The meaning of the name Philip. The interpretation of the name. Name for the boy Philip: meaning, character and fate

friend of horses

The origin of the name Philip

ancient greek

Philippe name feature

this is a very bright personality. His behavior is always mysterious. It seems that in the still small Philip, the spirit of the overlord is already present. By nature, he is an extrovert and does not succumb to the influence of others. Will is Philip’s main character trait. Even at an advanced age he is capable of various kinds of adventures. Easily aroused, but very good at it. To succeed, Philip must carefully select his field of activity. He is not able to do anything, he needs to be in love with his job. He is well suited for leadership positions. The phenomenal imagination will help the bearer of this name to become an outstanding inventor. Philip has a well-developed intuition, he has a clean, clear mind, which allows you to quickly and well understand what is happening. However, the power of the mind directs his emotions. Philip is unusually active, dynamic when his own interests demand it. He is a man with an extraordinary personality, this is a person.

Famous personalities:   Philip II (382 -336 BC) - the Macedonian king, father of Alexander of Macedon, Philip IV the Beautiful (1268 - 1314) - king of France from the Capetian dynasty, Philip Kirkorov - modern pop singer

The name Philip - when are the birthday?

January 17, January 22, February 7, March 4, March 6, April 11, May 25, June 13, July 13, July 16, August 30, September 15, September 16, October 18, October 24, October 11, November 11, November 27 , November 28


St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow came from a noble family of boyars Kolychevs. He was a novice of the Solovetsky monastery, became abbot. When Philip was summoned to Moscow, he learned from Tsar John the Terrible that the Metropolitan’s Chair was appointed for him. Philip agreed, but demanded the destruction of the oprichnina, although then, yielding to the will of the king, he nevertheless took the dignity. At first, the hierarchy of Philip, the horrors of the oprichnina subsided, but not for long. Then Philip began to openly oppose the guardsmen. An angry tsar determined life imprisonment for Philip, executed many of his relatives, ordered Philip to be transferred to the Tverskoy Oroch monastery. A year later, the tsar with all his squad marched against Novgorod and Pskov and sent the oprichnik Malyuta Skuratov in front of him to the Oroch monastery. For three days, Saint Philip predicted his demise and humbly accepted death at the hands of Malyuta Skuratov.

1. Personality: brilliant men

2. Color: green

3. The main features: will - activity - sociability - intelligence

4. Totem plant: acacia

5. Totem animal: ibis

6. Sign: Lion

7. Type. These are bright personalities whose behavior is always a mystery. Their totem is an ibis, a bird with a mysterious power. They are very confident in themselves, they have the nature of a commander, chief: they are interested in any business only when they hold the steering wheel in their hands.

8. The psyche. Extroverts are active only when they are directly involved in social or industrial affairs. They are not influenced, but they carefully listen to any advice and suggestions.

9. The will. She dominates people with a similar character. Even in old age do not refuse adventures and adventures.

10. Excitability. They react to everything, are warm-hearted, are well aware of the value of someone else's life. They treat others with love and affection without demanding anything in return.

11. The reaction rate. They have excellent control over themselves, but their patience should not be abused.

12. Field of activity. To achieve success, they need to carefully choose the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of their forces. They are not one of those who are ready to do anything to get a diploma. They achieve leadership positions provided that they are persistent and learn to make decisions. A well-developed imagination helps them become outstanding inventors.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone is leading them, “whispering” the right solution to life problems.

14. Intelligence. Such men have a clear mind that allows them to quickly and well navigate their lives.

15. Susceptibility. Impressive.

16. Morality. Possess decency never thought of

17. Health. Just great. Such people need only air, sun and sea rest, although it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the internal secretion system.

18. Sexuality. Very developed, but controlled by reason.

19. Activity. Very active and dynamic. They manage to remain objective, and if they sometimes impose their decisions, it is only to force subordinates to work with full dedication.

20. Sociability. awesome. They are elegant, restrained, able to behave and know what to say in order to please others.

21. Conclusion. These are individuals with a rich inner content.

By D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Loving horses" (Greek). It is worth noting that in ancient Greece, the horse was one of the main symbols of a noble man

Name energetics and character: In order to better understand this name, one must probably look at the very roots of word formation when a primitive person, giving names to any objects and phenomena, tried to convey sounds with his sounds and sensations associated with these phenomena. Therefore, at first, in the name itself, one could catch the characteristic of the subject. Of course, the sensations of modern man have gone far from the stage of primitiveness, but in some words, especially in those related to childhood, this relationship has still been preserved. It just so happened that in the Russian sound the name Philip is consonant not only with the word "sob," but even with the very soundtrack of this tear process. Of course, an adult's head is full of millions of all kinds of thoughts, but as a child, such harmony can be perceived very sharply. It is unlikely that the parental cry of the soul will act on him correctly: "Well, don’t cry, Philip!" - rather, the child bursts into tears even more from this. In about the same way, the sound of flowing water can provoke a child's desire for a potty. In a word, a Russian child with this name can be too whiny in childhood. This is a very important point, since little Filia can simply get used to tearing herself from her parents with tears, gradually turning into an ordinary spoiled egoist.

