Scorpio is a complete characteristic of the sign. Can a scorpion forgive an insult

  It was previously ruled by Mars, but at present, according to astrologers, Pluto.
According to Greek myth, when the hunter Orion angered the immaculate goddess Artemis (the goddess of the moon and the patroness of the hunt), she woke the scorpion so that he would sting Orion and kill him. From Greek myths, Scorpio and Orion were transported to heaven.

Later, Roman astronomers part of the constellation Scorpio, which formed its claw, began to be called the constellation of Libra.
Scorpio is symbolized by his legs and sting. Astrologers claim that this sign is an image of the severed tail of a lizard; in ancient Egypt, it denoted a standing lizard, with a tail in the form of an arrow.
In some respects, this is the most powerful sign of the zodiac, since its masters are Mars and Pluto. As a rule, Scorpio seeks self-improvement. It has inherent willpower, vivid emotional impulses. Often, Scorpio’s life is a struggle with these incessant impulses in order to subordinate them to the creative goal and keep them under control.
Sign of sexuality; Scorpio is a passionate lover. If Scorpio’s passion goes out of control, it leads to an insatiable thirst for possession, to jealousy, to violence. He never takes lightly to life. Everything he does is serious. His desire is to do everything perfectly, which prevents him from relying on others.
Developed types are passionate advocates of justice. In contrast to Aries, Scorpio is very resistant, as it is a constant sign. Despicable of weakness in himself and in people, but can be generous, compassionate, will do everything to help. But after that he expects that a person will learn to be independent and will take care of himself.
Diplomacy is not his element. His talents in the field of science are great, especially in the study of occult phenomena. He is not talkative, and woe to anyone who reveals his secrets or deserves his anger. In the struggle, he does not know pity and does not expect it himself.
Scorpios are strong and physically strong, they have a piercing gaze, they spread something mystical around them and radiate magnetism. Scorpio has a good intuition, he can guess people's thoughts and can easily make them talk.
His accomplishments often border on a miracle. He does not know the fear of death, since he has a mystical understanding of the transformation "die and be."
His motto is: "I lust, I hunger."
It is most combined with: Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo
Average compatibility with: Scales
Least combined with: Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Under this sign were born: Lomonosov, Voltaire, Paganini, Maria Antoinette, Dostoevsky, Claude Monet, M. Curie, Roden, Khlebnikov, Turgenev, Vivien Leigh, Picasso, R. Kennedy.

About health. Scorpions symbolize the genitals and bladder. Babies may have genital irritations, eye infections are possible. Teach him hygiene as early as possible, this will help him avoid genital and urinary infections. Poisoning, hemorrhoids, fever, colds are also possible. Girls have early menstruation. The child is too temperamental, this can lead to overstrain. In early childhood, there may be accidents with hot or sharp objects. Scorpio's overall viability is very high.
What is contraindicated for your child?
Do not use violence against him, otherwise he may practice violence. Do not fight with the baby over food, leave it at his discretion. If he has secrets, do not seek to penetrate his secret.

What does he need?
Raising him, use the power of persuasion, appeal to his sense of justice. If a child does not study well, arouse his interest in the sciences, and then he achieves everything himself. You can hurt his ambition. Try to translate his aggressiveness into an intellectual plan, allowing him to read non-fiction books. Teach him tolerance towards others.

Temperament and character

Scorpio is a sign of love and death, strongly influencing others. The Sign of Water is feminine, constant, violent, silent, dodgy, prolific. Motto: "A song of love on the battlefield." Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is influenced by Pluto, the newest of the Planets. Scorpio water is stagnant, in contrast to the water of Pisces (ocean), Cancer (spring).
Scorpio has a bad reputation. He is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, and blessings. A volatile or permanent Scorpio has tremendous resilience and how the Phoenix can resurrect.

Two qualities of Mars dominate over Scorpio: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives in full force with alternating successes with failures. Dry and sultry Mars gives Scorpio stubbornness and temper, he has warlike qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion.
Pluto symbolizes the depths of the soul, a devilish image. Scorpio is determined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and implicitly. This is manifested in the inviolability and disorder, the restraint of life's aspirations, leads to internal conflicts, asphyxiation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deep meaning of existence). Imperious, violent instinctual character, indefatigable, even if the fire is hidden under the guise of infantilism.
Scorpio carries strong passions, dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, in spite of external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebellion under any coercion, rebellious to anarchism, if they contradict him.

Maverick, despising public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance.
Great influence of Scorpio on other signs. He penetrates the souls of others at a glance: he himself is incredulous, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. The fulfillment of sensory desires mysteriously liberates, calms and exalts him.

Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadistic masochist. Aggression and eroticism is the most destructive and prolific sign.
Scorpio women are wonderful culinary specialists, in the physical sense - of medium height, dense, with strong limbs, with a tight face and enormous capacity for work. Generally active, proud, restrained, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic, and controversial. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, are able to moderate their chimerical plans and constructively use their will. They love the fight, never lose heart, overcoming difficulties. They have many children.
Among them, you can find the type of "fatal" woman.

Psychosexual characteristic

Scorpio is personified sex. Their sign governs the genitals. Is there anything else to say? The cells of their brain, under the aggressive influence of Mars, give both men and women this sign a huge sexual appetite. There are no moral restrictions, as Scorpio looks at sex as an independent area of \u200b\u200bhuman relations, and, in addition, sex restores their strength.
Among the lovers in the entire zodiac, Scorpios are very much appreciated. They have a certain experience, which is suitable not only in order to satisfy their desire, but also in order to please their partner.

Non-sexual maneuvers
It is believed that Scorpio is one of the most opportunistic signs of the zodiac. However, my calculations show that sometimes Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius are superior to him.
So, when we talk about the non-sexual maneuvers that Scorpio resorts to achieve his goals, we mean that he wants to achieve a goal through "sexual activity". They get married for money and even arrange "sexual dates" for business purposes. They usually get married, overpowering themselves, by calculation, but they are smart enough to choose the person with whom they are mentally compatible, because understand that the power of the mind is as valuable as gold.
Already married, Scorpios often engage in extramarital affairs, but they rarely allow these relationships to endanger the safety of married life. They are able to cope well on the "two fronts" - conjugal and illegitimate, do it with ease and without any tension.
A scorpion can engage a partner in sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that he himself does not understand how this happened, until he is seized with passion.

How to Satisfy Scorpio
Provide some sex, but don't do it too hastily. In their young years, they are romantic, succumb to music and soft light. Later they become less restrained, more courageous, they may like bright light and mirrors. Spouses of Scorpions should be neat and clean.

Positive features

People of this sign are always faithful spiritually, even if they allow extramarital affairs. This fidelity extends to selected friends, whom they do not have very many, but from whom they demand the same fidelity.
Scorpios create a “protective atmosphere” in their home, as if the Mars generals were protecting the fortress from the whole world.
Scorpios are excellent procurers in the family, they are very smart in business. Women of this sign often occupy leadership positions. Scorpios are excellent parents, although a little harsh and demanding.
They will work tirelessly with their colleagues at any job, and they are usually punctual.
Negative traits
They spare no effort in their race for success, which exhausts them physically and mentally. Then they often frustrate evil on their spouses. Although some smart Scorpions choose a spouse who would help them avoid these extremes.
Extreme jealousy and possessiveness are also the hallmarks of Scorpio, especially Scorpio women. These are usually wives, looking like detectives, who must know the whereabouts of the spouse at any moment.
Scorpios retain a sense of resentment for many years after an argument - a trait unworthy of them. It has already been said that they are not always best friends, unless they themselves want it. But, of course, they easily become the worst enemies. They are very vengeful and vindictive when they are offended.
Economy of love
Scorpions rarely need to enter the game of the economy of love, provided that they are physically attractive, because They are very popular among women. Often they have several novels at the same time.
Scorpio rules the 8th house and people of this sign often appoint heirs to their wealth. The 8th house also manages the money affairs of other people, especially the spouse. Scorpions often outlive them and reap their achievements. So, we see that they are well prepared for old age. And even in his youth, when he finds himself in such a situation that he must buy what he wants, he rarely hesitates, even if sex is for sale. He rarely goes past the opportunity for business promotion, even if it should be won at the cost of sex. They look at such a situation as their own business deal. But they must be sure that they will get what they are bargaining for.
Most suitable partners

Until 29.5 years, the best partners are among the signs of Cancer and Pisces. All three are watermarks that are extremely emotional at this age and act psychologically and sexually. Sometimes Scorpio is well compatible with the signs of Capricorn and Virgo.
After 29.5 years, he usually begins to mature and become aware of his permanent "I", which gradually becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Then they are often compatible with the signs of Taurus and Libra, whose ruling planet is Venus. These signs have great patience with the ability to endure the imperious character of Scorpio.
After 41.5 years, Scorpio should already be fully developed as a person and gain control over its intellectual “I”. At this time, it is often compatible with the sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Fidelity score
In young years - average, if you are not looking for something more physical in them. In a marriage - excellent. They protect and strengthen their home and marriage, provided that they are allowed extramarital affairs. They know how to hide them and never flaunt them in front of her beloved. The best period for obtaining Scorpio's loyalty is after he is 29.5 years old and when there is great agreement between the partners from the very beginning. But under these conditions, who will not be faithful?

