Write a short tale of animals. Come up with a fairy tale about animals


You asked: “Help to compose a fairy tale?” Because you want to learn how to compose a fairy tale yourself.

  • Your children are 4-7 years old
  • You are new to composing fairy tales
  • You need a simple technique for composing fairy tales
  • Do you want to enjoy the development process of your children

The good news is that, following my prompts, you will learn how to compose little tales for your children. You will surely succeed if you follow simple rules. If you go step by step.

So, go!

1. You need a hero or heroine of a fairy tale

Compose a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, teapot, spoon, light bulb, table, tablet. About everything that catches your eye or comes to mind. If desired, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals are most often the protagonists of fairy tales.

What do you think is the main thing for a hero?

Of course, his character and appearance.

Think what your hero is

He's funny? Smart? Brave? Nice?

Also remember to come up with small flaws

It is small? Shy? Often lazy? Stubborn?

Creating a character in a small fairy tale can take some time. But if you get a convincing hero or heroine that evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the job is done. By the way, an invented character can be made a hero of a variety of stories.

From these bricks make up the character of the hero of your fairy tale

As you know, for a fairy tale, one hero or heroine is not enough.

Place the hero of your short tale at a specific time and space

Think about whether your story is happening in a real or fictional world.

Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

How much time will the hero take to overcome all difficulties and achieve the goal?

A day, a few years, a century?

Place your character in a familiar or, conversely, unusual setting.

Do not complicate. You can, for example, settle the hero in your apartment, and imagine a living room filled with comfortable armchairs and sofas with sofa cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a nursery. Or a yard.

Remember to include all your feelings. And for this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

Pay attention to the fact that most fairy tales of all time use the idea of \u200b\u200b“a lady in distress” or “a young man is in trouble”. These ideas always work!

Compose what happened to the main character

  • unusual phenomenon
  • something conjured a villain,
  • some act shifted the balance,
  • disease,
  • stealing something vital
  • a loss,
  • poverty and the need to survive
  • the task of saving or protecting someone, perhaps the whole world.

Set goals

  • solve a small or big problem
  • reach a destination as a result of a trip,
  • help yourself, a family member or just save a person,
  • living the dream,
  • get the answer to the question
  • break the spell
  • to heal or to heal?
  • find a friend or loved one.

    5. Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending

Despite the fact that we do not always get what we want in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that everything is possible.

Try these ideas:

  • the main character of the fairy tale saves himself, his relatives or someone else,
  • the hero solves the puzzle and reveals the secret,
  • the main character overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
  • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he makes friends.

Now you can begin to introduce the tale

Apply the classical principles: “Once”, “In one country far, far”, “Long ago, when” and the like.

Or think up yours: “Legend says” or “Deep, in the heart of the forest.”

Choose a “point of view” for a composed fairy tale

How will you tell your tale: from the first, second or third person?

As a storyteller, you can be directly involved in the action or report only objective data about how the characters in the story act and what happens to them.

Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you wrote corresponds to the age of the child

For kids in age from 3 to 5 years   Use simple themes.

The hero did not know something and thanks to simple actions, he recognized. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

For kids at agefrom 5 to 7 yearsyou can complicate the topic.

Add villains, let the hero overcome three, and not one difficult situation. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, include the rebellious actions of the hero: disobedience, escape from home for adventure, committing a forbidden action. Weave into the narrative morality summarized in proverbs and sayings.

And before moving on to the examples, get your GIFT!

A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

Examples of how to compose a fairy tale yourself

And now - examples of magical stories and pictures for visual warming up. Start with a little fairy tale. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, consider photos and pictures. Let your imagination turn on.

My favourite dog

This story was written by a mother with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother wrote it under dictation.

The tale of butterflies

- Mom, where did the butterflies come from? I ask.

And she tells me.

One fall, a Wizard watched children play on the lawn. The children laughed and had fun, but the wizard was sad. He was sad because he saw time flowing, taking with him to other worlds of people, flowers and all the beauty of the world.

“We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for humans,” the Wizard thought.
  He took out a magic box and began to put in it sun-bunnies, the blue of the sky, glare of flowers, children's laughter, a breath of wind.
  When the children went to bed and the meadow was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light rhythmic rustle filled the air, beautiful butterflies fluttered wherever the gaze penetrated.

“Fly to the magical land of your Queen,” the wizard said. - Now your purpose is to give people beauty.

The kingdom of butterflies is hidden among impenetrable jungle and high cliffs. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, transparent lakes and crystal waterfalls. Here, all the time, summer and the sun shines year-round. The wonderful and kind Queen of Butterflies rules this wonderful country. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

It is here that the most skilled artists and the most beautiful butterflies in the world live. Every morning, artists draw colorful patterns on their wings and every spring send them to the earth to please people with their beauty and tenderness.


Take a look at these pictures. Get into their mood and characters. And they will prompt you to the idea of \u200b\u200byour own magical story.

Why learn to compose fairy tales yourself?

  • We must be able to, because the school assigns tasks - "compose a short fairy tale about an animal, compose a fairy tale about .."
  • In order to develop the pleasure itself and the child’s thinking
  • To receive sincere emotions and good mood

If you want to effortlessly prepare your child for difficult school tasks, see the master class.

In just one lesson, you will learn to compose little tales!

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To come up with a fairy tale is a creative task that develops children's speech, imagination, imagination, creative thinking. These tasks help the child create a fairy-tale world where he is the main character, forming such qualities as kindness, courage, courage, patriotism in the child.

By writing independently, the child develops these qualities in himself. Our children really like to invent fairy tales themselves, it brings them joy and pleasure. Tales invented by children are very interesting, help to understand the inner world of your children, a lot of emotions, invented heroes as if came to us from another world, the world of childhood. Drawings for these compositions look very funny. The page presents short tales that students came up with for a lesson in literary reading in grade 3. If children cannot compose a fairy tale themselves, then invite them to independently invent the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale.