Of course, tearfulness passes with age, but resentment, most likely, can remain. It is a pity that the name does not imply sufficient patience and firmness, however, even if these qualities were not developed in it during the upbringing, life will still teach Philip to stay in a society where excessive resentment rarely finds understanding. Most often, Philip, who is not inclined to aggression, prefers to hide his grievances from others, but in the circle of his loved ones they can manifest themselves to their full height, considerably marring family relations. With sufficient mobility of the name, it is very likely that at home Philip's mood can change within a single day from cheerful playfulness to mortal resentment and vice versa, which, you see, is extremely difficult to withstand. The only exceptions are those cases when Phil still overcomes excessive emotionality and first tries to justify the person, and only then be offended.

But be that as it may, however, children's grievances with age find themselves another manifestation - Philip's great pride. This is especially acute if parents, exhausted by Owl’s tears, began to indulge him in childhood and accustomed to the fact that he was always in the spotlight. In this case, it will affect Philip's ambitious plans. Most likely, he will try to choose a profession that will allow him to be always in sight and feel his importance. This can be a scene, and politics, or even, for lack of a better one, the position of a tractor driver on a collective farm. However, there is nothing wrong with ambition, if only it does not go against the interests of others, and especially close people.

Secrets of communication: If Philip will not be in the spotlight at the company, then most likely she will soon get bored with him. In addition, often he tolerates very poorly the society of those who are considered superior to him, it is possible that he will try to keep up with them on an equal footing, and when this does not work, he can get angry. At the same time, he himself often did not mind talking to a person from the perspective of an older brother. Be that as it may, however, in dealing with him, try not to forget about his strong emotionality.

The name trail in the story:

Philip Kirkorov

You can have a different attitude to the work of pop singer Philip Kirkorov (born 1967), but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that not so long ago he was one of the most prominent figures on the Russian stage. Another question is whether this popularity is a consequence of talent, or whether the singer owed much to his position to the banal "promotion".

"I want to get everything out of life!" - so often Kirkorov stated an interview with reporters, and it seems that these words really reflected his life credo. Being the only child in the family of the popular Bulgarian singer Bedros Kirkorov, since childhood, Philip had no shortage of anything: his parents, who did not have souls in his son, indulged him as best they could. It is not surprising that in the future, Philip took gifts of fate for granted - however, he was not going to sit idly by, waiting for manna from heaven, but worked a lot, trying to stand out from the crowd of Russian pop singers with a bright image and unusual repertoire.

An energetic handsome man with a burning oriental appearance, Philip Kirkorov during his performances puts the greatest emphasis on the entertainment of what is happening: the show should be memorable. Unusual costumes, stage effects, professional dancing - such a policy has brought and still bears its fruit, even despite the damage to the singer’s image that caused him a scandal with obscene abuse at one of the press conferences and divorce from Alla Pugacheva. Well, life is not only ups, but also downs. A strong person is distinguished by the ability to take one and the other with dignity, as well as the ability to learn from his mistakes.

According to Mendelev

An inconspicuous person in ordinary life, potentially capable of both high ups and equally, if not deeper falls, - in a word, a man of extremes. Can love wholeheartedly and just as sincerely trample on his and other people's feelings.

Philip is a weak man in the wind, it is not known where he will take him. Excessively developed intuition and receptivity control his actions and, surprisingly, can (temporarily!) Raise him high. Sometimes tender and hot features of his nature prevail in him, and sometimes - low, dull and sad. This is a complex and unpredictable person, very difficult to communicate.

It has, as a rule, excellent health and is completely devoid of any suspiciousness. Inclined to unexpected, not always pleasant for others actions, endowed with undoubted charm and a strange, inexplicable attractive force. He does not accept anything casual and monotonous. Alcohol or drugs can drag it into their nets.

Philip marries either very early or very late. Early marriage is far from always durable. Often chooses a profession associated with long

moving or risk not always justified, for example, sea, fishing or police. It can become noticeable in a creative environment, and this fame often has a scandalous connotation.

Filia is very similar to Philip, but better and stronger, not so quiet and sad, but even slower and hotter. The difference is very small and almost imperceptible.

The color of the name is pure blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is confident in his sexual abilities, but is looking for ever new confirmation for them. Philip sometimes behaves like a subcompact driver who tries to outrun all other cars at all costs. Philip is a type of perpetual playboy. If he is interested in erotic literature, exchanges impressions about pornography, then mainly in order to create an opinion among others about himself as a man who knows a lot and knows how much. In his youth, he leads a hectic sex life, the main purpose of which is to prove to himself what he is capable of, attaching great importance to the frequency of contacts, the record number of climaxes during one “session”. Philip clearly overestimates the technical side of sex, as he is not capable of deep emotional experiences.

He is prone to painful jealousy, resulting from a subconscious fear that his partner may meet a man who can give her such emotional feelings, after which he himself will no longer be able to satisfy her. In middle age, this can lead to tragedy, despite full physical ability.

“Winter” Philip has a very high opinion of himself, he is careful, rarely gets into unpleasant stories. She always chooses a partner more experienced than herself, able to take the initiative. The conditions for communicating with a woman are very important for him, he loves a beautiful environment, pleasant smells.

If he likes a girl in the company, he will quickly find a common language with her, going on a date, he will definitely buy flowers. Philip's sexual behavior is sometimes unpredictable; he likes to act spontaneously. Marries late, for a long time can not find a decent one. The family is trying to maintain independence, but most often unsuccessfully.

