SEO copywriting - what is it?

SEO copywriting is writing articles that are optimized for search engines. This method differs from ordinary copywriting in that certain keywords must be entered into the text.

Keywords are the words that users set when searching for something in search engines, for example, in Google or Yandex. Their presence in the optimized text serves as a kind of marker by which search engines determine the subject of the page and its usefulness for a potential client. The more closely the keywords on the site match the query, the higher its position in the search results.

Writing SEO texts serves one purpose - to promote the site in search engines. The search engines keep the article ranking factors a secret, but the overall priorities are described quite accurately. A good SEO article is not just keyword-rich text, it is text that is useful to the user and provides comprehensive answers to questions. The fact is that Google and Yandex actively use behavioral factors in their analysis: reading time, repeated visits, clicks on links in the text, etc. If the article is not interesting to the client, then he will close the page and go to another site - these actions are fixed and affect the ranking.

Now you know why SEO copywriting is needed, that this is a popular service on content exchanges, since almost all sites need optimized texts.

Writing SEO texts

So, what is SEO copywriting, figured out, but how to create successful texts? What requirements, besides the presence of keywords, do customers impose on SEO texts?

  • Uniqueness. This parameter is checked using special programs. Ideally, the uniqueness should be 100%, but a spread of 5-10% is considered acceptable.
  • No overspam. The number of keywords in the document should not exceed 3–5% of the article, otherwise the search engine will identify the page as an attempt to artificially influence the search results and impose sanctions on it.
  • Uniform distribution of keys in the text. Keywords cannot be entered in one paragraph one after another, the text should look natural. A competent SEO copywriter, before writing an article, draws up a structure, taking into account the required entries.
  • Lack of "water". The presence in the text of a large number of common phrases and common truths negatively affects the user's perception. By entering a query into a search engine, a person is looking for specific answers, and if he does not find them in the first minutes of reading, he will most likely leave the page. You need to write concisely, concisely, strictly to the point.
  • And most importantly - competently and beautifully entered keywords. More on that below.

Key rules

SEO-copywriting of texts is the work with key phrases, they are usually selected by the optimizer. When filling out a task for a copywriter, the customer attaches a semantic core for a future article - a set of key entries that the copywriter must organically insert into the text. The conditions of the order may indicate the allowable number of repetitions of keys in the text, their priority of use and occurrence options. Keyword occurrences are of the following types:

  • Direct: the key must be used exactly in the form in which it is given in the task. If you are required to write "buy Samsung", then the phrase "purchase Samsung" is not suitable. Some occurrences are difficult to fit into the text harmoniously (for example, "plastic windows price"), in this case, you can break the phrase with punctuation marks: "plastic windows, the price of which ...".
  • Morphological occurrence: words in a phrase can be declined for the sake of readability. For example, the phrase “air conditioner repair” can be replaced with “we repair air conditioners”.
  • Diluted entry: words can be supplemented or diluted with prepositions. For example, the phrase "buy rims price" can be written like this: "you can buy rims from us at a price of ...".
  • Reverse occurrence: words can be interchanged (“buy a Samsung TV” with “buy a Samsung TV”).

Sometimes the optimizer asks the performer to use occurrences of all types in the text. For example: 3 exact occurrences, 1 morphological, 2 diluted. SEO copywriting rules require that these phrases be distributed evenly throughout the text, in increments of one or more paragraphs. The requirements of customers can be very different, so the main thing is to carefully read the TOR (technical task). Knowing the basics of SEO, you will be more likely to cope with tasks on the Exchange with brilliance. Finally, take advice. Remember that in any case, the text should be natural, informative and interesting to read. The combination of these three factors is the key to success in writing SEO articles.

On the eTXT Exchange, you will always find orders for SEO copywriting of a wide variety of topics and complexity in the feed. Register on the Exchange and choose the right orders!