A fairy tale should have:

  • introduction (tie)
  • main action
  • decoupling + epilogue (preferred)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work the right finished look. Please note that in the examples below, these components are not always present, and this serves as a basis for lowering grades.

Fight Against Alien

In a certain city, in a certain country the president and first lady lived. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, courageous and brave, only Vasya And Vanya were irresponsible. Once an alien attacked the city. And not a single army could handle it. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible plane, a drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. But Roma did not sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight with him. It was not so simple. The plane was shot down. Roma woke the brothers, and they helped him control the steaming drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

Like a ladybug dots appeared.

Once upon a time there was an artist. And he came up with one way to draw a fabulous picture of the life of insects. He drew, drew, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. Not very beautiful, she seemed to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. Changed the color of the head, she again looked strange. And when I drew specks on the back - she became beautiful. And he liked her so much that he drew 5-6 at once. The artist’s painting was hung in the museum so that everyone would admire it. And ladybugs still have points on their backs. When other insects ask: “Why do you have ladybugs on your back?” They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Maria Surzhikova)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and a granddaughter. Every day they went to get water. My grandmother had large bottles, my granddaughter had smaller ones. Here is the time our water carriers went for water. The waters have gathered, go home through the area. They go and see the apple tree, and under the apple tree a cat. The wind blew, and the apple fell on the cat's forehead. The cat was frightened, but he ran right under our feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. Grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother. The cat ran scared, barely carried away. True they say: “Fear has big eyes - what is not there, and they see it”


Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter. Her name was Snowflake, because she was from the snow and melted in the sun. But, despite this, his heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “So you will grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found a wife for himself, her name was Rosella. She was angry and envied her stepdaughter. The snowflake was friends with all animals, as people were allowed to visit her, because the king was afraid that people could cause harm to his beloved daughter.

Every day, Snowflake grew and flourished, and her stepmother figured out how to get rid of it. Rosell found out the secret of Snowflake and decided, by all means, to destroy her. She called Snowflake to her and said: "My daughter, I became very ill and only the broth that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far." Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl went on a journey in the evening, found where Rosella’s sister lives, took a decoction from her and hurried back. But the dawn began and it turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake has melted, a beautiful flower has grown. Rosella told the king that she had let Snowflake look at the white light, but she never returned. The king was upset, waiting for his daughter day and night.

In the forest, where a fabulous flower grew, a girl walked. She took the flower home, began to look after him and talk with him. One spring day, a flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl turned out to be Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the priest. The king became angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized the savior of his daughter as the second daughter. And they live together since then very happily. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova. One day he went to the forest. The forest turned out to be magical as in a fairy tale. There lived dinosaurs. Vova walked walking and saw frogs in a clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and also began to dance. Vova laughed and the trees too. this was an adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

The Tale of the Good Hare

Once upon a time there was a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small decrepit hut at the edge of the forest. Once a hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. Gathered a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He goes home to meet the hedgehog. “What are you talking about?” The hedgehog asks. “Mushrooms and berries,” the hare answers. And he treated the hedgehog with mushrooms. He went on. Protein jumps towards. I saw a squirrel of berries and says: "Give me a bunny of berries, I will squirrel them to my ladies." The hare treated the squirrel and went on. A bear is coming towards. He gave the bear mushrooms to taste and went on.

Towards the fox. “Give me your hare!” He grabbed a sack of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. The hare ran forward to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only a hare sits and cries with bitter tears. Local animals learned about the trouble of the hare, and came to help him build a new house. And the house turned out to be a hundred times better than before. And then they got rabbits. And they began to live and take forest friends to visit.

Magic wand

Once upon a time there were three brothers. Two strong and weak. The strong were lazy, and the third was hardworking. They went into the forest for mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all of gold, went inside, and there were countless riches. The first brother took a sword of gold. The second brother took a club of iron. The third took a magic wand. Out of nowhere, the Serpent Gorynych appeared. One with a sword, the second with a club, but the Serpent of Gorynych takes nothing. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of a serpent he became a wild boar, which ran away. The brothers returned home and have since been helping a weak brother.


Once upon a time there was a little bunny. And once a fox stole it, carried far away, for distant lands. Put him in a dungeon and locked it with a key. A poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to be saved?” And suddenly he sees, little stars sprinkled from a small window, and a little fairy squirrel appeared. And she told him to wait for the fox to fall asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a bundle, ordered to open it only at night.

The night has come. Bunny untied the bundle and saw a fishing rod. He took it through the window, and swung it. Hit the hook on the key. He pulled a bunny, and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox was looking for him, searching, and never found him.

The tale of the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, the king and the queen lived. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One day the brothers walked in the garden. By evening, they came home. The king and the queen meet them at the gate and say: “Thieves have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land. ” And the brothers went, they began to look for robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day, near a village they see a hot battle. The brothers jumped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and the queen rejoiced in victory, the king became proud of his sons and arranged a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. A mustache flowed, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

Magic fish

Once upon a time there was a boy Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he threw a fishing rod, he didn’t catch anything. The second time he threw a fishing rod and again did not catch anything. The third time he threw a fishing rod and caught a goldfish. Petia brought her home and put her in a jar. He began to make up fictional dream wishes:

Fish - I want to learn math fish.

Well, Petya, I will do the math for you.

Small fish - small fish I want to learn Russian.

OK, Petya, I’ll make Russian for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish said nothing, only a tail splashed across the water and disappeared into the waves forever.

If you do not study and do not work, then you cannot become a scientist.

Magic girl

There was a girl in the world - the Sun. And the name of the Sun was because she was smiling. The Sun began to travel across Africa. She wanted to drink. When she said these words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when it was difficult for her in life, then these difficulties went away. And the girl understood about her magic. She made up toys, but this did not come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic disappeared. True they say: “If you want much, you will receive little.”

