Read Richard Kraft Ebony Sexual Psychopathy. Richard Kraft-Ebing - Crimes of Love. Sexual psychopathy. Causes of Sexual Psychopathy

The monumental work of the German neuropsychiatrist Richard von Kraft-Ebting, which is brought to the attention of readers, is a book of a very difficult fate, which had a difficult effect on the upheavals of its author’s personal life and on the formation of scientific ideas about human sexual behavior.

Kraft-Ebing was born in 1840 in Mannheim, from where, after graduating from high school, he moved with his parents to Heidelberg, where his maternal grandfather lived - a lawyer who gained considerable authority by his human rights practice. Under his beneficial influence, the young man begins to study medicine, but soon, having contracted a severe form of typhus, he was forced to go to Switzerland. After recovery, fascinated by the lectures of the famous psychiatrist W. Grisinger, he continues his studies in Zurich and specializes in psychoneurology.

Having occupied the professorship in Strasbourg in 1870, he publishes several fundamental guides (including: Fundamentals of Criminal Psychology, 1872; Training Course in Forensic Psychopathology, 1876, etc.), he is systematically invited and often travels as a consultant to many European countries (including Russia and England), gaining a reputation as the most erudite neuropsychiatrist of the continent.

And at this stage, being at the pinnacle of fame, Kraft-Ebing undertakes an action that can equally be regarded as frivolous and bold (if you like, even heroic). In 1886, he published the book Sexual Psychopathy, violating and subverting with this pioneering work all the generally accepted (though behind the scenes) canons of decency.

The fact is that for many centuries, since the rooting of Christianity in Europe, any mention of sex from all university departments was cast out as a sin, and in the courts they were often ruthlessly prosecuted as a criminal act. The citadel of this Puritan-ascetic view in Europe over time becomes the so-called victorianassociated with the era of the reign of Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901). According to the established ideal, well-mannered young people fell in love at the appropriate time, made an offer of marriage, married, and then, in the name of procreation (that is, prolongation of the family), from time to time they performed sexual intercourse with their spouse with suppressed candles and under a blanket, steadily observing the ladies don’t move rule - the ladies are motionless (since ladies were not allowed to wriggle in convulsions of passion and they had to surrender to husbands passively, while maintaining a complete motor and emotional disconnection Nost, until orgasm and dissimulation of any kind have been other positive sensory manifestations - code double standard to some extent permitted moderate carnal joy only representatives of the stronger sex).

And one of the most respected European professors overnight overthrows all this quiet goodness, breaking the vow of silence with the publication of his collection of the most disgusting, most unbridled, most nauseating behavioral acts, connected until this time with the sexually tightly disguised, closed to all fasteners. The nausea of \u200b\u200bthe protocol descriptions presented by the author, which, in order not to shock the aristocratic readers of the penultimate decade of the 19th century, to cover the coolest episodes with the curtain of ancient Latin, did not lose its repulsive aroma even in our usual time: the nurse of the department of sexopathology of the psychiatric institute, the census I typed the Russian equivalents of Latin inserts prepared by me for this publication, after a few days refused this work (because epechatyvaemye texts made her nausea ...). With his monograph on sexual psychopathy, Kraft Ebing primarily dealt such a devastating blow to his widely established reputation by that time that echoes of confusion can be traced even in the obituary published by The British Medical Journal, which played the role the mouthpiece of not only English, but also European physicians; in a January 3, 1903 issue, eleven days after the scientist’s death, the following statements coexist in a mourning message: “... among his works is a six-reprinted guide to psychiatry, as well as a guide to forensic medicine and psychopathology ... His name, unfortunately, gained scandalous fame thanks to a book entitled “Sexual Psychopathy” ... Kraft-Ebing, however (!), brought to neurology many valuable developments that compel him to be respected ... ”And 10 years earlier, in 1893, same periodical it seemed even more categorical: “We thoroughly discussed whether we should generally react to the appearance of this book ... We questioned the advisability of translating it into English. Interested parties can familiarize themselves with it in the original. It would be better if it was written in whole Latin, so as to cover its contents with the obscurity and obscurity of the dead language ... ”At the same time, the storm caused by the unfortunate invasion of the forbidden sphere was not limited to the British Isles, so Kraft-Ebing was forced to resign abandoning the chair in Strasbourg, and confine himself to managing a small sanatorium near Graz in Austria. Only at the end of his life he again took up a high academic post, inheriting the leadership of the clinic and the Minert department at the University of Vienna.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind as the foundation of the topic is the book of the famous German psychiatrist Richard von Kraft-Ebing (1840-1902), Sexual Psychopathy, but we will turn to it later, but for now we will look at more modern studies.

Psychopathies (character anomalies, pathological characters), as well as neurosis, belong to the so-called borderline psychiatry. There are very conflicting clinical and pathogenetic assessments of psychopathy, there is no generally accepted classification, in general, everything related to psychiatry is very vague, but there is no other. So, the main points are as follows: a) the psychopathic personality trait is a constant, innate property of an individual, although psychopathic characteristics can undergo modifications during life, i.e. strengthen or develop in a certain direction;

b) the pathological properties of the personality are total, determine the entire mental structure;

c) pathological changes are expressed so significantly that they are an obstacle to full social adaptation.

In a true psychopath, perverse sexual behavior is the only source of sexual satisfaction. Beginning with the work of Kraft-Ebing, sexual perversions are usually divided into perversions with a violation of the orientation of sexual desire and perversions with a violation of the way of sexual satisfaction.

For example, the formation of sadism in men and masochism in women begins in the early stages of life. According to Professor G.S. Vasilchenko (under the editorship of whom the above-mentioned Kraft-Ebing book was published in Russia in 1996), the lack of tactile and emotional contact with a mother or other person caring for a child from early childhood leads to aggressive behavior of children. Elements of sadism that arise already in the first years of life usually go beyond the framework of normal behavior in the future, and sexual perversions are formed on their basis. Even aggression corrected by upbringing can be included in the structure of sexual desire in adolescence and youth, especially if the normal realization of sexual desire is difficult and is replaced by fantasy.

Sexual attraction is realized in aggressive sadistic behavior with sexual satisfaction only with the humiliation of a partner or abuse of her, sometimes until she is killed with maximum excitement at the sight of agony.

Masochistic paraphilia in women as a perverse manifestation of hyperfeminin behavior is usually formed in the same way as pathological hyper-role behavior in men, leading to sadism. Women with pathological hyperfeminin behavior cannot receive acute and complete sexual satisfaction without humiliation and physical suffering caused by a sexual partner. In cases of transformation of the sexual role, hyper-role behavior more often leads to pathological, perverse tendencies: in women to sadism, in men to masochism. Experts say that with pathological hyper-role behavior in the form of sadism or masochism, the prognosis is unfavorable, these perversions tend to become more complex and progressive.

For me, as a person who writes and works of art, the psycho-asthenic and asthenic types of psychopathy are of particular interest. I will not retell, I will quote the classification of a specialist quite accessible to the general reader:

“Psychasthenic and asthenic types of psychopathy, with certain differences, have much in common, which has given the basis for some psychiatrists to combine them into one group - inhibited psychopaths.

Psychopathic personalities of the asthenic circle almost always lack a sense of physical tone. Lethargy, rapid fatigue contribute to a sense of one's own sexual inferiority. Asthenic psychopaths are invariably shy, extremely vulnerable, vulnerable. They react painfully to the rudeness and tactlessness of others, get used to the new environment poorly, and are easily embarrassed. Self-esteem is lowered, they are constantly dissatisfied with themselves. However, despite timidity, indecision, a tendency to doubt all their actions and actions, asthenic psychopaths can sometimes show pronounced aggressiveness.

The psychasthenic pathological nature is manifested in constant self-control, self-observation, a lot of unnecessary delays, in a tendency to sterile, obsessive philosophizing. These persons do not feel the fullness of life, feelings, constantly think over their actions, doubt their correctness. They are prone to obsessive states, but they remain critical. Like asthenics, psychasthenic personalities do not tolerate violations of the usual life stereotype, they are easily lost, they quickly experience anxiety and anxiety that they will not cope with new living conditions.

Both asthenic and psychasthenic psychopaths are especially committed to moral and ethical standards, to the "rules" of sexual behavior. Any manifestations of rudeness and cynicism hurt them. Considering themselves as a whole "inferior," they also value their sexual abilities low. Every sexual breakdown for them turns into a tragedy. The most common reason for remorse is masturbation, "harm", which is greatly exaggerated. Shyness and shyness among inhibited psychopaths prevent them from having sexual relations with representatives of the opposite sex and sexual attraction takes on a perverse form (narcissism with masturbation, voyeurism, pygmalionism, a tendency to homosexuality).

