Why are monsters dreaming? What does it mean to see a monster or a monster in a dream

Hidden children's fears can manifest themselves in the images of monsters.

Is there any unrecognized part of your soul that you are afraid of? Examine your inner monster (your inner monsters): there is nothing worse than the unknown.

Get to know your inner demons.

You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Face the monster that scares you, fight it or make friends, but do not become its victim.

  Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

  Dream Interpretation - Monster

A vampire was seen in a dream - a warning: you may be drawn into a dirty business or adventure; for patients, such a dream promises recovery.

Ghouls and ghouls dreamed - you are waiting for anxiety, ambition, claim.

A frightening monster warns of danger and doubt - awards and incentives await you, you only need to eliminate the enemies.

Kill a monster - a reward or encouragement awaits you.

  Interpretation of dreams from

according to Miller’s dream book

To dream that a monster is haunting you means that sorrows and tribulations will soon take a big place in your life. Killing a monster in a dream is a portent of the fact that you will successfully cope with enemies and occupy a prominent position in society.

Dream of a dragon

according to the dream book of mythical animals

Universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines a snake and a bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely auspicious and meant the waters bearing the life of a snake, and the breath of life of a bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the blessed rains following the thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and floods. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Heavenly Force, bearing good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. In the Far East, it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, power, hidden knowledge, the power of waters that carry life. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, after him, a wise and noble man. Monotheistic religions portray the dragon with evil power, with the exception of certain cases when he can personify the Logos, the spirit animating or omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and the serpent usually interchange each other in symbolism representing implicit, indistinguishable, chaos, latent, unbridled nature, as well as the life-giving power of water. When he spews thunder and lightning, there is a transition from the world of the unmanifest to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has a dual symbolism: he can act both as the god of rain and as his adversary, preventing the rain from falling. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the deep of the sea, on the other - with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with which heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or master the land. They are the guardians of treasures and access to secret knowledge. The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. The victory over the dragon represents the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over man’s own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. To save an immaculate girl from the clutches of a dragon is to free pure forces by crushing the evil. The dragon often confronts a dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon represents “flying,” and having lost its wings, it is “fixed,” caught. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood, and seed. The Celts - a symbol of higher authority, the owner. The red dragon is the emblem of Wells. The dragon and the serpent in Chinese symbolism are inextricable. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of formation, supernatural wisdom, power. He is the "Heavenly Deer," the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, male power yang. Cloud dragon also means thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. The Blue Dragon “moon” - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, a sign of the emperor. The imperial dragon is also called "lun"; five claws, his head pointing to the South, and the tail to the North. It represents the East and the life-giving rain. The ordinary dragon "manga" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. An earlier form of Chinese dragon was a three-claw dragon. Subsequently, this form of dragon was adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon "Li" lives in the sea and owns the depths of the sea, it also symbolizes the scientist. The dragon "chiyao" lives in the mountains or on the earth and personifies the state man. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has “nine correspondences”: “Its horns are like deer, the head of a camel, its eyes are like that of a demon, the neck of a snake, the belly of a snail, its scales are like that of a carp, its claws are eagle’s, the soles of a tiger and its ears are cow’s.” Two “fighting”, competing dragons, looking at each other, represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth, usually between them they either represent the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon. Dragons turned to each other with their backs represent the beginnings of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, this is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often a dragon is portrayed with a "dragon ball" or a "glowing pearl." There are various interpretations of these images: it is either peals of thunder, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when she arrives it is a sign that he spits it out a little. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is a “pearl that fulfills all desires”, a pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, light and spiritual essence of the universe. She can represent the Bodhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, divine potentiality, containing all the opposites, the interaction of macrocosm and microcosm, two aspects of androgyne, rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double helix. The dragon depicted with the tiger can mean voluptuousness, but the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, "that still old serpent", the power of evil, the devil, the tempter, the enemy of God. He also represents death, darkness, paganism and heresy. In the Old Testament, the "abode of dragons" is associated with the "mortal canopy", Psalms 44:19 and water abysses. "Dwelling place of dragons" was considered a place of desolation and destruction. Dragon winners appear as triumphs over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tail tied represents the evil defeated, since it was believed that the power of the dragon in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, casting a dragon, reveals the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Kado, Clement of Metsky, George, Kane, Margarita, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apop, the dragon of darkness and chaos, plunges every morning God the Sun of Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Heracles, the winner of monsters. Sometimes dragons are portrayed harnessed to Ceres. The Jews considered a symbol of desolation; desert inhabitant. In Hinduism, a dragon is a manifest power, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra plunged the dragon. In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma. The Japanese dragon with three claws on its paws represents Mikado, imperial and spiritual authority. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - "adversary", the power of evil.

