How many apples saved in. Three Spas in August: Honey Spas, Apple Spas and Walnut

Orthodox holidays called Spas in August are marked by as many as three. They fall on August 14, 19 and 29. Each of them has a tasty name: honey, apple and nut.

Honey Spas in August 2016

A non-rolling Christian holiday is celebrated on August 14 - this is the First Savior, the Savior on the Water or the wet Savior, the poppy or honey Savior.

The Savior is called among the people honey, because it is time to cut the filled bee honeycombs and collect honey of a new crop. And poppy seeds - because the poppy heads are filled with ripened black grains, and the Orthodox remember the seven Maccabees who took death for their faith in one God.

The Savior is also called wet in honor of a small water blessing. Priests made a procession to rivers and lakes to bless the water. The Orthodox bathed and washed the cattle - washed away sins and prayed for health. After this day, they no longer entered the water, they knew that summer was declining. At this time, it was customary to clean and consecrate the wells.

Apple Spas in 2016

The celebration of the middle, second or apple Savior, the first autumn, the Savior on the Hill, the Transfiguration of Savior, the main of all the Salvations, begins on August 19. Another folk harvest festival is dedicated to the Christian Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

At the hour of prayer on Mount Tabor, Jesus showed his disciples his divine essence, and it is this event that the believers solemnly celebrate on August 19. A liturgy is held in temples, priests hold it in snow-white robes, symbolizing the divine light of the Transfiguration.

Nut Spas 2016

The miraculous, canvas, bread, nut or small Spas is celebrated on August 29. The Third Savior is celebrated from the day of the return of the miraculous canvas with which Jesus wiped his face. A towel with the face of God appearing on the fabric (the Miraculous Image) was stolen by Muslims, but on August 29 the Byzantine emperor bought it and transferred it to Constantinople.

The people called Spas bread, because by this day the harvest of grain had come to an end, and the first bread was baked from it. The Slavs carried him to the temple for sanctification. The remaining bread was wrapped in canvas and hidden behind the icon in his house. The Orthodox believed that blessed bread would give grace to the house and protect it from troubles and hunger.

Even Spas was called nutty, since the first walnut harvest on the day of Little Spas was also consecrated in the temple. Spas on August 29 was also called canvas: remembering the Christian component of the holiday, they traded canvases and canvas at numerous fairs.

On the eve of the last Savior, believers celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the completion of the Assumption Lent, writes

In celebration of the Honey, Apple and Nut Savior, folk and Christian traditions were closely intertwined. Each Savior has its own history and traditions, but they are all connected with Jesus Christ and his deeds.

The name of the holiday "Savior" was formed as an abbreviation for "Savior". The date of each of them remains unchanged from year to year.

Also Spas is an ancient holiday of the agricultural calendar, timed to coincide with the time of ripening of grain crops, vegetables, fruits and other gifts of the earth.


Honey Spas is celebrated on August 14 - this is one of the oldest holidays, which indicates the beginning of the collection of honey in apiaries. People believed that after this day the bees begin to bring the "wrong" honey, and accordingly they were in a hurry to collect it on time.

This honey was considered especially healing, and was consumed only after consecration in the church.

On this day, it is customary to bake honey, gingerbread and drink kvass, all with honey. According to ancient traditions, it is important to treat each other with this beekeeping product and distribute it on the porch to the poor.

Moreover, such traditions can be found in many peoples of the world.

   © photo: Sputnik / Dmitry Korobeinikov

At the exhibition "Honey Spas" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center

The priests on this day also hold a small blessing of water. It is the tradition to sanctify water, previously dug wells and surrounding reservoirs that gave the second name to this holiday - Wet Spas or Spas on the water.

It is believed that even the dew on this day is healing, so that any contact with liquids of natural origin gives health, physical and mental strength, washed away sins, accumulated fatigue and negative energy.

In addition, Wet Spas is the last opportunity to swim in the river or in the lake. After this day, the water blooms and becomes cold.

A spoonful of honey will give an excellent boost of vigor if you drink it with three sips of well or spring water. But it should be remembered that such a ritual can be allowed only in Honey Spas. Usually, honey in combination with ice water causes an increase in temperature and provokes a febrile state.

Healing herbs and poppy should also be sanctified on this day. Hence, by the way, the third name of the Savior - Macovei. It is also customary to consecrate flowers, otherwise property and health will not flourish.

From this day begins one of the shortest, but most rigorous Christian posts - the Assumption. It completes the church year, symbolizing the new year. Therefore, meat and fish dishes are not consumed, and baking is made from lean dough.