Sexual perversions become a powerful traumatic factor for inhibited psychopaths. They are constantly in the grip of their experiences, in fear that others can learn about their "sexual failure". The content of such experiences, as a rule, reflects not so much the real traumatic moments as the sharpened and fixed feeling of one's own inferiority. As the same author notes, the psychopathic personalities of the retarded circle in an effort to satisfy their perverse inclinations often often become demanding, aggressive. Subsequently, these forms of response were fixed in them and became of the same type. Such a transformation of psychopathic traits leaves a corresponding imprint on the dynamics of the syndrome of sexual perversion. In its structure, new types of distortions appear that were previously not characteristic of retarded psychopaths (exhibitionism, sadism). In addition, with the “coloring” and complication of the structure of perversions, interest and attraction to a normal sexual life are increasingly lost, disadaptation is growing, and a tendency to asocial acts and sexual offenses appears. ”

So, I started to quote, but I can’t stop now, I already said “a”, I need to continue alphabetically. The author writes well, which is rare for scientists, so we delve into the topic with the help of his achievements:

“Psychopathic personalities of an affective type are distinguished by syntonism, the ability to easily find a place in society, to catch the mood of others. They easily show their feelings, their emotions are natural and understandable to others, despite the fact that the main feature of psychopathic personalities of an affective type is emotional lability and mood instability. Depending on the prevailing affect, two polar variants are distinguished among the psychopathic personalities of the affective circle: dysthymic and hyperthymic. Distimiks ("born pessimists", according to PB Gannushkin) rarely find reason for fun, even success does not inspire hope in them, they notice mainly the shadow sides of life. They react harder to any misfortune than others and blame themselves for any failure. Such self-esteem prevents the active search for a heterosexual partner. They avoid marriage and find satisfaction in perversions that do not require a sexual partner.

In contrast to dystimics, hypertimics are distinguished by increased well-being, high spirits. They easily establish heterosexual relationships, amorous. Excessive self-confidence, a desire for leadership, a thirst for pleasure, a lot of activity with increased sexuality can lead hyperthymic psychopaths to sexual excesses, including criminal offenses (with minors). Hyperthymic psychopaths often abuse alcohol, intoxication makes them not only sexually aggressive, but also sexually indiscriminate, which can lead to forced coercion of sexual partners and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Psychopathic individuals of an excitable (epileptoid) type are characterized by unusually strong emotional excitability. The initial manifestations of this psychopathy are found even in preschool age. Children often shout, easily become embittered, any restrictions, prohibitions and punishments cause violent protest reactions in them with viciousness and aggression. The resulting psychopathy of the excitable type is accompanied by bouts of anger, rage, affective discharges for any, even a minor, occasion, sometimes with an affectively constricted consciousness and sharp motor excitement. In passivity (especially easily arising in a state of intoxication), excitable psychopaths are able to commit rash, sometimes dangerous, actions.

Among them, there are often individuals with a disinhibition of drives, prone to perversions and sexual excesses. Sexual relationships of excitable psychopaths are usually accompanied by jealousy. They do not forgive cheating (both real and imaginary) and even consider flirting a betrayal, for which they can "punish" in brutal form. Sexual attraction of excitable (epileptoid) psychopaths is very closely associated with increased readiness for various perversions. The cruelty and cynicism of these psychopathic personalities are especially pronounced in exhibitionism, sadism, pedophilia, incest.

Because of their perverse inclinations, they have to enter into conflicts in the family, and often at work; Especially often they have clashes with law enforcement agencies. In some cases, frequent psychogenic trauma (due to perversions) with subsequent reactions to it leads to the transformation of the main psychopathic syndrome. Thus, the "explosive" syndrome gradually loses its sharpness and at the same time asthenic or hysterical features appear and grow.

An unstable type of psychopathy with an obligate property is the weakness of higher forms of volitional activity, increased suggestibility, compliance with any external influences, and inconstancy, combined with an inability to purposeful activity. Such people live one day without serious plans, without thinking about the future. The main purpose of their life is new experiences and entertainments; here they persistently assert their rights, although they also do not find constancy in the search for pleasure and entertainment. The desire to enjoy the joys of life is combined with intolerance to any regulation of frivolous lifestyles, which gradually leads them to criminal behavior.

All this since adolescence determines the direction of sexual reactions. Participation in antisocial groups and neglect of generally accepted moral and ethical standards accelerate the acquisition of sexual experience and condition familiarity with deviant forms of sexual activity. The platonic component of libido is most reduced and, as a result, romantic love passes by them. In the future, they are also not capable of sincere, deep love and true friendship. Their intimate relationship is more like a game of sex, and the game is on the verge of what is permissible with slipping in perversion from boredom.

The hysterical type of psychopathy is characterized by egocentrism, an insatiable thirst for attention to one’s person, suggestibility, deceitfulness, fantasizing, heightened and demonstrative emotionality, which in reality turns into an inability to deep and sincere feelings, a penchant for drawing and posturing. Hysterical personalities do not feel the boundary between the production of their own imagination and reality. Staying on this property, PB Gannushkin emphasized that the real world for a person with a hysterical psyche takes on peculiar, bizarre outlines; the objective criterion for nero has been lost, which often gives rise to others to blame such a person at best for lies and pretense. In this regard, one should remember the ability of tantrums, especially women, to make slander and self-incrimination.

As K. Jaspers emphasized, one of the main properties of tantrums is the desire to seem more significant than in reality, and to experience more than they are able to survive. These properties of hysterical psychopaths are fully manifested in sexual behavior. Their libido is not distinguished by either strength, tension or perseverance, and in sexual manifestations there is a lot of theatrical, unreliable.

Male adolescents prefer to play tacitly significant mystery, and girls, on the contrary, tend to widely advertise both real relationships and entirely made-up connections, posing as lascivious and enjoying a stunning impression.

The ability of hysterical personalities to vivid, imaginative, and sensual sexual fantasies determines the pronounced polymorphism of the sexual perversion syndrome and the bizarre “coloring” of its components, which often take the form of peculiar “sexual rituals” (a well-defined fixed change of sexual perversions that gives sexual satisfaction).

Not always violations of sexual behavior, leading to a clash with the law, in psychopathic personalities are associated with perversions. The disharmony of the whole personality is also manifested in the incorrect formation and distorted organization of sexual behavior, in the inability to correctly mutually acceptable relations with sexual partners. In general, sexual dysfunctions (in the narrow sense) occupy a small place among other unlawful acts of psychopathic personalities, and most importantly, sexual perversions themselves do not always serve as the main cause of improper sexual behavior leading to unlawful acts.

According to clinical and statistical research, in psychopathic individuals, sexual behavior disorders are not necessarily caused by sexual perversions, and wrongful acts associated with a violation of sexual behavior do not necessarily take the form corresponding to the articles on sexual offenses.

Surveyed K., 37 years old, the head of amateur performances at the club, is accused of deliberate arson.

He does not remember his father; he left his family when K. was 2.5 years old. The mother is eccentric, got married three times (K. from her second marriage), didn’t actually raise her daughter, lived in another city, always came to her daughter with many gifts, caressed, said that they would never part, but soon left for the family again third husband. K.'s upbringing was dealt with by a grandmother on the mother's side - "a business man, but callous."

In childhood, she was a weak, sickly child. She was worried about every parting with her mother. She was attached to her grandmother, loved to listen to her fairy tales, easily got used to the fate of heroes, played scenes from fairy tales during the day, slept poorly at night, fearing robbers. Experiencing fear, it was, as it were, in a state of "stupor", afraid to move.

I entered the school late "because of nerve weakness." She studied unevenly, from the first classes she participated in amateur performances, "she loved the roles of expressive heroes." In high school, learning has become more difficult, especially in mathematics and physics. Without graduating from school, she went to study at a pedagogical college. With pleasure she began to work as a teacher in elementary grades, became interested in the experiment of "game teaching", found her vocation in this, but soon conflicts with the head teacher began. She didn’t accept criticism at the teachers' council, she believed that teachers were “retrograde”, “obtuse and stupid”; soon she had to leave school.