Erotic horoscope

The epithets "fatal", "mysterious", "frantic" are applicable to it. Her passion is limitless. All her actions are subordinated to one goal - to obtain sexual pleasure. She is energetic, smart, beautiful. Men just "go crazy" after meeting her. Usually she gets an erotic experience early. Those who dream of a "sultry woman" find the embodied ideal in it. She has great control over herself, but in moments of closeness she discards all conventions and, nevertheless, becomes especially beautiful in her frenzy and fury. Her partners are growing in their own eyes, and this makes her even more attractive. It is dangerous for men who, having known the peaks of intimacy, cannot break away from it and become slaves to their feelings. Because of such women, careers crumble, families break up, but men rush into this pool again and again. However, she often becomes her husband a good helper and does everything so that he can achieve brilliant success.

Most often it is a temperamental person capable of the most unexpected things. He is a great player and great artist. An excellent sexual partner, he never allows himself to relax and fall under the spell of women. The greatest value for him is personal freedom. Sex for him is a sport in which he finds an application to his mind and talent for reincarnation. He is not attracted to accessibility, the highest pleasure for him is to defeat a woman, equal to him in terms of intelligence, free and independent, like him. He is interested not so much in the fact of victory, but in the process of the game itself. With the vanquished, he acts nobly, as his own code of honor tells him. As a reward they get his temperament and rich sexual experience. Many women believe that losing to him is like winning. It is hard to imagine him as a husband. Most often they remain single.


They make navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, mechanics.
If he doesn’t have a bad voice, he will probably have a career as a good pop, opera singer.
Scorpio has a perfectly balanced mind and emotions, and if he is highly intelligent, he can be a philosopher and search for the meaning of life.


Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio as if created for her. He strives for it with all his being.
Scorpio does not allow defeats. He knows the value of his charm. Scorpio, if the circumstances are such that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, will love his chosen one more and more affectionately than a lawful wife or husband. He only listens to what his heart says.
A man Scorpio is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public, he is rude, inconsiderate, and even cruel, in private he admits to the true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous.

The Scorpio woman is partly a sorceress. With the sixth sense, she at first sight recognizes her future chosen one. He had no choice but to submit to her witching charms.
She is unusually passionate. But passion only has to do with love. He experiences such feelings in extremes: he either loves very much or hates wildly.
The Scorpio woman, being terribly jealous, does not like to be jealous of her. And it’s very difficult to resist jealousy of Scorpio, as it attracts glances.
Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Scorpio's health is entirely in his power. He can both destroy himself with sorrowful and evil thoughts and neglect of danger, and heal by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of Scorpio, granted to him from birth, is huge.

Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they get sick, the disease goes away in a serious form. Scorpions often have pain: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Frequent diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins.
Because of contempt for danger, there are many accidents; Scorpions should be wary of fires, explosions, etc.
The life energy of Scorpions is so great that at his birth additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth (his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives one year or a year after his birth). And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for a different, released energy, there is so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature (the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it).

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of a born psychologist and analyst. The most powerful and decisive sign of the zodiac. But very susceptible to infection. The inclusion in the daily diet of a glass of water with honey and apple cider vinegar will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being. A lack of potassium in the blood can lead to heart disease, which is why it is so important for SCORPIONS. To increase the protective forces of the blood, he needs to observe moderation in food and drink, a minimum of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods. Necessary products containing sodium sulfate and iron, as well as vitamins B, C, E.
Recommendations Avoid oily and spicy foods, heavy fluids. Cereals and cereals, especially buckwheat, should be present in the daily diet. To improve blood formation, beef liver and milk are needed. Tea is better medicinal - from knotweed, nettle. It is recommended to add garlic, sage, rosemary to food.

Your stones

Color in daylight is bluish green or emerald green, and in artificial red, raspberry, purple or violet red.
Mineral is a chromium-containing variety of chrysoberyl oxide of beryllium and aluminum.
Compliance with the zodiac sign - Scorpio.
It is recommended to wear several stones at once, and the more, the better, because a stone alone can bring its owner a lot of trouble.

Properties of stone. Alexandrite is a stone extremely rare and very expensive, so it is considered a stone of prosperity. This stone is suitable only for people with a strong spirit, because it constantly sends trials to the owner, and a person who overcomes them will feel the beneficial influence of the stone. Alexandrite has a strong energy, reacts with a color change to a change in the state of its owner. It regulates blood circulation, purifies blood, strengthens blood vessels. Able to make a person more calm, balanced. In Russia, it was believed that this is a stone of widows, if you wear one alexandrite.

Color - has a greenish iridescence or a light strip that changes its position when the stone is turned. A similar optical effect is very similar to the iris of a cat's eye.
Mineral is a precious variety of chrysoberyl or a greenish variety of quartz with the inclusion of asbestos fibers, which is an ornamental stone.
Correspondence to the Zodiac sign - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
Properties of stone. It stabilizes human health and spirit, prevents foreign influences and helps strengthen the family.

Only a fool is not afraid of scorpions. This is a strong sign, which is facilitated by the smile of Fortune. Scorpios know how to love, but their love must be earned. They only go forward, because behind their back they leave only burnt bridges, and not roads of disappointment. Proud and strong heroes of the century. Scorpios have something to love, the main thing is not to try to deceive or outwit them, because the enemy in the person of Scorpio is an inevitable "death" in society.

Introducing you  a brief description of the male Scorpio: hot, passionate, confident in his abilities, a lover to lead others, always the first in all endeavors, sexy, demanding, decisive and purposeful.

Brief description of the woman-Scorpio:a seducer, a stubborn egoist, a demanding and confident beauty, wayward and harmonious, sexy and cunning, energetic and passionate.

Scorpio at work

The representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists, so they need to work directly with people. They like to analyze the situation, look for pitfalls in various pressing issues, and they are also able to resolve any conflict using their charisma, flirtation and charm. The main success comes to them after several years of work, when representatives of this sign have already ascended to the first steps of the career ladder. Further, their reputation works for them. Success comes to them, as they are not afraid of failure. Scorpios are purposeful and risky. Good luck loves their ingenuity and determination.

Scorpions in love

Scorpio Male -  from the passionate and hot Scorpios know how to love, but rarely decide on this step. By their nature they are monogamous. In general, representatives of this sign are not supporters of betrayal, but there are exceptions to any rule. It is important for them to see a worthy partner nearby who can satisfy all their requirements. When Scorpio is in love, he works miracles. He does not spare money, attention and time for his chosen one. He can get any goal, because he does not have patience in achieving the goal. Scorpio needs a serious relationship, therefore flirting flirting, and he chooses a woman one for life.

Scorpio Woman -chooses a reliable partner as a partner. She is not a nanny for her Man, therefore she won’t feel sorry for him. She requires attention and respect, because in return she gives her companion energy and strength. The Scorpio woman does not accept treason, therefore, to convince her that it was just a mistake is useless. She is firm in her decision, and you will not get a second chance from her. Love means a lot to her, and “life” is a synonym for love, so there will be no place for half measures in her relationship either.

Scorpions in bed

Scorpio Man  able to bring pleasure to any partner. He will enjoy her orgasm, moans and her satisfaction. Sex with Scorpio can become an entire aerobatics master class or just an animal instinct. He does not repeat, Scorpio in an eternal motion upward, in the direction of maximum pleasure.

Scorpion womenlove to do. They love the exchange of erotic photos, messages and plans for future love joys in a virtual form. These women are always ready to realize your every desire. They are tireless and passionate. If you pamper their body in bed, they will be able to give you paradise on Earth.

Erogenous zones of Scorpions

Scorpio Man  loves light touches to the area below the abdomen. He instantly reacts to a gentle kiss, a light touch and even a barely noticeable breeze. His pride is his "weapon." The desire of women to kiss his “Dignity” is the main aspect of the success of a bright orgasm.

Scorpio Woman  can become your slave, if you carefully pay attention to her area below the tummy, then she will give you endless pleasure with a sea of \u200b\u200ball kinds of additives in the form of various experiments, games and weasels.

Scorpions in friendship

Scorpions value and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other zodiac sign. In his presence, one cannot even say a word badly about his friend, Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender in order to protect his honor. He rarely opens to the end, but his friends know everything about him that he can tell his relatives, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio is a great friend, a wise adviser and a cheerful conversationalist.

Scorpions don't likewhen they are refused. They are rarely genuinely interested in anyone, so if they really want something or someone, they don’t accept rejection. If the Scorpions offer you help in solving your problems, then you better immediately agree, because any doubt about his abilities will cause aggression on his part. Also, Scorpio does not accept any kind of ultimatum. He would rather leave your life than allow you to limit his choice.

Famous personalities born under the sign "Scorpio":  Roman Abramovich, Hillary Clinton, Mikhail Galustyan, Nikolai Karachentsov, Chris Normann, Oleg Menshikov, Julia Roberts, Katy Perry, Pablo Picasso, Niccolo Paganini, Evgeni Plushenko, Bill Gates, Winona Ryder, Rob Schneider, Igor Shalvid Dim Shahru, Shahruder David, Shahruder, Shahru, Shahru, Shahru, Shahru , Dolph Lundgren, Matthew McConaughey, Vivien Leigh, Alain Delon and others.

Important to remember

Each zodiac sign carries some semantic characteristic of the description of character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique in itself. It is important for each of us to remember that in life we \u200b\u200bneed to focus on self-knowledge and self-development.Sometimes it’s easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems, but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

“Love your shortcomings and mistakes of your loved ones, because they make us unique and inimitable people.” ". Live today, understanding that each of us is free in our choice and in our decision. Respect others and then you will not encounter the problem of “incompatibility of the zodiac signs”.

