about what those people they care about need. Like dictators-benefactors, Aries does not care what others want, he is sure that he knows this better than they do. Warmth combined with arrogance is an explosive mixture, but all the signs of Fire possess such a combination, and therefore their friends, relatives, lovers, nourishing tender feelings for them, sometimes have a passionate desire to suffocate them.

If someone points out the Aries girl to her shortcomings, acting with tact, gentleness and love, she will certainly listen, quickly find a mistake in her actions (she does everything quickly) and will begin to work hard on herself to please her neighbor. But when this woman is ordered or forced to stop and not follow the erroneous course that she chose. Aries will not give up. This is too much like a retreat, and Aries never retreats. Mars is the planet of war. Back off? Never! Since it is ruled by Mars, you will not wait for such a woman to dutifully accept domination of herself or harsh criticism. If anyone can turn the Aries woman into an obedient lamb (except Leo and sometimes Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius), then this is Libra man. He gently corrects it, helps to see errors in such a gentle form that it will be like a spell. And nine times out of ten will win. For the tenth time, he should leave everything as it is, consider himself happy. It is impossible to win all disputes. The difficulty is that Libra needs to win them all. Aries too. Thus, until one of them beautifully admits his defeat (at least sometimes), there will be no peace and quiet in their relationship, which the Libra man needs as desperately as the Aries woman in excitement. It would be useful for her to give him peace and quiet, because then he will be able to calm her secret fears. It will also be useful for him to give her the excitement that she needs, because this will shake him and give the necessary balance to the scales.

The unbeaten optimism of the Libra men will instantly find a response in the heart of the Aries girl, as it corresponds to her pure faith in tomorrow. Her naive belief that, if you believe very strongly, everything will come true, is so close and understandable to him that it can even cause a mean male tear (he is sentimental). She loves sentimentality in him and falls in love with him because he combines strength and tenderness in herself, which she is looking for.

But the Aries woman becomes impatient and reproaches him for being lazy when he begins to relax, not realizing that people controlled by Venus need to rest between long periods of energy activity. Her nature is completely different, she rarely needs to rest.

Most of all, she loves softness and goodwill in him. Those same qualities he loves the most and he is in her. In a world full of cold, disinterested, isolated people, this is so important! And this creates an amazingly solid foundation for their relationship.

Since they are solar signs, they have almost no disputes in the bedroom. They can quarrel, in the kitchen, in the front, on the back porch, in the garden, in the basement, in the attic or in the garage, but when it comes time to kiss each other at night, all the arguments subside. However, reconciliation based on non-repetitive sexual attraction cannot last forever (unless the harmony of the sun and moon helps).

He is soft, poetic, endowed with imagination, attentive, charming, romantic, and all this makes her tremble. Libra's approach to sex is mental, light, airy. Libra men tend to flickering ideals and sometimes soar too high in their experiences and erotic expressions of sensuality. Aries woman is striving for something more tangible and wants to keep it. Even more than a dream, she loves hot hands and a fiery passion that can be touched. An unearthly love and an aesthetic approach to sex can leave this woman cold. Aries women need great passion and ardent, even violent manifestations of it, in order to achieve satisfaction. With a Libra man, she may experience a feeling of emptiness. Something is missing in the melody of their love - perhaps the last, highest note. But if she has a Ray in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo or its Moon sign - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius, the missing note can be found.

If the Moon of both was at birth in some other astrological sign, then it is unlikely that anything will work out ... But it’s worth looking anyway.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other countries of the East, within the 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of an animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate develops. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high.

  People of this sign are endowed with abilities in the field of fine arts. At first glance, everything turns out to be more successful for them than for others. But often they are helpless in front of life, but how shy and prone to pessimism, indecisive, and difficult to make independent decisions. Usually they are religious. Leaders of them rarely come out. They do not differ in eloquence, but they uphold their beliefs and love their work. They usually have enough money, appreciate the amenities associated with them. They are reasonable, gentle, friendly, have good taste.