According to Higir

Ancient Greek origin means: loving horses.

In early childhood - a sickly, moody boy. Looks like a mother and just as stubborn. Squeamish.

Somewhat scattered, he is jealous, greedy and lazy. Many Philippians are selfish and do not tolerate large companies. Most of them are endowed with considerable capabilities, which, unfortunately, remain undisclosed. Philip's marriage, due to his unyielding character, is difficult.

“Winter” - the most capable, but also with a complex character, like to argue about and without reason. Feel free to take up a new business, but do not always bring it to the end. They marry, as a rule, on calm, complaisant women and live with the wife's parents.

"Summer" get married late, first strive to achieve a strong position. Not conflicting and kind. They travel with pleasure, go on long and long business trips. In marriage, they often have sons.

Among men with this name there are doctors, lawyers, turners, singers, engineers, tractor drivers, aviators.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Philip.

What does the name Philip mean?

The name Philip means - loving horses (Greek)

The meaning of the name Philip - character and fate

A man named Philip shows abilities in various fields of activity, proud and ambitious. Somewhat lazy, narcissistic, selfish. Not assembled, it is difficult for him to focus on one thing, he is overwhelmed by emotions. He is inclined to idealize others, speaks with enthusiasm about friends and acquaintances. He loves everyone, he is cordial with everyone, but impatient, in a hurry with conclusions and decisions, often baffled. He, like no one else, needs to have a strong and sane friend nearby who could restrain his emotions and control actions. Philip is subject to emotions, influenced. He likes to flaunt good manners, but in a fit of anger he is not so restrained that all his efforts to make an impression fail. Philip is stingy, but for himself does not regret anything. He tries to look generous in the eyes of others, if he makes a gift, then it is very expensive and extravagant. However, in this case, he thinks more about how he will look in someone’s eyes, how well they think about him, rather than that it is pleasant to someone. Philip is very jealous, although he tries to hide this feeling deeply in himself. A man named Philip is stubborn, easily injured, even a trifle can offend him. He really needs universal recognition, love, enthusiastic responses about himself. For the sake of fame and success, I’m ready to work a lot and for a long time, although lazy enough to strain without the need. Heather and diplomatic, zealous and accurate in personal matters. Philip is temperamental, confident in his sexual abilities, but will not miss the chance to once again establish himself in this. Philip loves women, but rarely gets seriously attached to anyone. In each of his girlfriends he loves himself more, according to her attitude, enthusiastic looks, she checks how good he is. He marries a calm, judicious, intelligent woman, who can be his support in difficult times, support in his affairs. He is balanced in marriage, respects spouse, loves children.

Meaning of Philippe for sex

Philip is a type of perpetual playboy. If he is interested in erotic literature, exchanges impressions about porn films, then mainly in order to create the image of an experienced man among those around him. In his youth, he leads a stormy sex life, the main purpose of which is to prove to himself what he is capable of; attaches great importance to the frequency of contacts, a record number of climaxes during one "session". A man named Philip clearly overestimates the technical side of sex, because he is not capable of deep emotional experiences.

The nature and fate of the name Philip, taking into account the patronymic

First name Philip and middle name ....

Filipp Alekseevich, Filipp Andreevich, Filipp Artemovich, Filipp Valentinovich, Filipp Vasilyevich, Filipp Viktorovich, Filipp Vitalievich, Filipp Vladimirovich, Filipp Evgenievich, Filipp Ivanovich, Filipp Ilyich, Filipp Mikhailovich, Filipp Petrovich, Filipp Sergeevich, Filipp Fedorovich, Filipp Yurevich   contradictory and unpredictable. It surprisingly combines kindness and selfishness, stinginess and generosity, cynicism and nobility. Independent, self-confident, and at the same time cannot exist without the support of loved ones. Without attention of others falls into depression. Women idolize him. A man named Philip has an overestimated opinion of himself, and he must receive every minute a confirmation of his unsurpassedness. It is cheerful and carefree when it is in the center of attention, irritable and harsh, when someone else uses universal attention. Often, Philip does not even hide his egoism, focusing all efforts on achieving the goal. When choosing a spouse, he is guided by mercantile considerations, taking into account the external data of the chosen one, her position in society, her social circle and her temperament. A man named Philip married conservative views, believing that under any conditions it is necessary to maintain a family. Therefore, trying to get married once and for all. But this does not mean at all that Philip is faithful to his wife. Here he is not much different from many men, allowing himself innocent hobbies. He believes that the main thing is not to abandon the family, and physical betrayal is not treason. However, he is jealous. In the household, he is a professional, he knows how to do everything, but does not want to do anything at all, lazy and hard to lift. Philip’s children grow up independent, economical, neat. They take up households early, help their mother - this is Philip who knows how to instill them. Maybe because I’m too lazy to do something.

First name Philip and middle name ....