Apple Savior is celebrated on August 19 - according to the Orthodox canon, the Savior coincides with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and according to the folk calendar, with the wires of summer.

Usually at this time, harvesting begins in the gardens, hence the name - Apple Savior. There is also a belief among the people that it is from this moment that it begins to cool, which indicates the approach of autumn.

Traditionally, on the morning of Apple Savior, baskets with apples, grapes and other fruits, berries and cereals of the first crop are brought to the church. Lenten fruits and berries are used to prepare lean dishes - pies and rolls with fruit filling, preserves, jams, fruit drinks, dried fruits and berries, and so on.

   © photo: Sputnik / Grigory Sisoev

Young girls asked the apple trees for beauty and youth, weaving their foliage into wreaths. Also, people went out into the fields and greeted the coming autumn with songs and round dances.

According to popular belief, fruits were forbidden to eat before lighting. With the first fruit eaten, it is supposed to make a wish, which will certainly have to come true.

It is believed that in Apple Spas, these fruits familiar to us gain some magical power. On the table in each house must be present a dish of apples. On this holiday, usually pray for the children.

Also, many believe that the weather on this day you can find out what autumn and the beginning of winter will be like. Rains promised a snowy winter, and a sunny day foreshadowed a clear and frosty January.

On this day, they consecrated the land for a new crop, preparing it for the beginning of sowing. Well-being in the future depended on rituals and rituals performed in Apple Spas, the foundations of the future harvest were laid.

Harvested apples these days magically protect the house, preserve youth and health, bring love.

Bread or Nut

The Church celebrates the Third Savior in late summer - August 29, the day after the celebration of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Spas is not as popular as the two previous ones, but of all three it is the most important.

By this day, nuts ripen, they begin to actively collect and eat. However, the first walnut harvest is also consecrated in the church.

Despite the fact that many call this Spas Orekhov, its main name is Khlebny. By tradition, this day the harvesting ends and the first loaf is baked from the flour of a new crop. Bread is taken to the temple for consecration, and then eaten by the whole family.

In some villages, there is still a rite - to store the remains of the first loaf, wrapped in a canvas rag behind the icon. Thus, they “lure” well-being into the house, protect the family from hunger.

It was not customary to celebrate the Bread (Nut) Spas in any special way, since at that time the suffering was in full swing, and our ancestors had no time for entertainment. They attended church in the morning, sanctified nuts, bread, grains and went to prepare a cornfield for winter crops.

Nevertheless, some festive customs were still observed - they baked bread for the poor, treated relatives and passers-by with nuts, and pies with nuts and other gifts of the passing summer were served for dinner.

There is no need to limit yourself to the celebration of the Nut Savior. By this time, the post will end and the choice of menu depends only on your desires and preferences. You can bake bread according to the original recipe, prepare dishes that use nuts.

The festive table should be rich and varied, you should try all the dishes, and then the next year will be joyful and fat.

According to tradition, on this day they gave symbolic gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues - nuts, buns, baked by their own hands, or canvas towels - items made of cloth are also directly related to this holiday.

The Third Savior has another name - Savior on canvas, or Canvas Savior. This name is rooted in the Christian tradition. It is believed that once an artist came to Christ, a messenger from the prince of Edes, and asked permission to capture Jesus so that his image would help heal the patient at that time, the lord of Edessa.

However, the painter could not write the image of the Savior. Then Christ washed, wiped his face with a canvas, and his features clearly showed on it. He handed this piece of cloth to the prince, he quickly recovered, and miraculous matter became a relic.

First, the canvas with the face of Christ was stored in Edessa, then it was transported to Constantinople. The Miraculous Image of Christ the Savior was transferred on August 29.

Since then, this event has been celebrated by Orthodox Christians around the world. In memory of the canvas with the manifest image of Jesus Christ on this day, it was customary to sell fabrics.

Of course, there were many signs and rituals associated with the Third Savior. So, if two intergrown nuts were found, then they were put into a wallet with his left hand - such a nut gave a person monetary fortune for a whole year.

Young girls divined nuts and found out their fate a year in advance. The first plucked nut had to be eaten and determined according to its taste what awaits next year. If the nut turned out to be ripe and sweet - to great love; bitter nut - the beloved will change; if the nut is not ripe - wait for important news, and if it turns out to be rotten - to be in trouble.

With the advent of the Third Savior, autumn fully takes over. According to popular beliefs, thunderstorm August portends a long warm autumn. The last swallows fly off to Nut Spas, and if cranes fly off by August 29, winter will be early.

