How to see a ghost without serious consequences for your psyche? In what places can a ghost be seen? Instructions - how and where to find a ghost

It can happen anytime. An indelible brown stain will appear on the floor, and households, neighbors and pets will deny everything. At the same time, the latter will begin to sparkle with red eyes, fly around the room and swear in Latin. At night, under the window, a motor vehicle that revolted against people viciously howls in a siren - so much so that pale hairy girls climb out of the TV one after another. Under the bed, someone scratches and whispers ominously, but at the same time never sneezes from the dust.

We tell you for sure, these are ghosts. You are finally faced with the supernatural. And now what i can do?

Life is Beautiful and amazing. True, sometimes more surprising than beautiful. And if the reason for surprise is contact with the other world, then life can become, to put it mildly, terrible. This would not hurt to prepare in advance. Let us turn to such a burning issue - let this word be here and not the most suitable one - a topic like meeting with the supernatural.

Measure the temperature!

The first and most important thing is how to determine what is going on in front of you. That this is not a stupid joke, a hallucination, a mirage, or, at worst, not the intrigues of aliens? To do this, you need to measure the temperature (no, not for yourself, although it also will not hurt).

According to horror films, the air at the place of manifestation of the supernatural always gets colder. In other words, they opened the refrigerator - and hell breathed on you. Enough to quietly turn on the air conditioner - and the one who is more novice will begin to draw a circle around him with chalk.

But how refreshing in the heat! Scene from the movie Scarecrows

Fans of the supernatural usually use infrared electronic thermometers to determine the ambient temperature. At the same time, it is recommended to measure the temperature not only of air, but also of objects of the surrounding environment, and if there are suspicions, do this several times from different angles. "World of fiction" is skeptical of such a method. While you are scurrying around with a thermometer, a crowd of hungry cacodemons will already have time to gather around you.

However, it is entirely possible that this is all a myth. If we analyze the legends of different peoples of the world, it turns out that ghosts almost always appear in the warm season (or in winter, but indoors). Ghost stories naughty knee-deep in the snow are extremely few. The element of ghosts - ancient castles, abandoned houses and family crypts. They like cold, but in moderation.

Gun for ghostbusters - infrared thermometer. Measurement range is from −50 to 1000 ° С.

Listen to the interference

At the end of the century before last, contacts with ghosts were in great fashion. Invented the camera - and people immediately began to photograph the fairies. And when Thomas Edison created the phonograph, then in an interview with Scientific American, they first asked him about the possibility of recording the voices of ghosts. The inventor replied that it is possible to admit the preservation of the vital essence of a person after his death from the point of view of science, however, its influence on the real world will be extremely weak, so the device for recording such an effect must be incredibly sensitive.

The geopolitical upheavals of the first half of the 20th century for a long time discouraged researchers from poking their ghosts with a microphone. But in the 1970s, interest in the ghostly “white noise” flared up again in the United States. Many people suddenly began to detect extraneous voices on their tape recorders, uttering both meaningless phrases and entire appeals to descendants. Stoloverchenie gave way to magnetic recording.

Shot from the film "The Spell"

The inventors built special radio transmitters that supposedly made it possible for two-way communication with the dead. And by the end of the 20th century, ghosts generally dispersed: they began to call living people and even get into files on a computer.

By the way: Radio waves with a frequency of 30 megahertz and higher can be reflected from ionized traces of meteors in the atmosphere. During meteor showers, your radio may receive distorted "ghostly voices." From space!

Our recommendations are as follows: if the ghosts sent you an SMS with a message about a big win and a request to call back at some strange number, contact specially trained ghostbusters (calling an e-car - by number 02). If your computer is obsessed with evil - update your antivirus.

And if during a telephone conversation you hear strange voices pronouncing magical formulas like “Who's on the line?”, Immediately seize the initiative: say in an ominous voice, “In 7 days you will die!” And swear dirtyly in Japanese. It will puzzle anyone, especially ghosts.