  • perfect as friends or mates: RABBIT, BOAR, HORSE.
  • fit more or less: TIGER, DRAGON, SNAKE, SHEEP.
  • absolutely not suitable, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: OX, DOG.

Chinese horoscope

GOAT (moody)

Elegant, artistic, in love with nature, KOZA could become the most charming of the signs, if it were not also pessimistic, restless, annoying, hesitating all the time. GOAT is never happy with its fate. She brings despair to those around her whims. The invader, although she herself does not recognize it. Her indiscipline, systematic lateness - she has no sense of time - makes her unbearable and at the same time she knows how to like when it is in her interests, use others and live at the expense of others. Despite this, she has no addiction, but she easily adapts to any lifestyle from the moment when she is provided with a minimum of security.

Shy, feminine, sometimes pampered, she likes to complain. She likes it when they talk about her, lead her, advise her, accepting her eternal vacillations, tricks and complaints. She never knows which direction to take and always relies on others. Speaking of her, we can say that she has a serene pessimism.

Her manners are wise and gentle, but her character is moody. It is often religious. At the same time, she will be fascinated by everything fantastic and supernatural, occultism, horoscopes. GOAT seems kind and glorious. In fact, she is prone to charity, willingly shares with others, more unhappy than she. Unfortunately, what she shares does not always belong to her. It should be said that KOZA has no sense of ownership. According to popular wisdom, "A goat grazing in a good meadow will be calm and obedient compared to a goat grazing in a meadow with bad grass, which will constantly complain and bleat." Her life does not depend on herself, but on others, or at least on command. Whatever happens, it is never her fault.

However, GOAT’s dishonesty can be confusing. She has no sense of responsibility, no initiative, no will. She is not able to lead, as she was created for obedience, and with good influence she can succeed, even shine in any kind of art. She has taste and talent. She can be a good specialist, successfully perform work that is simultaneously combined with technical and artistic skills. GOAT is smart. But she will never play the first role, and this is better for her. Her creature, full of fantasies, needs a solid will.

This is a female sign. Our perceptions and our traditions have taught us to more easily forgive a woman for her independence. KOZA wants to live in peace and dreams of a marriage that will bring her wealth, or a profitable friend or philanthropist. Can also live with wealthy parents. It is from the material from which courtesans, pimps, and also great artists and writers are made. It all depends on luck, on revenue, on the quality of the grass in the meadow ...

But let her avoid commerce. This is a miserable seller. Her speech is often incoherent, she expresses her thoughts hard, speaks too fast, then too slowly, tongue-tied.

She will never be a winner, commander or even soldier in a war. With a bad turn of fate, KOZA can end his life under a bridge. There will be no serious problems for her when it comes to clothes, a table, comfort, so great is her ability to knock on the right door. If you have a well-maintained country house visited by artists, avoid letting goats in and letting them settle in there. You can not get rid of it. Comfort is necessary for her balance, visiting artists - for her heyday, the village - "she adores her." KOZA will often face love problems, and her life will be stormy.

If a GOAT connects its life with a CAT, a PIG or a HORSE, then they can ensure its comfort. KOTA will entertain her whims. PIG also carries them (to a certain limit), and they do not bother the egoist HORSE.

No other sign can stand the goat for too long, especially the BULL. If the latter provides peace in his family, he also demands a lot from her in return, and KOZA thinks only of himself. As for the KOZA-DOG pair, in love and work their connection is doomed to failure. These two pessimists all their lives would be like in an iron collar, dissatisfied with each other. In any case, no matter what sign her partner may be, KOZA will never keep him “under his shoe”.

The second phase of the goat’s life will affect her feelings, but will be more successful in the other two. It should be noted that in a good meadow, without material worries, having advisers, KOZA can be successful.

Druid horoscope

A fragile appearance hides a persistent nature. She is sweet and charming, and by her easy walk you can judge and recognize her from afar. A smile almost does not leave her face, not so much because of internal gaiety, but thanks to self-control. He knows how to emphasize his own merits, likes to dress well. It has a good taste.