Menstruation from the age of 14, slightly painful, regular, 1-2 days before the menstruation, the mood always spoiled, cried for no reason. The first sexual intercourse at the age of 19 with a physical education teacher ("she was crazy about his figure, did not hide her passion from teachers"), but she felt only disgust, the partner turned out to be "rude and vulgar", did not understand the "beauty and grandeur of love."

Since “absolutely everyone” spoke of her artistic talent, she decided to enter the VGIK, but did not go through the competition. In the period of preparation for the institute and passing exams, I made many acquaintances "in the artistic world", was employed by the head of amateur performances in the club. I was fond of work, for the production I chose plays in which I myself could play the main roles. Secretly hoped that at some viewing she would be noticed and invited to act in films. She easily made new acquaintances, but was not capable of long-term affection and friendship. "Loved to shine," especially on stage. The biggest joy in my life was the applause of the audience, I spent a lot of money to throw bohemian parties in my honor. Flattering statements about her “exceptional talent”, comparisons with famous actresses, and words about the “dizzying fame” awaiting her ahead were enough to consider these flatterers to be best friends.

Although she herself was not sexually attracted and was “above sex”, she easily succumbed to the courtship (apparently serious) of one of these friends, married and 4 years younger than herself. Soon she began to cohabit with him. I always arranged the meetings festively, decorated the room, bought champagne, put on beautiful linen, included "languid, sentimental" music. She did not experience orgasmic satisfaction, on the whole, “sex was not needed, but the entourage itself” of intimate relations delighted, especially if the lover could appreciate the “subtlety and grace of the soul”.

These relations lasted almost 4 years, but K. began to be "disappointed in the intellect" of her lover, and he began to have trouble with his wife. Communication soon ceased. At first, she even rejoiced at this (“she could surrender wholeheartedly to art”), but for a long time she could not remain alone “without a close friend” who would “inflame creativity”. The main thing was that she didn’t want to look worse than others without a “beautiful life partner”. Soon she began to show interest in the divorced man, tried to intrigue him, telling various fictional stories on occasion (she was chosen to play the main role in the famous film, but she was forced to refuse, offended by the indecent harassment of the director, etc.). Intimate meetings with a new acquaintance also furnished with "mysterious beauty." At first everything was fine, but somehow the roommate said that she was a “child” in sex, hinted that “there is a lot on the outside, but inside is empty.”

Such hints bothered K. She began to ask friends about sex life, found out "what men need." At the following intimate meetings, she began to imitate an orgasm by forced breathing, crying out and even scratching a roommate. This somewhat interested him, meetings became more frequent, but not for long. Trying to keep a roommate, K. acted out of herself an increasingly passionate woman. On the advice of informed friends, she imposed oral-genital contacts and sexual acts in various sophisticated poses, "although she herself was disgusting."

However, a roommate increasingly said that she had "a cold soul and false love." To prove "her crazy love," K. decided to the extreme. She wrote a “dying” note in which she parsed her lover in pompous, exalted phrases. Before his arrival, K. left a note in a prominent place in the room, and in the kitchen laid out a heap of old newspapers and other flammable objects, tied a rope with a loop to the ceiling, unlocked the front door and, standing on a stool with a noose around her neck, waited hoping that the lover will be shocked by what happened and after saving her, she will stay with her forever. When K. heard the sound of a door opening, she set fire to the newspapers and tightened a noose around her neck. Seeing the smoke, the roommate rushed into the kitchen, pulled K. out of the loop (as it turned out, she did not lose consciousness), but they failed to extinguish the fire: the whole apartment of K. and its neighbors burned down. At the first interrogation, K. immediately told the reason for the arson and suicide.

Of average height, looks younger than his age, of proper physique, the mammary glands are well developed, and pubic hair is of a female type. There is no pathology of the internal organs. Increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system is noted.

In a clear mind, oriented correctly. She considers herself healthy, intends to speak in court, but overall she is happy with the placement in the hospital, because she is “shocked” by everything that happened and really “wants to loop”. Calls himself "deeply unhappy." During a conversation with a doctor, he is worried, blushes, from tears he easily passes to anger, then to delight. Grotesquely gesticulating, wringing his hands, anxiously walks around the office. He says that, finally, "found the role of her life" and "will bring it to the end." Demands that the trial take place "today." "Let everyone get together, invite correspondents, let them come from television ... Let everyone learn from my tragic fate. This is a movie, this is a novel - let there be writers and directors and at least learn a little about the truth of life." He calms down with difficulty, but then begins to sob ("it is a pity that she did not die and did not burn out"). There are no productive psychotic symptoms, as well as formal disorders of the intellectual sphere.

Conclusion: sane. Diagnosis: hysterical psychopathy.

In this case, hereditary burden contributed to the formation of hysterical psychopathy (probably, K.'s mother was also distinguished by a hysterical character) and unfavorable educational conditions. The hysterical features of K. manifested themselves already from childhood (nightmares with "numbness"). Some hysterical features (posturing, expansiveness) contributed to her fascination with the scene. After graduating from a teacher training college, she found a new hobby, but did not understand that her practice of "game teaching" does not correspond to the methodological guidelines. She accepted business criticism with the logic characteristic of hysteria: everyone is obtuse and dumb, she is smarter than everyone.

With the correct overall sexual development, the first sexual relationship for love immediately revealed the disharmonious characteristics of the person: she advertised her intimate relationships, despite all the “passion” from sexual intercourse, she received only disgust, she was attracted only by the external side. The lover’s misunderstanding of the “beauty and grandeur of love” with K.’s actually negative attitude to the sexual side of communication easily led to a break. K. found her "happiness" in amateur performances, where her "I" was always in the spotlight.

Sexually, K. frigidna. She entered into sexual intercourse not because of the erotic feeling that had arisen, but for the sake of worshiping her "artistic talent", for the sake of the outside, the "surroundings" (champagne, sentimental music, etc.) of intimate relationships.

After the break-up, K. was burdened by the lack of not sexual satisfaction (as such, she never received it), but of a "beautiful life partner." To keep his next roommate K. goes to imitate vivid sexuality, despite the aversion and lack of positive emotions. In fact, frigidity, combined with a focus on external accessories of cohabitation, and not on the erotic side of relations with men, caused K.'s improper sexual behavior, a constant game of sex without a physiological need for him. The perfect act is closely connected with this style of K.'s sexual behavior. Attempting to imitate suicide was in fact the only way available to her to keep her “life partner”.

K. has quite vivid manifestations of a hysterical nature (exaltation, affective lability, a thirst for recognition, a tendency to hyperbolize, an affective logic of judgments, etc.). However, in general, K.'s mental disharmony is not so deep as to deprive her of her ability to be aware of and direct her actions.

In general, during forensic psychiatric examination of psychopathic personalities, the type of personality disharmony is determined, and the severity of mental immaturity, the rudeness of emotional and volitional disorders, the absence or persistence of criticism of one’s state, the ability to correct one’s behavior, the type and severity of violations of social adaptation, and the tendency to frequent and noticeable decompensations.

If the offense was committed during a period of severe decompensation or a pathological psychopathic reaction, then the state of a person suffering from psychopathy at the time of the offense can be regarded as a temporary mental disorder that caused insanity. Persons with deep disharmony of the entire mental warehouse can also be insane.

A key forensic issue in psychopathy with sexual disorders is male homosexuality. This particular attitude is determined not only by the fact that homosexual acts (sodomy) in our country are criminally punishable, but also by the frequency both in the population (the prevalence of homosexuality among men varies from 1 to 4%), and in forensic psychiatric practice. H. Schwartz said that more than 30% of forensic psychiatric examinations conducted in Greifswald (GDR) dealt with sexual anomalies, in particular homosexuality, and of this number 53.5% of homosexual acts were committed with children.

If the forensic psychiatric conclusion regarding psychopathic individuals with sexual perversions depends on the depth of psychopathy, its dynamic changes, and the severity of the sexual perversion syndrome is intimately related to the structure and severity of psychopathy, which allows them to be considered in a single syndrome complex when determining sanity, then the issue of homosexuality is significantly more complicated and requires special consideration.

This issue was specially discussed at international conferences (in particular, at the 3rd symposium in Berlin in September 1964). The criminal liability for homosexual acts varies from country to country (from prosecution to impunity, if the homosexual act was not accompanied by coercion and was not carried out with children, from recognition of insanity to reduced sanity and sanity).