Three Savior - a great occasion to feast on what is ripe in the forests, gardens and fields. It is believed that these days all the positive energy of the earth is concentrated in fruits, nuts, honey and bread. And ordinary, seemingly, products become a powerful charge that helps to acquire health, good luck and prosperity.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources.

August is a special month when believers celebrate three great holidays - three Savior. All these holidays are primarily dedicated to Jesus Christ, but at the same time they cannot do without folk traditions. The first Savior is dedicated to honey, the third is called walnut, and the second is dedicated to collecting apples, and many people are waiting for it most. When is Apple Spas in 2016, what date?

When Apple Savior begins in 2016, what date

Those who are interested in when to celebrate this holiday can remember that the first Savior is celebrated on the fourteenth of August. And the second - in five days. And so it turns out that the date of Apple Savior in 2016 is August 19th. This holiday belongs to the group of non-passing people, that is, from year to year it is celebrated at the same time. In 2016, Apple Spas falls on Friday.

If you look at the calendar, you can see that the holiday is also called the Transfiguration of the Lord. For believers, this is a very important event. The Gospel describes how Jesus Christ climbed a mountain with three disciples and began to pray. The disciples were nearby and looked at Jesus. And as soon as Christ began to say prayers, Elijah and Moses appeared to him. The disciples heard the prophets talking with God's Son about the Exodus and saw that the face and clothes of Jesus began to shine brightly. Jesus asked the witnesses of this miracle to keep everything secret until the moment of his resurrection. And it is precisely this event, which is called the Transfiguration of the Lord, that the Orthodox celebrate.

As for the name “Apple Savior,” it arose because even before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, people started picking apples that day. And when the churches appeared, the fruits of the new harvest on this day were always carried to the temples for consecration. And it so happened that Christian traditions were combined with folk traditions.

Apple Spas: traditions and customs

The main tradition of this Savior is the collection of apples, their consecration and, of course, the tasting of the fruits of the new crop. People used to say that if you try at least one apple before the Savior, then one child in heaven will be left without paradise apples. Therefore, all people suffered until this day. There was a belief that all deceased children receive apples in paradise, but if adults eat these fruits on the ground until they are fully ripe, then one of the children does not get it. Especially strictly observed this tradition in families where they lost children.

Another tradition of the holiday is to share blessed apples with everyone. You need to treat the poor, sick people, you also need to put apples on the graves of deceased relatives.

In addition, you can try not only apples, but peas at Apple Spas. You can also start harvesting compotes for the winter and canning fruits. And you also need to cook some dish with apples. Previously, housewives made apples for children in caramel, and also baked fruits in the oven just like that or in dough. In addition, meat was cooked with apples.

Also on this day, all people can make a wish. True, before this you need to go to the temple, hand out the consecrated apples, and leave one for yourself, bite off a small piece, express a desire and swallow it.

Of the unusual signs of this day, one can note the fact that you can’t offend and kill flies at Apple Spas. People believed that if an insect sits on a person, then it will succeed. And if you frighten off a fly and it immediately flies away, then it will take luck with itself. For the same reason, you can not kill these insects on this day.

Many Christian holidays are suitable for predicting the weather, and Apple Spas is no exception. According to popular beliefs, if it rains, then in autumn and winter, it will be full of rain. And if the weather is hot, then, on the contrary, there will be dry autumn and little snowy winter.

Apple Spas is a wonderful holiday that can be celebrated with the whole family. And also this is another reason to eat some healthy fruits. Scientists, by the way, came to the conclusion that a person needs to eat an apple every day, or at least drink a glass of apple juice. Do not forget about Orthodox traditions - on this day you need to go to church, think about your behavior and spiritual cleansing.

And following Apple comes.

”Will tell when Apple Spas is celebrated in 2016, about the signs and traditions of Apple Spas-2016 and why apples should not be eaten before this holiday.

  Apple Spas 2016: what date

In 2016, Apple Spas is celebrated today on Friday, August 19th. This holiday is also called the Second Savior, the Feast of the First Fruits, Savior on the mountain, Middle Savior, Peas day. In the church tradition, the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated, or simply the Transfiguration of the Lord.

It was on this day that apples and other fruits of the new crop were plucked and consecrated in the church. Only after that it was possible to eat what was collected.

  Apple Spas in 2016: why you can’t eat apples

There are several beliefs why you can’t eat apples before Apple Savior 2016.

