Hyperactivity effects in adults. How to cope with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in adults. About hyperactivity and attention deficit

What is it?

Specialists call the term "ADHD" a neurological behavior disorder that begins in early childhood and manifests itself in the form of problems with concentration, increased activity and impulsivity. Hyperactivity Syndrome is where excitement always prevails over inhibition.


Scientists educators and doctors suggest that the onset of ADHD symptoms depends on the influence of various factors. So, biological factors are divided into the prenatal and postnatal period.

The causes of organic lesions can be:

  • drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis and immune incompatibility;
  • premature, prolonged labor, the threat of miscarriage and an attempt to terminate the pregnancy;
  • consequence of anesthesia and cesarean section;
  • cord entanglement or abnormal presentation of the fetus;
  • stresses and psychological trauma of the mother during pregnancy, unwillingness to have a baby;
  • any diseases of the child during infancy accompanied by a high temperature can also affect the formation and development of the brain;
  • unfavorable psychosocial environment and hereditary predisposition;
  • emotional disorders, increased anxiety, injuries.

There are also social reasons - these are the features of upbringing in the family or pedagogical neglect - upbringing according to the “family idol” type.


How can parents determine if their child has hyperactivity? I think at the initial stage of the determination this is very simple. It’s enough to note the symptoms that are present in your child over a period of time.

Signs of carelessness:

  • does not like noisy rooms;
  • it is difficult for him to concentrate;
  • he is distracted from the task, reacts to external stimuli;
  • with great pleasure grabs the case, but often moves from one incomplete action to another;
  • hears hard and does not perceive instructions;
  • experiencing difficulties in self-organization, often losing his things in the kindergarten or at home.

Signs of hyperactivity:

  • climbs on the table, cabinets, cabinets, outdoors on the trees, fences;
  • more often running, spinning and spinning in place;
  • during class walks around the room;
  • restless movements of arms and legs are observed, as if twitching;
  • if he does something, then with noise and scream;
  • he constantly needs to do something (play, tinker, and draw) and cannot rest.

You can talk about ADHD only when almost all of the above symptoms have been present in your child for a very long time.

The mental activity of children with ADHD syndrome is cyclical. The child can work well actively for 5-10 minutes, then there comes a period when the brain is resting, accumulating energy for the next cycle. At this moment, the child is distracted, does not hear anyone. Then mental activity is restored, and the child is ready to work again within 5-15 minutes. Children with ADHD have “flickering attention”, lack of concentration without additional motor stimulation. They need to move, spin and constantly turn their heads in order to remain in “consciousness”.

In order to maintain concentration, children activate their centers of balance with the help of physical activity. For example, they lean back on a chair so that the hind legs do not touch the floor. If their head is motionless, their activity will decrease.

How to distinguish ADHD from spoiling?

First of all, let's recall that all children are born with temperament already laid by mother nature. And how it will manifest itself depends on the development of the baby, and on the education of the parents.

Temperament is directly dependent on nervous processes such as agitation and inhibition. At the moment, there are four types of temperament - it's sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. The main thing that parents should know is that there are no pure temperaments, just one of them predominates more than the others.

If your child is mobile when you are talking with friends on the street, or he rolls tantrums in the store, and you are busy at the same time choosing foods, then this is a normal, healthy, active child.

But you can talk about hyperactivity only when the child is constantly running, it is impossible to distract him, the behavior is the same in kindergarten and at home. That is, sometimes the symptoms of temperament can actually overlap with the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Parents share their experiences about raising children with ADHD in the next video.

ADHD Classification

The International Psychiatric Classification (DSM) identifies the following ADHD options:

  1. mixed - this is a combination of hyperactivity with impaired attention - occurs most often especially in boys;
  2. inattentive - attention deficit prevails, more common in girls with violent imagination;
  3. hyperactive - hyperactivity dominates. It can be a consequence of both individual characteristics of the temperament of children, and some disorders of the central nervous system.

Symptoms in children of different ages

Symptoms of hyperactivity may appear even before the baby is born. Such children can be very active in the womb. An excessively mobile child is a very dangerous phenomenon, because its activity can provoke an entanglement of the umbilical cord, and this is fraught with hypoxia.

In babies up to 1 year

  1. A very active motor reaction to various actions.
  2. Excessive loudness and hyper excitability.
  3. Possible delay in speech development.
  4. Sleep disturbance (rarely in a state of relaxation).
  5. High sensitivity to bright light or noise.
  6. It should be remembered that the baby’s moodiness at this age can be caused by malnutrition, growing teeth, and colic.

In babies 2-3 years old

  • Restlessness.
  • Violations of fine motor skills.
  • The chaotic movements of the baby, as well as their redundancy.
  • At this age, the symptoms of ADHD are activated.

In preschoolers

  1. They are unable to concentrate on business (listen to a fairy tale, play a game).
  2. Confuses tasks in the classroom, quickly forgets the question asked.
  3. Hard to put to sleep.
  4. Disobedience and whims.
  5. Kids at 3 years old are very stubborn, willful, since this age is accompanied by a crisis. But with ADHD, these characteristics are enhanced.


  • There is no safety attention in the classroom.
  • He answers quickly, without hesitation, interrupts adults.
  • Feels insecure, low self-esteem.
  • Fears and anxiety.
  • Imbalance and unpredictability, changes in mood;
  • Enuresis, complaints of pain in the head.
  • Ticks appear.
  • Not able to calmly wait for a long time.

Which specialists should I contact for help?

To confirm such a diagnosis, parents should, first of all, consult a neurologist. It is he who, having collected the entire history, after the conducted examinations and analyzes can confirm the presence of ADHD.

A child psychologist conducts psychological diagnostics using various questionnaires and techniques for examining mental functions (memory, attention, thinking), as well as the emotional state of the child. Children of this type are often overexcited and tense.

If you look at their drawings, you can see surface images, the absence of color schemes or the presence of sharp strokes and pressures. When raising such a baby, you should adhere to a single style of education.

To clarify the diagnosis of a hyperactive child, additional tests are prescribed, since various diseases can also be hidden behind such a syndrome.

Correction and treatment

Rehabilitation of a child with ADHD includes both individual support, as well as psychological, pedagogical and medical correction.

At the first stage, a child psychologist and a neurologist conduct consultations, individual examinations, use BOS-technologies, where the child is taught to breathe correctly.

In the correction of ADHD, the entire social and related environment of the hyperactive child should interact: parents, educators and educators.

Medication is an additional, and sometimes the main, method for correcting ADHD. In medicine, children are prescribed nootropic drugs (cortexin, encephabol), they have a beneficial effect on brain activity and are effective in cases of inattention. If, on the contrary, hyperactive symptoms prevail, then drugs that contain gamma-aminobutyric acid, pantogam, phenibut are used, they are responsible for inhibition of processes in the brain. It must be remembered that all of the above medicines can be taken only as prescribed by a neurologist.