N.I. Felinskaya wrote in a guide on forensic psychiatry that, since “sexual perversions are not innate, but develop in the process of personality formation by a conditioned reflex”, “psychopathy is formed and develops under the influence of environmental conditions, improper upbringing, etc. who discover psychopathy are not devoid of the ability to correctly assess the surrounding reality and manage their actions, since they do not have mental changes that are mentally ill, "" therefore those who suffer from psychopathy are in most cases recognized as sane and subject to general penalties. "

In the Guide to Forensic Psychiatry of Sexual Psychopathy, only one paragraph is allotted and reaffirmed that “perversions are not innate, but develop in the process of personality formation, being fixed by a conditioned reflex. A differentiated approach to different forms of sexual perversions is not even discussed.

Although the etiology and pathogenesis of homosexuality have not been fully elucidated, it is impossible to reduce them only to the corrupting effect of microsocial factors or the disharmony of pace of puberty. Moreover, if other perversions in psychopathic personalities are closely related to the structure of psychopathy and a certain synchronism in their education can be traced, then homosexuality (more precisely, sexual attraction that does not correspond to passport data on the sex) may not be accompanied by other signs of psychopathy. Already such a “monosymptom” puts homosexuality in a different position compared to other sexual perversions in the framework of psychopathy.

Unlike other perversions in homosexuality, especially with a violation of sexual consciousness (self-identification), i.e. when aware of his belonging to the other sex, there are biological prerequisites, which is extremely important for forensic psychiatric examination.

According to the neuroendocrine theory, homosexuality is determined by impaired sexual differentiation of the brain in the prenatal period, which leads to inferior masculinization of the brain in homosexual men. Violation of the sexual differentiation of the brain leads to a distortion of the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to hormonal influences. Pathology of the prenatal period entails violations of the endocrine supply of sexual function. People with homosexual attraction have an increased level of estradiol and testosterone-binding globulins, as well as a decrease in the concentration of free testosterone in the blood compared to the control group; the main violation is to change not so much the concentration of hormones as the balance of testosterone and estrogen.

Thus, neuroendocrine and endocrine theories complement each other. The genetic theory of homosexuality is inextricably linked with them. The high concordance of twins in terms of homosexuality can be explained by both a common exogenous factor in the critical prenatal period and a genetically fixed predisposition to impaired sexual differentiation of the brain. Therefore, there is a biologically determined risk of homosexuality - a pathophysiological basis for distortion of sexual identity and gender-role behavior. On this basis, it is unlawful to draw an analogy of attraction disorder, for example, with dromomania, with a sex drive disorder in homosexuals, since homosexuality has a specific basis for attraction disorders.

There is no reason in these cases to completely deny the role of distorted psychological and other adverse microsocial influences in the formation of homosexuality, especially in case of premature psychosexual development (the “shared” participation in which is also largely determined by biological, more precisely, pathobiological factors). It is important that a person, for reasons completely beyond his control, enters into life with a pathological, painful in medical and social terms, an understanding of himself, a perception of his needs, with already formed personal prerequisites for his sexual behavior. G.S. Vasilchenko writes: "Homosexuality, formed against the backdrop of the transformation of the sexual role in combination with premature psychosexual development, affects the core of the personality, early attracts attention with impaired sexual role behavior, persists throughout life and does not lend itself to therapeutic correction." It should be added that such homosexuality is not amenable to correction by socially-coercive methods.

In a special work entitled “The issue of sanity and corrective measures for sexual offenders,” psychiatrists K. Nedoma and C. Freud write that with sexual offenses one can always assume an abnormal mental or sexual state that restricts freedom of thought. Punishment is ineffective in people with such sexual perversions, and if they pose a social danger in connection with homosexual activity, then they should be treated in special medical institutions using psychotherapy and hormones.

It is difficult to assume that toughening or mitigation (up to the complete abolition of the criminal prosecution for homosexual relations of adult men in an intimate, that is, not offensive to public opinion, atmosphere and with full mutual consent) of legal categories will reduce or increase the number of true homosexuals. The Czech psychiatrist M. Boubal noted that after the abolition of punishment for homosexual acts in Czechoslovakia, the number of homosexuals did not increase and their behavior did not change.

Not so much forensic psychiatric as general legal significance S. S. Korsakova that "the perverse sexual sensation is in the vast majority of cases a constant feature of this subject, although the ability to restrain its manifestations can vary significantly under the influence of various conditions." One can draw an analogy with a sexually healthy person: he is also sex-specific, he can also restrain his sexual needs, but he can also satisfy them, and this is not criminally punishable if not related to violence or seduction of minors. Why, then, should a person who does not want to have another permanent sexual characteristic, constantly, restrain him throughout his life so as not to deserve criminal punishment, although he does not commit violence or molestation?

A mature person with a stable homosexual orientation, which determines the only acceptable way of sexual satisfaction, heterosexual acts and mentally and physically does not accept. Speaking in a sexological language, they are already unnatural for such people. In this regard, it is quite justifiable to speak specifically about a “mistake of nature”, and not about some immoral, sexually perverted (understanding as perversion something immoral) behavior that is essentially caused by “homosexuality of homosexuals”, does not depend on their acceptance or rejection social norms and brings only social persecution.

The expert definition of the sanity of psychopathic personalities with such sexual perversions, in our opinion, does not sufficiently take into account the arguments of supporters of neuroendocrine, endocrine, genetic concepts, and also clearly does not agree with the opinion of authoritative psychiatrists who observed homosexual persons.

There are many clinical descriptions, not only not confirming the conditioned-reflex concept of this type of perversion, but also directly talking about the congenital (i.e. biological conditionality) perversion of sexual desire. We limit ourselves to an excerpt from an article by prof. V.M. Tarnovsky's “Perversion of Sexual Feeling”, published in the Bulletin of Psychiatry: “A child with a congenital sexual perversion grows and develops in all respects, apparently correctly. Only the sexual feeling wakes up most unusually early, and as it approaches the period of puberty a whole series of abnormal painful deviations sets in ... A boy, for example, is more ashamed to undress in front of an outside man than in front of a woman. from men than from women. He ... "adores" without fail a man, brave, generous, intelligent or a person with highly developed muscles and remains completely indifferent to women. Finally, puberty comes ... To the extreme degree of excitement, ending the eruption of the seed, brings him in a dream not the image of a woman in seductive poses and movements, but the caresses, hugs and kisses of men.The idea of \u200b\u200bwomen not only does not excite his sex drive, but completely kills any lust accidentally caused. The appearance of a naked woman leaves him indifferent ... As the described deviation of sexual activity intensifies, other features of the diseased organism begin to emerge. The young man tries to be feminine, likes to dress up in a woman’s dress ... to choke, powder, blush, draws eyebrows. It develops that type of effeminate man that is disgusting for men and despised by women, which is easy to recognize by appearance ... "

S.S. Korsakov wrote that many of these persons with a perverted sex drive are aware of him, they say that they have a "female soul in the male body", they are trying to be treated. However, there are also homosexual men and women who consider themselves by this property to be some chosen natures (peculiar "esthetes"), capable of experiencing subtle sensations that are inaccessible to ordinary people, and who believe that normal sexual relations between a man and a woman cannot give their enjoyment. ” ( Nokhurov A. Violations of sexual behavior. - M., 1988).

To the above, I want to add that it is not uncommon for heightened or painful sensuality, which has not found satisfaction, seeks and finds an equivalent in religion or its surrogates. (In early November 2008, a plot was shown on TV about a sect created by a former electrician suffering from schizophrenia. The sect practiced group sex and BDSM extensively. Competent authorities reported that the sect has several thousand followers across Russia). In the psychopathological field, a relationship is found between religious and sexual feelings. It is enough to point out the medical history of many religiously obsessed people, the motley mixture of religious and sexual delirium so often observed in psychoses, especially in psychoses due to masturbation. Voluptuous-cruel self-incrimination, self-flagellation, self-crucifixion, suicide produced under the influence of religious and sexual ecstasy.

(“Such terrible persecutions of sorceresses were partly due to the recognition of the hysterics themselves, who, under the influence of hallucinations, for the most part of an erotic nature, claimed to have relations with the devil, became pregnant from him and visited the witches' coven.

The view that the devil, having taken possession of the girl, certainly raped her, was the reason for a very widespread test of witchcraft, that is, an investigation of the virginity of the accused.

Jeanne Herviller, burned in Ribmont in 1578, claimed before her death that she had been in touch with the devil since the age of 12, and when he comes to the monastery, he chooses victims between the youngest girls.

Priestess Madleine from Cordoba, considered the greatest saint of her time, blessed by the pope and the king of Spain, was almost burnt alive and almost lost all her spiritual differences because she suddenly declared herself the mistress of a fallen angel with whom she has been in touch for 13 years.