Measure magnetism and radiation

Occupational safety specialists who measure electromagnetic fields in offices do not even suspect that some consider the fluctuations in their radiation recorded by them to be evidence of phantom activity. The logic here is simple: the higher nervous activity of the brain is of an electrochemical nature, therefore, after death, the soul remains in some electromagnetic form. Without power sources and radiators, to the great joy of the seekers of perpetual motion machines. Accordingly, a sure sign of otherworldly exposure will be changes in the electromagnetic field surrounding you.

Unfortunately, we do not recommend you to use devices for measuring electromagnetic radiation for contact with ghosts. Most of these devices (we are talking about inexpensive household models) work in a fairly narrow frequency range and are suitable only for domestic needs. And it does not make sense to try expensive professional models - because if they really “caught” bursts from ghosts, electronic engineers would be the most superstitious people in the world.

In 1952, Professor Schumann discovered the so-called "standing electromagnetic waves" produced by the Earth itself - thunderstorms and even the oscillation of the planet's core. The frequency of the “Schumann resonance” is 7.83 Hz (which corresponds to the lower limit of the frequency of the alpha waves of the human brain associated with vision), but only the most sensitive equipment can register it. Even the movement of trees from the wind creates interference. Apologists for the electromagnetic nature of ghosts believe that Schuman waves are somehow connected with the supernatural.

A distant relative of “phantom magnetism” is dowsing (it is dowsing), condemned in the Bible: “My people question their tree, and his rod gives him an answer; for the spirit of fornication has led them astray ”(Hos. 4:12). The main idea is this: by the vibrations of a wooden or metal (copper or iron) stick, straight or split, freely held in hands, one can detect the presence of otherworldly forces. Initially, dowsing was used to search for minerals and groundwater (when digging wells).

If the vine responds to magical or magnetic radiation, then it is able to detect ghosts. And if the wiggle of the vine is the result of unconscious movements of the dowseller’s body, perceiving the biofield, then this technique is applicable to everyone who has at least weak makings of a medium.

In the Middle Ages, this was a fairly universal tool, they searched for not only ore, but also people: in 1692, someone Jacques Vernet found among the prisoners of Toulon prison a long-wanted murderer (the poor fellow pointed at by the wand was immediately wheeled). Vernet also went home, revealing adultery and even Gentiles (Protestants) with a vine.

We do not approve of this method of ghost detection because of its low reliability. If the vine really reacts to metals and water, then the power of their bio-radiation will most likely mask the presence of ghosts - after all, in the Middle Ages, when this method was developed, there were no multi-million cities with plumbing and tons of metal in each house.

What is feng shui nowadays? A neighbor’s plasma TV can "sound" no worse than the ghost of Jack the Ripper, the subway tunnel under the house will register as the Styx underground river, and if you decide to celebrate the beginning of your ghostbuster's career with a little libation, the next morning the vine in your hard hands will behave as if a breakthrough of the fabric of the universe has just occurred and hordes of hell have poured into our world.

And some people believe that ghosts are radioactive. In principle, it is logical: they glow! Search for ghosts is suggested by a Geiger counter. Although we have not yet encountered a more delusional idea, because old castles would have fonned like Hiroshima in August 1945, and it was just right to put a nuclear reactor on the Flying Dutchman. If radioactivity, like all other types of radiation, is only an unstable “side effect” of phantom activity, then ghosts can become a new source of energy of the 21st century: environmentally friendly and renewable.

Interestingly, radioactive ghosts have a critical mass?

Take photos and videos

The most technologically advanced and effective way of detecting ghosts from our point of view is video surveillance and motion sensors. Everyone has computers now. There is no problem with video surveillance either: today you can buy anything from cheap penny webcams to professional ones operating in the infrared range.

Motion sensors 10–15 years ago were exotic from James Bond films. Today they are put on apartment alarms, doors of supermarkets and even in toilets so that the light turns on automatically. They read changes in the infrared background and can detect any moving object whose temperature exceeds the ambient temperature.

