Procrastination - what is it in simple words and who is a procrastinator + 5 ways to stop procrastinating

Greetings readers of the online magazine "site"! Today we will talk about procrastination: what it is in simple terms, who is called a procrastinator and how you can deal with this phenomenon.

After studying the presented article from beginning to end, you will also learn:

  • what are the causes, signs and consequences of procrastination;
  • is it worth the procrastinator to fight it;
  • what are the best ways to stop procrastinating.

At the end of the publication, we traditionally answer the most popular questions on the topic.

So let's go!

About what procrastination is in simple words, who is a procrastinator, how to stop procrastinating and start acting - read our publication

1. What is procrastination and who is a procrastinator in simple words - an overview of concepts ???? + an example of procrastination????

Despite the fact that this phenomenon has always existed, its scientific research began to be engaged relatively recently. Literally concept procrastination (from English. procrastination ) is translated as "delay" or "postponing for tomorrow".

This term first appeared in 1977, then were released 2 scientific publications on this topic. However, in Russia, the study of this concept began only in the middle 2000s years.

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration of the phenomenon, it is important to familiarize yourself with its definitions. So, procrastination - what is it?

From the point of view of science:

procrastination- this is a person's tendency to regularly postpone urgent and important matters, as well as to replace such tasks with extraneous activities.

In simple words:

✏ Under procrastination understand the phenomenon when a person puts off important tasks until later. They can be difficult and unpleasant, but you have to do them anyway.

It turns out that the term "procrastinator" can be given the following definition.

Procrastinator- This is a person who delays the implementation of especially important things as much as possible.

At the same time, he is well aware that such behavior can lead to both professional and personal failures. However, he cannot do anything with himself, continuing to put off an important task for later and replacing its implementation with extraneous matters.

Often the most important activities are delayed by the procrastinator so much that it will be too late to complete them. Often the timing of such cases is hopelessly missed.

Moreover, failure to complete important tasks can lead to serious problems, such as:

  • worsening financial situation;
  • other life troubles;
  • psychological problems.

The procrastinator understands all this very well, but can't help it. He is aware that he needs to complete specific tasks, but usually replaces them with entertainment, as well as household trifles.

Even if you have not heard the term procrastination before, you have almost certainly encountered a similar phenomenon. Many consider people who suffer from this phenomenon to be lazy. But such a definition is fundamentally wrong.

  • Lazy people usually do nothing, waste time.
  • Unlike them, procrastinators are always busy doing something. It's just that their activities are usually unproductive and do not lead to self-improvement, increasing the level of security.

The most complete description of the phenomenon can be found in the study of Professor Pierce Steele . He presented the results of his work in a work called "The Procrastination Equation" .

The author is sure that the modern rhythm of life forces a person to constantly postpone various important tasks for later. In his opinion, the root of the problem lies in the fact that many do not have the habit of clearly following their intentions, as well as in personal psychology itself.

???? An example of procrastination

A typical example of procrastination can be found in the life of every student. For example, the student decides on the day off to start doing the course work, which must be handed over in the near future.

  1. The student turns on the computer and discovers that a lot of letters have accumulated in the mailbox. Some of them require a response, so he decides to parse the mail immediately.
  2. When this business is finished, it turns out that it is time for dinner. However, it needs to be prepared. When the table is already set, it turns out that the bread has run out. The student decides to go shopping.
  3. Leaving the house, the young man meets a friend who asks to help him translate things. The student cannot refuse a friend, so he returns to the computer late in the evening.

Eventually the day passed, but the writing of an important work was still not possible. At the same time, it cannot be said that the student did nothing all day. He was busy all the time but not what was really needed.

In this way Many people experience procrastination in their lives. In order not to find yourself in a difficult situation, it is important to understand the causes of this problem, as well as learn how to deal with it most effectively.

2. What are the causes, symptoms and possible consequences of procrastination????

Despite the fact that procrastination is a fairly common phenomenon, few people think about its causes, symptoms and consequences. Meanwhile, a study of this phenomenon was carried out in the laboratory.

As a result, it became clear that procrastination manifests itself as a result of opposition of processes in 2 th areas of the brain:

  • One of them is responsible for the pleasures received at the moment, which, in fact, is an unconscious part of human life.
  • Other part brain is a kind of planner, whose task is to take care of long-term well-being.

The conflict of these parts of the brain does not allow a person to work at full strength, as well as perform tasks in a timely manner.

✅ Causes of procrastination

Do not think that only the physiological characteristics of the body lead to the development of procrastination. There are a number of other reasons that lead to this condition. The table below shows the main ones.