Tale of kittens

Once upon a time there was a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. Once they went for a walk and saw a frog. Kittens chased after her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ginger asked Barsik:

Who is it?

I don’t know, Barsik answered.

Let's catch him, Murzik suggested.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to talk about this mom. Mom cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens found out what kind of animal.

A Tale from Leni Hon

Ilya against the three dragons.

Once upon a time there lived one boy. He played in the courtyard of the house. His name was Ilya Morychin. Ilya was chosen because he was the son of Zeus - the god of lightning. And he could control the lightning. When he walked home, he ended up in a magical world where he met a rabbit. The rabbit told him to defeat the three dragons.

The first dragon was green and the weakest, the second - blue - a little stronger, and the third - red - the strongest.

If he defeats them, he will return home. Ilya agreed.

He defeated the first with ease, the second a little more difficult. He thought he won’t win the third, but the rabbit came to his aid and they defeated him. Ilya finally returned home and lived happily ever after.

Tale from Ani Modorsky

Night talk.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lida who had so many toys that it was simply impossible to keep track of everyone! One evening, the girl went to bed early. When it got dark, all the toys came to life and started talking.

Dolls were the first to speak:

Oh! Our hostess recently wanted to give us hairstyles and dress us, but she did not finish it! - said the first doll.

Oh! We are so disheveled! - said the second.

And we, said toy rats and mice, have been standing here for a long time and gather dust! The hostess still doesn’t want to wash us.

But the mistress loves me very much, ”said Lida’s favorite dog. - He plays with me, combes his clothes and dresses.

Yes! Yes! - said the figures from the porcelain collection in chorus, - and she often wipes us. We don’t complain about her!

Then the books entered into conversation:

She never finished reading me, and it offends me very much! - said the book of fairy tales.

And Lida loves us and read everyone, adventure books said.

And us, a whole shelf of books stole, did not even begin.

Here jumpers perked up:

This girl treated us well, and we will never talk badly about her.

And then the furniture started bubbling up:

Oh! How hard it is for me to stand under the weight of all these books, said the bookcase.

And me, the chair, is very good: they wipe me and give pleasure that they sit on me. It's so nice to need you.

Then something spoke in the wardrobe:

And the hostess dresses me only on holidays, when she is in a good mood! Therefore, I am very well-groomed, said the dress.

And Lida tore me three months ago and didn’t dress because of a hole! It's a shame! - said the pants.

And the bags say:

The hostess always takes us with her everywhere and often forgets. And he rarely cleans us!

And the textbooks say:

Mistress Lida loves us more than anyone. She dresses us in beautiful covers and erases a pencil from our pages.

For a long time things talked about life with Lida, and in the morning the girl did not know whether it was a dream or not? But all the same, she dressed and combed the dolls, washed the toys, read the book, placed books on the shelves so that it would be easy to stand for the closet, sewn up trousers, and cleaned her handbags. Too much, she wanted her things to think well about her.

Tale from Tsybulko Nastya

There lived a knight far away. He loved a very beautiful princess. But she did not love him. Once she told him: “If you fight a dragon, then I will love you.”

The knight began to fight the dragon. He called his horse and said: "Help me defeat a strong dragon."

And the horse was magical. When his knight asked, he flew higher and higher.

When the battle began, the horse took off and pierced the dragon's heart with the sword.

Then the princess fell in love with the prince. They had children. When the sons grew up, the prince-father gave the horse to them. Sons fought on this horse. Everything was fine with them, and they all lived happily ever after.

Tale from Parvatkina Dasha

Sonya and the golden nut.

There was a girl in the world, her name was Sonya. In the fall, she went to school.

One early morning, Sonya went out for a walk. In the middle of the park was an old oak tree. A swing tire hung on an oak branch. Sonya always rocked on this swing. She, as always, sat on this swing and began to sway. And suddenly something fell on her head. It was a nut ... a golden nut! Sonya took it and examined it carefully. He really was all made of gold. They began to pay attention to Sonya. She was frightened and threw the nut, but she realized what mistake she had made: the nut had cracked, turned gray and rusty. Sonya was very upset and put the fragments in her pocket. Suddenly she heard someone upstairs talking. Raising her head, Sonia saw a squirrel. Yes, yes, it was the squirrels talking. One of them jumped to Sonya and asked:

What is your name?

Me - Sonya. But can proteins speak?

That's funny! The squirrel itself, and even asks if the squirrels speak!

I'm not a squirrel! I am a girl!

Well, then look in the puddle, girl!

Sonya looked into the puddle and turned pale. She was a squirrel!

How did it happen?

You must have broken a golden nut!

How can I become a girl back?

Go to the old oak. There lives a learned owl. If you beat him in an argument, he will give you a silver nut. Break it and get home girl. Take my little squirrel - he knows all the owl questions.

Sonya took the little squirrel and climbed onto the oak. She climbed for a long time and even fell 3 times. Sonya climbed onto a massive large branch., Where a learned owl sat.

Hello, squirrel!

Hello Uncle Eagle Owl! I need a silver nut!

Okay, I'll give you a nut if you beat me in a dispute.

They argued for a long time, and the squirrel from the Sonya Tail prompted everything.

Ok, take a nut, you beat me!

Sonya jumped from the oak, thanked the little squirrel, and even broke a nut.

Sonya returned home as a girl, and from that day she fed her squirrels.

Tale from Liberman of Glory.

Chapter i

Once upon a time there was a knight, his name was Glory. Once the king called him and said:

We have many knights, but you are the only one so strong. You have to deal with the sorcerer, he is very strong. On your way there will be ghosts and his monsters, they are all strong.

Okay, I’ll go, just give me a sword.

We give.

I went.

With God!