If you have some money and skills, you can put together a very high-quality tracking system - both for ghosts, and for households and your own car parked at the entrance. Modern surveillance tools are free from the drawbacks inherent, for example, of film cameras, in which the slightest defects in the film were easily mistaken for “hi” from the other world. Although, if you believe the films, the ghosts on the cameras do not come across - you can only see how the people they torment are pounding on the walls (the film "Curse 3"). But in any case, the system works.

Frame from the film "Paranormal Phenomenon"

By the way: between "clouds - white-maned horses" and gloomy creatures from darkness there is much in common. it pareidolia  - the formation of complete visual images from in no way related to each other details. We see various images in the clouds, and we “draw” ourselves ghosts from movements captured by lateral vision.

Do not meddle in trouble

All of the above tools are only suitable for those who are looking for contact with ghosts. But, as is always the case with paranormal phenomena, you are not looking for them, but they are finding you. You will find out that you have encountered a ghost when you see it firsthand.

In the simplest and most obvious case, it can be a translucent human figure. Women are usually dressed in nightgowns, their hair is loose, their feet are bare. For some reason, this dubious dress code does not apply to ghosts of men: deceased men can be dressed in anything from the skin of a saber-toothed tiger to a spacesuit. Probably a half-naked man in a white shirt with long flowing hair is too harsh even by the standards of the afterlife.

In Japan, whatever a ghost is yurei. Pale haired young lady in a nightie. Shot from the film "The Call"

What should you do if you encounter a ghost? The answer to "run away" is most obvious, but not always effective. In addition, the manifestations of the ghost can be indirect: white light, whisper, inexplicable movement of surrounding objects. If you run out of the room every time your neighbors decide to move furniture from above, your Ghostbuster career will end in a famous medical facility.

So if you see something strange - just avoid any contacts with this “strange”, keep your distance and watch. From movies and books on otherworldly subjects it follows that indirect manifestations of ghostly activity rarely turn out to be dangerous (the maximum that a poltergeist is capable of is to throw things at you). All these sudden switching of radio channels in the car or dead voices in the phone are designed to scare you to death or tell you some information. As a rule - about your imminent death.

Exceptions are quite rare and occur in situations that are already initially dangerous to you. For example, a blinking light in an elevator may mean that the last feelings in your life will be fear and weightlessness. In horror movies, there is such a cliche: in front of a car traveling at full speed, a ghostly figure suddenly appears. The frightened driver takes a sharp maneuver and gets into an accident. This happens almost always at night, on the back country roads. In the afternoon, ghosts for some reason do not appear on the freeways.

Shot from the film “Route Built”

Inanimate Spirits

Ghosts are supposed to be souls. However, there are stories about ghosts of animals (most often these are ghost dogs), which according to Christian canons have no souls. Meeting with otherworldly animals, as a rule, does not bode well. Large things can also be ghosts - usually vehicles (cars, planes, ships - the same “Flying Dutchman”). Their route ends in hell, but they themselves are not dangerous. Their passengers are dangerous.

Frame from the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"

Try to understand him

When meeting with a ghost, you must understand his intentions as soon as possible. If there are, of course, there are - after all, a ghostly “performance” can simply unfold before you, repeating the events of the past (usually brutal crimes or major battles). In this case, ghosts only act out their roles and do not react to the material world.

Many ghosts are active only at night, but this does not necessarily mean that night ghosts are evil. It is assumed that night is the time when the fabric between the worlds becomes thinner. As an example, we can recall the shadow of Hamlet's father: “But be quiet! It smelled of morning wind! I’ll hurry up! ” The ghost of a deceased family member, a close person or relative is almost certainly not dangerous (although it happens that one is unlucky with a relative).

By the way: In Slavic mythology, it was believed that the spirits of the ancestors (grandfathers) can "eat" by inhaling steam from hot food. Refuse sandwiches for lunch - both your stomach and grandfathers are healthy.

Even the ghosts of strangers can try to make peaceful contact with you - as a rule, to provide some important information.