Only a fool is not afraid of scorpions. This is a strong sign, which is facilitated by the smile of Fortune. Scorpios know how to love, but their love must be earned. They only go forward, because behind their back they leave only burnt bridges, and not roads of disappointment. Proud and strong heroes of the century. Scorpios have something to love, the main thing is not to try to deceive or outwit them, because the enemy in the person of Scorpio is an inevitable "death" in society.

Introducing you   a brief description of the male Scorpio: hot, passionate, confident in his abilities, a lover to lead others, always the first in all endeavors, sexy, demanding, decisive and purposeful.

Brief description of the woman-Scorpio:a seducer, a stubborn egoist, a demanding and confident beauty, wayward and harmonious, sexy and cunning, energetic and passionate.

Scorpio at work

The representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists, so they need to work directly with people. They like to analyze the situation, look for pitfalls in various pressing issues, and they are also able to resolve any conflict using their charisma, flirtation and charm. The main success comes to them after several years of work, when representatives of this sign have already ascended to the first steps of the career ladder. Further, their reputation works for them. Success comes to them, as they are not afraid of failure. Scorpios are purposeful and risky. Good luck loves their ingenuity and determination.

Scorpions in love

Scorpio Male -  from the passionate and hot Scorpios know how to love, but rarely decide on this step. By their nature they are monogamous. In general, representatives of this sign are not supporters of betrayal, but there are exceptions to any rule. It is important for them to see a worthy partner nearby who can satisfy all their requirements. When Scorpio is in love, he works miracles. He does not spare money, attention and time for his chosen one. He can get any goal, because he does not have patience in achieving the goal. Scorpio needs a serious relationship, therefore flirting flirting, and he chooses a woman one for life.

Scorpio Woman -chooses a reliable partner as a partner. She is not a nanny for her Man, therefore she won’t feel sorry for him. She requires attention and respect, because in return she gives her companion energy and strength. The Scorpio woman does not accept treason, therefore, to convince her that it was just a mistake is useless. She is firm in her decision, and you will not get a second chance from her. Love means a lot to her, and “life” is a synonym for love, so there will be no place for half measures in her relationship either.

Scorpions in bed

Scorpio Man  able to bring pleasure to any partner. He will enjoy her orgasm, moans and her satisfaction. Sex with Scorpio can become an entire aerobatics master class or just an animal instinct. He does not repeat, Scorpio in an eternal motion upward, in the direction of maximum pleasure.

Scorpion womenlove to do. They love the exchange of erotic photos, messages and plans for future love joys in a virtual form. These women are always ready to realize your every desire. They are tireless and passionate. If you pamper their body in bed, they will be able to give you paradise on Earth.

Erogenous zones of Scorpions

Scorpio Man  loves light touches to the area below the abdomen. He instantly reacts to a gentle kiss, a light touch and even a barely noticeable breeze. His pride is his "weapon." The desire of women to kiss his “Dignity” is the main aspect of the success of a bright orgasm.

Scorpio Woman  can become your slave, if you carefully pay attention to her area below the tummy, then she will give you endless pleasure with a sea of \u200b\u200ball kinds of additives in the form of various experiments, games and weasels.

Scorpions in friendship

Scorpions value and respect their friends. For them, the word "friendship" means more than for any other zodiac sign. In his presence, one cannot even say a word badly about his friend, Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender in order to protect his honor. He rarely opens to the end, but his friends know everything about him that he can tell his relatives, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio is a great friend, a wise adviser and a cheerful conversationalist.

Scorpions don't likewhen they are refused. They are rarely genuinely interested in anyone, so if they really want something or someone, they don’t accept rejection. If the Scorpions offer you help in solving your problems, then you better immediately agree, because any doubt about his abilities will cause aggression on his part. Also, Scorpio does not accept any kind of ultimatum. He would rather leave your life than allow you to limit his choice.

Famous personalities born under the sign "Scorpio":  Roman Abramovich, Hillary Clinton, Mikhail Galustyan, Nikolai Karachentsov, Chris Normann, Oleg Menshikov, Julia Roberts, Katy Perry, Pablo Picasso, Niccolo Paganini, Evgeni Plushenko, Bill Gates, Winona Ryder, Rob Schneider, Igor Shalvid Dim Shahru, Shahruder David, Shahruder, Shahru, Shahru, Shahru, Shahru , Dolph Lundgren, Matthew McConaughey, Vivien Leigh, Alain Delon and others.

Important to remember

Each zodiac sign carries some semantic characteristic of the description of character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique in itself. It is important for each of us to remember that in life we \u200b\u200bneed to focus on self-knowledge and self-development. Sometimes it’s easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems, but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

“Love your shortcomings and mistakes of your loved ones, because they make us unique and inimitable people.” ". Live today, understanding that each of us is free in our choice and in our decision. Respect others and then you will not encounter the problem of “incompatibility of the zodiac signs”.

STARS & DESTINIES (Claire Petulengro)

Scorpio October 24 - November 22
  Deep, nervous, persistent and jealous are the key words describing Scorpio. This is a very controversial character, strong and weak at the same time, the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. These people have an amazing ability to rise, shake and move on. Like real scorpions, they have a sting, but use it only when there is no alternative left.
Scorpio's appearance perfectly reflects his deep inner world. Although Scorpios are very proud and decisive, they are characterized by recklessness and recklessness. Sometimes they still listen to common sense, but, unfortunately, not as often as they should. Scorpios are well aware of what they want. Enthusiastic rants are not their style. They rarely go to confrontation. Strong determination and complete focus allow them to achieve what they want. They have a sharp mind and solid character, although they are familiar with periods of complete lack of confidence and anxiety. But they are trying their best not to show the view. If they are cheerful, then everyone sees it, but the despair of the Scorpions is deep and uncontrollable. But how can this amazing sign live differently?
People do not always realize how straightforward Scorpio is. If Scorpio gave his word, he would never back down from him. You can rely on him in any situation. If Scorpio said yes, then he meant exactly yes. Scorpios are very difficult to make change their minds. Sometimes their straightforwardness balances on the verge of sar¬casm. When they are angry, they give free rein to their sharp, stinging tongue. But those who love them well know that one can come to terms with this shortcoming. But in a difficult moment, you can always rely on the good old Scorpio.
  Friends are very important for Scorpions, but family is in the first place for him. They always think about the future, petty affairs are not for them. If they don’t like a person, they simply won’t meet him again. Their thoughts are always written on their faces. They do not want to be rude. I would call the Scorpions honest. That's why you can always rely on them. In the end, it’s always better to know what you can count on than to constantly encounter surprises that are far from always pleasant, are you?