Philipp Alexandrovich, Philipp Arkadievich, Philipp Borisovich, Philipp Vadimovich, Philipp Grigoryevich, Philipp Kirillovich, Philipp Maximovich, Philipp Matveevich, Philipp Nikitich, Philipp Pavlovich, Philipp Romanovich, Philipp Tarasovich, Philipp Timofeevich, Philipp Eduardovich, Philipp Yakovlevich highly emotional, often gives vent to his feelings. Independent, freedom-loving. It will not allow even the closest people to lead themselves. Very vulnerable, impressive, sensitive to failures. Somewhat envious, upset if someone is more successful than himself. Loyal to friends, looking for support in them, sincere with them, but too trusting, inclined to idealize people. However, he knows how to quickly forget the grievances inflicted, the wounds from disappointment he heals somehow unnoticed. Philip does not know how to suffer for a long time, it bores him. He is loved for his cheerful character and carelessness. This is a broad nature - if fun, then with all my heart. It may not be too generous in material terms, but you cannot refuse him kindness. Amorous adventures for a man named Philip is a necessary attribute of a fulfilling life. He has many connections that are not taken seriously. Afraid of affectionate women, staying away from them. Philip himself must choose a partner for himself, he perceives any kind of pressure on himself painfully, this causes a spirit of contradiction in him, repels him from the woman. Philip loves to talk with friends about an erotic topic, to show his knowledge in this area, the experience of a man with great experience. She is not in a hurry to enter into marriage, at first she strives to build a good material base for creating a family, so that family life is not overshadowed by unpleasant trifles that spoil family relations. Highly puts the material well-being of the family, tries to provide the family with dignity. He loves children very much, for their sake he is ready for any sacrifice. In children he sees his continuation, wants to see them well-mannered, educated.

First name Philip and middle name ....

Filipp Bogdanovich, Filipp Vilenovich, Filipp Vladislavovich, Filipp Vyacheslavovich, Filipp Gennadevich, Filipp Georgievich, Filipp Danilovich, Filipp Egorovich, Filipp Konstantinovich, Filipp Robertovich, Filipp Svyatoslavovich, Filipp Yanovich, Filipp Yaroslavovich more balanced, each of his actions is thought out, balanced. He takes any matter seriously. It is thorough in business, accurate and obligatory. In his youth, he leads a stormy sex life, but with age it becomes more calm and selective. Self-confidence allows him to seek the location of the most intelligent and beautiful women. Philip marries consciously and at an age when he no longer wants to run somewhere, to seek adventure. He is a good father, a wonderful husband, an excellent host. The family of a man named Philip comes first; although he likes to be in a circle of friends, he is very sociable, loves parties. Most often, such parties are held in his house, because Philip is difficult to climb and if friends can not come to him for any reason, he would rather stay at home reading an interesting book. Philip is not striving for betrayal, because they are too burdensome and weary of a man. The family of Philip is non-conflict, all issues are resolved calmly, without excesses. Philip also brings up children in the same spirit, without raising his voice, without raising his hand, without dictatorship and coercion. Democratic relations in the family allow him to raise beautiful children, independent, freedom-loving, respectful of elders, attentive to others. Philip is a very practical owner, there are no useless things in his house, each acquisition has its own meaning, is carefully thought out and chosen by himself.

First name Philip and middle name ....

Filipp Antonovich, Filipp Arturovich, Filipp Valerevich, Filipp Germanovich, Filipp Glebovich, Filipp Denisovich, Filipp Igorevich, Filipp Leonidovich, Filipp Lvovich, Filipp Mironovich, Filipp Olegovich, Filipp Ruslanovich, Filipp Semenovich, Filipp Filippovich, Filipp Emanuilovich most intelligent, with impeccable manners. Unbalanced, but able to control himself. Practical and entrepreneurial, economical, although in front of a woman, on occasion, it can flash with generosity. Such Philip is impressive, gallant, elegant, tall, fit, takes care of himself. He likes to dress beautifully, does everything for show, to the public. With girls seductive and helpful, knows how to care, attaches great importance to this period of dating. However, having entered into an intimate relationship, he quickly loses interest in his beloved, and not because she is not good, he just had it already. It’s hard to even imagine a woman who can impress him. Philip has a rich sexual experience, it is difficult to surprise him. A man named Philip is not capable of either constancy or strong affection, but if a friend nevertheless sinks into his heart, then he becomes her husband, although he is unfaithful. Nevertheless, he has a happy marriage, family relations are stable and calm. Does not lose interest in his wife and in old age, temperamental and physically strong. This Philip frankly does not like to do household work, lazy and not collected, but decently provides for his family. Most often has daughters. He takes an active part in their personal life when the time comes to enter into an independent life. He himself chooses spouses for them, although he counts with their opinion, equips their life, and prepares a good material base for them. He takes care that the girls are left with nothing if the marriage is unsuccessful, stipulates all the conditions of the marriage contract, not being afraid to look mercantile in the eyes of others. Often then the daughters are very grateful to him for this.

First name Philip and middle name ....

Philip Alanovich, Philipp Albertovich, Philipp Anatolyevich, Philipp Veniaminovich, Philipp Vladlenovich, Philipp Dmitrievich, Philipp Nikolayevich, Philipp Rostislavovich, Philipp Stanislavovich, Philipp Stepanovich, Philipp Feliksovich consists of continuous contradictions: kind, but merciless to the offenders, judicious and smart, but sometimes he does such unexpected things that he makes one doubt his mental abilities. He does not always manage to suppress negative emotions in himself, and their splash can be like a hurricane. Philip loves friends very much, friendship for him is devotion, an opportunity at any moment to rely on a friend, to feel his shoulder. He is friendly with women, not one of his former lovers can say a single bad word about him. He maintains warm companionship with everyone, responds to their requests, is always ready to help them. A man named Philip rarely remembers his former lovers; he has a great many new acquaintances. And if this happens, then this woman is not indifferent to him and in the future may become a spouse. Only from the height of the past years, Philip is able to correctly assess the relationship with her, her dignity and superiority over all others. Philip’s marriage is most often quite happy, as the choice of a spouse is conscious, thoughtful. Philip is a very affectionate husband, his potency does not run low until his old age, and love for his wife does not interfere with having short-term connections on the side. He does this not because of a lack of female affection in marriage, but rather because of the desire to once again check his physical form, to establish himself in his male power.