To dream that a monster is chasing you means that sorrows and misfortunes will soon take a big place in your life.

Killing a monster in a dream is a portent of the fact that you will successfully cope with enemies and occupy a prominent position in society.

  Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does monster sleep mean?

(See interpretation: fairy tale)

Seeing a monster in a dream portends a fear, a serious illness or an event that will terrify you. If in a dream the monster does not scare you, then some big troubles await you, which will occur due to the efforts of your enemies. The dream in which the monster attacks you indicates that you can cause the anger of an influential person with your inconsistent and unreasonable actions. Defeating a monster in a dream predicts success in business and making big profits.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dreaming a Monster

If in a dream you saw a terrible monster, such a dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts about your abilities. If a monster haunted you, you suffer because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to anyone.

If you saw that the monster was chasing another person, a dream warns that you are in danger of hidden danger.

  Interpretation of dreams from an intimate dream book

What do monster dreams mean?

If in a dream you dreamed of a monster, wait in real life for an unsuccessful meeting, because of which you will fall into a number of unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

  Dream Interpretation for Women

What in a dream means Monster

If in a dream a monster pursues you, soon a long streak of sadness and misfortune awaits you. To kill a monster is to successfully solve problems.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What the Monster predicts in a dream

This is a reflection of your own bitterness.

Such dreams suggest that there are people in your life whom you hate.

This hatred creates a dangerous nervous tension in the soul, which manifests itself at night in the form of frightening monsters. Try to get rid of evil thoughts and negative feelings, and even better - try to reconcile internally with your enemies, and then the monsters will disappear from your dreams.

And yet, in addition to scary dreams, negative tension from time to time can lead you to involuntary and ridiculous mistakes, condemning your business to failure. Think - do you need it ?.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

What does it mean to see a monster in a dream

A vampire was seen in a dream - a warning: you may be drawn into a dirty business or adventure; for patients, such a dream promises recovery.

Ghouls and ghouls dreamed - you are waiting for anxiety, ambition, claim.

A frightening monster warns of danger and doubt - awards and incentives await you, you only need to eliminate the enemies.

Kill a monster - a reward or encouragement awaits you.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Horned, tailed, toothy, scaly, with vicious sparkling eyes - all sorts of monsters always came in dreams to each of us. Especially in childhood, when every new impression - from a new film, a new book, a new story from elders, we passed through ourselves with the prefix "hyper". Monsters and others like them do not always come, but you certainly will not be able to forget such a dream. Let's figure it out - why are monsters dreaming?

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The monster is associated with the rejection of the inner world, which you are afraid to reveal. The fears inside you take such vile forms that a small effort of the mind will inflate an ordinary dream to a memorable nightmare that some of us carry through our lives from childhood. But you need to be courageous and look into the eyes of a monster, study it. Even better, if the dream is partly controlled: you understand that you are in a dream and you can at least somehow influence it, say, ask the monster which side it refers to you. If it does not want to answer, it must be forced by force. The answer may surprise you and turn out to be a memory of resentment, sorrow or fear experienced in childhood. If the child dreamed of a monster, then this is one hundred percent of his fear. All children go through this stage before entering puberty and realizing that growing up is not so scary. The most sensible thought at any age is to look into the eyes of a monster, thereby looking deep into yourself.

Noble dream book Grishina N.

Why is the monster dreaming? This is a cry of danger that warns of its appearance. You have the opportunity to prepare in advance. Just do not inflate the expectation of danger to the size and forms of the godless creature that appeared at night in a dream. Just do not let the situation go by its own accord and, if possible, control it - that’s how you will moderate the danger and see its real scale, namely the part that will harm you and with which you definitely cannot control it.

New family dream book

Why do monsters and monsters dream? Unfortunately, not otherwise. Especially if in a dream they chased you. But sadness is a feeling that can be overcome on a clear day only because you are a person with a fine spiritual organization. Do not give yourself slack.