Quickly getting used to changes in the situation. He likes to bring joy to his neighbors, even to the detriment of himself. Not selfish, but somewhat self-centered. Independent, but sometimes allows you to put yourself in a dependent position. It seeks, however, to live an independent life. A great sense of responsibility makes her feel guilty for everything that happens (guilt complex). Contacting her is difficult, and relationships are complex. She lacks simplicity.

It is distinguished by sensitivity to external influences, love of the beautiful, loyalty and affability. You can always rely on her. Sometimes it is naive and allows itself to be exploited. In love gives a lot, but also requires a lot. Constantly checks the feeling. She cannot be deceived, she cannot be disappointed, she will not forgive.

Rowan will not sell. Her personal life is very rich. Full of worries about tomorrow. It is prudent, which often leads to the idea of \u200b\u200bmarital relations with her. Very smart and often very effective. It happens that some of their plans are not implemented, mired in everyday affairs.

Features born under the sign of ROWAN: sensitivity of mind, fantasy, a tendency to synthesis, intuition, imagination.

Flower horoscope


Pleasant appearance. Refinement, but despite this - courage. The behavior is a lot of children's, artistic data.

The disaster in 1986 was not the last accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Four years after the explosion of the fourth reactor, a strong fire occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result of the emergency, the generator pathogen and turbogenerator No. 4 were disabled, 180 tons of turbine oil burned out, and the roof of the hall was badly damaged - about 2.5 thousand square meters of the roof collapsed.

Fire  accompanied by the release of radioactive substances into the environment.

About the causes and consequences of the accident on Chernobyl NPP in 1991  read in the material presented below.

Causes of the accident at the second power unit

October 11, 1991 at the second block Chernobyl  an accident has occurred. Unit 2 was put into operation after major repairs. When reaching the set power level, one of the turbogenerators of the power unit spontaneously turned on. The reactor power was 50% of the thermal power - at that time one turbo-generator of the unit was operating (at 425 MW).

  Spontaneously turned on, the second turbogenerator worked in the "motor" mode for only 30 seconds. As a result of work in the turbogenerator, large axle loads arose, which led to the complete destruction of the bearings of the turbogenerator shaft. Destruction of bearings led to depressurization (decompression) of the generator, which led to the release of large quantities of oil and hydrogen. As a result, there was a big fire.

In a subsequent investigation of the causes of the accident, it was found that the inclusion of the turbogenerator was caused by the fact that the turbogenerator was not protected from the network connection mode on the rotor coast. Spontaneous switching occurred as a result of loss of insulation between the cable by the control switch of the switch and the cable through which the signal about the disconnected state of the switch is transmitted. That is, there was a defect in the installation of cables - signal and control cables were placed in one tray.

Consequences of the accident at the second Chernobyl power unit

The first to extinguish a fire in the machine room Chernobyl  the guard of fire began. As a result of the influence of high temperatures on the roof structure of the mashroom (the roof also caught fire from burning engine oil), the roof covering collapsed over a burning turbine generator.

  Collapsed roof elements damaged equipment important for managing a nuclear reactor.

  Three hours after the start of the emergency process, the control of the water level in the drum separators is lost. It should be noted that approximately 2 hours 10 minutes after the start of the emergency process, the reservoir of hydrostatic bearings from the hydraulic seal pumps of the main circulation pumps was activated.

However, the loss of level in the drum separator showed that the recharge of the circuit does not compensate for the loss of coolant due to evaporation due to sources such as:

  • residual energy release of fuel;
  • removal of heat accumulated in the structural elements of the reactor, to which graphite masonry makes the greatest contribution;
  • boiling of saturated coolant with a decrease in pressure.