The name Philip is of ancient Greek origin. The literal interpretation sounds like a “loving horse”. The modern interpretation sounds like “loving life” or “loving”. Other versions do not exist. By the way, the horse in the Greeks was a very influential and revered symbol.

The male name Philip today is not very popular in our country, but is still listed in the list of the most famous. It gives the guy a set of rare outlines of nature, strong energy, and good compatibility with most Slavic female names ...

Conversation Options: Phil

Modern English counterparts: Phill

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The ancient Greek name Philip characterizes by its meaning a person who possesses such features as isolation, credulity, temper, persistence, sociability and the gift of persuasion. And it also promises such traits as emotionality, assertiveness, independence, self-confidence, strength of mind and will, self-confidence, sociability, justice and more ...

By the way, it’s hard to call Philip livable, but despite this, he is always surrounded by a huge number of people who want to be friends with him. And he himself is never against communication. Just men, carriers of this name, it is always too fair and straightforward people, which does not always play into the hands. Filia may offend someone from the environment, and may not even realize that he did it.

Advantages and positive features:   the most important merit of all Philippians, without exception, is their desire for justice, their inability to accept lies and dishonesty, and their willingness to help everyone around for free. And one more advantage is straightforwardness - unfortunately, many modern men of this quality are extremely lacking.

Philip is bad at   people who use their authority in order to exalt themselves over others, dominate the weak and profit from other people's weaknesses. And Filia will never tolerate too self-willed woman next to her.

Philip is a “loving horse”. Such an interpretation is not accidental. The fact is that in ancient Greece, the horse was the personification of the cyclical development of the world, intelligence, life and innocence. And he was a symbol of the cosmos, which is considered the source of life.

Character named philip

The nature of the name Philip, or rather the bearer of that name, is very difficult, and to predict with accuracy at least fifty percent what it will be is simply unrealistic. But you can definitely say that his character is not bad. Yes, Philippe may at times seem rude, callous, too harsh, but all this is trifles amid the fact that he is actually very kind, friendly, and good-natured. And in general, this guy is ready to help everyone around - can anyone be blamed for this bad character? The answer is obvious ...

And Philip is vulnerable, very sensitive, and takes everything too close to his heart. Any criticism, insult or accusation of incompetence or stupidity can drive Philia into a stupor and make him worry. Then he will begin to analyze himself and his behavior, delve into himself, look for shortcomings and reproach himself for them. Although, without a doubt, sometimes all this on the contrary plays into the hands of people. The ability to delve into oneself can bring a lot of benefits and is worthy of respect.

By the way, Philip’s character alone may not be too simple, not everyone can get along with such a man, but his pluses are worthy to come to terms with the minuses. After all, you still have to look for such a sympathetic, pure heart and soul, noble and friendly person.

Early childhood

In early childhood, this name gives a newborn boy a difficult nature. In it, vulnerability, self-criticism, susceptibility and resentment, isolation and a complete lack of friendliness are raging.

Little Philip is always trying to spend with his closest people. He respects and loves grandmother, grandfather, father and mother, sisters and brothers, never offends and will not hurt any of them, and he himself is not offended even for criticism. But he treats his peers more sharply - he does not tolerate teachings, hates it when he is persuaded to do what he does not want, and is afraid of betrayal. Moreover, even the usual friendship of a potential friend with another peer can become a betrayal.

If at an early age not enough attention will be paid to his sociability, then in the future it will be more difficult for him, because in school and in the work collective he will find it difficult to find comrades. Pampering, playfulness, disobedience - all this is not about him. On the contrary, too obedient and ready to obey in everything. Mother and father can easily cope with it, there will be no problems, but you still have to tinker with the unwillingness to make friends and like-minded people.


Adolescence will bring "ancestors" only pride in their child. The desire to learn and improve, responsibility, diligence and commitment, stability - these are its main advantages.

Philip is happy to study any subject at school, especially the humanities, and in general he easily delves into any subject. Teachers consider its very presence in the lesson a reason for pride, because it is not easy to find such a positive student. But you should not think that this is only a plus - on the other hand, it is also a minus, because close relationships with teachers are never perceived by other teenagers well.

With classmates, Philip can have many troubles - many can consider him a scum, a traitor and a slime. But in fact, Phil is not like that. But if someone has troubles, then everyone turns to Fila for help, because everyone knows that this is a person who is ready to help everyone without exception, free of charge, not remembering personal insults and anger.

Adult man

In an adult man named by this name, it is not easy to consider positive qualities, and wine of a talisman is observed in this. The complex nature and the impregnable inner world do not allow making friends to Philip with the ease with which his friends do. In the end, he may be a loner, longing for peace and tranquility. But this is a temporary problem - everything will change when a woman appears in Fili's life, who he can call his love.