By August 19, the fruits gained the greatest maturity and sweetness. Until this time, the use of most varieties could negatively affect the well-being of a person.

Also in the old days it was believed that children of parents who abstained from apples to the Second Savior were expected in the heavens by gifts, including paradise apples. Otherwise, the children are left with nothing. Because dads and mothers, who have already lost their children, tried to comply with the ban on apples.

In addition, there was a special ban on apples for women. Everyone who is seduced by the fruit of the new harvest before Apple Savior took upon herself the grave sin of the forefather Eve, who presented the apple from the tree of Good and Evil to Adam. Thus, the woman violated the only commandment at that time - not to eat the fruits of this plant. After that, the couple was expelled from Paradise.

  Apple Spas in 2016: signs and customs

One of the most common signs for Apple Spas 2016 is, of course, connected with apples. If you bite off a consecrated apple and make a wish, it will come true. And they advised the unmarried to eat apples, thinking about the suitors, in order to attract the young man they liked. At the same time, it was necessary to sentence: “What is conceived is contrived! What is far-fetched will come true! What will come true is inevitable! ”

An interesting sign is associated with such an insect as a fly. It is on August 19, during Apple Savior, that you cannot drive her away if she sits on your hand. And if the fly flies away by itself, and then returns to the man’s hand again, then it will definitely succeed.

Also on Friday August 19, 2016 it will be possible to find out the weather in the coming January. If it’s hot at Apple Spas 2016, then there will be little snow at the beginning of next year. If it rains that day, the winter will be very snowy.

The latest news of the Volgograd region on the topic:
Apple Spas in 2016: what date, signs and customs, why apples should not be eaten

  Apple saved - Mikhaylovka

On August 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the great Christian holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
11:36 19.08.2016   New time

Apple Spas 2016 of what date is celebrated, many are interested. Apple Savior is one of the people’s favorite holidays, celebrated by both believers and those who are far from religious beliefs. The history of the holiday, traditions, rites, signs and recipes for the festive table can be found in this article.

Apple Savior 2016 of which date: the history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rites. Apple Spas is the most popular of the three spas. It is celebrated five days after the first, Honey Savior. The date of the holiday does not change, every year it is celebrated on August 19. On this day, the great Christian holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is also celebrated. The pagan and Orthodox feasts were united in one, and people began to bring apples of a new harvest to the temple for consecration. Since ancient times, Apple Spas has been associated with harvesting. The Orthodox were forbidden to eat fruits until August 19. But from this day, apples and dishes prepared from them began to be eaten in large quantities.

Apple Savior 2016 of which date: the history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rites. On August 19, the Divine Liturgy is held in all churches. Believers on this day should appear in church in white robes. The main rite for the Savior is the consecration of fruits. It was believed that apples, sprinkled with holy water, have the aroma of fruits grown in the garden of Eden. On this day, everyone should treat the poor and sick with fruits, as well as visit the graves of loved ones and leave a few apples there. According to ancient beliefs, going to the church on the Savior, after this you can make a wish. To do this, bite off the consecrated apple and think about your desire. According to signs, you can’t drive flies to Apple Spas, since on this day they bring good luck. In ancient Russia, they believed that a fly sitting on clothes or hands can bring good luck to a person. At Apple Spas it was possible to find out the weather for autumn and winter. If it rains on August 19, then autumn and winter will also be slushy, and if it is sunny and warm on a holiday, autumn is expected to be dry and winters are not snowy.

Apple Spas 2016 of which date: the history of the holiday, traditions, signs and rituals, recipes for the festive table. At Apple Spas, all the housewives tried to prepare delicious dishes for the festive table. And, of course, apples were present in most of them. Apples, apple pies, jam and other dishes were treated to everyone who came to visit, as well as just passers-by on the street. It was believed that this brings good luck for the whole year. On this day, women cooked delicious apple pies, cooked jam, stewed fruit, made preparations for the winter. Baked apples were also prepared, which the children really like. Recipes of baked apples for the holiday table are quite simple to implement, and everyone knows about the benefits of apples.

Apple Savior 2016 of which date: recipes for the festive table. To prepare baked apples with honey and cinnamon, you need to take 4 medium-sized apples, 4 tablespoons of honey, 4 walnuts, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and one glass of water. From the fruits washed and dried with a towel, you need to cut out the core so that an original cup is obtained from the apple. Then inside each apple is placed half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Apples are laid out in a form, sprinkled with chopped walnuts on top and poured with the remaining honey. Bake the dish for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.