East female dream book

Dream Interpretation: monsters, monsters are chasing you and it seems that they are about to be captured. This promises setbacks for the foreseeable future. But you just have to kill the monster in a dream, as you will understand - if such a creature was overcome, then you can definitely deprive a couple of problems in reality with little blood.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Had a monster dream? Well, get ready to let sadness into your life.
  • What do sea monsters dream of: danger can come from the water element or you feel fear due to an event that somehow related to water.
  • Why dream of killing a monster? This is a messenger that you will overcome enemies, difficulties and take a high place in your society. (cm. )
  • Why dream: a monster turns into a beauty / beauty. Such a dream can mean two things: first, an unpleasant person will turn out to be a very positive character; according to the second, a person will completely change his principles and become completely different.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: running away from the monster is akin to your escape from the troubles that nevertheless will overtake. But this does not mean that they will be just as toothy and huge. It’s just that they can’t be avoided and you need to come to terms with this fate, which is very transitory - there was trouble, trouble went away.
  • Dream Interpretation: to kill a monster and in reality means to overcome the same. Only in reality can this mean a protracted problem, a still unresolved matter. Also a victory!

Erotic dream book Danilova

Seeing a monster in a dream means seeing your own fear that you have finally encountered. It is as if you were simply confronted with a fact that you can no longer close your eyes to. What will be your actions - such will be the potential outcome in reality. Win - say goodbye to fears; they will prevail against you; just run - they will visit you for a long time. But remember that in reality you can hardly remember the details of such a dream, so you should not give much meaning to sleep.

Mythological Dream Book

Any monster in a dream symbolizes anxiety, empty doubts and groundless fears.

Spring dream book

The monster is a future strong fear, a nervous shock, a fear of the unknown.

Summer dream book

The monster dreams, however strange it may sound, to the ear, only to the rumor of someone else's pregnancy.

Autumn dream book

Any monster means reproach from children.

Female dream book

A long streak of sadness and misery is the result of the appearance of a monster in a dream. But if you kill him, then you will overcome all the troubles, or when they come, you will be fully armed.

Dream interpretation for family

Here the monster is interpreted as an unwanted acquaintance, which can turn into troubles.

Erotic dream book

The monster this dream book explains how your fear of revealing and showing your best features, which, as you think, can spoil the impression of you or make them vulnerable.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea

Any monster in a dream is a frightening truth that you all close your eyes to. If you meet him face to face in a dream, then your fears (whatever they may be) will be confirmed. But it is worth remembering that, in general, nightmares do not mean anything bad, and often do not make any sense other than an overly active fantasy, which so arbitrarily processes the impressions of the past day / week.


Speaking of monsters, one cannot fail to mention the fact that monsters take different forms in different people. Whoever is afraid of the Bigfoot, and who only the many-headed Hydra scares, is all very individual. But it is worth knowing that fear takes the form of a monster for a reason: in the forms of vision, its size and behavior in your dream you need to look for a clue about the fear that weighs most on you.

Monster  - symbolizes the frightening truth that you avoid.

See a monster, run away from him  - your worst fears will come true.

Kill the monster  - you will cope with the circumstances and your situation will improve.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The image of a monster in a dream  is a reflection of your own bitterness. Such dreams suggest that there are people in your life whom you hate. This hatred creates a dangerous nervous tension in the soul, which manifests itself at night in the form of frightening monsters. Try to get rid of evil thoughts and negative feelings, and even better - try to reconcile internally with your enemies, and then the monsters will disappear from your dreams. And yet, in addition to scary dreams, negative tension from time to time can lead you to involuntary and ridiculous mistakes, condemning your business to failure. Think - do you need it?

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If in a dream you dreamed of a monster- wait in real life for an unsuccessful acquaintance, because of which you will fall into a series of unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Monster  - unexpected trouble.

Female dream book

If a monster chases you in a dream  - Soon you will find a long streak of sadness and misfortune.

Kill the monster  - to successful problem solving.

Common dream book

To dream a monster  - to failure in business.

If you dreamed you killed a monster  - In the near future you will successfully cope with all the troubles.

You watched someone kill a monster  - Know, true friends will always come to your aid.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Monster  - hidden children's fears can manifest themselves in the images of monsters. Is there any unrecognized part of your soul that you are afraid of?

Explore your inner monster (your inner monsters)  - There is nothing worse than the unknown. Get to know your inner demons. You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Face the monster that scares you, fight it or make friends, but do not become its victim.

Mythological Dream Book

Monster  - empty doubts, anxiety, anxiety, vain fears.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

Fantastic monster scares you  - attack on you, danger.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If in a dream you saw a terrible monster  - such a dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts about your abilities.

If the monster chased you  - you suffer because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to someone.

If you saw a monster chasing another person  - a dream warns that you are in danger of hidden danger.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

Monster  - fear, doubt.

Dream Book

Monster  - some unrecognized part of your inner world that you are afraid of. Hidden fears in manifest form. Take a good look at your monster, get to know it better, study it, because only the unknown scares. You can even ask the monster what part of you it represents.