An adult Philip completes any business, easily concentrates on what he needs, does not abandon what he started halfway. With his perseverance and perseverance, he can cope with any even the most difficult task - and this is his big plus, and it is thanks to these features that he can achieve a lot in life.

But sociability, this is something that is usually lacking, usually even for adult Philippians. And still, Filey’s natural callousness and soullessness, which actually doesn’t exist, can play into Fila’s hand, just Filia himself tries to be like that in the eyes of other people, fearing rapprochement with them, betrayal and addiction.

Phillip's interactions with the seasons

Spring - a boy named Philip, born under the auspices of the spring time of the year, has such traits as ambitiousness, determination, activity and activity, politeness and charm. With such an easy conversation and just make friends, always support and help. Not sitting idle, will not refuse help, is ready to move forward and act all the time.

Summer - naivety, infantilism, lack of sociability, isolation, inconstancy, independence, dependence on other people's opinions, unwillingness to defend one’s own point of view and indecision prevail here. Nevertheless, his opinion is respected and appreciated, although they do not always listen to him. There is love too - often falls in love, but novels always end the same way, parting.

Autumn - the autumn months bestow upbringing, frugality, goodwill and good nature, honesty and elegance, but also isolation, because of which the carrier of this mark has few like-minded people. It seems confident and proud of personal achievements, but in fact, behind this mask is a kind of indifference to everything without exception.

Winter - and this representative of the strong half of humanity is endowed with dreaminess and romance, the ability to win people over, eloquence and hard work, persistence and assertiveness. He is not an ideal conversationalist, but he is a hard worker, which ones to look for. Career is not the most important thing, she dreams of financial independence and power, but her husband will be really good.

Fate named Philip

As for the fate of the bearer of the name Philip in terms of personal life, everything is very difficult here. It is difficult to predict how the life of the bearer of this name will turn out in terms of love and relations with representatives of the opposite sex, because its very attitude to women is difficult to understand.

On the one hand, Philip seems too harsh and rude, and even in dealing with women you won’t get any softness or simple charm from him. But on the other hand, this is a man, and he does not have to be soft. Even on the contrary, women even like his stiffness, masculinity, rudeness and self-confidence. Anyway, who might not like a brutal man? But all the carriers of this name also have one very big plus - they are all very romantic, and no matter how they try to hide it, sooner or later this feature still makes itself felt.

In general, we can summarize: Fili is rude and tough, but at the same time courageous and attracts the attention of women with his courage. Will Filya be popular among women - should enjoy it, because everyone likes these men. Another question is how early it will mature for a serious relationship. In any case, before you manage to persuade Philip to a relationship, a woman will have to try very hard and work on herself, her habits and behavior.

Love and marriage

It is difficult to say what kind of husband the Philippe carrier will become, based only on the energy and meaning of the name itself, but it can be said with absolute certainty - Phil cannot be a bad husband, because it is not in his essence to be bad. After all, these are for the most part men who are ready for anything for the sake of their beloved women, capable of romance, sincere love, and really cool things. The only “but” is that initially a woman should be worthy of all of the above.

What woman will be worthy of his romance, feelings, love and devotion? Well, at least it should be a woman who is able in practice and in practice to prove her loyalty, devotion and love. Plus, it should be a very patient lady, ready to endure him for who he really is, one who will not try to change him or re-educate him. And God forbid Philip to doubt the sincerity of love, or he will notice that his woman is unhappy with something at once - he will immediately abandon it and he will not blink an eye.

By the way, Filipps are married mostly mostly in deep maturity. Marriages by youth most often end in failure, divorce and a big quarrel, because a young and inexperienced woman simply can not get along with his character.

Philip as a Father

It is also unrealistic to predict how a father will become a bearer of one or another name, but in the case of the name Philip, it can be said for sure that his carrier will not become a bad dad. And most importantly, Philip will never allow himself to have children at the wrong time. He will surely take a very responsible attitude to the issue of conception of children and will prepare for this in all possible ways. Moreover, he will never want to voluntarily play the role of the pope, if at that moment he is not yet sure of his own financial stability.

The woman with whom it is planned to create a full-fledged family. She will also have to sweat pretty much, because first of all she will have to prove to Philip herself that she is able to raise children as normal people and is ready to become a full-fledged mother. Filia will not start a family with a woman whose responsibility and seriousness is not sure. He must be sure that she is ready ...

Philip will take care of his children as expected. He will pay maximum attention to their upbringing and development, but at the same time he will require the same from the mother of the children. As for love, so much more will be with regard to the girl, most likely. Although he will not deprive the boy of attention either.

Female Name Compatibility

Philippe has the best compatibility with such female names as Isolde, Lada, Lydia, Polina, Edita, Tamara, Sofia and Olga. In alliance with the name of one of these name forms, you can get a really strong, happy, and long-lasting marriage, filled with passion and love.

Relations with Anastasia, Frida, Emma, \u200b\u200bLarisa, Marianna, Mirra and Renata can also portend strong feelings, passion and fabulous love, but they will not be long-lasting, because there are many “astrological” reasons for this.

Well, with Agnia, Vladislav, Nika, Svetlana and Stanislava, unfortunately, nothing good can happen at all, because here the characters are completely incompatible.

Philip Name Meaning:   the name for the boy means "loving horses." This affects the nature and fate of Philip.