The knight took the sword and went to the sorcerer. He walks along the road, sees that ghosts are standing in front of him on the road. They began to attack him, and the knight fought back as best he could. The knight defeated them all the same and went on. Going, going and saw a monster. And his knight won. He finally came to his goal - to the sorcerer. Glory fought with the sorcerer and won. Glory came to the king and says:

I defeated him!

Well done! Here's a reward for you - 10 chests of gold.

I don’t need anything, and you will save your gold.

Well, alright, go, go.

Our brave man went home and fell asleep. He woke up at dawn and saw a sorcerer with ghosts. He defeated them again. Now all his bad creatures are afraid of him.

Chapter II

Many years passed, the knight became much stronger. He began to notice that he was robbed. He went to look for thieves, went through the forest, the desert and found the robbers, and there were five of them. He fought with them, there was only one leader. The knight and the leader defeated in one fell swoop of the sword and returned home.

Chapter III

Once a knight went to scout the robbers, and there were 50 of them. Suddenly the robbers noticed a dragon. The robbers fled in fear. Glory rushed on the dragon, the battle began. There was a battle for a week. The dragon lost. Evening came. Our hero went to bed. And he dreamed of a sorcerer.

Did you think you got rid of me? I will gather an army and take over the country! Ha ha ha

And disappeared.

And so it happened. The war has begun. We fought for a long time. But our country has won! The knight also returned home! And everyone healed happily.

A Tale from Konokhov Nadi

Curious fly.

Once upon a time there was a fly. She was so curious that she often got into trouble. She decided to find out who the cat was and flew in search of him. Suddenly I saw in a house on the window of a big red cat. He lay and basked in the sun. A fly flies up to a cat and asks:

Mr. cat, can you find out what your name is and what you eat?

Meow! I’m a domestic cat Murkot, I catch mice in the house, I like to feast on sour cream and sausage, ”the cat replies.

“I wonder if he is my friend or enemy?” The fly thought and began to ask further.

Do you eat flies?

I don’t know, I need to think. Arrive tomorrow, I will answer you.

A curious fly has arrived the next day and asks:

You thought?

Yes, ”the cat answered slyly,“ I don’t eat flies. ”

Suspecting nothing, the fly flew closer to the cat and again began to ask its questions:

And who are you most afraid of, dear Murkot?

ABOUT! Most of all I am afraid of dogs!

Do you like fruit?

Are there too many questions, dear fly? ”The cat asked and, grabbing it with two paws, threw it into his mouth and ate it. So there was no curious fly.

Tale from Misha Dubrovenko


Snowflake was born high in the sky in a big cloud.

Grandma Cloud, why do we need Winter?

To cover the earth with a white blanket, hide from the wind and frost.

Oh, grandmother, - snowflake was surprised, - I’m small, but the Earth is huge! How am I going to hide her?

The earth is big, but one, and you have millions of sisters, ”said Cloud and shook her apron.

The air blinked, snowflakes flew to the garden, to the house, to the yard. They fell and fell until they covered the whole world.

And the Wind did not like the snow. It used to be possible to scatter everything, but now everything is covered in snow!

Well, I'll show you! - the Wind whistled and began to blow snowflakes from the Earth.

Blowing, blowing, but only the snow transfers from one place to another. So the verse with annoyance.

Then Frost got down to business. And the sister-snowflakes pressed closer to each other, so the Spring came.

Spring has come, the sun has warmed, millions of blades of grass have grown on Earth.

And where did the snowflakes go?

And nowhere! Early in the morning on each blade of grass a drop of droplet. These are our snowflakes. They shine, shimmer - millions of little suns!

Tale from Mamedova Parvana

Once upon a time there was a merchant. He had two daughters. The first was called Olga, and the second was Elena. Once a brother came to the merchant, and the merchant said to him:

How are you?

I'm all good. And Elena and Olga pick berries in the forest.

And at that time Olga left her sister in the forest, and she returned home. She told her father, the merchant began to pull.

After a while, the merchant heard that his daughter was alive, that she was the queen and she had two heroes sons. The merchant came to his daughter Elena, who told him the whole truth about her sister. In anger, the merchant ordered his servants to execute his first daughter.

And they began to live with Elena - to live and make good.

Tale from Israpilov Ruslan

Golden bird

Once upon a time there was a gentleman with a lady. And they had a son, Ivan. The boy was hardworking, he helped both mom and dad.

Once, the master asked Ivan to go with him to the forest for mushrooms. The boy went into the forest and got lost. The master and his wife were waiting for him, but they did not wait.

The night has come. The boy walked wherever his eyes looked, and suddenly he saw a small house. He went there and saw Cinderella there.

Can you help me find my way home?

Take this golden bird, it will tell you where to go.

Thank you.

The boy went for a bird. And the bird was invisible during the day. Once the boy fell asleep, and, waking up, could not find a bird. He was upset.

While the boy was sleeping, he grew up and turned into Ivan Petrovich. A beggarly grandfather met him:

Let me help you, I will take you to the king.

They came to the king. And he tells them:

There is a case for you, Ivan Petrovich, take a magic sword and royal supplies and cut off the dragon’s head, then I will show you the way home.

Ivan agreed, went to the dragon. Next to the dragon was a high stone staircase. Ivan came up with how to outwit the dragon. Ivan quickly ran up the stone stairs, jumped on top of the dragon. The dragon shook all over, threw back his head, and at that moment Ivan chopped off his head.

Ivan returned to the king.

Well done, Ivan Petrovich, ”said the tsar,“ this dragon ate everyone, and you killed him. ” Here is a card for you. On it you will find the way home.

Ivan came home, sees mom and dad are sitting and crying.

I returned!

Everyone was happy and hugged.

Tale from Petrova Katya

Tale of a man and a wizard.