In 1550, after almost forty days of fasting, almost all the nuns of the monastery in Ubertet "e became victims of the devil: they began to blaspheme, say all kinds of inconsistencies and fall to the ground in convulsions.

In 1609, ursulinki in Aix announced that they had been bewitched and raped by their abbot, who was burned for it.

In Lorraine, a woman named Atege was brought to trial because, having bewitched one child, was the reason that he fell out of the window. Under torture, she admitted that she was in connection with the devil, whose image she even indicated in one place on the wall to the great dismay of the judges, who, however, did not see anything.

Amoulett Defrasne of Valenciennes was accused of having killed many women with her witchcraft. At first she stubbornly denied her guilt, but then under torture she confessed that she was really engaged in witchcraft and that the devil had appeared to her 15 years ago and since then had become her lover. ” Lombroso C., Ferrero G. Woman criminal and prostitute. AVAN-I, 1994.)

One of the religious suicide stories these days was told by the newspaper “For the Russian Affair” (No. 3/95, 2002):

“My daughter disappeared in the spring of 2000. She was born in 1976, a Russian, Orthodox believer before fanaticism, an education of 7 classes.

The daughter kept personal diaries and did not allow me to read them. After her death, I read them, and horror seized my mind. The daughter became a believer in 1992. Starting in 1990, visions of Christ began to appear to her: either the face of the miraculous, then in the crown of thorns and in other forms. The Mother of God and saints, and angels, and cherubs, and holy martyrs, and old men with gray beards appeared. Seraphim of Sarov turned to her "daughter". Christ took her to heaven, showed hell, after which she could not come to earthly consciousness for several months. The main thing is that Jesus insisted, persuaded, asked, proved that she was born so that she could give her life voluntarily for the salvation of the world. From all these visions, the daughter lived in constant fear and horror and was afraid to look even at the sky. In one of the visions, Christ said: “When My right hand of God appears above you a second time, that means the Lord is calling you.” The visions were accompanied by a male voice from above, revealing competent theological knowledge.

The face of Christ also said (the same is contained in the theological books) that for God the most pleasant sacrifice is pure immaculate youth. Therefore, the daughter took care of her virginity, did not get married, on the recommendation of her spiritual father, she did not meet with the boys in order to be pardoned at the Last Judgment of Christ. The spiritual father forbade her to share her thoughts with me, her mother.

From the records it was clear that the last six months, “the right hand of God” hung over her, and she “waited for the call” all the time. The call came from ... her spiritual father, Father Superior Hypatius and his fellow practitioner Tatyana Sh., On 10.02.2000, that, they say, she should decide to fulfill the “Will of God”, which is not a sin for her to abandon her mother, because she is an adult and has the right to manage her life. I held the daughter. But on February 15, she left the house without permission and ... disappeared. There are no witnesses to her martyrdom, but there are criminals. Now she is "in the kingdom of heaven with a crown on her head, which Christ promised her."

In recent years, there has been an increase in suicides "on religious grounds," why I quote, the fact is that traditional religions consider suicide to be a sin, but many religious sects and subcultural movements secretly welcome this act. The overwhelming majority of suicides occur in young men and women in puberty - "puberty suicide", i.e. suicide committed during puberty. The leaders of sects and movements are well aware of this and use the sacrifice of adolescents to cement the collective, while at the same time, exaltation on mythological (religious) grounds can often lead to a feeling of bliss (pathological sexual satisfaction) at the sight of the sacrifice being made. Therefore, among the leaders (prophets, gurus, etc.) of sects and movements, there are many mentally ill with a dominant sexual pathology.

"Man is a sick animal"

It's time to move on to the work of Richard von Craft-Ebing, “Sexual Psychopathy”:

“The periods of weakening of morality in the life of peoples usually coincide with the periods of effeminacy and luxury. These phenomena are conceivable only with increased overstrain of the nervous system, which has to adapt to growing needs. The result of this increased nervousness is an increase in sensuality, leading to the corruption of the masses and undermining the social foundations, morality and purity of family life. As soon as these social foundations are shaken by licentiousness, adultery, luxury, the collapse of state life, the material, moral and political destruction of the latter become inevitable.

Cautionary examples of this kind are the Roman Empire, Greece and France during the reign of Louis XIV and XV. In such epochs of state decline, monstrous distortions of sexual life are noticed, the reasons for which, however, can partly be explained by the psychopathological or, at least, neuropathological state of the population.

... Therefore, sadism, as well as masochism and same-sex attraction, should be considered as natural anomalies of sexual life. This is a disorder or deviation in the evolution of psychosexual processes on the basis of mental degeneration.

The fact that voluptuousness and cruelty are often combined with each other is a long-known fact. This phenomenon was indicated by writers of all directions.

Bloemoder saw a man with numerous wounds on his chest, inflicted

depraved woman who achieved pleasure bites.

Ball reports a case from his "Clinic of St. Anne", where a very physically strong epileptic during the copulation bit off her lover's nose and swallowed a piece of nose.

Ferrani (Archivio delle psicopatia sessuali, 1896, I. P. 106) reports of a young man who, before copulation, pinched his beloved, during copulation, bit and pinched her, "since without this he did not feel any pleasure." One day, a lover came with a complaint that he had wounded her too much.

The essay "On Pleasure and Pain" (Friedreich "Magazin für Seelenkunde, 1830, II, 5) focuses on the psychological connection between voluptuousness and mania for murder. The author points to the Indian myth of Shiva and Durga (death and voluptuousness), to human victims with voluptuous mysteries, to sex drive during puberty with a craving for suicide, to a vague desire to satisfy lust by scourging, pinching the genitals.

Lombroso (Lombroso. Verzeni e Agnoletti. Roma, 1874) also gives numerous examples of the appearance of mania killing with an excessive increase in voluptuousness.

On the other hand, murder mania is often accompanied by voluptuousness. Lombroso in the cited work leads the fact mentioned by Mantegazza that the bestial voluptuousness always joins the horrors of robbery and murder produced by unbridled soldiers in wartime.

These facts represent a transition to pronounced pathological cases.

There are instructive examples of degenerate Caesars (Nero, Tiberius) who revel in the spectacle of the execution of young men and girls performed on their orders and before their eyes, as well as the story of Marshal Gilles de Re (Jacob. Curiosités de l "histoire de France. Paris, 1858), executed more than 800 children for raping and killing for 8 years in 1440. By his own admission, this monster, under the influence of reading Suetonius and descriptions of the orgies of Tiberius, Caracalla and others, came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bluring the children into their castles, raping them under torture and then kill. The monster claimed to have experienced and these horrors, a feeling of inexplicable pleasure. His accomplices were two persons close to him. The bodies of unfortunate children were burned, and only a few especially beautiful children's heads he ... kept as a keepsake. Eilenburg (op. cit., p. 58) cited almost certain evidence that Re was insane. " Kraft-Ebin R. Sexual psychopathy, "Republic", M :, 1996) .

The case of Marshal Gilles de Re recalls the story of the Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who took baths from human blood for “skin beauty,” most likely she experienced sexual arousal from this sadistic act.

Together with her faithful servant, for this purpose she lured young girls into the castle, who were then beaten to death and bleeding; her bloody footprint is estimated at 650 dead girls. In 1610, she was exposed, her accomplices were executed, and she was sentenced to life imprisonment. In a Hungarian erotic film narrating this story, Countess Bathory is presented as a lesbian. This story is even more surprising when you read the biography of the countess maniac:

"Elizabeth Bathory, Erzhebet Bathory (Hungarian. Bththory Erzsйbet, words. Alћbeta Bбtoriováb, was born on August 7, 1560, also called ахahtitsky lady or the Blood Countess, Hungarian countess, niece of Stefan Báthory, notorious for the massacres of young women. Guinness Book of Records ", the most" productive "serial killer.