Scorpions are very jealous. They can live happily with a partner for a long time, and then something clicks in their head, and they begin to blame old friends for all mortal sins. And the most offensive is that such a moment is impossible to predict. A scorpion instantly raises a smashing sting into the air at the first sign of danger, real or imaginary. As soon as Scorpio felt safe, he realized that his partner and his property would remain with him, he immediately calms down and forgets about his jealousy.
Scorpios are generous by nature. They are ready to give the last penny to the needy if they feel that the need of this person is greater than their own. But they are well aware of the value of money. They rarely remain aground, but at the same time they are able to be satisfied with the simplest joys of life. Luxury, of course, is good, but sincerity and true friends are much more important for Scorpions. Scorpios need friends and value their friendship. They always pay love for love. If a person is dear to them, they will not spare forces and resources, just to help him in a difficult situation. Then they are ready for any sacrifice. I have a Scorpio friend who loves to spend Christmas at home with her family. When she found out that her friend had no family and no plans for Christmas, she immediately canceled all her plans to make a pleasant friend, although it was a big sacrifice on her part. Instead of a quiet Christmas with her family, she had a noisy party, invited a lot of people and arranged for her friend the happiest Christmas for many years.
The main thing for Scorpio is to find a suitable partner, a person who would make his life meaningful and spur his ambition. Love for close relationships is vital, without it there’s nothing to talk about. Scorpios are wise and sensible, emotional and magnetically attractive. But I give my head for clipping, they themselves can not figure out their own feelings.
Julia Roberte is a typical Scorpio. She tried many times to start a family with her beloved man, but each time she was unsuccessful. The only time she managed to say the coveted “yes” was her marriage to Scorpio Layle Lovet. They rushed into this marriage headlong, as the Scorpions often do, and when it was all over, they remained close friends, ready to come to each other's help.
If the Scorpions want something, they want it so passionately that they can literally feel the taste of their desire. It turns into an obsession, and no advice and notation will not force them to change their mind. They can sit for hours and listen to your instructions. You will already think that you have succeeded, but they go out and act in their own way. If they decide to have fun, then they can be mistaken for madmen, but when they decide to go to bed early, you will think that you are in a nursing home - cocoa for the night, warm slippers and a quiet TV show.
No friend can compare with another Scorpio. All others will support you in difficult times and are ready to make sacrifices for your sake, but in any case, they will first of all think about themselves. Scorpio never thinks. Caution is alien to him; he will turn heaven and earth upside down in order to help you.
When Scorpios find an interesting job, they are ready to work day and night. You can’t find a more efficient person in any zodiac sign. But if they don’t like something, you will never convince them to try it again. If a Scorpio child does not like bananas, humble yourself and just don't buy them anymore. If a Scorpio husband does not like to do household work, it is useless to buy hammers and nails and lay them out everywhere, in the hope that conscience will awaken in him.
Scorpios are not susceptible to melancholy, they hate to hurt. They simply do not have time for this. They have so many ambitious plans that require embodiment, but they won’t tell you about them aloud. They prefer to be guided by the hand of fate, and they believe that they are doing good, albeit unconsciously. Under this sign, actresses Meg Ryan, Demi Moore and Jodie Foster were born - and they all knew that they would be famous from early childhood, although they did not talk about it. These actresses received their Oscars. Do not hesitate, any Scorpio is able to entertain his friends with no less talent - only the Oscars are not given for this.
When Scorpio is in a bad mood, this is immediately noticeable. Scorpio is controlled immediately by two planets - Mars and Pluto. This sign does not recognize halftones. If Scorpio becomes an alcoholic or drug addict - this is forever, and in order to get out of this state, good professional help is required. But do not think that any Scorpio applied to a glass necessarily becomes an alcoholic. It’s just that an angel and the devil are sitting on the shoulders of this person, and everyone pushes him in his direction. If Scorpio decides to lead a healthy lifestyle, then here he does not recognize half measures. Less determined friends begin to be ashamed of their tummies, standing next to a slender and fit Scorpio. Scorpions are very insightful, rarely what is hidden from their glance. They immediately recognize the lie and do not know how to lie themselves. But their love is pure and sincere.
Love Scorpions, and they will repay you with love. Scorpions are wonderful friends, spouses, mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Just do not be dishonest with them - this they can not stand. And do not forget from time to time to be interested in their affairs. You can’t even imagine how important this is for them. Offer them your support, and together you will be able to work miracles.
What is the difference between men and women born under this sign? Let's get a look.
Scorpion women
If a Scorpio woman bites you, it will hurt. But she will do this only if you betray her. Treat her well and she will become your best friend and reliable partner. She will make any sacrifice, if only you would be well. You will always be in first place for her if she truly loves you. Once you have made a commitment, she will protect your interests with claws and teeth. No matter how serious your financial problems are, she will support you and will help you until you earn your million and climb the social ladder. She doesn’t think about what people will say about her. She is much more busy with what is happening in her own life. If she has any problems with you, she will tell you about them, not Aunt Mavis and not Uncle Frank. Only to you, to you alone. She does not care about the opinions of strangers. She is only concerned with what is happening in your relationship, and this only concerns you two.
Scorpio woman is very attractive. She has amazing magnetism, attracting a lot of fans to her. It is not easy for her to choose a partner for marriage, but she has an inborn lie detector. If you are going to lie to her, don’t look her in the eye, otherwise she will read you like an open book. And if you avoid meeting her eyes, then involuntarily give yourself away. And with the unpredictability of the behavior of a Scorpio woman, I would not want to be in your place.
Such a woman always has many friends who are dear to her for a variety of reasons. She treats all of them well, but in relation to each other they can experience rather conflicting feelings. Therefore, do not invite them all to some kind of party.
If a Scorpio woman decides that you have any problems regarding her, she will directly ask you what the matter is. If you don’t say it right away, she’ll get to the bottom of the truth anyway, having carefully studied everything from your checkbook to clothes.
If she works a lot and she likes the job, the Scorpio woman is quite happy. Her house is always in perfect order, and the bedroom in general is amazing. I haven’t met a Scorpio woman who wouldn’t have a television view in her bedroom. (“Darling, you must definitely watch your favorite TV show from bed somehow! This is amazing!”) If she doesn’t like her work, if she hasn’t found her place in life, then the Scorpio woman turns into a walking misfortune. She is able to turn the life of any person into hell, and then drag him to the bottom after herself. Better immediately ask Mrs. Scorpio what she wants from life. If she does not know, then run away from her, as if from a fire, because in this state she is dangerous to others and to herself. But do not forget to tell her before leaving that you believe in her strength and that she will be able to achieve everything she wants. This is what the stars want. Scorpio women really believe in fate, and your words can push her to the decisive step that she needs so much.
Men are not her weakness. If you didn’t like her, she would not give you the slightest chance. This is not the kind-hearted Mrs. Cancer who is ready to sleep with the men whom she pity. No, Mrs. Scorpio will only go to bed with a very special person. If she surrendered herself to a man, she did it with all her heart, soul and body.
Do not try to deceive such a woman, otherwise you will find sophisticated revenge. You won’t get a job, your car will stop starting up, every half hour you will be brought pizza from a nearby pizzeria. (And do not ask me how she will manage to rob you of her work. This woman can do anything!) She loves when other people receive life lessons, no less difficult than those that she received. As a rule, she does not marry an unsuitable man. She has a great sense of danger. Although the taste of danger in the bedroom excites her! Scorpio woman is a great value, but I would not advise you to take it lightly.
Scorpio Men
The Scorpio man is very proud, he loves that everyone knows about his achievements. Before planning his life, he experiences severe pain. He suffers if something goes wrong as he intended. Scorpio always strives for excellence and has a great need for security. If he marries, then this is for life. If he lives with a woman for several years and does not offer her marriage, then you need to seriously talk to him. Apparently, he does not take these relationships seriously. When he realizes the seriousness of his intentions, he cannot be dissuaded from marriage. He will certainly want to formally formalize his relationship with the one he loves. Among homosexuals of America, Scorpions are formally seeking to formalize their relations.
Scorpios surrender to everything they do with passion. They are real owners and very jealous. Scorpio men are great lovers. But only those women who love them very much can call them ideal husbands. Such a man will yell at his wife for not ironing his socks, and throw a wet towel on the bed for him in the order of things. Of course, he will prepare you a cheese sandwich for breakfast, but the dirt that he leaves behind will require a professional washing vacuum cleaner. He must ensure that smoking and alcohol use are not out of control. Mr. Scorpion knows no doubts: everything that he does, he surrenders with all his soul. Including bad habits. His slogan: the more the better.
He takes his work very seriously, whatever it may be. Whether he is a multi-millionaire businessman or a garbage man, he will always do his job with full responsibility. He can be late for work only because of his favorite hobby, which is given to him with no less passion. The fact that he jumped on the way to a sports store to buy spare parts for his beloved bike is a completely valid reason for Scorpio to be late for work or home. No matter how much he loves you, he all the same sometimes will forget about your existence. It is so pleasant in his world, because he knows the answers to all questions!
You must let him lead in your union. He does not like women who are stronger than him. Therefore, try to make sure that he believes that the head of the house is him, although in fact you will be in charge of everything. Make him happy, and this man will turn mountains for you. Remember that he never marries in order to walk on the side. Marriage is sacred to him, and you can fully rely on him. His confidence inspires confidence, but you must understand that deep down in his soul he has doubts. Even if he doesn’t show it, he still needs your support.
  Try to tell him more pleasant things more often. If he asks you a question, answer him very specifically. If you do not want to be his friend, confidant or lover, tell him so that he would find a suitable partner for himself. He will gladly accept your friends, but if they begin to underestimate his or his work, then you better get rid of them right away. His comments will intensify the atmosphere in your home so much that you yourself will not be happy. Get ready for that. he expects complete devotion from you. In this sense, Scorpio is very old-fashioned.

Scorpio does not feel the need for secrecy. If he decides to look after you, you will immediately guess about it. He won’t drag out a whole year before inviting you somewhere. Scorpio always prefers sexual partners to simply pretty. This man is the dream of every woman. Defender, lover, reliable friend, he is ready to go to the ends of the earth, just to help you succeed. With his support and love you will achieve what you dare not even dream of. Life with him is a great film that asks to be shot.
For Scorpio, sex prohibitions do not exist. For him, the most important thing is to fulfill oneself sexually and mentally. Marriage or a relationship without sex does not exist for him. Scorpio is very persistent. And if he or she doesn’t feel welcome twenty-four hours a day, they feel uneasy. On the other hand, an overly confident Scorpio can literally freeze his unfortunate partner with incredible demand and unbridled imagination.
Scorpions have one remarkable trait (of course, there are a lot of good traits in them, but this one is very rare): they know how to keep secrets and do not inform the whole world about what they have achieved. Ladies in public and a whore in bed - this is a typical Scorpio, and this is true not only for women. Your Scorpio friend may ask you about your sex life, but do not expect revelations. And if you hear, then do not rush to believe. Sometimes Scorpions are embraced by a real delusions of grandeur, and since they are not going to tell you the truth, you can pass for a liar. The tactics are somewhat unusual, but quite effective.
Scorpio perceives every new relationship as an adventure. He is even able to radically change his lifestyle if his new partner wants it. For Scorpio, a beautiful face and a harmonious body are very important, but physical attractiveness is just a seed. Sex without true love for Scorpio is unthinkable. If relations are built on a purely physical basis, they will not last long.
Massage, dimmed candlelight, champagne - these are the necessary accessories for great blind sex with Scorpio. Do not forget about Valentine's Day, the anniversary of the first kiss - this is the only way to impress this incorrigible romantic who never agrees to be content with little. He needs everything. And this means that in bed you will have time to talk about life, love and work. Such talk for Scorpio is true love. But he must be careful not to transfer the relationship to too mundane soil, which is detrimental to his own love. A passionate date on a secluded beach is good, but when night comes down, it’s better to move under the roof. Scorpions need to learn to stop.