Or just out of boredom. Frame from the cartoon "Canterville Ghost"

In the vast majority of cases, ghosts are not concerned with your financial well-being, but try to warn of impending disaster or cry out for revenge. This is due to the fact that ghosts rarely experience the pleasure of being in our world and seek to get rid of the metaphysical obligations that hold them on Earth as soon as possible. They will not go to the casino with you and push the ball to the right numbers, they will not predict the results of races and give lectures on history, and finally, they will not strangle your enemies at night. Yes, and a full conversation with the "good ghost" almost never works.

You hardly have the abilities of a medium, and your own ghost powers are enough for short messages - and not necessarily transmitted in the flesh. It can be inscriptions on the wall or just a knock (although nowadays neither the living nor the dead know the "morse"). In other words, with a ghost it is unlikely to be able to watch football on TV.


If the ghost is disfigured or at least looks scary - you can put the last penny on the fact that his intentions towards you are far from humane. These are usually vengeful spirits: poor fellows who have died by violent death and are obsessed with an irrepressible thirst for knowledge, but to a very limited extent (to find out what is inside you).

You can call for help, but you should do it wisely. Practice shows that if other people are not interested in your ghost, then they do not see it. Do not shout that a headless horseman is chasing you, otherwise help may come too late - and only psychiatric. Ghosts rarely “switch” to other victims and prefer to pursue the chosen target to the end. However, if others try to help (at least keep your body flying through the air), the ghost may retreat.

If you see ghosts, and the mobile phone does not work - trouble. Most likely, you have failed in their world. Shot from the movie "Silent Hill"

Against possessed ghosts can help the standard means of combating evil - holy water and silver. But usually they are not at hand at the right time, so there is only one way out: look for a way out of the damned place as soon as possible. Considering that ghosts can materialize anywhere and easily overcome obstacles, while preferring to appear behind your back, run along the dark corridors of the castle or between raw gravestones, this is a very dubious pleasure. Keep in mind that your fear can feed evil ghosts and they will purposely drive you to “recharge”.

Fortunately, evil spirits are usually “tied” to a place - often their own resting place - so you can theoretically escape from them. In places of their strength, they are endowed with significant opportunities. If the heroes of the horror movies knew what awaited them just a few minutes after the ominous “boo!”, They would immediately jump out the window. But for some reason, this fastest and most effective way to escape from ghosts is rarely practiced.

Proton guns? And what. Ghosts are ephemeral creatures. Has anyone tried to shine at least with a laser pointer on them?

* * *

No need to make an elephant out of a fly, but an invincible monster out of a ghost. If someone sad sad translucent physiognomy looms on your vacation photos - throw away the old “filmy” and buy a “number”. If mysterious inscriptions and pentagrams regularly appear on the landing, then a well-installed webcam will help to carry out punitive and educational exorcism against neighboring blockheads. Well, if a ghostly hand grabbed you by the throat and drags you into a dark portal, then even our article will not help.

Be careful, do not exert much effort, treat everything with curious skepticism - and the ghosts will not care for you.

Mankind knows little about ghosts, despite the fact that a lot of popular and scientific literature has been written about them, different ones have been shot. There are skeptics who do not believe in the existence of ghosts, but there are those who believe that ghosts can predict the future of an individual. That group of people who believe in the existence of ghosts, believe that these are the souls of dead people. Ghosts and ghosts  descended to the earth or did not leave it in view of the remaining unfinished business in this world.

Ghost abilities

Ghosts and ghosts by their appearance they obviously want to tell some information to eyewitnesses. They come to the world of the living in order to fulfill their task and, having done this, disappear. No matter how well the doors are locked, a ghost will penetrate without knocking and appear right in front of an eyewitness. Starting from a thin, barely noticeable and perceptible haze, ghosts gradually become more visible and acquire a human-like appearance. If a ghost is in front of an eyewitness for a long time, then the latter may have serious ailments:

1. loss of strength;

2. dizziness;

3. nausea;

5. desire to sleep;

All this is due to the loss of a large amount of energy necessary for the life of the body.

