February 20, what a zodiac sign is a man. Love and compatibility. On the negative aspects of the character of Pisces

Zodiac sign born on february 20 - Pisces. These are sincere, open, romantic and good-natured individuals. They are sociable and responsive. They like to meet and make friends. Take to heart problems and pain of strangers. Ready to help, even at the cost of their own interests. They are surrounded by people who use their kindness for personal gain.

Those born on this day have creative inclinations, so they are interested in music, painting, poetry. They develop their talents and dream of applying them for the benefit of the public. Choose a field of activity that is related to their hobbies. They are endowed with a wonderful memory, thanks to which they easily reproduce the events of the past.

It is important for such people to be in the spotlight. They love to receive the praise and approval of others. Thanks to leadership inclinations strive to win in everything. They are able to suppress others with their authority, so they should determine the scope of what is permitted.

Description of women born on February 20

Such women are fragile, kind, charming and compassionate individuals. They captivate those around them with their subtle spiritual organization and external defenselessness. Femininity and mystery are their trump cards, which they skillfully use.

These are wonderful housewives, spouses and mothers. They are attentive and caring with family members and loved ones. Next to such women you feel calm and support.

Characteristics of men born on February 20

These men are endowed with charisma, reverie and spirituality. Thanks to creative inclinations, they are developing in the field of art and have a good taste. These people are endowed with selflessness, good nature and mercy. They want to make the world a better place and benefit the people around them.

Such men are happy to communicate with the fair sex and start novels.

Love horoscope

In love relationships, those born on this day are sensitive and sentimental personalities. They love to show beautiful tokens and flirt. They idealize lovers and turn a blind eye to imperfections so as not to experience disappointment.

In relationships and marriage, such men and women are attentive and caring. They do not like conflicts and quarrels, so they try to avoid disagreements with the second half. To preserve peace and harmony in the family, they are ready to give in, listen to and accept the point of view of their life partner.


Born 20 february Pisces are well compatible with Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer. An ambiguous relationship develops with Libra, Lions and Gemini.

The most suitable partner for those born on February 20

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 2, 8, 12, 17, 21
February: 15, 22, 25, 26, 28
March: 1, 20, 21, 23, 24
April: 2, 14, 28
May: 11, 19, 24, 31
June: 7, 16, 20
July: 28, 30, 31
August: 3, 15, 27
September: 2, 5, 13, 25
October: 4, 21, 31
November: 12, 14, 22, 23, 25
December: 5, 28, 31

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are not interested in career growth and senior positions. The main thing for them is to enjoy their work. They like to work in a team and demonstrate their professional qualities to colleagues.

Such people want to be taken seriously and respect their opinion, therefore they seek to please their colleagues and earn authority. They can easily cope with large-scale projects. Thanks to vivid imagination, they generate interesting and original ideas.

Business image, diplomacy and developed intuition allow them to successfully negotiate. Oratorical abilities and charm help to incline interlocutors to their side.

Health horoscope

Pisces born on February 20 do not have good health. They are overly emotional and susceptible, which is why they have a vulnerable nervous system. To protect themselves from stress and depression, they should learn to control the manifestation of feelings.

Such people are prone to skin and allergic diseases. They need to avoid allergens and direct sunlight.

Those born on this day have a weak digestive system. Horoscope advises to refrain from exotic dishes and products of dubious origin.

These men and women are often injured. They are advised to beware of dangerous and risky situations.

Learn to control your emotions

By nature, you are endowed with receptivity, sentimentality and impulsivity. You often give in to emotions, which interferes with your business and making important decisions. Learn to manage your feelings and keep your composure.

Choose your friends carefully

People around you know about your kindness and selflessness. In your environment are people who seek to use these qualities for personal purposes. Learn to distinguish cheaters and friends.

Do not try to please others

You strive to win universal love and respect, because of which you compromise your principles. Do not try to please others. Set priorities based on personal interests.

February 20 - Zodiac Sign

Born 20 february - romantic idealists, endowed with a sincere love of art and music. The Pisces sign indicates that you are a kind, sociable, understanding person with friendly, open manners.