Marriage partners
Here you will find only a general overview. To understand this matter thoroughly, look in the chapter “Under the sheets”.
CALF  - the exact opposite of Scorpio. It perfectly complements this unusual nature. Their appetite for sex is literally insatiable.
CANCERperfectly suits his fellow elemental of Water. These passionate natures are perfectly suited to each other.
FISH  enter into a tense, unusual relationship with Scorpions, which lasts for many years. Over time, partners become increasingly attached to each other.
LION like the attractive Scorpio. He is pleased to have such a spectacular partner. Leo and Scorpio will love each other passionately, long and deeply.
VIRGO  and Scorpio is a strange union, and surprisingly durable. Virgo, like Taurus, has those qualities that are so lacking in Scorpio. She can wonderful organize the life of Scorpio. And the whole world will know about their love after the first date!
ARIES  obeys the same planet as Scorpio - Mars. Aries and Scorpions can become great friends, and then lovers, but it is unlikely that love relationships will last long enough.
LIBRA  They are also well suited for Scorpions, but over time, their attitude towards their partner can change to a paternal one, especially if Libra is older than Scorpio, which often happens.
SCORPIO  comes into an interesting relationship with Scorpio - deep, tense, and sometimes even dangerous. If they decide to marry, then this decision should be made after carefully weighing all the pros and cons. But on the other hand, it’s not worth delaying the decision, otherwise you will have to rack your brains later on - where did this wonderful, sexy and attractive partner go?
SAGITTARIUScan enter into a wonderful alliance with Scorpio, but in order for it to last, certain sacrifices on both sides will be required.
TWINS  not able to earn the trust of Scorpio. Scorpions consider Gemini liars.
CAPRICORN  able to really intimidate Scorpio. Scorpio’s self-confidence in such an alliance will be significantly shaken. Be prepared to obey.
AQUARIUS  too talkative for the poor old Scorpio, unable to keep track of his thoughts.
What Scorpions Hate
  1. Boring underwear.
  2. Halitosis.
  3. The lack of ambition.
  4. Lies.
  5. Infidelity.
  6. Former girlfriends or buddies of your partner.
  7. People who bite their nails.
  8. Lack of funds.
  9. Predictability.
  10. Cheap shoes.

The first and most basic lesson: try to be yourself in love. Scorpio will not object to a certain amount of originality, but he cannot stand those who are trying to pose as unknown to anyone.
Take Scorpio with you to where you can meet with, about whom you can later talk, and then find a secluded corner where no one will see you. Scorpions love to watch from cover, where no one can watch them. Try to find a mysterious and unusual place for a date. Do not rely on money. Scorpio can be quite happy in a cheap bar or in a luxurious restaurant. The main thing is that the place you choose has an atmosphere (if you understand what I'm talking about).
Scorpio will want to know everything about you. If you have any secrets, don’t even hint to Skor¬pion on them, otherwise he will surely get the truth out of you (or from your friends and neighbors). Scorpio does not stop until he finds out everything. I am not kidding!
Water signs love water very much. So, in the matter of seducing Scorpio, you can rely on the water element. Invite your Scorpion to walk along the river or lake, and his passion will inflame with renewed vigor. Water calms the Scorpions and allows them to relax. Save talk about the family until the next date. Scorpion will not immediately spread to you all his ins and outs.
You may not immediately understand if your Scorpio friend is serious about you or just playing. Scorpions often behave as if their friend is the only person in the world. They will want to know everything about you, right down to the name of your first teacher. (Wonderful detectives come out of the Scorpions.) And don't dream about getting home early. A short date for Scorpio only means that his partner is not ready to surrender to him completely and completely, which can lead to a complete breakdown. Remember that Scorpio is always the boss (at least he thinks so).
Do not let Scorpio drink a lot if you do not want to deal with insensitive logs. Like other watermarks, Crayfish and Pisces, Scorpios do not tolerate alcohol too well. And if your friend snored at the table, then what remains for you to do?
The success of the first date largely depends on how you look at the partner and how you relate to him. If you are a millionaire and invite Scorpion to dine on your yacht, then you will only spend expensive champagne for nothing if you do not start to look Scorpio in the eye with a glass of glass. Most importantly, the contact that you will be able to establish with Scorpion. Money will take effect much later. Scorpios rarely fall in love with those who are not able to earn a living. They prefer the winners. Take them with you to the races, the Scorpions have a real instinct for leaders. Just do not let them get carried away, otherwise your trip to Monte Carlo will turn into a complete financial disaster.
And try to earn the honor of being invited to Scorpio’s house. I am sure you will see a real palace of pleasure there - and I'm not just talking about decorating the apartment!
Significant details
Scorpio in love is a very interesting sign. A confident, happy expression on his face clearly indicates that he found his love, and a contented smile is a sign of physical satisfaction. Scorpio is a passionate and unyielding nature, for which success in love means much more than for those who are born under another sign of the zodiac. Even a minor criticism or inattention on the part of the partner painfully aggravates Scorpio and can lead to problems in sexual relations. Scorpions constantly need encouragement and support. They cannot make love if they feel their partner’s feelings have weakened. Scorpions in love cannot even think of infidelity. They are too emotional to betray a partner, because by doing so they will betray themselves. Nevertheless, Scorpios may well use sex to manipulate a partner - after all, lovers are better to find them hard.
Scorpio's mood is contagious not only for partners, but also for everyone around. If Scorpio is in love and has just survived a passionate night, it is enough for him to look at you so that you all understand. (Yes, and everyone who is near, too!) Scorpions are passionate, addicted, sensual and sensual natures. It is not surprising that Bruce Willis fell in love with the tempting Scorpio Demi Moore, a real sexual siren on the screen and in life. Meg Ryan experienced a lot of hobbies. And Scorpio men are not far behind. Look at Leonardo DiCaprio. Who would have thought that this boyish face would have such an effect on men and women of all ages? Scorpions know no boundaries. Scorpio men are often very attractive to other men who are ready to treat them with the respect and admiration that are so necessary for this sign.
Beware of hurting Scorpio in love. Scorpions do not forgive so quickly. If there is a strange smell in your house, there can be a very simple explanation. But who put the dirty old sock behind the battery? Mars, who controls the Scorpions, is a changeable and unpredictable planet. Such are the Scorpions in love. If you even dare to think about betraying their love, you are very lucky if they continue to greet you. Scorpions will easily forget your name if they convict you of betrayal.
This sign does not tolerate misses. Suspecting cheating, Scorpio will instantly disappear from your life.
But Scorpio in love is ready for anything to make his partner’s life happy in every sense of the word, including sexually. Gradually, Scorpio will open his soul to a partner, and you will learn something that the rest of the world will never know. Scorpio is revealed only to those whom it trusts, and, believe me, it is worth it to earn this trust. Fidelity, magnetism and intuition - these are the distinguishing qualities of Scorpio. But the flip side of the coin is the ruthlessness and excessive suspicion inherent in Scorpio, cornered and suspecting betrayal.
Lone Scorpio can achieve a lot. When Scorpios fall in love, the interests of the partner become more important for them than their own. They are ready to abandon the ambitions of their whole life in order to achieve full self-realization in relations with a partner. And here they do not know half measures. If Scorpio loves you, he will go wherever you lead him. He will demonstrate his love ¬ physically, but also spiritually. It is very important for him to find a soul mate - otherwise, Scorpio will never achieve full satisfaction.
Having entered into a relationship with this imperious and capable of deep love sign, you will not regret it. Look at how Scorpio in love behaves: he is gentle, affectionate, calm (if only you can imagine a calm Scorpio). Look at what a strange expression appears on his face. Don’t worry: he’s more likely to kiss you, and not knock out - of course, if your own intentions are honest!
In this section, we will talk about the people with whom you work, relax and play sports.
Scorpions at work
Scorpions are a force to be reckoned with. From the first minute of acquaintance, subordinates and bosses understand that these people will not tolerate any confusion. Scorpions hire and fire many more people than any other zodiac sign. They are very picky. If a person does not satisfy them, they will not begin to waste time retraining him to his liking, which would be done by a person born under a different sign. No, Scorpio just points to the door. Scorpio is a tough boss who wants to be admired before he does anything to earn respect.
Scorpions expect everyone around to step in accordance with their desires. They always reward loyalty. Scorpio does not notice errors, unless they are associated with large expenses. Anyone who does something for Scorpio will not be forgotten and will receive his reward. But they do not forget their insults or inattention.
Scorpions are not afraid to take risks, including in business. Their career is being built, as if at a gambling table. They have great ambition. As soon as they achieve something, they immediately begin to look around in search of the next field of application of their own forces. The more difficult the task, the more pleasure it gives to Scorpio. Subordinates, colleagues and superiors will never be able to call the work of Scorpio boring or uninteresting. They have an amazing ability to find a source of inspiration and even enjoyment at the desktop.
But I want to warn you. Scorpios always consider themselves bosses, regardless of whether they are really them. They are convinced of their own infallibility and exclusivity. If they need to leave early to set up their own affairs, they will do it and will consider themselves absolutely right, even if the personal matter was just washing. Do not spread gossip about them. Their actions are already quite noticeable, and talking about them once again is a waste of time. They simply do not consider it necessary to hide anything.
Scorpions are quite pleasant in communication, but if they have a bad mood - trouble! They spread gloom like the flu. When another person is in a bad mood, Scorpio can get out of his skin to cheer him up. But next to the dull Scorpio, it’s better not to be, you still don’t do anything.
Scorpions are very efficient. If they like their work, they achieve great  success. For anyone who succeeds, there are always many Scorpio subordinates. Scorpions want fame, but if they decide to stay in the shade, you can not pull them into the light of day. Scorpions want recognition only from those they love. Only it matters to them. Everything else is vanity.
Scorpions should not make friends at work. If you make friends with a colleague, Scorpio, then very soon start the work and become emotionally dependent on each other, which is absolutely unacceptable.
Scorpions are great speakers. They are not afraid to enter into confrontation with the powers that be. They are able to convince you of their competence and make you buy anything. Scorpions are reliable and loyal employees, but the bosses need to make sure that they get pleasure from their work, otherwise they cannot be restrained. Relatives are proud of the achievements of the Scorpions. And those who doubt their strength will soon find out for themselves how powerful, ambitious and energetic these people can be!
What if your mother-in-law or mother-in-law is Scorpio?
So where do I start? A Scorpio woman by nature is pretty good, but she wants to know everything. Saying "everything", I mean really ¬ everything, up to the method of contraception you have chosen. She will calmly begin to discuss your sex life with outsiders. This sign has a strange feature: talking about sex, she will talk about everything that is connected with it. Otherwise, she will not mention it at all. She is not a hypocrite, and one should not expect from her the behavior of a saint.
She appreciates her position as a mother and strives with all her might to fulfill her role correctly. Doubts that she correctly raised her children, bite her in the heart. She is never satisfied with what she does for your spouse. And she perceives the successes and failures of her own child as something personal. Maybe her son didn’t get promoted last month due to the fact that he didn’t attend the math group too often as a child, which she indulged in.
Sometimes such a woman begins to roughly intervene in your life and constantly drips into your brains. But sometimes it disappears for several weeks, or even months. This means that she has completely exhausted her energy and simply cannot intervene, no matter how she tries.
If you don’t start telling her what is going on in your life, she’ll get to the end anyway, and you’ll look stupid. If you ask her to sit with the children or look after the house in your absence, get ready for her to remodel the whole house, climbing into the farthest corners. But such a woman will not read your diary. She has principles that she does not compromise, even if because of them she may lose the opportunity to recognize something interesting. However, she doesn’t need to read what is written. She has already conducted her own investigation. And then she will tell you what to do, and will do it so brilliantly that you will think that you yourself asked her for advice and should be grateful for it.
If you are organizing a party or wedding, be sure to thoroughly stock up on finances. Your mother-in-law or mother-in-law will force you to invite all her friends, insisting that these are your friends too, even if you have never seen half of these people in your eyes. Do not consider her stingy. She is not like that. She will give you the last penny if you need it. But she perceives any request for help as a sign that you are not able to live independently.
Such a woman gets along well with children. She is sure to make friends with your friends. She does not establish contact with her son-in-law or daughter-in-law too quickly, as she always prefers relationships established by her own rather than by someone else's choice. She never forgets about good manners. In the kitchen, she rules with an iron hand and will definitely want to teach you how to cook the dish that her child especially likes.
If you hope that with age it will calm down, you will find deep disappointment. Even in the past, she learned that life was created in order to live, and actively embodies her conviction. It is easier to persuade her to go on vacation to Thailand than to spend it in the Canary Islands. She is drawn to adventure and entertainment. It’s always interesting with her, and your children adore her. Sometimes it gets on your nerves, but without it it gets boring. Do not be offended by this wonderful woman!
Scorpion children
  The Scorpio child is wise from the very moment of his birth. He knows very well what he wants. You shouldn’t tell little Scorpions about sex, they already know everything from the time when you assumed that they quietly snort in their bedding.