It is important for parents to monitor the nutrition of the child.

  • Mandatory is the intake of 1000 mg of calcium,  which is necessary for the development of a growing organism.
  • The need for magnesium is from 180 mg to 400 mg per day.  It is found in buckwheat, wheat, peanuts, potatoes, and spinach.
  • Omega 3 is a special type of fatty acidwhich provides the passage of impulses to the cells of the heart, brain, and therefore it is also important in the treatment of ADHD.

The main thing is that vitamins such as “choline” and “lecithin” are still present in the baby’s nutrition — these are defenders and builders of the nervous system. Products that contain these substances are very useful (eggs, liver, milk, fish).

A very good effect is observed after using kinesiotherapy.  - These are breathing exercises, stretch marks, oculomotor exercises. Timely massage courses (SHOP) of the cervical spine, starting from an early age, will also be useful.

Sand therapy, working with clay, cereals and water, will also be useful. but these games must be held under the strict supervision of adults. Especially if the child is small. Now on the shelves of children's stores you can find ready-made sets for such games, for example, “Kinesthetic sand”, a table for games with water and sand. The best result can be achieved if parents start treatment and correction in a timely manner at an early age, when symptoms are just beginning to appear.

  • Learn to follow the daily routine, for a child with ADHD it is very important, follow all regimen moments at the same time.
  • Create a comfortable environment for the child, where he will be able to show his activity for the benefit of himself. Record in sports sections, mugs and swimming. Protect from overwork, try to get enough sleep.
  • When prohibiting one thing, always offer an alternative in return. For example, at home you can’t play with the ball, but on the street you can, suggest playing together.
  • If possible, parents can attend behavioral programs held at the centers. There they will be taught to interact with children correctly, share the secrets of the upbringing and development of such children. Also, such classes are held with children, both individually and in group form.
  • To reinforce oral instructions, use visual stimulation, pictures depicting actions.
  • Children are very fond of stroking, do each other massage, draw on the back with your hands.
  • Listen to the music. It has long been proven that classical music helps children focus and concentrate.
  • V. Beethoven "Concert for piano and orchestra No. 5-6" controls all parts of your child’s brain at the same time, stimulates speech skills, motor ability.
  • A. Mozart: "Symphony No. 40 in G Minor" trains muscles in the ear, sound activates motor and auditory functions.
  • Parents in the home environment can adjust their children themselves through games aimed at training one function.

Useful games

Mindfulness games

"Catch - do not catch."  This analogue on the beloved game "Edible - Inedible". That is, one leader player throws the ball and pronounces a word, for example, relating to animals, and the second participant catches or throws it.

You can also play "Find the difference"; "Prohibited traffic"; “Listen to the team.”

Games to relieve emotional stress

  • "Touch."With the help of the game you teach your child to relax, relieve anxiety and develop his tactile sensitivity. Use different objects and materials for this: scraps of fabric, fur, bottles of glass and wood, cotton wool, paper. Lay it out on a table in front of a child or put it in a bag. When he carefully examines them, offer him, with his eyes closed, to try to guess which object he took or touches him. The games “Tender Feet” are also interesting; "Talk by hand."
  • "Cake".Invite the kid to bake his favorite cake, play with his imagination. Let the child be a test, portray the preparation of the test using the elements of massage, stroking, tapping. Ask what to cook, what to add. This fun game relaxes and relieves stress.

Games to control motor activity

  • "One, two, three freeze."  Turn on some fun dance music. While it will sound, the baby can jump, run to depict animals, but as soon as it finishes it should stop in the position in which it was found, the game teaches to concentrate.
  • Family game "Fruit Salad".Each family member paints himself in the form of fruit, then shows drawings and talks about his features. Then all the fruits are cut out and glued to the salad bowl.
  • "Commander".  The rules of the game are explained to the child. One of the family members plays the commander, and the child plays the role of a fighter who clearly follows the instructions of an adult. For example, "We will build a tower, I will supervise the construction, and you will build." Then everything changes places. This game teaches children and parents to hear and understand each other.
  • "Describe and draw."  The purpose of the exercise is cohesion and mutual understanding. The kid draws a drawing on any topic, then describes it in great detail, and the adult must recreate the drawing according to his description.

What help can you give your baby when he is overexcited?

Your child has flared up - then take his hand and, for example, leave with the baby in another room. Offer to wash, and if this does not help, turn his attention to something interesting.

When he is angry, touch him, pat him gently on the back, hug him, because children with ADHD really need emotional contact.

An excellent way to restore balance and harmony in children is to take a soothing bath at night with various herbs, such as chamomile or lavender. Before going to bed, you can read your favorite fairy tale together or watch a calm cartoon.

If your child has a well-developed fantasy, try using meditative techniques. For example, ask to close your eyes. Let him imagine a clearing or forest. Pay attention to the birds singing or the sound of a brook, let him feel the wind on his face, all this can be accompanied by musical design.


To prevent the occurrence of ADHD syndrome, every mother, in advance of the birth of a child, must ensure favorable conditions for the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as create a positive microclimate in her home.

But if, nevertheless, a hyperactive baby has appeared in your family, remember, the main thing is to start complex therapy in time, which will teach the child to competently build relationships with adults and children, to control their behavior and emotions.

For more on ADHD, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

How to behave to parents, see the next video of a clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova.

Are you an adult and are struggling with ADHD? There are many safe and effective treatments. However, treatment does not necessarily mean pills or doctors' offices. Any action you take to manage your symptoms is considered a cure. And even if you decide to seek professional help, ultimately only you are responsible for the result. You do not have to wait for a diagnosis or rely on professionals. You can do a lot now to help yourself - and you can start today.

Drugs are a tool, not a treatment for ADHD in adults

When you think about treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formerly known as ADHD, do you immediately want to take on Ritalin? Many people equate ADHD treatment with medication. But it is important to understand that drugs do not help everyone, and even when they really work, they do not solve all the problems and do not completely eliminate the symptoms.

In fact, although medication often improves attention and concentration, it usually helps very little to cope with the symptoms of disorganization, inefficient time management, forgetfulness, and putting off everything until the best time - the same problems that are present in most adults with ADHD .