A born diplomat and team player, you are naturally polite and sensitive to the needs of others, taking to heart the troubles of people and even feeling their pain.

So that they cease to suffer, you are ready to do anything and often so eager to help, that you may not notice how people use your kindness in their interests.

Those born on February 20 have an overly sensitive nervous system that periodically breaks down; they are also prone to skin allergies. These people should especially take care of their legs and avoid injuries whenever possible.

They should not get involved in excessively exotic foods; for the majority of those born on this day, a well-balanced diet is perfect, which a specialist will help you choose. Regular exercise will benefit them.

Born 20 february is always interested in what impression they make on others. Owing to the susceptibility of their nature, they possess a surprisingly good memory and can recall events of “a hundred years ago” down to the smallest detail.

On the other hand, they will make every effort to ensure that others never forget them.

Born 20 february sincerely want to be taken seriously, and therefore objectively evaluate their contribution to the common cause - be it any practical developments, efforts aimed at creating long-term projects, or family responsibilities.

For this reason, those born on February 20 can be attributed to the aggressive type of people, but although this sounds convincing, perhaps it cannot be said that most of them are fighters or big debaters by nature. Their desperate desire to make an impression only slightly goes beyond the usual belief in themselves.

Zodiac Sign February 20 - Pisces

Sign Element: Water. Your Zodiac sign belongs to watermarks, which have the following qualities: flexibility, talent, mercy, religiosity, dedication, helpfulness, peacefulness.

Planet Ruler: Neptune. Responsible for the gift of providence, forgiveness. Neptune is a patron for doctors. Planet in exile - Mercury. Her Pisces can thank for the lack of rationality, as well as the lack of criticality.

On February 20, the zodiac sign patronizes Pisces. He gives his wards softness, interest in culture and music, romance, idealism. These are kind people, somewhat similar to naive children open to the world. They are happy to communicate and strive to make friends everywhere.

By nature, they are very gentle, so they make good diplomats, they know how to be part of a team, they feel keenly to whom and when they need help, they always provide it, they are very polite and educated, empaths, that is, they feel the emotions of other people.

Someone else's pain can hurt themselves, after these words you can no longer ask the question of February 20 - what is the sign of the zodiac, such a degree of sensitivity and developed intuition only Pisces. People born on february 20 are ready to give the last, if only to help those who suffer.

Often others begin to abuse this quality.

For those born on February 20, commitment is the best way to show others that they really care about what they do. Being a good addition to their work team, they demonstrate both the ability to use their talents for the common good and the relative disinterest in leadership positions.

However, they require others to “lie down with bones” when doing work and can quickly lose their temper if it seems to them that someone is suddenly starting to hack.

In order to maintain normal relations in a team, those born on February 20 should not take on too much and claim that their colleagues work in bad faith - in the end, they do everything they can.

Born 20 february usually show a great desire to be the first. However, they must avoid dubious victories based on the feelings of the sympathetic public.

Born on this day, as a rule, are superemotional natures, immune to criticism and negatively determine their life path. Only by learning to control your emotions can they become more balanced.

And yet do not flatter yourself that they will hide their true feelings. It’s just that their enthusiasm and faith in themselves is so strong that they sometimes tend to go too far.

Thus, it is very important, especially closer to old age, that those born on February 20 learn to more philosophically and tolerantly perceive life and realize the degree of their influence on others. Although openness and impressionability are obvious advantages of those born on February 20, these people are sometimes too impressionable.

For this reason, they often fall under the influence of negative factors, and then the ability to empathy turns against them. In addition, those born on February 20 are so eager to please everyone indiscriminately that they often compromise themselves.

Learning to be less compliant, less acutely react to what is happening and, despite the misfortunes that have occurred, to remain true to their beliefs is the main thing for them.

Pisces Man - born February 20

Men celebrating their February 20th birthday possess the following qualities: such a gentleman is spiritual, musical, sexual, and charismatic. Men Pisces are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable in communication.

Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem. Male Pisces easily fall in love and find it difficult to build strong, harmonious relationships.

The main problems in love are connected with the desire for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces Woman - born February 20

Women whose birth date falls on February 20 are endowed with such differences of nature: such a lady is kind, compassionate, mysterious. Women Pisces are charming, thin and mysterious young women who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.

Their femininity and weakness are their trump card, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them. Her disposition is not easy to achieve, and it is reason that sometimes forces her not to go about emotions.

The most powerful features of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly dispose of their trademarks - fragility and softness.

Birthday February 20

Pisces, born on February 20 of the zodiac sign Pisces, always prefer to be in the spotlight. They are quite energetic and have excellent memory, thanks to which they can easily reproduce any events from the past in great detail in their memory.

Of great importance to them is how the people around them relate to them, what impression they managed to make on them. They always try to take an active part in various activities and devote time and attention to a large number of people - family, colleagues, friends.

The desire to make an indelible impression sometimes toughens their character, but such people still do not belong to aggressors. It is impossible to say with certainty that they are by nature conflict, are fighters or arguers.

Born on February 20, Pisces is a zodiac sign that is simply irreplaceable in their team, and their talents are able to prove to others how much they care about their work or their favorite business.

However, they demand great returns from their colleagues, do not tolerate hackwork and excessive laziness.

Tip: in order to maintain a harmonious balance in the workplace, it is not recommended to take on too much responsibility and work, work at the level with other employees and remember that they are also conscientious and professional, like you.

Born 20 february zodiac sign Pisces, it is always important to be the first. But be careful - part of such victories may be false and you will get only out of the sympathy of the surrounding public.

It is important for such people to learn to control their emotions and not allow them to get the better of themselves.

Tip: learn to look at life through the prism of a light philosophy, try to perceive criticism from the outside without unnecessary negative emotions.

Proper management of your emotions will help to achieve harmony with both others and with yourself. Remember that negative emotions also affect our health, therefore it is so important to maintain not only mental, but also physical balance.

Despite the fact that sincerity and desire to like it can be attributed to positive qualities, do not overdo it. Do not strive to please everyone you meet. You may encounter the opposite and not very pleasant side - rumors.

The right people will always be with you, no matter what.

The main thing for born on February 20 is the zodiac sign of Pisces, to rejoice even in the little things everyday and in no case to back down from their beliefs. At the same time, they should not go too far and crush others with their authority.

It is enough to pull yourself together, to work on yourself and to better know your inner self. As a rule, in adulthood, born on February 20, the zodiac sign Pisces, will be able to achieve great success and tune your life in the right way.

A clear mind, a good and pure disposition will help to overcome many obstacles and difficulties.

Love and Compatibility

Sentimental, idealistic and romantic, you poorly imagine all the realities of close relationships. You hate conflicts and you can try to keep the peace in an inappropriate situation. Rather than face disappointment, you prefer to wear pink glasses and tell yourself that everything is in order, even if it is not.

Good prospects for creating a self-respecting family of Pisces with Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus. It is with them that these people are most compatible, they have the same views on family life, similar life priorities. A marriage can be successful in union with Virgo, Libra and Capricorn, the odds are, say, 50/50.

Immediately, they must distribute responsibilities and duties, agree that they will perceive freedom of each other, and give way. A marriage with bad prospects is seen with signs such as Aries, Gemini and Leo.

Say, in these combinations of couples there are very few prospects for a happy marriage, they are unlikely to understand each other.

Work and Career

Born 20 february think a lot about their image and try to behave so that other people do not forget them. They have an excellent, tenacious memory, “working” on emotions, which is not surprising for Pisces, and this is the zodiac sign born on February 20. They remember all the details of the events that happened many years ago.

Those born on February 20 hate when they are not taken seriously, so they try to please the team and others. They are very responsible in their work and always give all the best. In family life, these are also extremely responsible and serious people.

With all their might they try to impress others, sometimes even they are able to overdo it with this intention, showing aggressiveness.