Once upon a time there was a man. He lived poorly. Once he went into the woods for brushwood and got lost. For a long time he wandered through the forest, it was already dark. Suddenly he saw a bonfire. He went there. Looks, the bonfire has no one. Near the hut is. He knocked on the door. No one is opening. A man entered a hut, and found himself in a completely different place - instead of a dark forest, a fabulous island with emerald trees, with fabulous birds and beautiful animals. A man walks around the island, cannot be overwhelmed. Night fell, he went to bed. In the morning I went on. He sees a falcon sitting by a tree, cannot take off. A man came up to the falcon and saw an arrow in his wing. A man pulled an arrow out of the wing and left it for himself, and the falcon says:

You saved me! From now on I will help you!

Where am I?

This is an island of a very evil king. He loves nothing except money.

But how can I get back home?

There is such a magician Hades who can help you. Come, I'll take you to him.

They came to Hades.

What do you need?

How do I get home?

I will help you, but you must fulfill my order - to get the rarest herbs. They grow on an unknown mountain.

A man agreed, went to the mountain, saw there a scarecrow with a sword, which guarded the mountain.

Falcon says: “This is the guard of the king!”

A man stands and does not know what to do, and a falcon throws his sword.

A man grabbed a sword and began to fight with a scarecrow. He fought for a long time, and the falcon did not doze, clutching a scarecrow in his face with his claws. A man did not waste time in vain, swung and hit the scarecrow so that the scarecrow scattered into 2 parts.

A man took the grass and went to the wizard. Hades was already waiting. A man gave him grass. Hades became a potion to cook. Finally, cooked, sprinkled with a potion the whole island and said: "Disappear, king!"

The king disappeared, and Hades rewarded the peasant - sent him home.

The man returned home rich and happy.

Tale from Denis Loshakov

How the little fox stopped being lazy

Three brothers lived in one forest. One of them really did not like to work. When the brothers asked him to help them, he tried to come up with a reason to escape from work.

Once in the woods a subbotnik was announced. Everyone rushed to work, and our fox decided to run away. He ran to the river, found a boat and set sail. The boat carried with the stream and carried into the sea. Suddenly a storm began. The boat rolled over, and our little fox was thrown ashore on a small island. There was no one around, and he was very scared. The little fox understood that now everything will have to be done by himself. Get food yourself, build a house and a boat to get home. Gradually, everything began to turn out for him, since he tried very hard. When the fox built the boat and got home, everyone was very happy, and the fox realized that this adventure served him as a good lesson. He never hid from work again.

Tale from Fomina Lera

Katya in a fairy land

In one city there lived a girl named Katya. Once she went for a walk with her friends, saw a little ring on a swing and put it on her finger.

And suddenly she found herself in a forest clearing, and in the clearing three paths.

She went right and went into the same clearing. I went to the left, saw a hare and asked him6

Where did I go?

In a magical land, ”the hare answers.

She went straight and went to the big castle. Katya entered the castle and saw that around the king his servants were running back and forth.

What happened, Your Highness? - asks Katya.

Koschey the Immortal stole my daughter, ”the king replies,“ If you return her to me, I will return you home. ”

Katya returned to the clearing, sat on a stump and wonders how to help her out of the princess. A hare rode up to her:

What are you thinking about?

I think how to save the princess.

Send her to help out together.

Let's go.

They go, and the hare says:

I heard recently that Koschey is afraid of the light. And then Katya figured out how to save the princess.

They reached the hut on chicken legs. We went into the hut - the princess is sitting at the table, and Koschey is standing next to her. Katya came to the window, opened the curtains, and Koschey melted. One cloak from him remained.

The princess joyfully hugged Katya:

Thank you very much.

They returned to the castle. The king was delighted and returned Katya home. And she became all right.

Tale from Musayelyan Arsen

Tsarevich and the three-headed dragon

Once upon a time there was a king who had three sons. They lived very well until the invincible came to them.three-headed dragon. The dragon lived on a mountain in a cave and inspired fear throughout the city.

The king decided to send the eldest son to kill the dragon. The dragon swallowed the eldest son. Then the king sent his middle son. He swallowed it.

The youngest son went to battle. The closest path to the mountain passed through the forest. He walked a long time in the forest and saw a hut. In this hut, he decided to wait the night. The prince went into the hut and saw an old wizard. The old man had a sword, but he promised to give it in exchange for moon grass. And this grass grows only at Baba Yaga. And the prince went to Baba Yaga. While Baba Yaga was sleeping, he plucked the moon grass and came to the wizard.

The prince took the sword, killed the three-headed dragon and returned to the kingdom with his brothers.

Tale from Fedorov Ilya

Three heroes

In ancient times, people were poor and earned their living by their labor: plowed, land, raised livestock, etc. And the Tugars (mercenaries from other lands) periodically attacked villages, took livestock, stole and robbed. When leaving, they burned crops, houses and other buildings.

At this time, a hero was born and named him Alyosha. He grew up strong and helped everyone in the village. Once they instructed him to deal with the Tugars. And Alyosha says: “I can’t cope with a large army alone, I’ll go to other villages for help.” He put on the armor, took the sword, mounted his horse and set off.

Having come to one of the villages, he learned from local residents that the hero Ilya Muromets lives here with incredible strength. Alyosha went to him. He told Ilya about the Tugar raids on villages and asked for help. Ilya agreed to help. Wearing armor and taking a spear, they set off.

On the way, Ilya said that a hero named Dobrynya Nikitich lives in a neighboring village, who also agrees to help them. Dobrynya met the warriors, listened to their story about the tugar tricks, and the three of them went to the tugar camp.

On the way, the heroes figured out how to go unnoticed through the guards and capture their leader. Approaching the camp, they changed into Tugar clothes and in this way implemented their plan. Tugarin was frightened and asked for forgiveness in exchange for the fact that he would no longer attack their villages. They believed him and let him go. But Tugarin did not keep his word and continued to raid the villages with even greater cruelty.