Table: "The main reasons leading to procrastination"

Cause of Procrastination Cause description
Job you don't like If a person’s work is unpleasant and seems boring, in order to do it, you will have to constantly force yourself. This is the most common cause of procrastination.
Manifestation of perfectionism Perfectionism refers to the desire to perform any tasks exclusively for the ideal result. Such behavior leads to the fact that a person begins to find fault with trifles, change finished work, get hung up on the result. At its core, perfectionism cannot be called a negative phenomenon, it is important to ensure that it does not interfere with the completion of tasks on time and does not become a reason for a complete abandonment of classes.
Spirit of contradiction It is not uncommon for people to become irritated when programs and sequences of actions are imposed on them. Such individuals unconsciously try to free themselves from them. As a result, postponing various tasks until tomorrow becomes a certain manifestation of independence.
Failure to prioritize A person cannot independently distribute the importance of the tasks facing her. As a result, a person rushes between different things, eventually making the simplest decision - to do nothing.
Low self-esteem Underestimated often leads to a person's doubt that he will be able to perform a certain task. As a result, he gains confidence that there is no point in wasting time and effort on such a thing.
self-restraint This kind of psychological problem leads to the fact that the individual is afraid to stand out among people, to become more successful. There may also be a fear that in this case too much will be required of him. Also, self-restraint can be the result of the inability to constructively perceive criticism addressed to oneself.
Lack of time management skills Time management or proper organization of time can significantly reduce the likelihood of procrastination.

The above reasons often lead to the manifestation of procrastination. But it should be understood that in any case, for each individual, they can be combined in different ways. In addition, there may be other factors that will lead to the development of the phenomenon.

✅ Symptoms

To accurately determine the presence of procrastination, it is important to know its main symptoms. Below are the most common ones.

Signs by which you can know about procrastination:

  1. Missing deadlines for important tasks. A person’s lack of punctuality, that is, the habit of arriving on time, as well as meeting deadlines, can be a dangerous symptom.
  2. Regular failure to complete the assigned number of tasks. If it is planned to complete a specific number of cases in a certain time period, and at the end of it it turns out that some of them could not be started, it is worth considering. When this situation occurs regularly subject to realistic deadlines for implementation), most likely there are manifestations of procrastination.
  3. Constant delay in the fulfillment of various promises, which leads to a deterioration in relationships with family and colleagues.

If the symptoms described above are constantly observed in a person, it is almost certain that he is prone to procrastination. In this case, you should be wary and think about how to change the situation.

✅ Consequences

It is important to understand that procrastination can lead to quite serious consequences. Most often these can be:

  • job loss;
  • lack of promotion;
  • financial difficulties;
  • reduced level of personal effectiveness;
  • depressive states;
  • irritability;
  • nervous tension;
  • frustration, that is, a state of depression;
  • prostration, that is, depression and indifference;
  • chronic sleep deprivation and insomnia;
  • constant conflicts with relatives and colleagues.

Of course, these consequences are very unpleasant. However, often everything related to the manifestations of procrastination in a particular person can be exaggerated.

Important not only to identify this phenomenon in oneself, but also to study it more carefully. This will help you understand how to deal with it.

Areas of a person's life where procrastination can affect personal finances

3. How does procrastination interfere with financial well-being???? - description of areas in which laziness is unacceptable

Not everyone understands, but procrastination can greatly interfere with financial well-being. Meanwhile, there are certain areas of life in which it is impossible to postpone things for later. Below we consider the most important of them.

1) Payments for various obligations ????

If you postpone making various payments until later, you can lose considerable amounts. Delays on loans, late payment of taxes and payments for housing and communal services entail accrual of fines And penalties .

It seems that such accruals are insignificant. However, if violations of the terms of making payments are allowed regularly, the sanctions are cumulative in a significant amount.

To avoid excuses for example, payments are not made on time, since after work there is no way to go to the bank), you should carefully study all possible payment methods (in a 24-hour terminal, online, and others).

Another effective way to get rid of the habit of postponing payment until later is to reward yourself. You should please yourself with small purchases if payments are made on time.

2) Visits to the doctor????

Many find a huge number of excuses not to undergo preventive examinations by doctors. In the meantime, putting off going to the hospital until something hurts can cost you a lot of money.

It's important to understand that you can take regular tests and visit doctors under the policy of compulsory medical insurance absolutely free. At the same time, you will have to pay for the treatment of already manifested diseases, at least by purchasing medicines in a pharmacy.

In order not to postpone visiting doctors for later, experts recommend uniting in this activity with friends and relatives. Together it is much easier to take a queue, to wait for an appointment.

3) Work

While at work, it is easiest to succumb to an attack of procrastination. As a result, often at the end of the working day, the necessary amount of work remains unfulfilled.