Such a child can bring a lot of joy. Scorpio children have an unexpected sense of humor. It is interesting with them even when they are still very small. They learn to walk faster than other zodiac signs, because they know very well that there are so many interesting places and wonderful people around. If they are mistaken, do not seriously punish them. They may never forgive you or even forget about the punishment if they consider it unjust. It is much better to sit down and calmly discuss the problem with them. If you tell them that they offended you, you will punish them far more than just putting them in a corner.
Such children always have problems with one or even all the teachers in the school. They are somewhat arrogant and want to know the answers to all their questions. The French teacher sometimes finds it difficult when the little Scorpio demands from him the Latin equivalent of a particular word. If such children are late for home, then it is completely impossible that they were simply left after school. Although it is more likely that they just found entertainment on their way home and forgot about everything.
Even at a very young age, Scorpios are not shy about expressing their thoughts. This can lead to trouble. Although Scorpio children learn to speak early, they are not distinguished by a strong physique, and older children sometimes offend them for rash words. And how many crocodile tears shed little Scorpionchiki. I know that very well. After all, I myself was such a speed-pioneer! I knew how to manipulate the environment with tears. Unfortunately, now it is much more difficult to do such tricks. My husband (also Scorpio) just tells me to calm down. Well, okay! At least once I could benefit from my talents.
Little Scorpions are not afraid of hard work, but want to get paid for it. They are quite able to cope with the difficult task, if this increases the amount of their pocket money. At school, they especially succeed in writing, and in dramatic circles they achieve impressive success. They like to play and try to get the main role. If the boy, who played the main role in the school play, suddenly fell ill with food poisoning, then his role will definitely go to the little Scorpion. I believe you are all clear.
Keep track of your Scorpio's friends as he becomes a teenager. His taste will finally be formed by the age of twenty, but in his youth he can take on obligations that he cannot get rid of. It is quite expensive to return your baby from Australia, where he went to, so as not to be separated from school love.
These children are easy on life. A wonderful sense of humor helps them in this. The society of such a child is enjoyed by everyone around.
Scorpion Friends
Scorpio friends want everything or nothing. If you betrayed their interests, they will try to make sure that all your common friends turn away from you. But if you are friends, then this friendship is incredibly strong. Scorpios love to be leaders and be in the spotlight. If you are having a party, entrust the organization to them. Before you have time to realize, they will have time to invite the famous rock band. Just try to immediately dot all the "i" in terms of financing. Tastes of Scorpions do not always match your budget. They want everyone to have fun. If you are in a bad mood, go somewhere with a Scorpio friend.
Scorpios prefer to share friendship and work. They like to have fun when the work is done and you can forget about it. Scorpios often exaggerate the value of their own work. If you come to their office and ask the boss, you will be surprised to find that your girlfriend, Scorpio, is just a secretary. This is not a lie, but simply a misunderstanding!
Scorpions are very insightful. In this they are second only to Pisces. They immediately feel if something is bothering you, and can help you deal with your problems, which you will not fully recognize. If you knock on their door, they will immediately invite you to share lunch and a bottle of wine. Scorpios do not know how to save money - they are simply not created for this. But to advise how you can earn them, they are quite able. But do not do business with them. At work you will see a completely different person. Scorpions never mix friendship and work.
They know how to manipulate friends, but never harm them. They believe in karma, in the fact that everything in life will have to be paid. Pluto, who controls this sign of the zodiac, is associated with life after death, so Scorpios are very serious about such issues. They have a wonderful sense of humor, however, their jokes are not always understood by others. They are not annoyed by even the dirtiest jokes. A hoarse, low voice is characteristic of almost all Scorpions.
Scorpio is a great friend. But I don’t wish you to have such an enemy. They never forgive anything. If you offended them, then you may not have the opportunity to make amends. They have a magnetic attraction for the opposite sex, which does not always suit their friends. But there’s nothing to argue about - such a sexy sign!
Scorpions can communicate with a variety of people. They are interested in new places. After drinking, they can say something that they will later regret. I advise you not to pay attention to the words of tipsy Scorpio.
And now the most important thing. If you haven’t learned it yet, learn it now. In no case do not inform Scorpio that you have other close friends. They like to believe that their friends belong entirely to them alone. They may have other friends, but if you cannot make the meeting, they will feel betrayed. And do not argue with them. They are always right, even when they are wrong. At times, Scorpios may seem to you friends, but in reality this is not so. They just love that everything around goes the way they want, and they know how to make sure that everything is just the way it is.

A gaze from under frowning eyebrows, a leisurely walk, a bewitching voice - he walks along the road, and women devour him with his eyes. Meet the Scorpio man. This mysterious personality can easily excite your heart and remain a secret for you, it can cause a storm of emotions in you and remain on the sidelines, but, one way or another, you cannot resist its powerful energy. What makes this zodiac sign so attractive, why it is not easy to communicate with Scorpio, and what is its psychology, the astrologer will explain.

Each zodiac sign is unique in its own way. Scorpio has not only a partially threatening name, but also the corresponding character traits. However, they are very attractive to people.

Mysterious and destructive - this is how people who encounter them characterize the representatives of the Scorpio Sign. Often their eyes are called literally magnetic. The character of Scorpios is stereotypically considered one of the most complex, but there is an opinion that these people can only be loved or hated. However, Astrologers were able to understand what the Scorpions expect from love, relationships and marriage. But where does this dangerous and attractive sign of the Zodiac draw its strength from and how to learn to understand it better? First of all, it is worth understanding which planets and how they are controlled.

Sign of Scorpio: astrological information

For all the characteristics and qualities of people are responsible for the Planet, which may be in a strong or weak position. A particularly strong influence on life values \u200b\u200band worldview has a Protecting Planet. This is how primary astrological information about the zodiac sign Scorpio looks like.