After the oxen has been supplied from the condensate pump, the level in the drum-separator is restored to the standard values. Thus, the recharge of the circuit made it possible to provide cooling down of the stopped reactor.
The location of the emergency recharge pumps in the same room with the feed pumps led to the fact that as a result of one event - a fire - the reactor was deprived of all the design high-pressure sources of recharge. The project and emergency instructions did not provide for the supply of water to the circuit from low-pressure pumps, for example, condensate-deaerator pumps. The entire period of emergency cooling worked at least one main circulation pump per half of the reactor, which ensured reliable cooling of the reactor throughout the process. Post-emergency control of the state of the active zone did not reveal an increase in activity, which indicated the absence of overheating and additional depressurization of the shells of the fuel cells. There was no violation of the design safety limits of the reactor, although the conditions of safe operation were violated in terms of the number and condition of normal operation systems and safety systems.

Thus, during the accident at the 2nd power unit Chernobyl NPP  in 1991, regular and emergency sources of recharge of the primary coolant circuit were periodically refused. The loss of level control in drum separators indicated a deficiency in the feed of the circulation circuit.

Environmental impact of the accident

The accident at the 2nd block of the Chernobyl NPP  was the result of a nuclear event not foreseen in the design of the nuclear unit, which was accompanied by independent failures of security systems.

The fire in the engine room was accompanied by the release of radioactive substances into environmentat. The source of the radioactive substances was the roofing of the mashroom, which was contaminated with radioactive materials after the accident at the fourth Chernobyl NPP unit in 1986.

In total, about 60 people were involved in fighting the fire. According to existing information, the radiation doses of the personnel involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident did not exceed the control levels and ranged from 0.02 to 0.17 cSv.

The 1991 Chernobyl accident did not result in significant pollution of the exclusion zone. The specific emission activity is estimated at 3.6 * 10 -5 Ci.

According to published data, the main consequences of the accident of the second Chernobyl NPP unit in 1991 were: damage to turbine generator No. 4 and generator exciter, 180 tons of turbine oil burned out and 500 cubic meters burned out. meters of hydrogen, 2448 square meters collapsed. meters of the roof of the machine room (out of 20500 square meters) - the weight of the collapsed structures is 119 tons.

The fire at power unit No. 2 was the catalyst for the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to stop and immediately decommission the second power unit Chernobyl NPP, as well as the shutdown of the first and third power units no later than 1993. However, already in 1993 the moratorium on the construction of new nuclear power plants was canceled and, on the proposal of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, a decision was made to continue the operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for a period determined by its technical condition. For this, the Chernobyl NPP has planned measures to carry out repair and restoration work of power unit No. 2.

These measures were not taken due to the subsequent decision to close the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Council of Ministers of the USSR


About some rules of registration of citizens

This decision expired on January 1, 1992  in the part obliging citizens to obtain permission from administrative authorities to live, to apply for work and study, to acquire ownership of residential houses, apartments, dachas, garages, and also to establish liability for violation of these duties, as they do not comply with the Constitution of the USSR, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms and international human rights acts - the conclusion of the Committee for Constitutional Oversight of the USSR of October 11, 1991 N 26 (2-1).

Document as amended:
resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 21, 1975 N 61;
the conclusion of the Committee on Constitutional Oversight of the USSR of October 11, 1991 N 26 (2-1).
This decision acts to the extent not inconsistent  Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995 N 713 "On approval of the Rules of registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from registration at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation and the list of officials responsible for registration." - Note "CODE".

The Council of Ministers of the USSR decides:

1. To establish that in cities and urban-type settlements are prescribed regardless of the size of the living space:

a) spouse - on the living space of the other spouse;

b) minor children and wards - in the living space of parents and guardians;

c) adult children who do not have their own families or have minor children, but are not married - to the living space of the parents;

d) parents - on the living area of \u200b\u200bthe children;

e) siblings who have not reached the age of majority and have no parents, as well as siblings who are incapable of work, regardless of age, if they do not have their own families - in the living area of \u200b\u200bthe brother or sister;

f) military personnel dismissed from the Armed Forces of the USSR at the end of their military service, if they were called up for military service from a given locality, to the living space that they occupied before being drafted for military service, or to the living space of parents or other relatives ;