Also at work, these people are not particularly eager to become a manager. They are interested in work in itself and work as a way to prove to others how wonderful they are, but not their career.

They are very demanding in relation to colleagues, do not tolerate a hint of hack work or evasion of their duties.

Here you can advise trying not to judge others too harshly, not knowing their motives, thoughts, and, finally, just physical health, otherwise you can in vain ruin the relationship with the team. Responsible for your work and do not meddle in the affairs of others without asking if you are not their boss.

Health and Disease

The vulnerability of those born on February 20 is the nervous system. They also often suffer from skin allergies. The most traumatic limb is the legs. Those born on February 20 should not sort out the dishes of distant countries; their organism does not accept such exotic things.

They definitely need to diet and exercise. Easy fitness is perfect for women, martial arts and weightlifting are great for men. To sleep, they need to sleep more than other people, it is worth considering this fact when planning their workdays.

Fate and Luck

On this day hardworking, energetic and patient people are born. They are talented, but in their youth events will occur that will create many obstacles to well-being. If they can solve the problems, endure and maintain the purity of the soul, they will overcome all difficulties and, having worked on karmic debts, in mature years they will achieve excellent living conditions for themselves.

Those born on february 20 want to excel in literally everything. In the pursuit of popularity and approval, they can sacrifice many principles, which is not always right.

Determine for yourself what is more important for you, to try to please absolutely everyone or still have some constants and the concept of noble behavior.

These people lead a very emotional inner life, react painfully to criticism and often become pessimists, it is immediately clear what the zodiac sign on February 20 is Pisces.

They need to learn to control their emotions. They often do not know the measure in so many things, such is the nature of their nature, either upset and depressed, or, full of enthusiasm, go too far.

They need to learn a more philosophical outlook on life, work on patience and tolerance for others, think more about how their feelings, actions and words will affect those people who are next to them.

Sometimes their impressionability knows no boundaries, therefore, it happens that they are able to become depressed due to other people's misfortunes, as if they have little sorrow in life.

They need to become more solid, not to be upset because of the scourges of human life, at least not to take other people's problems too close to their hearts, not to change their princes to please anyone or circumstances.

Source: http://en.astrologyk.com/horoscope/birthday/february/20

Born 20 february - zodiac sign Pisces.

Charming and socially oriented, you are receptive and friendly. Good-natured and sensitive, you get along well with people from all walks of life. You are dreamy and idealistic and at the same time endowed with deep intuition.

You were born on february 20, zodiac sign Pisces. Despite the versatility and creativity, you may have difficulty choosing goals. Nevertheless, you are ambitious, decisive and full of desire to make the necessary changes and do everything possible to find your true destiny.

You are dreamy and idealistic and at the same time endowed with deep intuition. By learning to trust your premonitions, you will recognize your strengths and weaknesses and will better understand people.

Your main advantages are optimism and a positive outlook on things, and with the help of determination and hard work you will be able to overcome all obstacles in your life path.

Despite the ability to easily adapt to new conditions, your rebellious spirit and dislike of routine can easily cause dissatisfaction with the current state of things.

Realizing that periods of progress and recovery are often followed by a downturn, you can stabilize your financial situation with long-term investments.

Since success usually comes to you through perseverance and strict adherence to your principles, you should be aware that restlessness often leads to the opposite effect, causing anxiety and insecurity.

You are gifted with a sense of image and a rich imagination and are full of creative ideas.

Inspired by an example, you often start looking for idealistic situations that can intellectually stimulate you and add variety to your life.

Up to 29 years, the main place in life is your sensitivity. You will look for ideal situations, ideal relationships, or just something magical in your life.

From the age of 30, you will feel great confidence, ambition and decisiveness in the implementation of new projects and will take the initiative in relations with others into your own hands.

At 60, another turning point will come when the pace of your life will slow down and there will be a need for greater stability and financial reliability.

Personal qualities born on February 20

Smart and resourceful, you are endowed with numerous talents, and therefore must be decisive and practical, so as not to lose orientation and achieve your goals. Starting to act, you show assertiveness and determination.