Who can see a ghost

Often ghosts and ghosts  are only for one person. Even in cases where there are many people in the room, their attention will be absorbed in the common cause. And that is why not everyone will notice a ghost. Perhaps one or two eyewitnesses can see the ghost, while they should be fully awake and be at the point where the ghost would be visible as well as an ordinary living person. Ghosts cannot speak, but in a person after meeting a ghost:

1. Information about the future appears in the head. In some telepathic way, the ghost transmits this information to the living.

2. There is deja vu - a condition in which it is felt as if this has already happened. This is nothing but the work of a ghost.

3. Overcomes an incomprehensible fear, a desire to leave. Some attribute deja vu to the phenomenon of rebirth.

Ghosts in the story

Ghosts and ghosts  since ancient times they have been warning the living of the future. Starting from Ancient civilizations (Greece and Rome) and ending with the present day, the appearance of the spirit of a deceased living person is an indispensable attribute of every culture. The Roman writer and statesman Pliny the Younger describes the case of the philosopher Athenodor, when a ghost appeared before him and spoke about   the coming death of the philosopher. In the medieval worldview and in real life, the spirits of the dead and the living were nearby, in contact with each other. At the same time, communication with ghosts was perceived as something ordinary and ordinary. Living not only side by side with the dead. There is a point of view that in the medieval mentality they were combined into a single whole.

The phenomenon of collision with has nothing to do with an accidental encounter with its exact physical copy. Ghostly doubles have some peculiarity - they appear in front of their exact physical original. At the same time, it is not known for certain whether the ghost recognizes its living copy. But it can definitely be said that a person who has met his exact copy in the form of a ghost remains under an indelible impression for a long time. So in history, there are cases of the appearance of double ghosts. Empress Catherine II saw her double ghost, and shortly afterwards death overtook her. It is possible that such ghosts are the messengers of the disease.

The classical point of view is that it is the soul of a deceased person, appearing in the real world of the living in the form natural for a person during his lifetime, but without a material body. A departure from this definition is not an orthodox point of view, so to speak, from which it follows that ghosts or ghosts are nothing but a mental body that has not yet dissolved in ether. It is the second definition that is the explanation for the repeated appearance of ghosts in various places.

It is believed that if a person was killed by force, any suicide occurred, then the mental body of the person does not dissolve on the air, as it usually happens, but instead remains attached to the scene of the incident or to its remains until one or another is destroyed .

How to see a ghost?  From the above it follows that it is worth looking where something terrible has happened. Murder or suicide.

Where ghosts live

Most often ghosts and ghosts live and happen, they manage to be fixed in psychiatric hospitals, since it is no secret that they die there quite often and not because the time has come, but because of the next treatment method, which, unfortunately, failed.

Abandoned psychiatric hospitals with ghosts

These places include the Severalls Mental Hospital in Colchester, England, closed in 1997;

Trans-Alleeni (Lunatic Asylum) Weston, West Virginia, USA was closed in 1999 due to the highest mortality and as it turned out later due to cruel torture, experimentation and killing of a huge mass of patients.

The 17th psychiatric hospital in Volgograd is still operating.

Bringing in the hospital

Ordinary hospitals should also not be ignored for the same reason: Louisville (Waverly Hills Sanatorium) of Kentucky, the United States died in it 66,000 people from tuberculosis, Khovrinsky hospital, Moscow, Russia is known for the mass sacrifices of the sect of the Satanists Nemostor, flooded alive in the same hospital.

Casts in castles

To the question - How to see a ghost, - you can also advise the old abandoned castles with a dismal history and an ominous reputation. For example, such as: Chillingham, Northumberland, Great Britain - the castle is famous for the huge number of tortured enemies of England during the war; Loftus Hall, Ireland is known for the ghost of a girl killed by a ghost.

Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg is known for the ghost of the murdered Emperor Paul I.