g) military servicemen of long-term service, warrant officers, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers of the USSR Armed Forces, bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, persons of the commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies and members of their families who are laid off or resigned - on the living area of \u200b\u200brelatives of those laid off in the reserve or in the resignation or relatives of his spouse;

h) persons who previously resided in this locality and traveled at the call of public organizations to the most important construction sites or enterprises of the country or for other valid reasons — to the living space on which they lived before departure;

i) persons released from serving a sentence of imprisonment, exile, expulsion, as well as persons who have been lifted from the restrictions arising from conditional sentencing to deprivation of liberty with mandatory involvement in work or conditional release from places of deprivation of liberty to work on the construction of enterprises national economy, - on living space occupied by members of their families or relatives with whom they lived until conviction.

Regardless of the size of the living space in cities and urban-type settlements, temporarily absent citizens are also registered if, according to the current legislation, they retain the right to use the living space.

2. Other persons, other than those specified in clause 1 of this resolution, are prescribed in the prescribed manner in cities and urban-type settlements, if as a result of their introduction, the size of the living space attributable to each resident will not be less than the norm of the living space provided for by civil law.

3. Regardless of the size of the living space, registration of arrivals for temporary residence is allowed:

a) students (listeners) of educational institutions assigned in the prescribed manner to higher or secondary special educational institutions, as well as graduate students, adjuncts, residents, students of courses for training and retraining of staff or advanced training - for the period of study;

b) members of families of graduate students, adjuncts, residents and students of military academies and educational institutions of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, assigned in the established order to higher educational institutions, during the studies of graduate students, adjuncts, residents and students of these educational institutions;

c) retired military servicemen, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers of the Armed Forces of the USSR, bodies of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (with family members) in those settlements where they constantly lived before being drafted or enlisted service, and provided that they arrived in these settlements within six months after being transferred to the reserve or resigning - for a while before receiving living space in these settlements in the prescribed manner;

d) members of the active military service of military service, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers of the USSR Armed Forces, bodies of the USSR State Security Committee (with family members) on the living space of other persons or a military unit - for the time until the living space is received in the prescribed manner (subparagraph additionally included by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 18, 1985 N 241);

e) those who were transferred to the reserve or retired due to health, age or to reduce the staff of extra-long service personnel, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers of the USSR Armed Forces, bodies of the USSR State Security Committee (with family members) in the settlements they have chosen to live - for a while to obtain living space in these settlements in the prescribed manner.

In this case, the registration of servicemen of long-term service, warrant officers and midshipmen is made provided that they have been in active military service for at least 20 calendar years (the subparagraph is additionally included by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 26, 1986 N 271).

4. To establish that the executive committees of city and district councils of deputies of workers are entitled, by way of exception, if there are good reasons, to permit citizens to register in cases not provided for by this resolution.

5. To establish that persons recognized by the court as especially dangerous repeat offenders and persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment or exile for especially dangerous state crimes, banditry, actions disorganizing the work of correctional labor institutions, riots, violation of the rules on foreign exchange transactions aggravated circumstances, theft of state or public property on an especially large scale, robbery under aggravating circumstances, intentional aggravated murder, rape, Perpetrated by a group of persons or entailing especially grave consequences, as well as rape of a minor, an encroachment on the life of a police officer or national guard, the dissemination of knowingly false fabrications defaming the Soviet state and social system, are not subject to registration until the conviction in the cities established or eliminated in accordance with the law, areas and localities, the list of which is determined by decisions of the Government of the USSR.

6. The restrictions established by paragraph 5 of this resolution shall not apply to persons:

released from serving a sentence in an amnesty or pardon;

in respect of which the court applied Article 37 of the Fundamentals of the Criminal Law of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Union Republics;

past military service after serving their sentences.

Persons who have served their sentences for crimes committed before the age of 18, disabled people of the first group, men over 60 and women over 55, as well as women who have minor children, are allowed in all cases after serving the sentence to register at the place of residence of their families and relatives with whom they lived until conviction.