What you need to know about the medication for ADHD

  • ADHD medications are more effective when combined with other treatments.. You will get much more effect from drugs if, in addition to them, you use other methods of treatment that focus on emotional and behavioral problems, as well as developing new skills to overcome them.
  • Everyone reacts differently to drugs for ADHD. Some people experience dramatic improvement, while others experience only minor relief. Side effects are also different, and for some they far outweigh the benefits. Since each person reacts differently, finding the right medicine and dosage takes time.
  • Medication should always be closely monitored.. The medication for ADHD is more than “taking the pill and forgetting about it”. You and your doctor will need to control the side effects, monitor how you feel and adjust the dosage accordingly. When ADHD treatment is not closely monitored, it is less effective and more risky.
  • If you decide to take medications for ADHD, this does not mean that pills will always accompany your life. Although discontinuing medication and then resuming it is not safe, you can safely decide to stop medication for ADHD if things are not going well. If you want to stop taking the medicine, do not forget to tell the doctor about your plans and work with him to gradually stop taking the medicine.

Regular exercise is a powerful treatment for ADHD.

Exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce ADHD symptoms in adults and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood.

Physical activity immediately increases the level of dopamine in the brain, norepinephrine and serotonin - all this affects attention. Thus, exercises and anti-ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Adderall work similarly. But unlike pills, exercises do not require a prescription and do not have side effects.

  • Try to train as much as possible. You do not have to go to the gym. A 30-minute walk at a brisk pace four times a week is enough for the result. Thirty minutes of activity every day is even better.
  • Choose a pleasant activity and you will get used to it faster. Choose activities that involve your physical strengths, or something that you find challenging but fun. Team sport may be a good choice because the social element makes it interesting.
  • Get out into the nature. Studies show that spending time outdoors reduces the symptoms of ADHD. Double the benefits by combining outdoor time with exercise. Try hiking, jogging or walking in a local park or scenic area.

The Importance of Sleep in Treating ADHD

Many adults with ADHD have trouble sleeping. The most common problems:

  • Trouble falling asleep at night  - often due to the fact that they do not let go of thoughts.
  • Restless sleep. You can rush and toss and turn all night, scatter a blanket and wake up at the slightest noise.
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning. Awakening is a daily struggle. You may not hear the sound of the alarm and feel sleepy and irritated for several hours after waking up.

Poor sleep quality worsens the symptoms of ADHD, so a stable sleep pattern is necessary. Improving sleep quality will play a big role in focusing and mood.

  • Set when to go to sleep and stick to it. Also get up at the same time every morning, including on weekends, and if you are very tired.
  • Make sure the bedroom is dark, and turn off all the electronics (even dim light from a digital clock or cell phone can disturb sleep).
  • Avoid Caffeine  late at night or consider giving up on him completely.
  • Take a quiet hour or two before bedtime  Try to turn off all screens (TV, computer, smartphone, etc.) at least an hour before bedtime.
  • If the medicines you take in the evening have a tonic effect, talk with your doctor  whether it is possible to take smaller doses or take pills early in the morning.

Proper nutrition will help regulate the symptoms of ADHD.

When it comes to diet, managing ADHD is more about how you eat, rather than what you eat. Most nutritional problems in adults with ADHD are the result of impulsiveness and poor planning. Your goal is to remember your eating habits. This means planning and shopping for a healthy diet, planning a meal time, preparing food before you feel hungry, and keeping healthy and light snacks handy so you don't have to run to a vending machine or have dinner at Burger King.

  • Plan regular meals or snacks every three hours.. Many people with ADHD eat randomly: they often go without food for several hours and then pounce on everything around them. This negatively affects the symptoms of ADHD and emotional and physical health.
  • Make sure you get enough zinc, iron, and magnesium from your diet.. Consider taking a multivitamin daily if you are unsure.
  • Try to include some protein and complex carbohydrates with every meal or snack.. These products will help you feel more alert and less hyperactive. They will also provide you with a steady and lasting supply of energy.
  • Add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.. A growing number of studies show that omega-3s improve concentration in people with ADHD. Omega-3 is found in salmon, tuna, sardines, some eggs and dairy products. Fish oil supplements are an easy way to increase your intake of fatty acids.

A selection of fish oil supplements

There are two types of omega-z acids in fish oil - EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docoxhexenoic acid; this type is important for brain functioning) Supplements differ in the ratio of these acids. To alleviate the symptoms of ADHD, you are better off choosing those supplements in which DHA is at least 2–3 times the amount of EPA.

Relaxation Techniques in Treating ADHD in Adults

Many of the symptoms of ADHD are alleviated through relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga. With regular practice, these calming methods work to increase attention and concentration and reduce impulsiveness, anxiety and depression.


Meditation is a form of focused contemplation that relaxes the mind and body and focuses thoughts. Studies show that meditation increases activity in the prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain responsible for attention, planning and control of impulses.

In a sense, meditation is the opposite of ADHD. The purpose of meditation is to teach yourself to focus on achieving the goal. Thus, it is an attention training that will help you understand and solve problems.


Yoga and similar practices, such as tai chi, combine exercise and meditation. You learn deep breathing and other relaxation techniques that help you become focused and aware of internal processes. By holding various postures for a long time, you develop balance. When you feel depressed or uncollected, turn to yoga to cheer up and regain your peace of mind.

Psychotherapy for ADHD in adults

Treating ADHD also involves seeking outside help. Specialists trained in ADHD will help you learn new skills to deal with symptoms and change habits that cause problems.

Some treatment methods focus on managing stress and anger or controlling impulsive behavior, while others teach you to better manage time and money and improve your organizational skills.

Types of Psychotherapy for Adults with ADHD

  • Personal psychotherapy. Adults with ADHD often struggle with the problems associated with long-term forms of academic failure, failure, academic difficulties, frequent job changes, and conflict relationships. Individual psychotherapy will help you cope with this “emotional baggage”, including low self-esteem, feelings of embarrassment and shame that you may have experienced in childhood and adolescence, as well as resentment of criticism that you receive from people close to you.
  • Marital and family psychotherapy. Family psychotherapy addresses the problems that ADHD creates in relationships and family life: conflicts over money problems, forgotten obligations and family responsibilities, impulsive solutions. Psychotherapy will help you and your loved ones research these problems and focus on constructive ways to deal with them and communicate with each other. Psychotherapy also helps to improve relationships by educating your partner or family members on what ADHD is.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy stimulates the identification and alteration of negative beliefs and behavioral patterns that cause problems. Since many people with ADHD are demoralized due to years of struggle and unmet expectations, one of the main goals of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is to turn this negative perspective into a more encouraging, realistic look. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy also focuses on the practical problems that often arise with ADHD, such as disorganization, labor productivity problems, and inefficient time management.

Organizational Training

In addition to doctors and psychotherapists, there are a number of other specialists who can help overcome the problems of ADHD.