Then the three heroes, having gathered an army of villagers, attacked the Tugar. The battle lasted many days and nights. The victory was for the villagers, as they fought for their lands and families, and they had a strong will to win. The Tugars, frightened by such an onslaught, fled to their country in a distant land. And in the villages a peaceful life continued, and the heroes went about their former good deeds.

Tale from Terentyev Danila

Unexpected meeting.

In one kingdom, the queen lived alone with her daughter. And in the neighboring kingdom there lived a king with a son. Once the son went into the clearing. And the princess went into the clearing. They met and became friends. But the queen did not allow her daughter to be friends with the prince. But they were secretly friends. Three years later, the queen found out that the princess was friends with the king. For 13 years the princess was imprisoned in a tower. But the king appeased the queen and married her. And the prince is on the princess. They lived happily ever after.

Tale from Smirnova Katya

Adventures of Alyonushka

Once upon a time there was a peasant, and he had a daughter named Alyonushka.

One day a peasant left to hunt and left Alyonushka alone. Grieved, she grieved, but nothing to do, she had to live with the cat Vaska.

Somehow Alyonushka went into the forest for mushrooms, and for berries and got lost. She walked, she walked and came across a hut on chicken legs, and Baba Yaga lived in a hut. Frightened Alyonushka, wanted to run, but nowhere. Owls are sitting on trees, and wolves howl behind swamps. Suddenly the door creaked, and Baba Yaga appeared on the threshold. Crochet nose, claws crooked, dressed in tatters and says:

Fu, fu, fu, it smells like a Russian spirit.

And Alyonushka in response: "Hello, grandmother!"

Well, hello, Alyonushka, come in, if she came.

Alyonushka slowly entered the house and was dumbfounded - on the walls of the skull human beings hang, and on the floor a carpet of bones.

Well, what are you standing for? Come in, flood the stove, cook up dinner, and if you don’t, I’ll eat you.

Alyonushka obediently flooded the stove and cooked dinner. Baba Yaga is full and says:

Tomorrow I will leave for the whole day about my business, and you look after the order, and if you disobey, I will eat you, ”I went to bed and snored. Alyonushka cried. A cat came out from behind the stove and said:

Don’t cry, Alyonushka, I’ll help you get out of here.

The next morning, Baba Yaga left and left Alyonushka alone. The cat got down from the stove and said:

Come on, Alyonushka, I'll show you the way home.

She went with a cat. They walked for a long time, they went out into the clearing, they saw that the village was visible in the distance.

The cat girl thanked for the help and they went home. The next day, my father came out of the hunt, and they began to live and live, but to make good. And the cat Vaska was lying on the stove, singing songs and eating sour cream.

Tale from Kirsanova Lisa

Lizina's tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sveta. She had two girlfriends of Hahal and Babab, but no one saw them, and everyone thought that it was just a childhood fantasy. Mom asked Sveta to help and did not have time to look around, when everything was cleaned, stroked and asked in surprise:

Daughter, how did you quickly get things done?

Mom, I'm not alone! Hahal and Bababa help me.

Stop coming up! How long to! What kind of fantasies? What is Hahal? What is Bababa? You have already grown!

Sveta was silent for a while, bowed her head and went to her room. She waited a long time for her friends, but they never showed up. A completely tired girl fell asleep in her crib. At night, she had a strange dream, as if her friends had been captured by the evil sorceress Neumeёha. In the morning, everything fell out of Sveta’s hands.

What happened? - Mom asked, but Sveta did not answer. She was very worried about the fate of her friends, but could not admit it to her mother.

A day passed, then a second ...

One night, Sveta woke up and was surprised to see a door that glowed against the wall. She opened the door and found herself in a magical forest. Things were scattered around, broken toys were lying around, beds were not made up, and Sveta immediately guessed that these were the possessions of the sorceress Neumeha. Sveta went down the only free path to help her friends out.

The path led her to a large dark cave. Sveta was very afraid of the dark, but overcame her fear and entered the cave. She reached the metal grate and saw her friends behind bars. The grate was closed by a large, large lock.

I will definitely save you! Just how to open this lock?

Hahal and Bababa said that the sorceress Neumeha threw the key somewhere in the forest. Sveta ran down the path to look for the key. She wandered among the abandoned things for a long time, until suddenly she saw the flashing tip of a key under a broken toy.

Hooray! - screamed Sveta and ran to open the grate.

Waking up in the morning, she saw her friends near the bed.

How glad you are with me again! Let everyone think that I’m an inventor, but I know that you really are !!!

Tale from Ilya Borovkov

Once upon a time there was a boy Vova. Once he became seriously ill. Whatever the doctors did, he did not feel better. One night after another visit to doctors, Vova heard his mother crying quietly at his bed. And he vowed to himself that he would recover, and his mother would never cry.

After another medication, Vova fell asleep soundly. An incomprehensible noise woke him. Opening his eyes, Vova realized that he was in the forest, and beside him a hare was sitting and eating carrots.

“Well, woke up? Asked his hare.

Can you speak?

Yes, I also know how to dance.

And where am I? How did I get here?

You are in a forest in a land of dreams. An evil sorceress brought you here, ”the hare answered, continuing to chew the carrots.

But I need to go home, my mother is waiting for me there. If I do not return, she will die of anguish, - Vova sat down and cried.

Do not cry, I will try to help you. But a difficult road awaits you. Get up, have breakfast with berries and let's go.

Vova wiped his tears, got up, had breakfast with berries. And their journey began.

The road passed through swamps, dense forests. They had to ford across rivers. By evening, they entered the clearing. A small house stood in the clearing.

What if she eats me? - afraid Vova asked a hare.

Maybe she’ll eat it, but only if you do not guess her three riddles, ”said the hare and disappeared.

Vova was left completely alone. Suddenly, a window in the house opened, and a sorceress peered out.

Well, Vova are you standing? Come into the house. I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Vova, head down, entered the house.

Sit down at the table, we’ll have dinner now. Probably hungry all day?