Being a natural psychologist, born on February 20, Pisces are well versed in people and are full of desire to learn. Sociable, you lead an active life, friendly, witty and charming, however, at times you are able to experience dissatisfaction with the financial situation, which can lead to intemperance.

Having developed a universal and humanitarian outlook on life, you will become more objective and calm in relation to your material problems.

With the natural gift of foresight, you often work better if, before you do anything, you intuitively feel the situation.

By maintaining focus and developing self-awareness, you will find more realistic goals and will be able to overcome all the obstacles to realizing your remarkable potential.

Work and vocation born February 20

Despite your hard work, your ambitions indicate a need for a career that promises promotion and growth. Your quick mind requires an active life, change and travel. You are sensitive, and therefore a favorable atmosphere is very important for you.

If there is no contact with the boss or colleagues, those born on February 20 will look for another place of work.

Being versatile, you are able to quickly learn and easily adapt to new situations. A sense of form and color indicates an interest in art and design.

A sense of rhythm and sensitivity can draw you to music, dance or medicine. Sociable and good-natured, you will succeed in all professions related to people. On the other hand, a career in sports can inspire you. As a rule, you need a profession that is not related to routine and stimulates your imagination.

Love and partnership born on february 20

Friendly and sociable, you strive for peace and harmony. Friendship is important to you, and you gravitate towards those who are able to mentally stimulate you or make good company.

With the gift of entertaining, you are witty and cheerful, especially in the company of those you love.

You can be monogamous, but the thirst for change and diversity makes you expand your social circle and inspire you to travel.

An ideal partner for those born on February 20

Reliability, intelligence and love you better look for those who were born in the next days.

  • Love and friendship: January 6, 10, 20, 24, 29; February 4, 8, 18, 27; March 2, 6, 16, 25, 28, 30; April 4, 14, 23, 26, 28, 30; May 2, 12, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30; June 10, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28; July 8, 12, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26; August 6, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24; September 4, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22; October 2, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20; November 4, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18; December 7, 10, 12, 14, 16.
  • Favorable contacts: January 7, 13, 18, 28; February 5, 11, 16, 26; March 3, 9, 14, 24; April 1, 7, 12, 22; May 5, 10, 20; June 3, 8, 18; July 1, 6, 16; August 4, 14; September 2, 12, 30; October 10, 28; November 8, 26, 30; December 6, 24, 28.
  • Soulmate: January 18; February 16; March 14th; April 12th; May 10, 29; June 8, 27; July 6, 25; August 4, 23; September 2, 21; October 19; November 17th; December 15th.
  • Fatal attraction: The 25th of January; February 23; March 21; April 19; May 17; June 15th; July 13; August 11, 23, 24, 25, 26; 9th of September; October 7th; November 5; December 3rd
  • Problematic relationship: January 3, 17; February 1, 15; March 13; April 11; May 9, 30; June 7, 28; July 5, 26, 29; August 3, 24, 27; September 1, 22, 25; October 20, 23; November 18, 21; December 16, 19.

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Birthday is a special date. So, it affects multiple spheres of life. That is why there is a division of people according to the horoscope. Indeed, in this way it is possible to give some general characteristics of an individual person. However, it is worth noting that there are controversial issues. That is why in this article I want to tell: February 20 - what is the sign of the zodiac? Are people born on this day are Aquarius or are they already Fish?

About the zodiac circle

It is worth noting that a similar problem exists not only at the Aquarius-Pisces line. So, all signs have transitional moments. Therefore, in different horoscopes, the beginning and end of a particular zodiac sector may differ. What to do in this case? There is no definite answer. It is best to use the data that is more. Therefore, answering the question of whether February 20 is the zodiac sign of Pisces or Aquarius, it would be more reasonable to consider that it is Pisces. After all, there is much more such data. And in most horoscopes, the dates of this sign are from February 20 to March 20.

Basic about Pisces

February 20 - what is the sign of the zodiac? Clearly, these are Pisces. Now I want to talk a little about the representatives of this zodiac sector. Since these are not “pure”, but passing Fishes, they still have the mystery of Aquarius and the peace and certain depression inherent in the new sector are already joining.