7. To establish that persons subject to the restrictions stipulated by clause 5 of this resolution may be excluded with the permission of the ministries of internal affairs of the executive committees of the regional and regional Soviets of Workers' Deputies in the areas subject to these restrictions. Permits for registration in these cases are given at the request of public organizations and workers' collectives, as well as the administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations, or at the request of correctional labor institutions in which these persons were serving their sentences, agreed with the supervisory commissions, as well as in other cases with valid reasons.

8. Persons who are not allowed to register in areas where the restrictions provided for in paragraph 5 of this resolution apply cannot be accepted for employment at enterprises, institutions and organizations located in these areas.

9. This resolution does not apply to Moscow and the settlements included in the districts of the forest park protection zone of Moscow, transferred to the administrative-economic subordination to the executive committee of the Moscow Regional Council of Workers' Deputies in accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 28, 1961 N 903.

To preserve the effect of Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 25, 1964 N 585, as well as paragraphs 8, 9, 10, 18, 23, 27 (except the last paragraph) and 28 of the Regulation on the registration and discharge of the population in Moscow, approved by this resolution.

In relation to the border zone, as well as cities, other settlements and localities classified as special regime by the special decisions of the USSR Government, the currently valid rules for registering citizens.
(The paragraph is supplemented by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of January 21, 1975 N 61)

10. The Ministry of Justice of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR should prepare, with the participation of interested organizations, and submit to the Council of Ministers of the USSR proposals for amending current legislation in connection with the adoption of this resolution.

The chairman
Council of Ministers of the USSR

A. Kosygin

Business manager
  Council of Ministers of the USSR

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time Zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC + 02: 00) Calculation of the moon phase as of October 1, 1991 (12:00) To calculate the moon phase for your city, register or log in.

Moon characteristics on October 11, 1991

On the date 11.10.1991   in 12:00   The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". it 5 lunar day  in the lunar calendar. Moon in the zodiac sign. Sagittarius ♐. Light percentage  The moon is 13%. Sunrise  The moon at 10:35 a sunset  at 17:28.

Chronology of the lunar days

  • 4 lunar day from 09:20 10.10.1991 to 10:35 11.10.1991
  • 5 lunar day from 10:35 a.m. 11/10/1991 and until the next day

The influence of the moon October 11, 1991

Moon in the zodiac sign Sagittarius (+)

Moon in sign Sagittarius. Lunar Sagittarius takes our thought processes somewhat away from earthly logic and specificity into the field of abstract thinking.

However, despite this, the period is ideal for resolving issues related to jurisprudence and any legal issues. You can safely submit an application to the registering authorities for the creation of legal entities, public organizations or subsidiaries.

Any bureaucratic issues at this time are resolved surprisingly easily, almost by themselves. All kinds of trips and business trips will also be successful and will pass without any special negative adventures. However, you should beware of operations related to land or construction.

5 lunar day (-)

October 11, 1991 at 12:00 - 5 lunar day. Neglect of our own principles and debt obligations, indecision and doubtfulness can lead to very significant changes in your plans and put an end to the achievement of previously planned initiatives.

You should show maximum awareness and try to avoid negative influences from the outside. Particular attention must be paid to the food consumed on this day.

The Growing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The first lunar phase counts from the new moon to the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (beginning of the second phase). At this time, the moon is located at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy to accomplish planned tasks.

During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline plans for the development of new ideas, carefully analyze problems and questions, both of the future period, and those that have remained unrealized from the previous lunar month.

At the physiological level, in the first lunar phase, the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite small in all areas of life, whether it is well-being, personal life or business.

As in work, in the personal sphere, there comes the stage of rethinking the current relationship and it is likely that they will be brought to the highest level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the moon during this period, vital energy also increases.

The influence of the day of the week (±)

Day of the week friday, this day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, mysterious and bright planet. From ancient times it was considered a women's day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to relax, not to load themselves with any chores.

Since Venus protects grace and beauty, creating a feeling of peace in a person, then on Friday it is best to take stock of the working week and get rid of everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the coming week. And in no way try to crank out all the work until the end of the working day.