Here, distractions such as:

  • regular tea parties;
  • calls to relatives;
  • elementary computer games;
  • social media.

Procrastination in such a situation can lead not only to the accumulation of important cases, but also to the deprivation of a bonus, a reprimand. If the problem is not addressed in time, you might even lose your job.

To minimize the effects of procrastination, experts recommend at work, give up smoking breaks and limit communication with colleagues. The work process should bring career growth and financial well-being. You can also chat after the end of the working day.

4) Free time ⏱

Many people consider watching TV as well as exploring social networks as the best pastime after the work day. Meanwhile, such activities significantly tire the brain, distract from household chores, and do not allow communication with relatives.

Besides, often, such cases backfire emotionally, leading to irritability, envy, and frustration. As a result, it interferes with personal development and income growth.

In order not to waste time, experts recommend giving up watching TV, mobile and computer games and the Internet.

Instead, in your free time, it is better to do useful things:

  • enroll in development courses;
  • start reading quality literature;
  • spend time with children
  • get creative.

Such hobbies help to recharge with positive and emotionally unload. Ultimately, this has a positive impact on the workflow and financial well-being.

5) Shopping ????

Procrastination can be a serious obstacle to budget planning. Creating a shopping list, calculating costs, comparing prices takes time and some effort.

It is much easier to replace periodic purchases with the necessary for spontaneous purchases of products in the nearest store. It is even easier to order ready-made food for home delivery.

However, it should be taken into account that such actions could lead to increase expenses several times.

To overcome procrastination in shopping, it is important to compose exact list of necessary goods . Shopping at the supermarket just once a week can save you a lot of time and money. That's right, we wrote in one of our articles.

Thus, there are several areas of life in which manifestations of procrastination can lead to serious financial problems.

Read also our article on being and successful from scratch.

4. Do I need to fight procrastination?

As we have already said, there are certain areas in which procrastination can lead to serious financial and other problems. That is why many consider this phenomenon extremely negative and are trying by all means to eradicate it.

However, some scientists believe that fighting procrastination is useless. They are sure that it helps to save energy and can act as a kind of insurance against various disappointments.

Often, postponing things for later allows you to eventually complete more assigned tasks. Because there are people who are able to mobilize in a short time and do everything more quickly and efficiently.

Those who consider procrastination to be a useful phenomenon argue that by postponing the matter for later, you can understand how important it is. This allows you not to waste energy, performing only the really necessary tasks.

Actually such an attitude towards the phenomenon under consideration can be effective only in the case when the case postponed for later is new and completely unfamiliar to a person. In those situations where the goals and effect of the task are absolutely clear, procrastination can only be seen as a cover for one's own laziness.

In this way, in any case, it is necessary to deal with such manifestations. You just need to do it reasonably, avoiding self-flagellation. It is best to rely on scientific research and combine it with constant practice.

How to deal with procrastination - the main ways to deal with the constant procrastination

5. How to stop procrastinating - TOP 5 ways to get rid of procrastination????

In fact, minimizing the manifestations of procrastination is quite realistic. However, this issue should be approached with the maximum degree of pragmatism. It is also necessary to understand that remarkable patience is required, because it takes a large amount of time to eradicate any habit.

Let us immediately note that there is no one-size-fits-all method to beat procrastination . To each his own. Below are the most effective ways to get rid of procrastination.

Method 1: Make a to-do list regularly

The effectiveness of any activity is largely determined by the ability to correctly allocate the available time. Can help with this making a list of tasks , early planning for the next day.

When compiling a list of tasks, it is necessary to consider the importance of each case. Ideally, the list should include only those tasks that need to be completed on a specific date. It turns out that if the task is not in the list, there is no need to do it.

The most important thing in this case is not the rejection of secondary matters, but the compilation of a list. In any case, this approach will help to fight procrastination. It is best to make a list of tasks based on their feasibility.

For this you can use Eisenhower matrix . In accordance with it, all tasks are divided into 4 groups according to the degree of urgency and importance:

  1. IN important and urgent matters, the execution of which will not be delayed, such tasks should be done first. If you do not do them today, it can lead to serious trouble.
  2. Cases from the category important, but not urgent. When the tasks from the previous category are done, it is worth starting with them.
  3. Unimportant but urgent matters does not bring you closer to achieving a specific goal. However, they must be completed within a short period of time. Usually such tasks are imposed on a person by someone. If possible, their implementation should be shifted to other people.
  4. Unimportant and non-urgent matters. This group usually includes the so-called time eaters. At the same time, they usually want to do it the most.