Validity:  from October 24 to November 22
Patron Planet:  Mars, Pluto
Planet in exaltation:  Uranus
Planet in exile:  Venus
Planet in the fall:  Moon
Element:  Water

Since the aerial triad of the Horoscope is associated with the feelings and emotions of people, Scorpios are often unrestrained and impulsive. They are carriers of very deep and soulful feelings, which are under the strictest control.

The planet Mars is associated with the ancient Roman god of ruthless war. It was not for nothing that the satellites of this planet were given the names Phobos and Deimos - Fear and Horror. But due to the fact that Scorpio is the water sign of the Zodiac, its influence is somewhat softened. Carrying an active principle in itself, the energy of the red planet makes you constantly act and bestow confidence in yourself. In fact, it is she who increases the willpower of the representatives of this Sign.

Pluto has an absolutely amazing effect on Scorpions. In Astrology, this planet is associated with rebirth, destruction and death, and it is named after the god of the underworld. It is associated with uncontrolled energy, and the destructive principle in it is combined with the reverse side of the coin - creation.

Unusual facts about the zodiac sign Scorpio

Having become acquainted with the representative of the Sign of Scorpio, many remain perplexed and conflicting feelings. The realization that Scorpio has inexplicable power causes a feeling of rivalry among strong people and a feeling of protection among soft and vulnerable people.

Something dangerous is often expected from Scorpio. On the one hand, we can say that this is justified: Scorpios often take revenge, and do it from the heart. However, there is one “but.” Representatives of this Sign do this only if they are disturbed or harmed.

Surprisingly, the person born in this period of people little reflects feelings. It gives little of what is happening in their heart. Even the eyes remain as if untouched, no matter what storms rage behind the soul.

Calmness is something that can literally annoy Scorpio. He needs a constant supply of emotions. Sometimes they feel much better walking along the tip of a knife. The daily routine is usually of little interest to them. This is due to the huge energy reserve that these people have. Energy must be constantly directed to something, so that it does not begin to destroy the Scorpions themselves.

A well-known tactic of these people is to go ahead and without looking back. If they see a goal in front of them, then the obstacles for them turn out to be of little significance. Obstacles include difficulties of a material nature and those around them. An opponent is a person whom Scorpio will defeat as a result. Of course, if the result is really important to them.

It is very pleasant that the Scorpions most often do not consider it necessary to lie. Yes, you may not know what this person is thinking. But if the representative of this zodiac sign expresses his thoughts and opinions about something, then he does it quite straightforwardly.

Since the native element of Scorpions is water, they turn out to be true experts on the human soul. It may even seem that they see people through and through. Therefore, keep in mind: in 90 of 100% of cases, they will accurately recognize your lie. Even if they don’t show it.

Maximalism is a very common quality among Scorpions. They show it in any field: in love, work, when making purchases - always always. We can say that in most cases they understand only “everything” or “nothing”.

Communication with representatives of the Zodiac Sign Scorpio resembles the following situation. The child was forbidden to pick up matches, but he really likes to watch the fire burn. These people are attracted by danger, and if you are ready for risk, you are here.

Among other things, representatives of the Sign of Scorpio often turn out to be creative personalities with a lot of special talents characteristic of them. Develop your strengths with Astrology and don’t forget to press the buttons and


Bite Scorpio  usually fatal.

Scorpio knows how to control his character very well, but there are signs by which these people can be recognized. Their eyes radiate hypnotism, the gaze of these people penetrates deep into you. In general, Scorpio is an expression of EGO. They know their worth very well and nothing will change his own opinion of himself. Insults from them bounce off, and compliments may not cause any emotions or any other changes on their faces. They do not want to hear about their vices or shortcomings from others - they all know about themselves. Their smile is sincere, the reaction of the body is minimized, because their art is to penetrate your soul, while remaining unrecognized. Be on the lookout for Scorpio, as outwardly, they can impress soft and naive people. Many of them know that their eyes express their nature, so they try to wear dark glasses. Never ask for their opinions or advice, as In response, you will hear the bare truth, and you may not like it. They never flatter, and if they tell you something pleasant, appreciate it, because it is probably said sincerely.

But do not believe that Scorpio thinks only of himself - he can help you both in word and deed, they usually attract loyal fans, or envious and evil enemies. But even enemies respect Scorpio and speak well of him. There is something nice about these people. A typical Scorpio is rarely afraid of anything. These are usually brave and fearless people. These are amazingly loyal friends. For the sake of a friend, they can do a lot. They will never forget the kindness shown to him or a gift, but accordingly they will never forget the insult or wound inflicted by someone. They can plan their revenge or hit with their sting immediately, but more often than not they plan.

Scorpio's health can be shaken from melancholy or hard work. But this sign has the ability to restore its health at will, if any. Usually they rarely get sick, but they get sick, as a rule, seriously, they need a long rest and attentive attitude, they always know more about their illness than the doctors and nurses who treat them. They are prone to diseases of the throat, back, heart, circulatory system, legs. They have very frequent injuries in sports. They should avoid fire, explosions, radiation.

This is a heroic person, they are very attached to the family, they love to protect the weak and children. Among them can be called either saints or sinners. They violently display a possessive instinct for what they consider to be their property. Scorpio can do almost everything that it really wants to achieve. The magical and mysterious power of Pluto turns his desires into reality. Scorpio knows the secrets of life and death and he has the ability to conquer both, if he wants. But astrology warns him that he should not know more than he knows.

He almost succeeds without much effort. It is more like luck than a manifestation of his own will. One of the strangest things in astrology is that someone in the family dies either a year before his birth or a year after his birth. And when Scorpio dies, then someone is born in his family either a year before his death, or a year later. This happens at least 95 percent. This explains that the symbol of Pluto is the bird Phoenix, reborn from the ashes, and Scorpio personifies rebirth. Scorpion steel is red-hot and hardened in a furnace, then it becomes cold and strong enough to control his spiritual fire.



If you have fallen in love with Scorpio and the word passion scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil was chasing you. And so it is. I do not mean romantic passion, although this may be at the head of everything. Scorpio is passionate in everything: in friendship, in politics, work, food, children, relatives. This is not the kind of person who fits your psyche if you are repelled by emotional stress. Do not look back - better run!

You will think that I am crazy when I meet this person. So much he gives the impression of a person even and calm. And how can anyone suspect that a person with such self-control can be passionate and even dangerously passionate? This is because he is calm only on the surface, inside his passions are red-hot. Do not touch it - you know very well how long the burn wounds heal. After your meeting with Scorpio, your heart may hurt for months, or maybe years. And all means of the "Ambulance" are useless.

Remember your grandmother’s favorite saying: “It’s better to measure 7 times than cut off once.” This refers to the sting of Scorpio. Therefore, think better about your safety. Know firmly who you are dealing with. If your own sign gave you a reinforced concrete nature that is not afraid of fire, then please, you can get carried away with it and play with this dynamite. If you have such a nature, then you can keep its flame under control and make it so that it will warm your heart throughout your life. Perhaps you yourself are a burning nature, then everything is in order. Then everything will depend on the degree of heating, if your passions have an automatic thermostat that will instantly cool them when his passions flare up.

Let's pretend that you are just such a nature. What is hidden behind these hypnotic, piercing Scorpio eyes? Surely he did not make a neutral impression on you when you first met. Either you thought that he was pleasant and cheerful, or that he was a perverse and passionate person. The trouble is that he is both. This man is invincible. Behind his cold restraint is a boiling cauldron that constantly rages. If you are lucky, the lid of this boiler will be permanently closed for a long time. But the blow inflicted on his pride can blow this cauldron. Sometimes it’s nice to feel that you did not fall under this explosion. Never do anything yourself to cause an explosion.
Scorpio will amaze you with its duality: It combines intelligence and passion. Intelligence and emotions control it equally. He is more than smart. This is a deeply philosophical nature, interested in the secrets of life and coming close to the answers. There are Scorpions who can live without any comfort, but the true nature of this sign is sensuality. Usually he surrounds himself with luxury. He is prone to redundancy in food, drugs, alcohol, and of course, in love. Love never finds him unprepared. She was already in his head when he just got on a tricycle. Of course, you can meet Scorpio, who will look completely innocent, with a disarming young charm, with a complete absence of seductive manners. It may seem to you that I am exaggerating talking about his passion. Then ask his wife. Nothing leaves him indifferent in life. These men have explosive temperament that can cause a wound for life. When he sticks his sting, it really hurts a lot. But he does not just enjoy victory, he must win. Something inside him dies when he loses even in actions. When he is disappointed - you will not see emotions on his face, he controls himself very well. He can brutally torture a woman before deciding to grab her by the hair and drag her into his jungle.

Naturally, there are some Scorpions who will offer you in an elegant form, kneeling, but do not be fooled, he simply behaves as is customary in society and wants to maintain his dignity. Your reputation must be impeccable. He does not tolerate anything cheap and ridiculous, despite his exotic nature.