Behavioral Coaching for Adults with ADHD

Coaching is an unconventional form of psychotherapy, but it can be a valuable part of treating ADHD. Unlike traditional psychotherapists who help people overcome emotional problems, coaches focus exclusively on practical solutions to the problems of everyday life. Behavioral trainers teach home and work environment organization strategies, structuring the day, identifying priorities and managing their money. Coaches can come to your home or talk to you over the phone, rather than meeting in the office. Often the relationship between the client and the coach is long-term.

Organizational Professionals for Adults with ADHD

A professional in the field of organization can be very useful if you have difficulty organizing time and space. Organizers will help reduce clutter, better develop organizational skills and learn how to effectively manage their time. A professional organizer comes to your home or work, looks at how you organize (or not organize) a space, and then suggests changes. In addition to helping you organize your documents and pay bills, the “professional organizer” has recommendations for ways to improve memory and planning, storage systems and other useful tips. A professional organizer also helps with time management: your tasks, to-do list and calendar.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that is usually characterized by the following symptoms:

   - distractibility;
   - impulsivity;


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is divided into three subtypes:

Mostly hyperactive or impulsive type. Behavior is marked by hyperactivity and impulsivity, but not carelessness;
   - mostly inattentive type. Behavior is marked by inattention, but not hyperactivity and impulsivity;
   - combined type. The combination of symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity - with symptoms of inattention. This is the most common type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

   in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is sometimes described as a decrease in brain function. This applies to the cognitive skills necessary for planning, organizing and completing tasks. Lack of executive function may cause the following problems:

Inability to store information in short-term memory;
   - violation of organization and planning skills;
   - difficulties in establishing and using behavioral guidelines - such as choosing a strategy and monitoring tasks;
   - overwhelming inability to cope with emotions;
   - the inability to effectively switch from one mental activity to another.

Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children

- Hyperactivity.  The term “hyperactive” is often misleading, as for some it suggests that the child is in constant non-stop movement. However, boys with ADHD playing a game, for example, may have the same level of activity as children without the syndrome. But when the child is given increased attention, his brain enhances motor activity. In a busy environment — a classroom or a crowded store — children with ADHD are often distracted and react violently. They can take goods from the shelves without demand from the parent, beat people - in a word, everything gets out of their control, resulting in unstable and strange behavior.

- Impulsivity and hysteria.  Hysteria, which is normal in young children, in children with ADHD, is usually exaggerated and is not necessarily related to a specific negative event.

- Attention and concentration. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are usually distracted and inattentive to the environment (for example, the large class). In addition, they are inattentive when the atmosphere is calm or boring. On the contrary, they can have a kind of “superconcentration” with high stimulating activity (for example, a video game or very specific interests). Such children may even become overly attentive - they are so absorbed in an interesting occupation that they cannot completely change the direction of their attention.

- impaired short-term memory.  An important feature in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, including learning, is a violation of working (or short-term) memory. People with ADHD cannot keep in their minds groups of sentences and images long enough to extract clear, coherent thoughts. They are not necessarily inattentive. A person with ADHD may not be able to remember the full explanation (for example, homework) or may not be able to complete processes that require sequential memorization (such as a building model). Children with ADHD are often attracted by activities (television, computer games, active individual sports) that do not overload working memory and do not produce distractions. Children with ADHD do not differ from other children in long-term memory.

- Inability to manage time.  Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may experience difficulties - be everywhere on time and plan the time correctly to perform certain tasks (which may coincide with short-term memory problems).

- Lack of adaptability.  Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often very difficult to adapt to even minor changes in procedures - such as getting up in the morning, putting on shoes, eating new foods, or changing their sleep patterns. Any situations with a change in something can cause a strong and noisy negative reaction in them. Even when they are in a good mood, they can suddenly go into hysteria if they meet with an unexpected change or disappointment. These children can focus their attention directly on the cues in a particular place, but have difficulty switching their attention to something else.

- Hypersensitivity and sleep problems. Children with ADHD are often hypersensitive to objects, sounds, and touch. They may complain of excessive irritants that appear to others to be minor or mild. Many children with ADHD often have trouble sleeping during the night.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  in adults

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a chronic disease that began in childhood. Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a continuation of the symptoms of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults

- Mental disorders.  About 20% of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also have major depression or bipolar disorder. Up to 50% have anxiety disorders. Bipolar disorder can be very difficult to distinguish from ADHD, not only in adults, but also in children.

- Learning Disorders.   About 20% of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have learning disabilities in the brain. This is usually dyslexia and auditory processing problems.

- Impact on work.  Compared with adults without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tend to have lower levels of education, earn less money, and as a result, they are more often fired.

- Substance abuse.  Approximately 1 out of 5 adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also fights substance abuse. Studies show that teens with ADHD are twice as likely to smoke cigarettes than their peers who do not have ADHD. Smoking in adolescence is a risk factor for the development of substance abuse in adulthood.

Causesattention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

- The structure of the brain.  Studies using modern imaging methods show a difference in the size of certain parts of the brain in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder compared with children without ADHD. Areas with changes include: the prefrontal cortex, caudate nucleus, pale globe, and cerebellum;

- Chemicals of the brain. The increased activity of certain brain chemicals in the prefrontal cortex may contribute to ADHD. The chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine are of particular interest. Dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters (chemical mediators in the brain) that affect mental and emotional functioning. They also play a role in responding to rewards. This reaction occurs when a person experiences pleasure in response to certain stimuli (for example, food or love). Studies show that elevated levels of glutamate brain chemicals, glutamine and GABA - interact with dopamine and norepinephrine;

- Genetic factors.  Genetic factors most likely play an important role in ADHD. Relatives of children with ADHD (boys and girls) have a much higher percentage of ADHD, as well as antisocial anxieties and disorders, substance abuse, than families without children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Some twin studies show that up to 90% of children diagnosed with ADHD share it with their twin. Most studies are done on the basic genetic mechanisms of the dopamine neurotransmitter. Changes in the genes that regulate specific dopamine receptors have been found in a large number of people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Risk factors  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

- Paul .   ADHD is more often diagnosed in boys than in girls. Boys often have a combined type of ADHD. Girls often have a predominantly inattentive type;

- Family history.  A child who has parents or brothers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is at increased risk for ADHD;

- Environmental factors.Some studies show that maternal alcohol use, drug abuse and smoking during pregnancy can lead to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child. Low birth weight may be associated with ADHD. Environmental exposure to lead up to 6 years of age can also increase the risk of developing ADHD;

- Nutrition factors.  Some nutritional factors have been investigated in connection with ADHD, including sensitivity to certain chemicals in the diet, deficiencies of fatty acids (compounds from fats and oils) and zinc, as well as sugar sensitivity. However, there was no clear evidence that any of these nutritional factors implies risk factors for the development of ADHD.