It is also important to note that Pisces live in two worlds: the present, the human, and the higher, spiritual. That is why they sometimes seem "not of this world." Mages say that this is the most dedicated sign. Such people often understand the secret of being. And precisely because of this, they can often look puzzled or even a little depressed.

On the positive aspects of the character of Pisces

Having figured out which February 20 zodiac sign is Pisces or Aquarius, you must definitely talk about the positive qualities of such people. What good is their character?

  1. Humility.
  2. Sensuality.
  3. Spirituality.
  4. Insight.

Such people can even heal if they are open to receive information from outside. If Rybka deliberately closes their channels of communication with otherworldly forces or another world, they become depressed, angry.

On the negative aspects of the character of Pisces

Having understood, on February 20, what zodiac sign (this is Pisces), you also need to identify yourself with negative features. What, then, must be remembered and known about?

  1. The fish are very timid. Sometimes too much. Therefore, they often remain without friends and live life in complete solitude.
  2. Melancholy. Sometimes Pisces looks indifferent to everything. It seems that they are not interested in anything. However, this is not so, just such people often lock up in their own little world.
  3. Weak will We must not forget that Pisces has a weak will. They are not capable of lightning fast decisions. Also, they can often change their minds depending on the point of view of other people.
  4. Also Pisces is inherent in laziness and deceit. However, most often this happens only with those people who close and do not accept their capabilities and strengths.

About Pisces achievements

What is zodiac sign february 20? Aquarius? No, it's Pisces. Such people never pursue power or honor. They are rarely seen in the chair of the boss or at the table of the accountant. They understand that everything is coming and going, so do not waste your energy on it. Moreover, such Fishes are not destined to succeed; they do not have the perseverance and aspiration that are extremely necessary for this.

What profession is suitable for representatives of this sign? So, these are people who are capable of performing monotonous uninteresting work. The main thing is that no one touches them. It can be creative individuals, writers. Of these people are often obtained the best magicians, healers, psychics.

About family and friends

Having figured it out, on February 20, what zodiac sign (it is Pisces), I also want to say a few words about how such people build relationships with others. The first fish will never come to meet you. It will be difficult for her to join the existing team. Ideally, if someone helps her with this. Such people have few friends. After all, it is very difficult to maintain the character of Pisces. As for the family, often Pisces remain alone for life. And all because of his modesty and timidity. If the family is created, then the representative of this sign will be a calm, executive member who will almost never make any claims to his soulmate.

A few words in conclusion

Considering the horoscope (February 20 is the zodiac sign of Pisces), I want to note that this is the last, twelfth, final sector of the zodiac circle. Pisces symbolize death, the end of the cycle, the end. And this, of course, leaves its mark on such people.

February is a winter month, according to the calendar, it is only in second place, but in the zodiac horoscope, the transition from February to March is considered the conclusion of the zodiac cycle. So, February 20, what kind of zodiac sign begins? It is worth knowing that the 20th day of the second month is the beginning of the last zodiac sign - “Pisces”.

The legend of the appearance of the zodiac sign called "Pisces" is very beautiful, but also tragic. She is about the love of two lovely young people. The beautiful Galatea - the daughter of the god of the seas Nereus, and the young shepherd - Akida. They met each other and fell in love quite unexpectedly, and from that moment, lovers spent all their time together. But their happiness was short-lived, because the very terrible, evil Cyclops Polyphemus was in love with the beautiful Galatea. Once he saw a happy couple and began to destroy everything around, in order to destroy the young lovers. In order to save the couple rushed into the sea. Their love was very strong, and when they fell into the water, Galatea and Akid turned into fish. In honor of their pure love, fish were placed in the sky, where they are connected by a wide long ribbon.

Stones: chrysolite, yellow sapphire, aventurine, labradorite, pearls, amethyst, moonstone.

Plant: Orchid, Geranium, Crassula, Violet, Poppy, Lily.