Each Scorpio is a lawmaker within itself. He is completely indifferent to what others think of him. Of course, he would like to be a respected person, but if this prevents him from fulfilling his goals, then he does not care about it. None of his decisions are delayed under the pressure of the opinions of friends, relatives, neighbors, and unfortunately, under your pressure. But wait a moment to despair, because such determination usually develops an attractive, free spirit that does not care what other people say about it. But is honesty and courage bad? It is very interesting to watch Scorpio when he acts in some difficult circumstances at a time when others hesitate, get scared, or don’t know what to do. His courageous and strong nature reaches its peak at such moments. He is rarely subject to envy and self-pity. And he does not think that life and its difficulties are exactly what he was born for. It has one very frightening feature - it attracts secrets, riddles, it will not miss any of them. And since female mystery is the strongest female defense, your soul will be constantly naked for him if you fully reveal yourself to him. You will not have a single secret in front of his eyes and insightful questions.

He has very high standards, and he carefully selects his friends. This is a rare type of man who can drink pure alcohol and share rude male jokes, and then turn into a gentle and soft lover for a woman. But in him there is no such quality as forgiving, obeying anything, or just being careful. He can be very cruel for completely inexplicable reasons and can get some kind of sadistic pleasure, mocking you. In a society with people, he may tell you something unflattering, such as the fact that you are fat or stupid. This is one of his entertainments. Smile back, even if it kills you. I warned you that Scorpio does not reveal his motives for which he does something. And this tendency toward cruelty is not pacified by love; over the years it can even intensify. He rarely shows his true emotions in front of everyone, but together with you he can say what he really thinks. After marriage, you can feel some kind of security. But up to this point all his tricks can really hurt you. It is useless to tell him that his cruel behavior hurts you. In this case, he will tell you: "But I do not hold you." It will take time to adapt to his personality.

If you are too soft, then you will constantly worry. Never ask what he thinks about your new dress or hairstyle if you are not ready to hear naked naked truth. But at least you will know that he does not flatter you. And it's probably better to hear the brave truth, and from time to time nice phrases addressed to you that you will really like. As for jealousy, you have to be very careful here. It will explode if you only blink an eye in the presence of another man, although in fact at that moment a speck hit your eye. But pack your jealousy in a suitcase and lock it. Your tears and reproaches will not make any impression on him. And no matter how he behaves, repeat constantly to himself: "He loves me, he is true to his deep feelings, he only practices his hypnotic art with other women." Say it to yourself every day, especially when you go to bed. Women find it irresistible and attractive. But remember that if there is someone who can resist such attention from women, then this is your Scorpio. Aren't you feeling better now?

It is possible that he will be a very demanding father. His children will not be able to be lazy and naughty. He will teach them to respect themselves. And although he loves them with sincere love, like everything else, he will protect them, but at the same time he will teach independence.

Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him. He is a man, and you are a woman. If you have any doubt about this, it will fix it quickly, and it will take only one lesson. However, with a wife who understands him, he will be gentle and attentive and will repay her with fidelity and such love, about which many women have only read novels. Do not try to resist this man, if he decided that he needs you, he will still hypnotize you. Its magnetism is almost physically tangible. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break.

Hold tight so as not to fall and keep your eyes wide and you will see a horizon that is not accessible to timid ones. Look up the trees, have you ever seen such a sunrise ?! And from that height? His sunset will be just as magnificent.



She has a deep mysterious beauty. She is attractive, proud and absolutely self-confident. In secret, she regrets that she was not born a man. But she is sure that she is an expression of true femininity. She has enough charm and is very seductive. But I'm not saying that she looks like a man. Simply, she would prefer to be a man subconsciously, to have more opportunities than charm. But she does not even admit to this. The Scorpio woman looks down on those women who are suitable for the role of a tender woman and mother. But she knows how to control her desire to dominate, perfectly acting as a feminine creature. And he does it with greater grace than the signs in which (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) the male side is also present.

Sometimes a man may be surprised by a change in her behavior. She knows how to present her nature at the right time and attract a man with subtle spirits, exotic looks and other tricks. She knows very well that you don’t need to light a match for a cigarette or blow smoke into your face. She will move towards you slowly, seductively, silently, enveloping you with her charm. This woman looks good in jeans and sneakers. You should not expect from her that she will blindly adore you. She perfectly understands what is on your mind. You can whisper something romantic in the ear of another woman, and Scorpio will simply look at you with his piercing eyes and immediately understand all your true intentions. This woman is a real x-ray machine. Therefore, you should not play with her. If you do not have serious intentions, you waste her time and thereby insult her. And I would not advise you this.

I can say that this real fatal woman can hide her nature behind a charming smile, good manners, a quiet voice, seem like an angel. But you need to be on your guard. It can be dominant, sarcastic, and then heat up to 100 degrees, and it can hate you very much, but it can also love you very much. This woman has a gift that makes goosebumps run on her skin. She possesses almost black magic and uses it so deftly that sometimes it seems like a real witch. Because of her mystical feelings, she very often can recognize her future partner at first sight. Naturally, you will feel its influence on yourself. In this case, you may have two reactions: either you will be completely seized by her charm, or you will have a desire to run away. Wait a bit - she can teach you a lot. In any case, you should consider yourself flattered because of her interest in you.

She does not recognize weaknesses in a man. She needs a man with ambition and courage. He should dominate her, but at the same time she should be able to maintain her individuality. He must be strong, courageous and look better than others, have a very developed intellect more than a simple knowledge of philosophical works. You will think that you are higher than the others, because she paid attention to you, your bets will rise greatly. Having come close to her, you will feel like a unique and unusual person. Surely, her love can not be compared with your previous hobbies. You will be her most important passion and interest in life. She will try to please you with all her passionate assertiveness. Apparently, the word "passionate" has already attracted your attention.

Most men have already heard exciting rumors about the passion of these women. It’s true, inside she burns with passion, which is under control. At the same time, she shows a cold attitude towards strangers, and her external calmness resembles black velvet. But the man the word "passion" refers only to love. This definition is not suitable for this woman.

Passion is present in all her deeds and actions. She is never just interested. It is impossible to imagine her indifferent. She rarely loves or does not love something, she either completely denies, or adores or ignores. However, she remains calm on the surface. She has a lot of virtues, but there can also be strong vices. Therefore, you better think about her virtues, since she is attracted to studies of all kinds of dark sides. Since she has no fears, her research may lead too far.

But a typical Scorpio woman always stays strong and pure. She can experience a lot in life and enrich her knowledge and experience. But somehow, suspicions and rumors do not stick to her, she remains above other women. She can keep other people's secrets, although on her own soul you can hang a sign "No trespassing." She loves to listen to secrets, but she will not confess to anyone. Do not try to find out her secrets - she has a part of her soul that should not be touched and which belongs only to her. This does not mean that she is insincere or deceitful, on the contrary! But there are things that she will never tell anyone.

She is very faithful to those whom she considers strong and worthy of attention, respect. But she does not even deign to look weak. The virtue that she retains in a relationship sometimes makes her snobbery and somewhat alienated. To some extent, it is. She adheres to her caste system, which is more pronounced than that of other women. All Scorpios are very selective about friendship. She will keep a standing friend for life, but she will freeze her relations with small and uninteresting people. She has great determination and endurance. This helps her overcome many temptations, for example, a tendency to alcohol, drugs, depression. She needs to be a legal wife in order to bring love and affection to a man.

If circumstances prevent you from getting married, she will love you no matter what the neighbors say. And often these relationships are better, more honest than married. She has her own laws. Despite her strong personality, she allows the man to be the master and helps him achieve his goals. Your future will be important for her, she can sacrifice her career for this. She may fight alone with you, but fiercely protect you in public. Your happiness comes first to her. She will patiently help you in everything, will not whine and complain. She loves her home, where cleanliness, taste and comfort reign. The food is served on time, everything is in order.

For a Scorpio woman, spring cleaning is like vacation. She loves cleaning corners, but try not to find notes smelling of perfume. She is very suspicious, even when there is no reason. So be careful. You should not suspect her, although you will have many cases for this. And you will want to ask her some questions. Better swallow them. Your questions will not be answered. You say that this is not fair, but she is. Live with her or leave her, perhaps you will stay with her, because leaving her is almost impossible. She will be in your heart for life. Better to adapt to her nature. No one leaves the Scorpio woman. Didn't you know that? Then let those who have left her teach you something.

She often lacks the ability to keep her mouth shut and hold back a sharp tone while analyzing anything and anyone. As for the budget, its behavior is unpredictable. She can save money, then it becomes a spender. But just one thing - the money gives her pleasure. She cares about prestige, so she does not like the lack of money. She loves power. Remember that she is too proud to live in an environment that does not suit her, but for your sake she can do this if it helps your career. She will either try to improve her financial situation or pretend that poverty gives her pleasure, but inside herself she will be deeply unhappy.

She may be the owner, but will not allow anyone to consider herself the property of someone. One of her worst traits is her unwillingness to accept anyone else's point of view, except her own, when her nerves are inflated. In the midst of a quarrel with her, one must remember that she always strives to be a winner. The last word should remain with her. If you lie to her at least once, she will lie to you twice. If you did not kiss her the night after the argument, she will not kiss you for a month. Her sense of justice is just as strong as her sense of revenge. Most people forget about it. She will remember all the good that you have done to her and in response to your kindness will answer twice.

With children, in her expression of love, tenderness may be lacking. She will teach them courage, but may blindly relate to their shortcomings. Sometimes a Scorpio woman can drown you in her passions, but with a real storm, her mind and steel will will be saving. It may be a little dangerous, but very attractive. When you have your coffee, ask her to fortune-tell you on the coffee grounds. She can, if she wants. You want to say you didn’t know this? But I said that there is something in her that belongs only to her.