Diagnostics  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children

There is no single test for diagnosing ADHD. The doctor conducts a medical examination of the child to make sure that the underlying disease does not cause ADHD symptoms. However, the diagnosis of ADHD is based mainly on the observations and questionnaire of the child, as well as on SHAO behavior patterns (this is the Activity and Optimism Scale). A pediatrician can send a child with ShAO to a psychiatric hospital, where doctors have experience working with childhood disorders - such as ADHD.

- The history of behavior.  The doctor will ask questions for a detailed history of the child, will reveal the ShAO of his behavior. Parents should describe the specific problems that have occurred with the child, ShAO development, the family history of ADHD and all recent changes in family life that could affect the child. The doctor will learn everything important about the child, about all the details of his life outside the home: written reports from teachers, school psychologists, guardians, or others related to the child, etc.

- Medical examination.  Physical examinations should include a hearing test to rule out any hearing problems in the child. The doctor should learn about the history of medical problems, including allergies, sleep disturbances, poor eyesight, and chronic ear infections.

In order to diagnose ADHD and determine this diagnosis, at least six of the following symptoms should have been present for at least 6 months (9 months in preschool children).
   Symptoms of inattention (at least six of them should be):

A child is often unable to pay close attention to detail or makes mistakes by neglect;
   - often has difficulty maintaining attention in tasks or games;
   - often, it seems, does not listen when they speak directly to him;
   - often does not finish tasks, tasks;
   - has difficulty in organizing tasks and events;
   - avoids or does not like tasks that require sustained mental effort;
   - often loses things necessary for tasks or activities;
   - often easily distracted by extraneous irritants;
   - often forgetful in everyday activities.

Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity (at least six of them must be present):

Often sitting fidgets or writhes;
   - hardly sits when it is required;
   - often works or often rises in inappropriate situations;
   - cannot play calmly;
   - often in motion;
   - often speaks too much;
- often blurts out answers to questions before they were asked to the end;
   - experiencing difficulties in waiting for their turn;
   - often interrupts others.

Based on these symptoms, a child may be diagnosed with a predominantly inattentive type of ADHD, predominantly hyperactive - an impulsive type of ADHD or a combined type of ADHD.

Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults

Childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can affect children between the ages of 4 and 18. ADHD in adults always occurs as a continuation of childhood ADHD. Symptoms that begin in adulthood are due to factors not related to ADHD.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults is often difficult to diagnose. The doctor should know the history or symptoms of childhood ADHD. The patient may ask parents or former teachers to provide school documents or other useful information about him. The doctor will ask the patient questions about the following types of symptoms:

Inattention and problems with memory (the patient can forget or lose things, being absent-minded, not finish his affairs, underestimate the time, order of affairs, he has problems at the beginning or change of work, halfway through its completion);
   - hyperactivity and anxiety (the patient is always on the go, fussy, he is slightly bored, he strives for an active and fast pace in work and activities);
   - impulsiveness and emotional instability (the patient says things without hesitation, interrupts others, annoyed by other people, easily disappointed, his mood is unpredictable, reckless);
   - problems with self-esteem (the patient avoids new tasks, he has confidence in others, but not in himself).

Complications  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be a problem for children and their loved ones.

- Emotional problems.Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, especially those who also have anxiety or depressive disorders, usually suffer from low self-esteem.

- Social problems. ADHD can affect children in their relationships with peers. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may have difficulties with social skills and appropriate behavior that can lead to bullying (both victim and criminal) and rejection. Impulsiveness and aggression can provoke fights and negative relationships with other children. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a high level of aggression may have a higher risk of delinquent behavior (the antisocial illegal behavior of an individual, embodied in his misconduct - actions or omissions that harm individual citizens and society as a whole) in adolescence and to criminal activity in adulthood.

- Risk of injury.  Impulsivity in young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can lead them to the risk of not thinking about the consequences. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have an increased risk of accidents and injuries. For example, a child with ADHD cannot be tested for their ability to respond to oncoming traffic while riding a bicycle, or whether they can engage in high-risk groups with high physical exertion. All of these problems of children with ADHD pass into their adult lives.

- Alcohol or drug abuse.According to studies, young people with ADHD — particularly those with a behavior or mood disorder — have a higher than average risk of substance abuse that starts at a young age. Biological factors associated with ADHD can make these people susceptible to substance abuse. Many of these young people can themselves get rid of this condition.

- Learning problems.  Although speech and learning disorders are widespread in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, they do not affect their intelligence. People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have the same IQ (intellectual coefficient) range as the general population. Many children with ADHD are lagging behind in school. Some evidence suggests that inattention may be one of the main factors in poor performance in these children. Difficulties in reading can also create problems for them. Low academic performance can affect the child, self-esteem and self-confidence, and affect various social problems in relations with peers.

- Impact on the family. The time and attention needed to solve problems in children with ADHD can change internal family relationships and lead to conflicts with parents, brothers and sisters.

Other ADHD related disorders

Some disorders may mimic or accompany ADHD. Many of these disorders require other treatments and must be diagnosed separately, even if they accompany ADHD.

- Oppositional disorder (THIEF).   It is often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The most common symptom of this disorder is negative, audacious, and hostile behavior towards reputable people that lasts more than six months. In addition to inattention and impulsive behavior, such children show aggression, frequent tantrums, and also display antisocial behavior. A significant number of children with BOP disorder also have anxiety and depression, which should be treated separately. Many children who develop BPD at an early age continue to develop behavioral disorder.

- Disorder of behavior.Some children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also have a behavior disorder that is described as a complex group of behavioral and emotional disorders. It includes aggression against people and animals, destruction of property, seduction, deceit, theft and general violation of public rules.

- Development Disorder.  A developmental disorder is rare and is usually characterized by autism in behavior, clapping hands, repeated statements, slow development of speech and motor apparatus. If a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD does not respond to treatment, parents may see a developmental disorder that often responds to antidepressants. Stimulant medications may also help some of these children.

- Hearing impairment.  Hearing problems can mimic the symptoms of ADHD and should be evaluated during diagnosis. Hearing impairment is another condition that can affect children's ability to process sound information. Children with this type of disorder have normal hearing, but something in their brain does not allow them to filter out background noises and distinguish between similar sounds. An auditory disorder can be misdiagnosed as ADHD and can occur with it.

- Bipolar disorder. Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder can also suffer from bipolar disorder, which was formerly known as manic-depressive psychosis. Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of depression and mania (with symptoms of irritability, fast speech, mental disruption). Both disorders often cause inattention and distraction, and they can be difficult to distinguish from each other, especially in children. In some cases, ADHD in children and adolescents may be a marker for developing bipolar disorder.

- Anxiety Disorders.Anxiety disorders often accompany ADHD. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a specific anxiety disorder that shares many of the characteristics of ADHD with some genetic components. Young children who have experienced a traumatic event (including sexual or physical abuse or neglect) may have ADHD characteristics, including impulsiveness, emotional outbursts, and oppositional behavior.