Will you not eat me?

Who told you that I eat children? I think the hare? Ah wretch! I’ll catch him and eat it with pleasure.

And he also said that you would guess three riddles for me, and if I guess them, would you return me home?

The hare did not lie. But if you do not guess them, then you will remain in my service forever. You sing, and then we begin to think of riddles.

The first and second riddles of Vova could easily be solved. And the third, the last, was the most difficult. Vova thought that he would not see his mother again. And then he realized that the witch had guessed. Vova’s response was very angry with the sorceress.

I won’t let it go, you will still remain in my service.

With these words, the sorceress climbed under the bench behind the rope lying below her. Vova, without hesitation, rushed out of the house. And he ran that there was urine from the sorceress’s house, where his eyes looked. He kept running and running forward, afraid to look back. At some point, the earth from under the feet of Vova seemed to have disappeared, he began to fall into an infinitely deep hole. With fear, Vova screamed and closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was lying in his bed, and his mother was sitting next to him and stroking his head.

You screamed a lot at night, I came to reassure you, - mother told him.

Vova told his mother about his dream. Mom laughed and left. Vova threw back the blanket and saw a bitten carrot there.

From that day Vova went on the mend, and soon and went to school, where his friends were waiting for him.

Everything changes in life - one story is replaced by another. Stories are funny, ridiculous, instructive. And also fabulous. In fairy tales, animals speak, think, wonder, dream. Short fairy tales about animals invite us to a world in which everything is a little different.

Fairy tale "Good deed bear"
  Little Bear Mick really wanted to grow up. He tried to growl like a real bear, tried to eat more honey, but he was still seated with other cubs at the children's table.

“Take your time, you will have time to grow up,” mother said to the little bear.

- When? - did not let up Mick.

He did not hear the answer. Upset Mick went to roam the forest. And suddenly I saw a small lump that was floundering on the path.

“This is the son of a finch,” muttered the little bear. He climbed a tree and delivered the baby to his parents.

And in the evening at home, the little bear heard his mother’s words:

- Mick is already very big. He learned to do good deeds. Let's give him an adult cup, ”said mom to dad.

Dad and Mick looked at each other cheerfully. Of course, dad agreed.

A fairy tale story about a hamster and a chipmunk
  Once a hamster met a sad chipmunk.

- Why are you so sad?

- And I was born so sad. I am not funny.

“Let's compose all sorts of funny fables,” the hamster suggested.

“Come on,” said the chipmunk sadly. “You come up with the first one.”

- I go once, I look, and the wasp drinks water from the lake. I’ve already drunk half the lake, ”said the hamster in a cheerful voice and laughed.

And the chipmunk cried:

- I feel sorry for the fish living in the lake. Okay, now it's my turn.

- I'm going somehow, but a bucket flies towards me, and the stars are sleeping in the bucket.

Then the hamster began to laugh. The chipmunk could not stand it and began to laugh too.

“Well,” said the hamster, “I did my good deed: I found a cure for your sadness.” And you, it turns out, are great at composing!

Chipmunk hardly listened to the hamster. He was so glad that he knew how to laugh!

Fairy tale about a hare and a gopher
  Once a gopher came to visit a hare.

“She sleeps without hind legs,” said the mother-hare about the bunny.

The gopher quickly left. He was frightened - just yesterday they played with the little hare, they ran, and today he sleeps without hind legs. But where did the legs go?

Gopher decided to talk about his fear to mom.

“Stupid, it's just that the little bunny sleeps very soundly,” my mother explained. - Without hind legs - this means sleeping peacefully, deep sleep.

“Hooray,” said the gopher. - Everything is fine with the hare. And his back and front legs work as they should. And with the Russian language, apparently, I have some difficulties. I would be better off at the Forest School!

Often both parents and schoolchildren face such a problem as composing a fairy tale. Very young children may require mom and dad to tell them an interesting story. And students can get such an assignment in a reading or literature lesson. Of course, not everyone knows how to write stories or come up with fantastic stories. However, to come up with a little legend about animals - everyone can do it.

Everyone can come up with a fairy tale

Consider some of the secrets with which you can write a fairy tale about animals. These tricks will help even the storyteller, without experience, to understand all the subtleties and brilliantly speak with his story about the animals. There is no limit to creativity and fantasy in fairy tales. It doesn’t matter if you immediately fail to compose a blockbuster. The main thing is to try your hand, and over time to make new stories will be easier for both kids and their parents.

Writing Techniques

To compose a fairy tale about animals, it is not necessary to try to come up with fundamentally new ideas. This is much simpler than it might seem at first. A fairy tale, for example, can be like this:

  1. Repeat cartoons or legends that are already known to everyone.
  2. You can slightly transform an already familiar plot. For example, in the famous fairy tale "The Fox and the Pitcher," the red-haired girl began to steal chickens from a peasant. He hung a jug on the wall, she fell into it, and, trying to free herself, began to drown him. But along with the jug she drowned herself. You can change this tale, for example, in this way. The fox began to offend the rabbit family, robbing them of their sweet turnip. The hare decided to teach the villain a lesson, and put the turnip on the hunting trap. Then the whole rabbit family lurked, watching the fox. She jumps out of the thicket to grab the turnip as soon as possible, and falls into the trap. Hunters come, the fox tries to run away and loses a magnificent tail as punishment for his greed.
  3. It is also useful to use a variety of characters and images. For example, an apple is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge; Phoenix bird - a symbol of restoration, resurrection; a star is an image of a dream.
  4. In a fairy tale, busy parents often play up the events that took place in real life. For example, preparation for the holiday, the birth of babies, the beginning of the school year.

"Bean" fantasy

This technique, which was proposed by Gianni Rodari, is suitable for anyone who wants to compose a fairy tale about animals. A famous writer said that a story cannot be born of homogeneous elements, such as “horse - wolf”, “bear - fox”. Such combinations are just associations from the same conceptual field. Imagination when using such words is unlikely to play out and give rise to a fairy tale of one’s own composition.