The Rozmberk Castle in the Czech Republic is inhabited by a friendly ghost called the “White Lady” owned by Perchte Rozmberk, cursed by her husband Jan Lichtenstein. Fontainebleau, France from the very beginning was inhabited by ghosts and ghosts, why it is not known, presumably the castle was built at the crossroads of the worlds of the living and the dead.

Ghost Prisons

A good way to try your luck in finding a ghost is to visit prisons where death sentences were carried out. The list can include the military prison of Liepaja port, Latvia, notable for its sinister cell 18 in which a young girl committed suicide. The prison in Derby, England is famous for its terrible death row, on the wooden door of which the initials of everyone who had been in this cell before execution were carved, they say there are plenty of ghosts there. The detention center of the National Security Committee of Almaty, Russia is known for numerous reports of ghosts who both served in this prison and from the caretakers. The 8th prison in Tbilisi, Georgia, built on the grounds of a former psychiatric hospital in the Gldansk region, is known for the regular appearance of ghosts. Butyrka prison Moscow, Russia also has its own ghost, which often visits prisoners, leaving the walled cell in the times of Catherine II.

And at the end of Sailor's Silence Moscow, Russia is known for abnormal phenomena in the form of voices, ghosts and even attacks on personnel. Paranormal specialists were repeatedly invited to this prison, but this did not work.

Ghosts in the Graveyards

There is another way to see a ghost. Naturally, these are, of course, the notorious cemeteries. Well, here to advise, something specific does not make sense, since ghosts are seen in completely different cemeteries. Just choose the central, largest and preferably old (the older, the better) in your city.

Spirit Challenge: Spiritual Sessions

Well, perhaps, the last method remained. Spiritual Session. Perhaps this is the worst option. In all of the above cases, you are only an outside observer of what is happening, although it is possible that you can become a subject of interest to the ghost, then everything can be pretty bad. In a seance, you are one hundred percent participant in events and there is no guarantee that a disturbed cast will not cripple you or even kill you. Confirmation of this is the numerous suicides of both mediums themselves and those who went to their sessions. Therefore, be careful if you choose this particular method.

How to see a ghost

We take a camera with good sensitivity and a matrix of at least 5 Mp, insert a memory card (the bigger the better) and go to any place from the above. Once in place, we begin to photograph everything in a row, since ghosts and ghosts are usually almost transparent and can rarely be seen with their eyes. If you are lucky, you may be able to capture a real ghost, as the photographer from Indonesia managed to do. He photographed the corridor along which the next day they were supposed to be taken to the execution of the criminal and after developing the photographs he found this from below. It was in 1993.

Of course, no one has yet come up with a mirror with which those who wish could see the restless souls, but you can learn to look in the right direction and at the right angle. Having found a place with high paranormal activity, you can organize a ghost hunt, documenting progress and staying safe while communicating with the dead - this will be an unforgettable experience, from which you and after a lot of time goosebumps will run. Start reading the first step if you want to know more.


Part 1

Finding the right place

    Look for places where ghosts live. Usually these places have a rich history and have already experienced their ups and downs, failures and triumphs. A win-win choice would be a house in which many generations of the same family have grown up, an old hospital or public building, a boarding house, a warship that has not been used for long, and other historical places. In Paris, London, New Orleans and Japan, there are well-known places famous for their paranormal atmosphere due to its rich history.

    • It is unlikely that you will be lucky to meet a ghost in shopping centers or recently built houses. In these buildings there are no traces of physical activity that are inherent in old buildings with their own history. Try to find a place where things like bygone days echo like echoes.
  1. Look for local haunted houses.  More often than not, there is no need to go to distant lands to see a ghost. In every city there are places that are considered haunts of ghosts. Head to the library and read books on local history, ask the librarian about strange things to do in your city, or sign up for a scary story lover tour. Make a list of places you can visit and go there when it gets dark.