- Sleep disturbance.  Sleep disorders are often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: this is insomnia, restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea (breathing disturbances in a dream).

Diseases with similar symptoms

- Tourette’s syndrome and other genetic disorders.  Several genetic diseases cause symptoms resembling ADHD, including Tourette’s syndrome. For many patients with Tourette's syndrome and ADHD, some of the treatments are similar.

- Lead poisoning.  Children who absorb even a small amount of lead may show symptoms similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. A child can be easily distracted, disorganized, and unable to think logically. The main cause of lead poisoning is exposure to paint containing lead, especially in older homes that are in poor condition.

Lcross sectionattention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is considered a chronic disease that requires long-term, ongoing monitoring and correction of symptoms, medications, and other treatment programs. Although symptoms may decrease over time, ADHD usually does not “go away”. Patients can, however, learn to control their condition through behavioral methods that are often supported with medication.

Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder does not completely change this condition, but focuses on controlling the symptoms and improving the functioning of a sick person. Treatment usually involves a combination of psychostimulants. This is usually: Methylphenidate (Ritalin) and behavioral therapy (other drugs may also be used for older children and adults). Treatment often involves a systematic approach that includes: a pediatrician for the child, other health care providers, parents and teachers.

For preschool children (4-5 years old), behavioral therapy provided by parents and teachers should be considered first. For many children, behavioral therapy alone leads to significant improvement. If further treatment is necessary and the benefits are likely to outweigh the risks, the doctor may prescribe methylphenidate stimulants (Ritalin, etc.);
   - for children of school age (aged 6-11 years) a combination of drugs, stimulant and behavioral therapy is needed. Alternatives to stimulant drugs, in order of recommendation: Atomoxetine (Strattera), Guangfacin (Tenex) or Clonidine (Catapres);
   - adolescents (aged 12-18 years) should be treated with medication and, if necessary, behavioral therapy. Some patients at this age may temporarily stop taking the medicine. The doctor at this time should carefully monitor the child. Adolescents should also have their own doses of drugs, adjusted as they grow and change during puberty;
   - treatment of adult ADHD. As with children, in adults with ADHD, treatment is a combination of drugs and psychotherapy. For drugs, stimulants, or non-narcotic stimulants, Atomoxetine (Strattera) is usually a first-line treatment, and with antidepressants it is a secondary option. Most stimulants, as well as Atomoxetine, are approved for adults with ADHD. Adults who have heart problems or risk factors should be aware of the cardiovascular risks associated with treating ADHD.

Medication  for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Several types of medications are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

- Psychostimulants.These are the main drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Although these drugs stimulate the central nervous system (CNS), they have a calming effect on people with ADHD. These drugs include methylphenidate and amphetamine. These drugs increase dopamine and the neurotransmitter, which is important for cognitive functions such as attention.

- Alpha-2 agonists.   Alpha-2 agonists stimulate the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which may be important for concentration. These include guanfacin and clonidine. Alpha-2 agonists are used for Tourette’s syndrome and may be useful when other drugs cannot help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with severe impulsivity and aggression. These drugs may be prescribed in combination with stimulants.

- Antidepressants.  Because antidepressants work just as well as behavioral therapy, doctors recommend that patients first try psychotherapy before using antidepressants.

Behavior correction

Behavioral management practices in a child with ADHD are not immediately understood by most parents and teachers. To get to know them, they all may need the help of qualified psychologists and doctors or ADHD support groups. At first, the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the behavior of a very energetic and stubborn child is frightening. It is useless and harmful to force a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to be, like most other, healthy children. It is possible, however, to limit his destructive behavior and instill in a child with ADHD a self-esteem that will help overcome all the negative.

Raising a child with ADHD, like raising any child, is a complex process. The child’s self-esteem will develop along with the growth of the ability to take a step back and think about the consequences of a possible action, and then control the action before committing it. But this does not happen quickly. A growing child with ADHD differs from other children in a very specific way and presents problems at any age.
   Parents must first create their own levels of tolerance. Some parents are calm, and they can accept a wide range of behavior of their child, while others do not know how. To help your child achieve self-discipline, you need to show empathy, patience, love and loyalty to him.

- Setting agreed rules for the child. Parents should be as consistent as possible in their approach to the child, should reward good behavior and discourage destructive behavior. The rules of conduct for the child should be clearly defined, but flexible enough, they should include harmless features. It is important to understand that children with ADHD are much more difficult to adapt to changes than other children. Parents should create predictable situations and provide a neat and stable environment at home (especially in the children's room).
   Also, through useful literature and work with psychologists and doctors, parents must learn to correctly manage the aggression of their child, a patient with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder .

In addition, parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder need to learn how to reward these children for all good and calm behavior. There are many ways.

- Improving concentration and attention. Children with ADHD perform educational tasks much better when they have an interest in the subject. Parents should be on the lookout for all activities that keep the child's concentration. Options include swimming, tennis, and other sports that focus and limit peripheral incentives (children with ADHD may have difficulty with team sports that require constant vigilance - for example, football or basketball).

- Interaction with the school.  Even if one of the parents successfully manages his child at home, often a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has difficulties at school. The ultimate goal of any educational process is a happy, safe and healthy social integration of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with their peers.

- Teacher training.  Any teacher should be prepared for the behavior of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - for the competent management of these children. They, like the parents of such children, need to study the appropriate medical, pedagogical and other literature and also actively consult with psychologists and doctors about this.

- The role of parents in school. Parents can help the child by talking with the teacher before the start of the school year about the situation with their child. The primary task for parents is the development of a positive, not aggressive, impatient, overly strict, teacher's attitude to the child. Finding a mentor who can help your child learn after school can also be very helpful.

- Special education programs.  High-quality special education can be very useful in improving the education and development of a child’s self-esteem. However, programs vary in their ability to provide quality education. Parents should be aware of some of the limitations and problems with special education:

Special education programs in normal school settings often increase the child’s sense of social exclusion;
   - if the educational strategy focuses only on the abnormal, painful behavior of the child, she will not be able to take advantage of the creative, competitive and dynamic energy that often accompanies ADHD;
   - The best approach may be to treat this syndrome - training teachers to manage such children in normal classes.

Other treatments  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

- The dietary approach.Certain diets have been suggested for people with ADHD. Several well-conducted studies do not support the effects of dietary sugar and dietary supplements, believing that they negatively affect the behavior of ADHD patients, except, perhaps, a very small percentage of children. However, various studies have shown improved behavior from diets that limit potential allergens (such as citrus fruits) in the diet. Parents may want to discuss with their doctor the elimination of a diet aimed at specific foods.