It is much more efficient to use the following technique: concepts must be shared by a certain distance. It is better if one of them is alien to the other, and their neighborhood may be unusual. And only in this way can fantasy become more active. For example, you can take the concepts of “dog” and “closet”. The easiest way to relate them to each other is to use a preposition. Then you get the phrases: “dog in the closet”, “dog with the closet”, “dog in the closet” and so on. Each of these pictures can already serve as the basis for the development of the plot. For example, a dog runs through the city streets, with a closet tied to its back. She is forced to drag him along, since he performs the function of her booth.

Random concept method

Creating a fairy tale, you can start by writing down several nouns, preferably from different areas of life. This technique, which is similar to the “Binom of Fantasy” method, can also be used by those who do not know how to compose a fairy tale about animals themselves. Examples of these associations are given below, however, everyone can come up with their own conceptual series. We give an example:

  • Sugar.
  • Leaves.
  • River.
  • Tablecloth.
  • Beard.
  • Whistle.

After that, you can try to compose a small fairy tale about animals, using these concepts and adding the main characters. For example, once there was a Wolf in the world. His enemy was the Bear, constantly threatening to get even with the whole wolf pack. Once, the Wolf accidentally wandered into the village and stole sugar from the hut. While he was running back to the forest, he was discovered by hunters, as he was rustling with leaves.

Running away from the hunters, he meets the Bear. Hunters whistle a whistle, which is even more frightening to comrades. Having learned from the wolf that he was chasing, the clubfoot runs with him. The wolf tells the Bear about his unusual trophy. But he accuses the satellite of the fact that because of his theft, they risk their lives. The bear enters into a fight and falls under the ice. Hunters overtake them, but the wolf manages to escape. The wolf brings sugar to the wolf pack, and the wolves learn to bake cakes, and the brave wolf is honored.

Legend Plan

For those who do not know how to plan a fairy tale about animals, we offer the following sequence of narration:

  1. The beginning of the story is usually the words “Once upon a time”. At this stage, you need to introduce the audience to the acting characters.
  2. “And suddenly ...” - the occurrence of difficulty.
  3. “For this reason ...” - you need to indicate what the main character cannot achieve due to a problem.
  4. The climax of the story is the period of the most intense struggle with difficulties.
  5. A happy ending.

The main character’s behavior

This is one of the most important components in composing a fairy tale. Describing his main character, the narrator has the opportunity to tell the world about himself. Of course, students will perceive the image of the hero holistically. But for the convenience of the essay, several components can be distinguished in it, with the help of answers to the following questions:

  • How does a character relate to himself? Is he angry or kind, handsome or ugly, brave or fearful?
  • What are his actions based on? What is his motivation?
  • And how does the main character approach the solution of difficulties? What are his methods for achieving the desired goal?

Analyzing the hero of a fairy tale in the image of an animal, you can understand a lot about who the narrator is. In different life situations, people behave differently. These same patterns of behavior can be metaphorically depicted using animal images, which will be the personification of various characters from the world of people. Also, when composing a fairy tale, it is important to pay attention to how adequately the protagonist relates to other characters.

Take real difficulties as a basis

Mini-fairy tales about animals invented by children are a good way to develop imaginative thinking and imagination in a baby. However, when such a task needs to be completed as soon as possible, then they become a real headache for parents. What can be done in this case? If you urgently need to help the child with the compilation of a fairy tale, the plot that can be based on the problem that excites us most of all now. For example, mom and dad, having seen their homework, clutches their heads: what fairy tales can one think about now if there is not enough money in the family?

Just this problem can be taken as the basis of its legend. For example, the plot may be like this. A family of bunnies lives in the forest, who constantly lack money, as rich wolves and bears take almost everything away. They take food from bunnies all the cold season, and in the end they have nothing left. In the end, from the fear of starvation, the hares do not stand up and start a rebellion against the evil inhabitants of the forest. Although obliques have no special physical abilities, they defeat the oppressors with their dexterity. Hares set traps throughout the forest, and then scatter, and the insolents fall into the pit. Hunters come and catch evil animals.

Methods of a children's writer

The writer Gianni Rodari, whose works are loved by children around the world, highlighted several examples of the creation of magical stories. They will help everyone who wants to create a fairy tale of their own composition. A good legend, according to Gianni Rodari, should contain the following elements:

  • A ban on certain actions, or a strict order.
  • Violation of this regulation.
  • Wrecking of one or several heroes in relation to others.
  • Temporary departure of the main character.
  • A meeting with someone who presents the hero with magical gifts.
  • Unusual, supernatural skills possessed by the enemy of the protagonist.
  • The struggle of good and evil.
  • The victory of the light forces.
  • The main character returns to his home.
  • A false hero, an impostor, attributing himself to other people's merits.
  • Hard trials, a path filled with difficulties.
  • Exposing an impostor.
  • Punishment of the guilty.
  • Happy wedding.

J. Rodari Method: An Example

To compose a short fairy tale about animals, you can choose several of these elements - from 3 to 5. The fairy tale should encourage listeners to help the main character, empathize with him. For example, you can come up with a fairy tale about the Hare, which Fox illegally accused of stealing holiday toys. All the inhabitants of the forest, led by a judge - Scientist Cat - gathered to find out who is really guilty of the fact that the New Year decorations have disappeared.

The evidence testifies against the Bunny, because near the place where the toys disappeared, there are his tracks. The listener should ask: how can the main character be helped? Perhaps one should ask everyone if he had seen how the toys disappeared? Or, perhaps, use the services of the Magpie, who sees everything brilliant and can find out where jewelry is stored? Or to say that if the toys are not returned, then the New Year will not come? Such a tale will contain elements of wrecking, the struggle of good and evil, difficulties, punishment of the guilty.