Her parents were György Báthory and Anna Báthory (sister of the future King of Poland Stefan Báthory and granddaughter of Istvan IV), who came from two branches of the same family - Báthory. Elizabeth spent her childhood at Eched Castle. At age 11, she was engaged to a nobleman, Ferenc Nadashd, and moved to his castle at Sárvár. In 1575, Elizabeth married Ferenc Nadashd (the caretaker of the imperial stables and the Hungarian general) in Vranovo. In 1578, her husband was appointed commander of the Hungarian forces in the war against the Turks. For his manic cruelty to prisoners, the Turks nicknamed him "Black Bek." As a wedding present, Nadashd gave Elizabeth a Chakhtitsky castle in the Slovak Small Carpathians, which at that time was the property of the emperor. In 1602, Nadashd bought the castle from Rudolph II. Nadashd spent all his time in military campaigns, so Elizabeth took upon herself the responsibility of managing the household. The spouses had 5 children: Anna, Catherine, Miklos, Ursula and Pavel. Soon after the acquisition of the castle, in 1604, Ferenc died and Elizabeth remained a widow. The exact time when Elizabeth began to kill the girls is unknown, it happened between 1585 and 1610. It is likely that the husband and relatives knew about this and tried to limit her in this. Most of the victims were local peasant women. In 1610, rumors of murder began to reach the court and Emperor Matthew instructed the Palatine Gyorgy Turzo to investigate the matter. On December 29, 1610, Turzo, with an armed detachment, burst into the castle and caught Elizabeth Bathory with assistants torturing the next victims. Despite the evidence, Elizabeth never appeared before the court - the big name of the Bathory family (the brother of the Chakhtitsky lady, Gabor Bathory, was the ruler of Transylvania) did the trick. Nevertheless, Elizabeth spent the rest of her life in captivity in the Chakhtitsky castle. The trial of the henchmen took place on January 2, 1610 in the Bitchian Castle. Dorota Sentes, Ilona Yo and Katarina Benitska were burned, Jan Uyvar was cut off his head. According to the diaries of Elizabeth Bathory and the testimony of the Jesuit father, Laszlo Turoschi (supported by Hungarian researcher Dr. Zoltan Meder), fearing to lose her youth and attractiveness, she bathed every week in a bathtub filled with the blood of young virgins. She killed 650 people. "

And, it would seem, five children, material well-being and a terrifying sadistic psyche. How deep can a demon of degeneration hide! And is there any bottom at all for a falling animal. Nietzsche defined a person as a “sick animal,” as far as he is right, says modern psychiatry, which failed to find the nature of any mental illness. And also, not a single psychiatrist in the world has been able to cure a mentally ill patient. So far, it has only been possible to muffle the disease by the effects of medications or by direct surgical or electrical effects on the brain. And the question “Are there mentally normal people and how many are there?” Remains open. Once, in a conversation with a wise colleague, I raised the issue of the number of schizophrenics in Germany. The fact is that statistics do not show the success of the sterilization of the mentally ill in Nazi Germany, the number of schizophrenics is stably kept at the same level as before Hitler, and after him. To which my wise interlocutor replied, “Do you think that those who were involved in the sterilization of psychos were healthy themselves?” It turns out that some psychos fought with others for a place in the sun. So if you look at the history of mankind from this angle, it turns out that all wars of a religious and political nature are wars of mentally ill people. And, interestingly, in these wars, more adequate psychos did not always win. Therefore, we live in a world very questionable in terms of mental and moral health. And the "sick animal" sometimes realizes that it is seriously ill and is taken for "emergency treatment", as a rule this is when some start to put in jail or kill others for political or religious reasons. Well, massive world psychoses are usually “treated” by small and large wars. Then peace is made between the belligerents and the number of those killed is calculated. Especially sophisticated psychopaths learned to “make money” in wars, and when money is bad, they launch a business project called “war”.

Sexual aggression is a continuation of the “sick animal” war. As we see, neither material well-being nor physical health (gave birth to five children) guarantee mental health. But modern science does not yet know the nature of mental illness! And as it would turn out a complete dead end.

A year ago, the media loudly discussed the problem of pedophilia and sexual maniacs, but now silence. I looked at the reports from different regions of Russia and it can be seen from them that the number of sexual crimes has not decreased. And why did the media stop waking up this topic? She, what is resolved? Not. Just at the top they came to the conclusion that media coverage of this topic provokes maniacs to crime, and people are depressed. The authorities have a logic in this approach, indeed people can be “nosed”, but then strengthen the awareness of the people at the local level, as is done in many countries. There, the policeman is obliged to inform residents that a pedophile who has left a prison or a psychiatric hospital lives in their area, all the more they inform about the appeared maniacs. I learned about the maniac that appeared in our area from an announcement in the school corridor, and thanks to my professional curiosity.

(Freud, Jung, Adler, and most of the psychiatric schools in the world viewed homosexuality as a pathology. Today, homosexuality is excluded from the list of mental disorders. Under the pressure of the blue lobby, homosexuality is now attributed to normal variations of a wide range of human sexuality).

Now the society has one way out - this is punishment and warning. Of course, I really want to hope that scientists rummaged through the brains and genes to learn how to identify a "sick animal" at the stage of its harmless age, and then learn how to effectively treat the disease. Unless of course the one who conceived the "man" provided such an opportunity ...

From the point of view of sexual pathologies, our society today is neither better nor worse than the previous ones, it is simply different. Any disease has different stages, even syphilis has a stage when all the external signs of the disease disappear. So in some societies it is possible to achieve the disappearance of external signs - to drive the disease into the depths. But the whole problem is that it is a disease in order to manifest itself with renewed vigor.

I am deeply convinced that this book will help to avoid many disappointments and misfortunes among my readers. Being myself an enlightened person, I myself discovered a lot of new things by working on it. And remember, the moral and mental health of your family members is directly dependent on the degree of frankness in the relationship. After all, often a frank conversation is enough to resolve the problem. And never refuse this conversation to your children. Living in a huge information field, they often know several answers to their questions, but they only want to hear the “right answer” from you. Due to the peculiarities of the child’s age, your answer may be covertly ignored, but at the crucial moment your answer may be decisive when he commits an act. No one can know your children better than you yourself, so take your time to run to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Nobody can guarantee you the quality level of these specialists, especially with the level of education of recent years. Remember yourself at the age of your children and you yourself will find many answers. The human essence and, above all, its individual psychological and biological characteristics are tenaciously inherited. Your child has inherited not only his mother’s gait and father’s eyes, but also everything else that is not visible to the eye. Looking at the child - you look in the mirror with the whole family, you look into the future ...

Richard von Craft Ebing

Crimes of love. Sexual psychopathy

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The monumental work of the German neuropsychiatrist Richard von Kraft-Ebting, which is brought to the attention of readers, is a book of a very difficult fate, which had a difficult effect both on the upheavals of its author’s personal life and on the formation of scientific ideas about human sexual behavior.

Kraft-Ebing was born in 1840 in Mannheim, from where, after graduating from high school, he moved with his parents to Heidelberg, where his maternal grandfather lived - a lawyer who gained considerable authority by his human rights practice. Under his beneficial influence, the young man begins to study medicine, but soon, having contracted a severe form of typhus, he was forced to go to Switzerland. After recovery, fascinated by the lectures of the famous psychiatrist W. Grisinger, he continues his studies in Zurich and specializes in psychoneurology.

Having occupied the professorship in Strasbourg in 1870, he publishes several fundamental guides (including: Fundamentals of Criminal Psychology, 1872; Training Course in Forensic Psychopathology, 1876, etc.), he is systematically invited and often travels as a consultant to many European countries (including Russia and England), gaining a reputation as the most erudite neuropsychiatrist of the continent.

And at this stage, being at the pinnacle of fame, Kraft-Ebing undertakes an action that can equally be regarded as frivolous and bold (if you like, even heroic). In 1886, he published the book Sexual Psychopathy, violating and subverting with this pioneering work all the generally accepted (though behind the scenes) canons of decency.

The fact is that for many centuries, since the rooting of Christianity in Europe, any mention of sex from all university departments was cast out as a sin, and in the courts they were often ruthlessly prosecuted as a criminal act. The citadel of this Puritan-ascetic view in Europe over time becomes the so-called victorian associated with the era of the reign of Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901). According to the established ideal, well-mannered young people fell in love at the appropriate time, made an offer of marriage, married, and then, in the name of procreation (that is, prolongation of the family), from time to time they performed sexual intercourse with their spouse with suppressed candles and under the covers, steadily observing the ladies don't move rule - the ladies are motionless (since ladies were not allowed to wriggle in convulsions of passion and they had to surrender to their husbands passively, while maintaining complete motor and emotional disengagement con- cern, until orgasm and dissimulation of any kind have been other positive sensory manifestations - code double standard to some extent permitted moderate carnal joy only representatives of the stronger sex).