Possible irritants that affect behavior change include:

Any artificial colors (in particular, yellow, red or green);
   - other chemical additives;
   - milk;
   - chocolate;
   - eggs;
   - wheat;
   - food products containing salicylates, including all berries, ground red pepper, apples and cider, cloves, grapes, oranges, peaches, peppers, plums, prunes, tomatoes;
- essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish and certain vegetable oils are important for normal brain function and may provide some benefits for people with ADHD. It has not yet been determined whether additives to polyunsaturated fatty acid compounds, such as docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, give advantages;
   - zinc. Zinc is an important mediator for metabolism, which plays a role in ADHD. Its deficiency in some cases may be associated with ADHD. Prolonged use of zinc, however, can lead to anemia and other side effects in people without deficiencies, and in these patients it has no effect on ADHD. In any case, testing for micronutrients such as zinc is not a standard procedure in evaluating children with suspected ADHD;
   - sugar. Although parents often believe that sugar is harmful to children, because because of it, they become impulsive or hyperactive - studies do not confirm this.

- Alternative methods.  A number of alternative approaches help children and adults with mild symptoms of ADHD. For example, a daily massage may help some people with ADHD feel happier, less agitated, less hyperactive, and focus on tasks. Other alternative approaches that may be helpful include: relaxation training and music therapy. These procedures may be useful for symptomatic treatment, but it is not proven that they benefit from the underlying disorder.

- Herbs and supplements.  Many parents resort to alternative remedies - psychostimulants and other medicines. These products include St. John's wort, ginseng, melatonin, pine bark extract, etc. However, there is no scientific evidence that they are effective.

So with such a long scientific title, I begin a new article. Do not rush to close the page if the term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not familiar to you, because what it means is quite common among people, despite the low popularity of the concept. In the West, this syndrome has long been the subject of heated discussion and scientific debate. Many scientists doubt that this syndrome can be recognized as a mental disorder and appropriate treatment should be prescribed. Some generally deny the existence of such a syndrome as a psychological phenomenon.

Here i will explain how to get rid of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  to you or your children, based on the example of your own disposal of the syndrome.

Attention deficit - myth or reality?

In this article, I am not going to refute the opinion of opponents of the diagnosis of attention deficit, and I will not prove the concepts of his supporters, since I have no competencies to participate in academic disputes. Yes, I do not need it. Because, in the framework of the issue I am considering, it does not matter at all whether such a phenomenon exists in the form of a disease or are these just some character traits. It is indisputable that there are certain psychic traits or personality traits, or symptoms of a disorder, or all of this together, which, taken together, in certain circles, is called attention deficit. And it is impossible to deny that many people are having problems, are fussy, cannot sit still, constantly fiddle with something in their hands, and they can’t stand in line for a long time. This is a fact, and how to call this fact and whether it is a disease or something else is not such a big deal to solve a particular problem.

It is also a fact that the above traits can lead to great personality problems and in every way inhibit the development of personality. As a rule, all this begins to manifest in childhood and, then, can go into adulthood, as, for example, I had. This kind of ailment replenishes the list of my past psychological “sores”, such as panic attacks, emotional instability and anxiety. I completely got rid of some of these ailments, some partially, but at the same time made tangible progress towards deliverance, and I am sure that in the future I will be able to eliminate them to the end.

In short, this experience of self-deliverance from many psychological problems and the concomitant development of personality made this site that you are currently reading possible.

Regarding attention deficit, I will explain in detail what it is. I’m not going to scare you with some kind of diagnoses, like I lived and lived, and then, suddenly, it turns out that you have some kind of disease or syndrome with a tricky name: “Thank you, Nikolay!” - you will say. No, I’ll tell you what this can threaten, and you yourself will conclude whether it is dangerous for you or not. Often people themselves do not suspect that they have such problems, as I did not even suspect, considering this fussiness and eternal rush quite natural. And of course I will tell you how to get rid of it, based on my experience.

If you have been reading my blog for a long time, then you could see an article about a feeling of boredom. Many of the provisions in this article are similar to the one you are currently reading. I will explain the difference between a chronic sense of boredom and ADHD, in order to avoid confusion. The first stems, to a greater extent, from some personality aspects, our hobbies, aspirations, habits, while the second relates more to the work of our nervous system and the fixed patterns of the brain.

If boredom is a symptom of spiritual limitation, inner emptiness, then ADHD is rooted in some habits of the mind in a certain way to absorb information. Boredom manifests itself in a long period of time, ADHD in a short period. Both this and that are very dangerous for the individual and, to a large extent, interconnected and it is not always easy to separate one from the other, often chronic boredom and ADHD manifest together. So I recommend reading after reading this article in order to have a full understanding of the problem.

How to understand whether you suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The following “symptoms” may indicate that you have this syndrome:

  • It is difficult for you to sit idle for a long time: you feel the need to constantly hold something with your hands.
  • You hardly keep your attention on any long process; you constantly want to be distracted.
  • It's hard for you to wait your turn: when you are standing in a store, waiting for your meal in a restaurant or when you are participating in a conversation. In a dialogue, you mainly speak, not listen to the person you are talking to.
  • You can hardly listen to someone to the end.
  • You are talkative, often in a conversation jump from one to another.
  • You feel a constant need for aimless movement: torsion on a chair, walking back and forth, etc.
  • Spending leisure time on the Internet is characterized for you to a large extent by chaotic jumping from tab to tab, from one client window to another: they answered in ICQ, then immediately updated their mail, went to the site, without reading the post, went over somewhere else and so the main part your internet time.
  • It’s hard for you to finish what you’ve started, your work is in full swing, only in moments of short-term inspiration, when you are very passionate.
  • Your hands or mouth are always busy with something: cigarettes, a mobile phone or tablet with a game, seeds, beer, etc.
  • You cannot spend time calmly when you are not busy with anything, for example, lying on the beach for a long time or reading a book that is not the most fascinating.
  • It is difficult for you to think methodically and consistently about something without jumping from one thought to another.
  • You feel impulsive in making decisions, you want to solve everything right away, right now, without waiting for circumstances more suitable for this decision. If you have any need, you can’t wait to satisfy it right away, you want to realize the idea right away and not wait for the right conditions to solve the problem that has just appeared. As a result, you tend to make impulsive purchases, buy something that you can not afford. It is difficult for you to plan your life in advance, breaking it into temporary stages, and then adhere to this plan. You all want it right now.
  • As a result of some of the above points, you experience problems in self-organization, building order in your life because you do not know how plan, wait and endure.

Do not be scared immediately if you see at once several of the above items. Many disorders are characterized by symptoms that are somehow expressed in normal people, just in case of a disorder they manifest themselves more intensely, have a great influence on the patient’s life and always exist in conjunction with the accompanying symptoms. It is precisely because of this that many people, having read about the symptoms of depression, are scared and make such a diagnosis for themselves, since so many, for example, are inexplicably sad. But this is not depression. It involves a range of chronic symptoms.