Colors: green, aquamarine, all shades of blue, lilac.

Talisman: long ribbon with a knot, daffodil.

Characteristic of the sign.

  - This is the last sign of the zodiac horoscope, it symbolizes the end of life and the transition to an eternal state. That is why a person born under this sign is uncertain. Their character contains some parts of the character of each of the zodiac signs. In most cases, Pisces are vague personalities. But this does not stop them from creating their own life.

Pisces have a good soul, are very understanding and at the same time relate with indifference to everything that happens around them. They are not interested in events that occur or may occur. It’s hard to get these people crazy, but you shouldn’t try it anyway, they are very touchy. Irritability and causticity quickly pass, and the sediment from resentment remains with them forever.

By their nature, Pisces are artistic people; scientific activity is not suitable for them. In most cases, Pisces choose art in any direction (from ordinary flights of fantasy to great performances on stage). From birth, they have the gift of imitation, and excellent memory. A sense of humor and a peculiar fantasy makes Pisces special among others. It is humor that helps them feel protected, in complete safety from truthful reality.

Intuition Pisces can boast, their advice can be very valuable. They do not tolerate criticism, for them condemnation is a very painful wound. Also, these individuals do not accept moralizing, they try to learn everything independently, without instructions and help from others.

In love, Pisces is very emotional. In a relationship, their feelings play a huge role. For their life partner, Pisces are ready for any feats, they always guess the wishes of lovers and rarely make mistakes in feelings - their own and their chosen one. Persons under the sign of Pisces are chosen only by those who understand and value them, see through his soul. Therefore, not every person can be chosen for a relationship.

The Pisces family values \u200b\u200bconstancy and stability. They love coziness and comfort in the house, and relationships are built on fidelity and harmony. They are always ready to help their relatives in a difficult situation, support in difficult times. Protecting their loved ones is one of the main tasks in their life, on which they spend most of their time.

Pisces are soft, intelligent people who understand others well and are able to sincerely sympathize with them. It is pleasant to communicate with representatives of the sign, they are romantic, have a rich imagination, get along well with a variety of people.

For example, Bruce Willis is an actor who at the same time successfully embodies the image of Superman and a touching romance, who managed to maintain a wonderful relationship with his ex-wife in life.

Pisces are deeply intuitive, always listening to their hearts, forebodings and trusting dreams. Mood also means a lot to them. We can say that they are somewhat divorced from reality, tend to move away from gray everyday life and problems into their dreams. This position creates a number of problems for them, but the philosophical view, as well as calmness, help Rybka not lose heart.

Representatives of the sign can also “forget themselves” for the sake of other people, focusing on other people's emotions. Their gaze is directed deep into, they are more interested in the spiritual, rather than the external. They are not bored in solitude, but they simply need a society of other people.

Family and friends

The fish are so loyal to family and friends that they place their needs above their own. Representatives of the sign, without blinking an eye, will solve other people's problems and try for the sake of others, postponing their affairs. Awesome insight helps them understand others (especially those they know well) without words. Pisces are also able to foresee some things, to predict how their relations with this or that person will develop.

Communicating with loved ones is the most important thing for Pisces, and they are not shy about expressing their feelings. Pisces often devote poems to their loved ones, write songs for them and make some souvenirs with their own hands. In family and friendship they manifest themselves as open and affectionate people.

Career and money

Ideal for representatives of the sign work is creative. It is she who gives them the opportunity to fully express their multifaceted personality. Also, the fish are developing well and achieve great results in the humanitarian field.

They should pay attention to such professions as a philosopher, historian, lawyer, musician, web designer. Pisces' ability to empathy will allow them to become excellent social workers and veterinarians.

But no matter what the representatives of this sign choose for themselves, they need personal involvement in the work process, it is important to feel necessary, useful for a particular team or society as a whole, without this sensation Pisces cannot work effectively.

As a rule, Pisces do not think much about money; they are more interested in their ideas and goals. But at the same time, financial stability is extremely important for them: faced with a lack of money, Fishes can start to panic and fall into extreme stinginess. But if there is enough money in general, they will spend it without hesitation.