And one of the most respected European professors overnight overthrows all this quiet goodness, breaking the vow of silence with the publication of his collection of the most disgusting, most unbridled, most nauseating behavioral acts, connected until this time with the sexually tightly disguised, closed to all fasteners. The nausea of \u200b\u200bthe protocol descriptions presented by the author, which, in order not to shock the aristocratic readers of the penultimate decade of the 19th century, to cover the coolest episodes with the curtain of ancient Latin, did not lose its repulsive aroma even in our usual time: the nurse of the department of sexopathology of the psychiatric institute, the census I typed the Russian equivalents of Latin inserts prepared by me for this publication, after a few days refused this work (because epechatyvaemye texts made her nausea ...). With his monograph on sexual psychopathy, Kraft Ebing primarily dealt such a devastating blow to his widely established reputation by that time that echoes of confusion can be traced even in the obituary published by The British Medical Journal, which played the role the mouthpiece of not only English, but also European physicians; in a January 3, 1903 issue, eleven days after the scientist’s death, the following statements coexist in a mourning message: “... among his works is a six-reprinted guide to psychiatry, as well as a guide to forensic medicine and psychopathology ... His name, unfortunately, gained scandalous fame thanks to a book entitled “Sexual Psychopathy” ... Kraft-Ebing, however (!), brought to neurology many valuable developments that compel him to be respected ... ”And 10 years earlier, in 1893, same periodical you it was even more categorical: “We thoroughly discussed whether we should generally react to the appearance of this book ... We questioned the advisability of translating it into English. Interested parties can familiarize themselves with it in the original. It would be better if it was written in whole Latin, so as to cover its contents with the obscurity and obscurity of the dead language ... ”At the same time, the storm caused by the unfortunate invasion of the forbidden sphere was not limited to the British Isles, so Kraft-Ebing was forced to resign abandoning the chair in Strasbourg, and confinement to managing a small sanatorium near Graz in Austria. Only at the end of his life he again took up a high academic post, inheriting the leadership of the clinic and the Minert department at the University of Vienna.

The contradictory dynamics of events that determine the assessment and fate of the book and its author are very indicative and in their own way typical. On the one hand, the unflattering, sometimes derogatory remarks of universally recognized official associations, and on the other, a continuous series of translations into most languages \u200b\u200bof the world and numerous increasingly voluminous reprints (it is typical that the first translation into Russian was made from the thirteenth, supplemented edition).

The explanation of these contradictions is in the peculiarity of the tactics chosen by Kraft-Ebing: he encroached on the title thesis of the Christian church, without at all declaring war on it. In fact, Kraft-Ebing dared to repeat the sin of the tempter-snake, forcing the first people to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge, which was originally associated with the sexual sphere: “And there were both nagas, Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed. The serpent was more cunning than all ... And the serpent said to his wife: ... but God knows that on the day that you taste them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods who know good and evil. And the wife saw that the tree is good for food and that it is pleasing to the eyes and longed for, because it gives knowledge; and took its fruits, and ate; and she also gave to her husband, and he ate. And the eyes of both of them opened, and they knew that they were naked, and sewed fig leaves, and made themselves a girdle ... "After this, as you know, the Lord expelled sinners from the garden of Eden, and punished them all, saying to Adam:" ... because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree that I ordered you to say: “do not eat from it” ... you will eat bread in the sweat of your face ... ”“ My wife said: multiplying I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will give birth to children ... "" And the Lord God said to the serpent: because you did this, you are damned before all cattle and before all the animals of the field; you will walk on your womb, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between ... your seed and between her seed; it will hit you in the head, and you will sting it in the heel ”(Moses First Book, Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3).

It is easy to notice that of all three sinners, the heaviest punishment rests precisely with the snake-tempter, and at a time when science, having left the monastery cells, where it had found shelter for centuries, and having gained full independence, began the farther, the more insistently crowded the church, Kraft-Ebing not only follows the path laid by the serpent, pouring life-giving moisture on countless facts to the tree of knowledge, but also, seemingly proclaiming an anathema to the villains described in his book, at the same time trying to seize the sovereign right from the Most Merciful One publicity (even in the official church hierarchy granted not to all its representatives) - after all, he was the first in his book to give detailed arguments proving that homosexuality is not a manifestation of evil will, but a painful disorder and, therefore, homosexuals should not be punished, but treated . At the same time, Kraft-Ebing combines condemning epithets and justifying motives in such a proportion that at times it is misleading even some modern sexologists.

And yet, ironically, these days the name of Kraft-Ebing is preserved only thanks to fundamental sexological work, while most of his other works are firmly forgotten. Merciless time over the past one hundred-plus years has changed a lot in scientific views; today, in fact, the very concept of sexual psychopathy has already disappeared from use; science does not accept the proposed arrangement of causes, among which too often and without sufficient justification appear “vicious heredity”, “moral degeneration” and especially masturbation, considered as the most universal mechanism of the vast majority of sexual disorders. However, it was Kraft-Ebing who was the first to venture to provide detailed descriptions of sexual perversions and deviations, primarily such as sadism, masochism, homosexuality, fetishism, exhibitionism, zoo- and necrophilia, as well as to comprehensively consider their biomedical and legal aspects and propose a conceptual hypothesis uniting them. It is these developments, which laid the foundation for the formation of a new scientific branch of human knowledge - sexology, that determine the highest overall assessment of both the tremendous merit of the brave and perspicacious scientist, and the significance of the published book.

Sexual psychopathy is a term for pathologies in the development of the sexual sphere, and it has been used by specialists more recently.

Such deviations are not allowed to include an increase or decrease in arousal, as well as a person’s tendency to masturbate, if these phenomena have a physiological nature of origin.

This pathology includes any homosexual manifestations, sadistic tendencies, masochism, sexual attraction to animals and some forms of masturbation, for example, narcissism or ipsation

Causes of Sexual Psychopathy

Various factors can provoke the development of such a pathology, but in fact, experts always note the lack of differentiation of sexual desire.

Patients often experience inhibition of mental development in childhood, as well as psychosexual infantility.

Many sexual experiences suffered in childhood can ultimately affect the development and occurrence of sexual psychopathies of various types. Today, disputes among specialists arise only in the process of discussing the nature of homosexuality and the reasons for its occurrence, but in general, the theory of the development of pathologies of this type is beyond doubt.

If a person has sexual psychopathies, in many cases various anatomical anomalies can be observed, for example, secondary sexual characteristics or masculinity in women. Such signs may be evidence of deviations that occur during the functioning of the gonads, which is one of the causes of the pathology.

Today, it is widely believed among specialists that there are some transitional models between the male and female sexes, which can explain the development of bisexuality or homosexuality in some people.

Richard von Craft Ebing classification

Pathologies of this type are observed in cultural people only in rare cases, since abnormal development and sexual psychopathy are often the result of hereditary deviations in the development of the central nervous system with obvious degenerative signs.

It must not be forgotten that there is a definite connection between the genital organs and the nervous system, for this very reason deviations of the corresponding type so often develop amid the emergence of general psychoses.

Below will be considered some cerebral abnormalities that are part of psychopathology. Their symptoms are often accompanied by deviations of other types, but they can also be observed in mentally healthy people. Such pathologies usually have a complex effect on a person, which pushes him to commit crimes of a sexual nature.

This is their main danger and peculiarity: they often lead to the commission of criminal or absolutely immoral acts.


Under the paradox in modern psychopathology refers to a sense of sexual arousal, unusual for the age category. Paradoxia can occur in childhood or senility.

The child can involuntarily comb these parts of the body due to the itching sensation and feel voluptuous irritations, which will push him to repeat this experiment in the future. But there are fundamentally different situations where the main cause of masturbation is various cerebral processes, this usually indicates too early development of sexual instincts.

In the vast majority of cases, this is only one sign of a number of pathologies characteristic of the condition.

  • The occurrence of sexual desire and corresponding instinct in the elderly  not a pathological process. However, it can be a deviation from the norm, if such signs are manifested in people of extremely advanced age who have not lived sexually for a long period of time.

    In some cases, symptoms occur suddenly, they can be accompanied by a lack of shame, their irresistibility and indefatigability, as well as a tendency to various perverse gratifications. These signs are usually so pronounced that not only a specialist, but any person can recognize them.

    To date, experts have come to a common opinion that the main reason is irreversible changes of the painful type that affect the brain and subsequently lead to the development of senile dementia.

    Such outbreaks of sexual desire are usually one of its first signs, soon followed by intellectual weakness.

  • Anesthesia

    The term anesthesia in psychopathology usually refers to the complete absence of sexual desire.when no visual, sound or olfactory factors, as well as any fantasies, lead to excitation of the genitals.