    • If you live in rural areas, then the chances of seeing a ghost increase at remote crossroads and railway tracks, at abandoned bridges, in old cemeteries and crime scenes.
  2. Explore the list of famous paranormal attractions.  If you live in the USA, consider traveling to:

    • "Hotel Stanleylocated in Estes Park, Colorado. Room # 417 of this hotel became the basis for the true Stephen King horror festival in his novel Radiance.
    • Lafite Forge  in New Orleans, Louisiana. When settling in a bar to drink a cold beer, do not forget to glance around - maybe you will notice one or two dead pirates.
    • East State Prison  in Philadelphia, PA. This prison in the city of Brotherly Love, which was once overcrowded, is now closed, but there are rumors that it is run by former prison cell inmates.
  3. Explore other locations in the world known for their paranormal features.  Starting from the Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as the “Suicide Forest”, where more than 500 people have died since 1950, and ending with the Tower of London - the infamous medieval prison - there are thousands of places in the world famous for their haunted ghosts. This is for example:

    Examine places associated with severe injury or pain.  There is no need to plan a trip across the sea in search of ghosts. Look for areas historically associated with physical injuries - ghosts can still hold on to them. Explore murder sites, prisons, or other historical sites associated with mysterious legends.

    Go to the cemetery.

  • Keep your mind open to perception. If you do not believe in ghosts and are not inclined to see them more than decisively, then most likely you will not see.
  • YouTube and other sites are literally overwhelmed with dubious information about spells that will allow you to "see" the ghosts. For example, you may be asked to read a spell while looking at the sun. What you see after that is just tracer floats, i.e. a visual phenomenon experienced by absolutely everyone without exception. Do not harm your eyes while trying to make out ghosts.

Everyone can see the otherworldly spirit without spending years setting up and cleaning subtle bodies. And the main condition for this is the suppression of fear, which can easily block any vision, causing the brain to either “blind” or quickly and reliably convince you that what you just saw seemed to you. True, there are not many methods to do this. But on the other hand, we selected the most working of them to independently see the otherworldly spirit, many of which people have used for thousands of years. And most importantly - most of them, although not all, allow you to draw a clear line between fantasies and, having secured material evidence that you really saw or that you could prove the presence in your house of a ghost, otherworldly spirit or some other energetic essence or creatures.

To see the otherworldly spirit with side vision

This method of seeing the otherworldly spirit allows you to deceive the brain, which usually completely erases from our perception of reality those objects that cannot and should not exist in this very reality. Therefore, looking at the otherworldly spirit at point blank range, you will almost never notice it. But you will almost always see if he is in the zone of your peripheral movement. One misfortune - in this case, you will most likely see it in the form of a dense clot, spot, or movement that cannot be described. But another thing is more important. The fact that you can really see it, which means to understand that the rustles or “drafts” in the house scare you, is not in vain.

You can also try to see the otherworldly spirit, squinting slightly, pointing your face strictly toward the object that you want to see. But this method is suitable only for those who already know how to silence their brain, otherwise you will almost always become a victim of your fantasies, or incorrect mental interpretation of what you see.

Alcohol will help you to see the otherworldly spirit

By no means do we urge you to consume alcohol! But the fact remains - often a state of intoxication accompanies such a strong temporary change in consciousness that being not only see the otherworldly spirit, but even hear, or as magicians say, “understand it,” find out why it remained in our world, why it doesn’t leave, and what should be done to help him leave.

However, what is interesting is that such a change in consciousness is possible only in people who drink alcohol for the first time, or who use them so rarely that they can easily be called withdrawal symptoms.

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See the otherworldly way half asleep

It is easy to spot a ghost while in a state of drowsiness. But getting on the bed, lulling yourself, is not enough.

  • Firstly, you need to fix your eyelids with tape or adhesive plaster so that they are ajar for 1-2 millimeters, even when you fall asleep.
  • And, secondly, you need to settle down in a slightly, but illuminated room, and be sure to lie on your back. Now you can calm down, relax and allow yourself to sleep. We guarantee that if a certain intangible energy being is present in the room, you will definitely see it.

Of course, what you see can also be the result of your imagination or in some way from a dream that has begun, superimposed on reality. However, in most cases, you will see just the otherworldly spirit. And the proof of this is awakening, since any similar contact with the inhabitants of the otherworldly in a normal person initiates an almost instantaneous release of a powerful portion of adrenaline.