This approach to completing tasks helps you not to waste your time on trifles, allows you to more effectively move towards personal goals and achieve well-being faster.

Method 2. Divide large cases into parts

Moreover, the difficulties with small things are not so scary. If one task fails, you can proceed to another.

When choosing this method of dealing with procrastination, it is worth bearing in mind that division of the task into parts must be done visuallyon the paper or electronic. In fact, with some practice, you can break almost any task into small parts.

It is important to remember Chinese wisdom, which claims that every big journey starts with a small step.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to forget about the ultimate goal for a while and go towards it by completing small tasks. This will help reduce the manifestations of procrastination in your life.

Method 3. Come to terms with your own imperfection

Often the occurrence of procrastination is associated with the manifestation perfectionism . A person may be afraid to do something imperfect. This slows him down and prevents him from moving towards his intended goal. Meanwhile, it is better to fail at the beginning than to do nothing at all.

Lack of self-confidence can interfere with the development of a person. As a result, he fails to achieve goals, earn income, create. It is impossible to become successful if, instead of striving for a goal, you constantly think about possible failures.

By the way, we wrote about that in our life in one of our publications - we recommend it for reading.

Method 4. Learn to delegate part of the tasks or completely refuse to perform them

You don't have to do all the tasks yourself. You can always delegate some of them to someone. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

For this purpose, you can use one of the options:

  • seek help from family and friends.
  • hire a specialist to perform certain tasks. Of course, you will have to pay for his services.

Often, manifestations of procrastination are associated with postponing tasks that have lost their relevance. In some cases, the importance of affairs is not completely lost, so a person cannot decide to refuse to do them.

However, such tasks take time and attention of the individual. Therefore, it is important to learn how to work with them.

In order not to waste time on irrelevant matters, it is important to learn how to analyze them. Some tasks that have lost their importance can be reformulated and solved quite quickly. Some things can be completely abandoned. In this case, they will stop taking time.

Many tasks and small things are not of particular importance, but they kill a huge amount of time. They must be boldly abandoned, because they can ruin even a very promising and profitable project.

Method 5. The workplace should be as isolated as possible

It is important that the workplace has a minimum ↓ number of distractions. Not worth it use work computer games, correspondence in social networks and others entertainment.

Most often, procrastination due to filling the working time with extraneous matters occurs in freelancers . When working remotely, it is much more difficult to control yourself and not be distracted. This is due to the lack of leadership, which monitors the implementation of tasks.

The experts consider that often procrastination is associated with the impulsiveness of the individual. Work efficiency decreases ↓ if you are constantly surrounded by various distractions. It is important to eliminate them as much as possible not only in the workplace, but also in computer shortcuts.

Ideally, it is good to have your own office for work. And remember that the physical order on the desktop helps to clean up the thoughts.

To make it easier to compare the proposed ways to combat procrastination, their main parameters are presented in the table below.

Table: "Effective ways to deal with procrastination, a description of the essence of each of them"

Way Description of actions What is the effect of the method
No. 1. Using the task list Make a to-do list, use the Eisenhower matrix Unimportant tasks are easier to single out and refuse to do.
No. 2. Dividing large tasks into components A global business needs to be divided into several smaller tasks It is easier to get down to business, as fear and self-doubt disappear
No. 3. Accept your own imperfections Don't get hung up on trying to achieve the ideal Decreased fear of doing something wrong
No. 4. Learn to delegate and completely refuse some tasks Analysis of assigned tasks and rejection of irrelevant ones Frees up time to do things you need to do
No. 5. Maximum workplace isolation Remove all unnecessary and distracting away Increased concentration on important tasks

6. The main mistakes in the fight against procrastination ⚠

Often, even those who are sure that they are well versed in the features and manifestations of procrastination make mistakes in the process of dealing with it. However, many of them are characteristic of a large number of individuals. Below are TOP 3 mistakes that occur most frequently.

Mistake #1. Fixation on the dangers of procrastination

Without a doubt, often procrastination is a harmful phenomenon. However, it does not make sense to go in cycles in the fight against it. Many mistakenly believe that procrastination is an absolutely useless habit, which, moreover, can only interfere.

However, this phenomenon manifests itself only as body's defense reaction . Therefore, it is most effective to perceive procrastination as a natural manifestation. It is important to live in peace with yourself, then everything will work out regardless of the obstacles.

Mistake #2. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself

Often, procrastinators experience constant dissatisfaction with themselves, constantly reproach themselves. This behavior is due to the fact that a person thinks he is doing something wrong, but is not able to overcome unfavorable habits.

In fact, self-discipline is harmful. This in most cases nullifies all efforts. It is much better to think about something positive. This way you can avoid depression.