    In this case, it is necessary to exclude cases that are caused by physiological factors, for example, childhood or advanced age, since this is not any pathology.

    1. Congenital lack of attraction is observed with normal development of the genital organs, as well as their functioning. Such people are considered functionally asexual, but this phenomenon is rare and is accompanied by a number of other degenerative type disorders that carry not only a mental, but also an anatomical manifestation.
    2. The acquired lack of attraction leads to its gradual and complete extinction, there can be many reasons for such a pathology, while they can be of a very different nature. Such manifestations, which are part of age-related changes in the body, or that are exclusively temporary in nature, are considered physiological and cannot be recognized as pathologies.

      In this case, there are no laws or clear rules that determine the norm of the duration of sexual activity, since these features are individual in nature and indicators can vary greatly.

      In particular, such a process is influenced by such factors as the characteristics of upbringing, the specifics of lifestyle, the level of physical and mental activity, exposure to stressful conditions or abstinence over a long period of time. All this can lead to premature extinction of the functions of the reproductive system.


    By the term hyperesthesia, specialists understand pathologically high sexual desire, its synonyms are lust or voluptuousness.

    In the presence of such a pathology, a person experiences an excessive reaction and excitement under the influence of various types of stimuli: they can be either sensitive, mental or organic. Deviations in most cases have a different nature of origin, but the main danger is always that they can lead to a state of temporary mental insanity, in which a person is able to commit forced sexual intercourse or other crimes.


    Under paresthesias are understood various perversions of a sexual nature, when arousal is achieved in an unnatural way, and the process itself is accompanied by its inadequacy.

    The following forms of this pathology are usually common:

    Risk group

    There are certain groups that include people who are most susceptible to various sexual psychopathies.

    This primarily applies to adolescents who have not yet had time to reach puberty. In particular, they can form under the influence of seduction by adults with a homosexual disposition or impressions shared by peers.

    In this case, the teenager, characterized by psychopathic instability, begins to show special interest in various forms of sexual satisfaction, which made him experience the most vivid emotional experiences.

    In various psychopaths, whose behavior is characterized by a vivid manifestation of antisocial attitudes, the occurrence of sexual perversions is most often observed. Moreover, even people with highly developed morals can be exposed to various forms of sexual psychopathy, which leads to serious internal conflicts and the appearance of other deviations developing against their background.

    The inferiority of certain properties of the psyche or impressions received from outside can push into the background the general ideas of a person about certain phenomena, as well as the degree of their permissibility.

    Richard von Craft Ebing

    Sexual psychopathy


    The monumental work of the German neuropsychiatrist Richard von Kraft-Ebting, which is brought to the attention of readers, is a book of a very difficult fate, which had a difficult effect on the upheavals of its author’s personal life and on the formation of scientific ideas about human sexual behavior.

    Kraft-Ebing was born in 1840 in Mannheim, from where, after graduating from high school, he moved with his parents to Heidelberg, where his maternal grandfather lived - a lawyer who gained considerable authority by his human rights practice. Under his beneficial influence, the young man begins to study medicine, but soon, having contracted a severe form of typhus, he was forced to go to Switzerland. After recovery, fascinated by the lectures of the famous psychiatrist W. Grisinger, he continues his studies in Zurich and specializes in psychoneurology.

    Having occupied the professorship in Strasbourg in 1870, he publishes several fundamental guides (including: Fundamentals of Criminal Psychology, 1872; Training Course in Forensic Psychopathology, 1876, etc.), he is systematically invited and often travels as a consultant to many European countries (including Russia and England), gaining a reputation as the most erudite neuropsychiatrist of the continent.

    And at this stage, being at the pinnacle of fame, Kraft-Ebing undertakes an action that can equally be regarded as frivolous and bold (if you like, even heroic). In 1886, he published the book Sexual Psychopathy, violating and subverting with this pioneering work all the generally accepted (though behind the scenes) canons of decency.

    The fact is that for many centuries, since the rooting of Christianity in Europe, any mention of sex from all university departments was cast out as a sin, and in the courts they were often ruthlessly prosecuted as a criminal act. The citadel of this Puritan-ascetic view in Europe over time becomes the so-called victorian  associated with the era of the reign of Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901). According to the established ideal, well-mannered young people fell in love at the appropriate time, made an offer of marriage, married, and then, in the name of procreation (that is, prolongation of the family), from time to time they performed sexual intercourse with their spouse with suppressed candles and under the covers, steadily observing the ladies don’t move rule - ladies are motionless (since ladies were not allowed to wriggle in convulsions of passion and they had to surrender to husbands passively, while maintaining a complete motor and emotional disconnection Nost, until orgasm and dissimulation of any kind have been other positive sensory manifestations - code double standard to some extent permitted moderate carnal joy only representatives of the stronger sex).

    And one of the most respected European professors overnight overthrows all this quiet goodness, breaking the vow of silence with the publication of his collection of the most disgusting, most unbridled, most nauseating behavioral acts, connected until this time with the sexually tightly disguised, closed to all fasteners. The nausea of \u200b\u200bthe protocol descriptions presented by the author, which, in order not to shock the aristocratic readers of the penultimate decade of the 19th century, to cover the coolest episodes with the curtain of ancient Latin, did not lose its repulsive aroma even in our usual time: the nurse of the department of sexopathology of the psychiatric institute, the census I typed the Russian equivalents of Latin inserts prepared by me for this publication, after a few days refused this work (because epechatyvaemye texts made her nausea ...). With his monograph on sexual psychopathy, Kraft Ebing primarily dealt such a devastating blow to his widely established reputation by that time that echoes of confusion can be traced even in the obituary published by The British Medical Journal, which played the role the mouthpiece of not only English, but also European physicians; in a January 3, 1903 issue, eleven days after the scientist’s death, the following statements coexist in a mourning message: “... among his works is a six-reprinted guide to psychiatry, as well as a guide to forensic medicine and psychopathology ... His name, unfortunately, gained scandalous fame thanks to a book entitled “Sexual Psychopathy” ... Kraft-Ebing, however (!), brought to neurology many valuable developments that compel him to be respected ... ”And 10 years earlier, in 1893, same periodical it seemed even more categorical: “We thoroughly discussed whether we should generally react to the appearance of this book ... We questioned the advisability of translating it into English. Interested parties can familiarize themselves with it in the original. It would be better if it was written in whole Latin, so as to cover its contents with the obscurity and obscurity of the dead language ... ”At the same time, the storm caused by the unfortunate invasion of the forbidden sphere was not limited to the British Isles, so Kraft-Ebing was forced to resign abandoning the chair in Strasbourg, and confine himself to managing a small sanatorium near Graz in Austria. Only at the end of his life he again took up a high academic post, inheriting the leadership of the clinic and the Minert department at the University of Vienna.

    The contradictory dynamics of events that determine the assessment and fate of the book and its author are very indicative and in their own way typical. On the one hand, the unflattering, sometimes derogatory remarks of universally recognized official associations, and on the other, a continuous series of translations into most languages \u200b\u200bof the world and numerous increasingly voluminous reprints (it is typical that the first translation into Russian was made from the thirteenth, supplemented edition).

    The explanation of these contradictions is in the peculiarity of the tactics chosen by Kraft-Ebing: he encroached on the title thesis of the Christian church, without at all declaring war on it. In fact, Kraft-Ebing dared to repeat the sin of the tempter-snake, forcing the first people to taste the forbidden fruit of knowledge, which was originally associated with the sexual sphere: “And there were both nagas, Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed. The serpent was more cunning than all ... And the serpent said to his wife: ... but God knows that on the day that you taste them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods who know good and evil. And the wife saw that the tree is good for food and that it is pleasing to the eyes and longed for, because it gives knowledge; and took its fruits, and ate; and she also gave to her husband, and he ate. And the eyes of both of them opened, and they knew that they were naked, and sewed fig leaves, and made themselves a girdle ... "After this, as you know, the Lord expelled sinners from the garden of Eden, and punished them all, saying to Adam:" ... because you listened to your wife’s voice and ate from the tree that I ordered you to say: “do not eat from it” ... you will eat bread in the sweat of your face ... ”“ My wife said: multiplying I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in sickness you will give birth to children ... "" And the Lord God said to the serpent: because you did this, you are damned before all cattle and before all the animals of the field; you will walk on your womb, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between ... your seed and between her seed; it will hit you in the head, and you will sting it in the heel ”(Moses First Book, Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3).