Origin of the name Philip:   ancient greek.

The diminutive form of the name:   Filipok, Filipka, Filia, Filyuha, Filyunya, Lipa.

What does the name Philip mean:   The name Philip comes from the ancient Greek name Philippos, which consists of two parts - “fileo” (letters. “To love”) and “hippos” (letters. “Horse”). The word translates as "loving horses." Another meaning of the name Philippe is “horseback riding enthusiast”. Failures can knock Phil off balance, so he needs people nearby who are always ready to support. For this reason, the holder of this name is strongly attached to the family.

Middle name of Philip:   Filippovich, Filippovna; unleash Filippych.

Day of the angel and the patron saints named Philip:   Philip celebrates name day twice a year:

  • August 30 (17) - St. Martyr Philip of Nicomedia and his comrades after torment were thrown into the fire and died for the faith of Christ.
  • November 27 (14) - St. Apostle Philip preached the word of God in Greece, Arabia, Ethiopia and other countries; after torment, he was crucified on the cross with his head down in the 1st century.

Signs:   Hoarfrost on Filippka, November 27, - harvest on oats. Black crow croaks - to the thaw. Filippov's conspiracy - the beginning of Christmas, "cold" fasting.


  • Zodiac - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color - Raspberry
  • Auspicious tree - linden
  • Philip's coveted plant - peony
  • Patron - Karakurt
  • Talisman Stone - Ruby

Philippe name feature

Positive features:   The meaning of the name Philip in terms of psychology. The name Philip gives romance, beauty, attractiveness, pride, perseverance in achieving his goal, influence. A man with this name is not prone to violence, aggression. He is generous in his gratitude. Filia can be an interesting conversationalist, always surrounded by a crowd of comrades and fans. From childhood, a child with this name is gifted with creative abilities, a sharp and inquiring mind. He has a broad outlook, an excellent memory. Despite his pride, Philip can admit his mistakes, repent of their deeds.

Negative features: The name Philip brings selfishness, vanity, arbitrariness, self-will and moodiness, instability of the psyche and mood. Filia does not refuse anything, demands her own and tries to achieve this by all means. Keeping his capriciousness and irritability in public, a man with this name relaxes in his home environment. Little Filippka is usually a spoiled and moody child. An important role in his upbringing is played by the mother. If she turns out to be a serious, strong-willed and strong woman, she will be able to raise the same qualities in her son and make him an influential person. Otherwise, Philip, even as an adult, will not get rid of touchiness, effeminacy. A guy with this name will demand attention and worship. It will be difficult for him to achieve great heights in life. The maximum that he can count on is the love and care of loved ones.

Character named Philip:   What character traits determines the meaning of the name Philip. He grows up as a weak, impressionable, unbalanced child, and he will carry these properties through his whole life. Filia is always in sight, he needs success in society, any failure leads him to depression, but not for long. Resourceful, active, gifted bearers of this name are especially unreliable in difficult trials: Philipps simply leave the battlefield without feeling remorse.

In family life, his wife laughed a lot with Philia: he is squeamish, capricious, afraid for his health, grumbling, but all this is blocked by his extraordinary generosity - he knows how to earn money!

A man with this name is a bright, active, dynamic nature, with a clear mind, excellent intuition, well-developed imagination and excellent organizational abilities. He is not one of those who undertakes any work. He prefers leadership work. To succeed, Filet needs to learn how to make decisions. The formed horizons and intuition elevate him high up the career ladder.

Charming, besides endowed with inexplicable attractive power, this is a man of extremes. A guy can love wholeheartedly and also sincerely trample on his and other people's feelings. Sometimes tender and hot features of his nature prevail in him, and sometimes - low, melancholy and sad. This unpredictability makes Phil difficult to communicate with. Predisposed to alcohol and drugs.

He dislikes all the everyday and monotonous. In love - marries either too soon or very late. Early marriage is often unsuccessful - Philip is jealous, stingy, squeamish. He chooses a calm, flexible woman as a wife. It gets along well with the wife’s parents.

As a child, Philip is too tearful and touchy. If parents do not pay attention to it, referring to age, he will turn into a pampered egoist. Tearfulness, of course, will pass with age, but excessive touchiness will never find understanding in society. And a man with this name already in childhood strives to be in sight, he needs success, any failure leads him to despondency.

Adult Phil is not discouraged for long, but in difficult trials he is unreliable: he quickly leaves the battlefield, without experiencing any remorse. A child with this name has got used to it since childhood, that no one can refuse him, and, becoming an adult, he is convinced that he is the center around which everything else revolves. He is confident in himself, is interested only in the business he is busy with, and he controls the steering wheel in his hands. His belief that everything should end well, saves him from trouble, if not, he begins to engage in another matter.

Filia is not influenced, but carefully listens to any advice and suggestions. He has great intuition, sometimes it even seems that someone from above prompts him the right solution. He is very impressive, easily excitable, but is afraid to control himself. Considering himself a brilliant personality, he manages to be objective, to realize the value of someone else's life.

Filia is always elegant, knows how to behave in society, to support any conversation. It is of particular importance for him to be the center of attention, usually he succeeds. But suddenly a word spoken by someone, not intended to hurt him at all, can offend him, he immediately replies sarcastically or ironically, the aggressive “winter” Filipps.