Love and sex

Pisces is the most romantic sign! For them, emotional closeness with the object of sympathy is extremely important, but passionate physical relationships are no less important. Representatives of the sign usually give more than they take, but they absolutely need a response, an open demonstration of feelings for them.

Pisces can manifest themselves as fatal lovers, and as patient and loyal partners - and they play each role sincerely, putting their heart and soul into it. In their style, surround their beloved person with care, give him presents and in every way "exalt" him. They are not fans of scandals, they may even seem cold, but this is a very misleading impression.

In sex, Pisces helps their rich imagination, a passion for reincarnation and a willingness to listen carefully to their partner.

  In Pisces, the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the body is the legs.

  Neptune. This planet is responsible for intuition, dreams, music, fantasies, spirituality, secrets, poetry.

  Sea wave

  Moon rock

Lucky numbers
1, 3, 4, 9.

  Fish get along well with Crayfish and Scorpions.

Opposite sign

Best gift
  A romantic dinner in nature, beautiful and original home decorations, do-it-yourself things, a poem or a song written for them.

  Chat "about the eternal", be alone with yourself, sleep, romance, visual information, swim.

Do not like
  Stiffness, get into annoying situations and communicate with aggressive people

Famous fish
  Bru Barrymore, Sharon Stone, Eva Longoria, Bruce Willis, Natalia Vodianova.

Where to go to relax?
  Scandinavian countries, Israel, Portugal.

  Wisdom, insight, artistry, intelligence, musicality.

  Sacrifice, inappropriate credulity, melancholy, excessive reverie.

What is the charm?
  Emotionality, liveliness, soft features, grace.

Best environment
  Near water, especially by the sea. Cinema.

SIGN: 1 ° Pisces
ELEMENT: water


CHARACTER. Very sensitive and susceptible. They have a photographic memory, thanks to which they can even remember minor details after many years. Those born on February 20 do not like it when they forget about them, therefore they try to leave a mark on any business they undertake. Despite the fact that it seems that they have some power, their character is not at all fighting and they are not inclined to polemic. They believe in themselves, but are able to understand others. Sometimes they so want to please others that they are ready to compromise and give up their principles. They must learn to remain faithful to their beliefs, even if they experience resistance.
LOVE: They have a great desire to win, and it may happen that they succeed to the detriment of love. Individuals are emotional, they are extremely sensitive to criticism, so the partner must be very careful not to hurt them. They must learn to control their emotions, but without cooling their inherent fervor and without losing their characteristic passion. Too much openness towards others can lead to actions and deeds that will have to be regretted in the future.
CAREER. They work well in a team and are ready to make a full contribution to the common cause. They are not interested in power, but they believe that everyone should fulfill their duty in the best way.


Name of the figure: Court, Angel.
Image of a figure: a man in awe folded his hands - he looks at an angel floating in the sky with a trumpet. Near the man is a woman and a young man who also pray. Everything around is on fire.
Symbol: Awakened by the sound of an angelic trumpet, they leave the grave for a new life.
Values: enthusiasm, improvement, news, healing.
Analogies: ASTROLOGY: Mercury in the sign of Virgo; HEALTH: improvement and recovery; PROFESSIONS: musician, ballerina, judge, preacher, robber.


MOON (2 + 0 \u003d 2): the influence of the moon makes those born under this sign very emotional and receptive natures. The moon is a symbol of sensitivity, bizarreness, variability, intuition, sensuality, memory, introversion, impressionability. The planet corresponds to childhood.


NUMBER 2: indicates the inner world and receptivity. People with the influence of number 2 - individuals with pronounced sensitivity, need stimulation and protection. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.
NUMBER 0: This number is responsible for the greater return of the vital energy of the entire universe.
HEALTH. Neuralgia, chronic rhinitis.
PROFESSIONS. Athlete, doctor, researcher.
ADVANTAGES. Sensitivity, openness, originality.
LIMITATIONS. Suggestibility, nervousness, emotionality.