To see the otherworldly spirit will help flour

This method has indeed been used for thousands of years. But he works like this - in the evening, through a sieve, flour is sprinkled on the floor in a room in which, as it is supposed, a ghost appears, and in the morning they study what traces remained on it. Usually these are traces of shod or bare feet of different sizes, which are believed to be left by the otherworldly spirit that lives in the house where this experiment was conducted.

Photography helps you see the otherworldly spirit

In order to photograph the otherworldly spirit, you need to make it so that it appears on a black lightproof background from fabric, velvet, paper, painted in dark colors on the wall. It is almost impossible to photograph a ghost in the background of any light sources. The second condition for successful photography, which neither physics nor esotericism is able to explain, is that the otherworldly spirits are best manifested in photographs taken with a film, rather than a digital camera. A digital camera, if it conveys the outlines of a ghostly creature, is only in the form of a light or dark spot.

Also an ideal option to remove the otherworldly spirit is to photograph in the evening mirrors, the screen of a working or off TV, any reflective surfaces - a dark window, furniture glasses, etc. But with this kind of photographing, we recommend that you show, because the camera can capture very different creatures, sometimes really capable of creating terror,. Therefore, such experiments are strongly not recommended for people with a weak psyche.

Mirror trap as a way to see the otherworldly spirit

In order to build a mirror trap for the spirit, it is necessary to have two mirrors of the same shape and size, and which is also very important - made by one master. These mirrors are exhibited in a room or in the corridor in which a ghost appears, so as to form an endless mirror tunnel. After this, you should arrange yourself so that you don’t reflect in the mirrors yourself or yourself, but at the same time see the entire mirror tunnel. As soon as a ghost appears, you will definitely see it.

But then again - when conducting such experiments, also be extremely careful.

  • Firstly, mirrors placed in this way can reflect different creatures.
  • Secondly, they can play the role of a trap that will not only catch a certain demon, but also attach it to your subtle bodies.
  • Thirdly, if you have powerful energy or the makings of esotericism that have not been developed yet, with the help of mirrors set up in this way, you can unwittingly create a portal through which the most diverse, by no means always positively disposed towards you, entities penetrate your reality.

Candle is a powerful way to see otherworldly spirit.

This method, although it will provide exclusively indirect evidence of the presence of an otherworldly spirit, will be absolutely safe. In order for it to work, you need to tightly close all the doors and windows in the room in order to completely get rid of the slightest draft. Then you should fix the candle so that it is to the edge of the table or shelf (ideally on a thin high candlestick) and light it. After that, you should carefully monitor the light - if it starts to swing and tremble, it means that there is a kind of energy being or entity next to you.

But remember that the light should fluctuate from side to side, conditionally - from left to right. If he hesitates from you and to you, then this means that, most likely, your own energy acts on him.

Incense will help to see the otherworldly spirit

We must say right away that cigarette smoke is not suitable for such an experience. But the smoke from various incense, the same incense sticks placed in different places of the room, can either repeat the outlines of the otherworldly spirit, if it arises next to you, or show the trajectory of its movement within the room. In this experiment, as well as in the experiment with candles, any artificial movements of air should be avoided, remembering that not only the draft, but also your movements and even your breathing can affect the shape that the incense smoke takes.

Homemade dream catcher as an opportunity to see the otherworldly spirit

You most likely have seen a similar trap woven from twigs, threads, beads and feathers. So, according to Native American traditions, it is possible to use it to determine the presence of an otherworldly spirit. Hanged under the ceiling, it will certainly begin to swing or spin as soon as the ghost passes under it. At the same time, the Indians remembered that the more intensely the dreamcatcher swings and spins, the more the otherworldly spirit treats you negatively, or the more insistently he wants to convey to you some important message for you.

But how to hear a ghostly message, we will tell in a separate article, you can use the search on the site. &one

Watch the video as you can see the ghost