Philip and his personal life

Female Name Compatibility:The name union with Anna, Glafira, Eugenia, Isidora, Xenia, Susanna is favorable. The name Philip is also combined with Faina. A difficult relationship with the name can develop with Alexandra, Barbara, Victoria, Catherine, Efrosinya, Nina, Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana.

Love and marriage:   Does the promise of Philip promise happiness in love? Filia is spoiled by women, selfish in marriage. His exactingness, self-esteem can significantly overshadow family relationships. Therefore, Philip is looking for a compassionate and gentle woman who is ready to serve him wholeheartedly.

Filia shares her grievances with his wife, a smart woman will help him “repay” unnecessary ambitions. At home, he would not mind teaching, which prettyly overshadows family relationships. He is often squeamish, capricious, irritable, it seems that a completely different person comes home. Only a calm, accommodating woman is suitable for fillet, however, he knows everything about himself and marries one. The guy named Philip attaches great importance to cleanliness and accuracy. In marriage, sons are more often born to him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession:   He is endowed with all the positive and negative traits of the ruler. No wonder this name was carried by kings and emperors. Filia can realize her vanity in a military career, diplomacy, jurisprudence, in the field of science, art, and cinema. An inquiring mind tries to get to the bottom of the mysteries of the structure of the universe, nature. There are many natural scientists and philosophers among the Philippians. In any case, Phil is trying to gain fame, popularity, always be in sight and feel his importance.

Business and career:   It is highly likely that the name Philip will operate with large amounts of money. At the same time, prudence and caution will not hurt him.

Filia should be in a leadership position, then he is active, dynamic, shows determination and the ability to make decisions. He has a clear mind, he can become an outstanding inventor, he is talented in various fields of science. His sensitivity, intuition help him to be an actor, director, producer. A man named Philip is unusually musical, and if you paid attention to this in childhood, he can be a wonderful musician-performer.

Health and Energy

Health and Talents:   The meaning of the name Philip in terms of medicine. Philip seems healthier than he really is. As a rule, a person named Philip is sensitive to his health, protects him, but can suffer from heart failure or stroke.

Fate of philip history

What does the name Philip mean for male destiny?

  1. Philip S. Efremov is a Russian soldier who gained fame thanks to his extraordinary adventures. He served as a non-commissioned officer in the Nizhny Novgorod regiment and in 1774 was captured by a Pugachev gang; freed from it, he was captured by the Kyrgyz, and they sold him to Bukhara. Here, Efremov managed to earn the trust of Daniyar-bek, the chief nobleman of the emir of Bukhara; nevertheless, he had to endure a lot of torment for refusing to go over to Mohammedanism. Catherine II granted him to the ensign; Then he was appointed to the College of Foreign Affairs, a translator from Eastern languages. His "Nine-year wanderings and adventures in Bukharin, Khiva, Persia and India and return from there through England to Russia" was at one time a popular book.
  2. Philip A. Malyavin (1869-1940) - Russian artist. He burst into art with his festive joyful Whirlwind (1906). Malyavin’s best work includes “A Peasant Woman in a Red Dress” - an image of a cunning and angry, middle-aged woman. In the features of her face, in the squinting eyes of narrowed eyes, one feels something animal-predatory. The expressiveness of the image, the combination of the olive tone of the face with the blazing red color of the sweater makes the picture especially expressive. In the paintings of Philip Malyavin, the images of peasant women are presented as a spontaneous mysterious force raised above the ordinary.
  3. Philip Kirkorov is a pop singer.
  4. Philip Henry Gosse - English naturalist, inventor of the aquarium.
  5. Filippo Bruno - a scientist known by the name of Giordano Bruno, developing the doctrine "On the infinity of the universe and worlds."
  6. Philip Lyubimov - Russian businessman (merchant of the 2nd guild), founder of the merchant dynasty Lyubimov.
  7. Philip Efremov - (born 1750) Russian soldier, traveler in the countries of the East. His book “Nine Years of Wandering and Adventures in Bukharia, Khiva, Persia, and India and the Return from England through Russia to it” contains a wealth of important information on the linguistics, geography, history, and ethnography of Central Asia, Tibet, and India.
  8. Philip Koltsov - Russian composer, pianist, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, member of the Union of Concert Workers of Russia, member of the All-Russian Musical Society, laureate of all-Union and international competitions and festivals. The author of a large number of musicals, choral and choreographic music, which is performed at the largest concert venues in the Russian Federation and the world.
  9. Philip Ovsyannikov - a scientist, one of the founders of neurophysiology in Russia (1827–1906).
  10. Philippe Pinel - French humanist doctor, one of the founders of scientific psychiatry (1745-1826).
  11. Philippe Runge - German painter and graphic artist (1777-1810).
  12. Philip Melanchthon - German Protestant theologian, associate of M. Luther (1497–1560) ./ li\u003e
  13. Philip Pulman is the English writer best known for his trilogy: Dark Beginnings and tetralogy: The Amazing Adventures of Sally Lockhart.
  14. Philippe Paul de Segur - French brigadier general, who was surrounded by Napoleon. He left memories of the history of the Napoleonic wars.

Philip in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

Translating a name in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Philip, Phillip, In German - the church name Philippus (Philippus), In French - Philippe, In Spanish - Felipe (Felipe), In Italian - Filippo (Filippo).