Likewise, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is difficult for all of us to keep our attention for a long time on what does not concern us, for example, to read boring professional literature. This is normal, because we are not robots. You should not immediately diagnose yourself if you are observing something from what I have listed. You need to think about it when:

  1. There is a clear fact of deviation from the conditionally “normal”. For example, at a lecture, almost everyone sits quietly and writes down, but you keep spinning and cannot sit still and listen. Your friends can focus on work, but you can not. You chat most in company, etc. In short, you see that you do not like others.
  2. Symptoms of ADHD interfere with your life. Because of this, you experience difficulties in communication, in training (you cannot concentrate), in work, in attempts to relax (you are always tense, twitching), in organizing your life.
  3. You have found most of these symptoms of ADHD.

If these three conditions are met, then you are most likely to have what is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In order for you to have the opportunity to compare, I’ll say that some time ago all of the above symptoms appeared to me (on the one hand, it’s not surprising, because I copied them partly from myself), moreover in a rather intense form.

Now the picture is completely different. I still find it difficult to concentrate, I often want to distract myself (for example, from writing this article). But now it is much easier to control, I find the strength in myself to withstand these restless impulses and to bring things to the end, without being distracted. Now I can tolerate long waiting, relax, not make impulsive decisions and not support aimless physical activity.

Thanks to this, I got rid of many ADHD problems, which include:

  • Increased nervous irritability.
  • Tension, inability to relax.
  • A lot of half-thrown tasks and related problems (danger of being expelled from the institute, sanctions due to incomplete work).
  • Problems communicating with people.
  • Difficulties in learning, mastering the craft, learning new things.
  • Bad habits: smoking and alcohol, “information hunger”.

How I got rid of it and how you can get rid of you and we will talk further.

Getting rid of ADHD

I do not think that attention deficit is an ancient phenomenon rooted in ancient times. In my opinion, it is mainly a product of our time, of the current and past centuries. In our life, avalanches of information rage violently. A frantic rush and vanity set the pace of social life. Under the onslaught of these factors, the brain begins to work in multitasking mode and gets used to constant activity, without which it can no longer do. The constant, chaotic, restless switching of the mind from one subject to another is fixed in us as a kind of mental reflex, which begins to work constantly. We become unable to direct our energy; it begins to be sprayed onto many different tasks and unnecessary actions.

In the West, they try to “treat” ADHD with psychostimulants and even give it to children (The use of Ritalin in the prevention of ADHD is a subject of fierce debate, the drug has been withdrawn from drug trafficking in many countries, including Russia). The drug causes side effects and dependence, akin to amphetamine. I strongly doubt the therapeutic success of such a “treatment”. In my opinion, this is an attempt by doctors and patients to ignore the causes of the problem and come to an easy but unreliable solution. Doctors do not want to understand the individual causes of the problem or simply do not know what to do, and patients do not want to work on themselves or with their children, and both sides are happy with a simple and quick solution.

It is obvious to me that to eliminate ADHD, you need to do a lot of work, eliminate the cause of the disorder, and this will give a much greater effect than all drugs and will not bring harm or addiction, unlike the latter. For me it is as obvious as the fact that in order to work with the main causes of addiction, and no nicotine patches and pills will help you until you understand why you are smoking.

These truths sound horribly banal, but even worse is that they are not accepted by most people, despite their simplicity and obviousness. If the causes of ADHD are the chaotic consumption of heterogeneous information, anxiety and fuss, then you need to get rid of these reasons before talking about some pills! I got rid of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder using a simple method to directly counter the symptoms of this ailment. This principle is that you should try to do the opposite of what ADHD “tells” you! And that’s all! Everything is very simple. Let’s explain in more detail.

Attention Deficit Disorders

Watch yourself

You must develop the habit of taking care of yourself. How to do it? Follow the recommendations that I will give below and you will have such a habit. It is needed not only for working with ADHD, but, for example, for self-knowledge. I have described this topic in detail in articles and in my self-development program, you can read these articles after you complete this one.

Avoid the aimless activity of your body

Watch the position of your body and its members. If you catch yourself starting to spin in a chair or tug at something in your hands, drop it, try to sit still. Put this principle into your daily life. If you are waiting for a dish in a restaurant that doesn’t bring for a long time, sit upright, don’t fidget, keep your hands on the table in front of you, put them with palms down and try not to move too much. Get rid of the habits of biting lips, picking nails, nibbling pens - etc. These habits are markers of ADHD and, by giving them a go, you cultivate the syndrome. Watch your pose, let it be almost motionless, if circumstances do not require movement.

I say right away that at first it will be difficult, when you try to follow these recommendations, you will feel the force that is bursting inside you, makes you move and scurry, this is the "energy" of ADHD. It is as if you are trying to block a stormy stream of water with your body and are holding back it with difficulty. Nothing, be patient, then it will be easier, the flow will gradually, as you follow the recommendations, turn into a thin brook, and your body, which blocks it, will become wider and stronger.

Observe information hygiene when surfing the Internet

One of the causes of ADHD is the constant chaotic wandering in the information space. Such a wandering, jumping from one to another, leaves a “cast” on our thinking, so that we can no longer focus on something else. Therefore, you need to gradually get rid of this reason. Organize your work on the Internet in such a way that it does not turn into moving from tab to tab. To do this, limit your stay in, for example, set aside a certain time, “until 15.00 I do not get in touch or on tweeter, and at 15.30 I finish my visit to the social services. networks and again I don’t go there until the evening. "

By the way, the widespread activity in the social. Networks appear to be one of the causes of ADHD. Since social networks, by their very structure, organize our receipt of information in such a way that it is consumed by us in small and heterogeneous portions, quickly and intensively. We read the news, went to a friend’s page, at the same time started an audio recording, published a tweet and all this in 5 minutes. It's like eating a lot of different foods at the same time: they ate a piece of fish, immediately ate a cucumber, reached for ice cream, put shrimp in their mouths and washed it all down with a sip of kefir and coffee. And then, indigestion.

The brain is also very tired and wears out from the intensive receipt of various information in a short period of time, as well as the stomach from the assimilation of a pile of food. So harmful social networks. If you spend time on the Internet, it is better to let the information in you arrive in large portions and with a longer time interval. Read large wikipedia articles or elsewhere, take a look at your paintings in debt. No need to interrupt this process and frantically monitor the update of your personal mail page or social network and press the F5 key.

At this time, turn off your ICQ and Skype, so as not to be distracted by them. And in general, when using these clients, try not to scribble friends there for every possible reason, also, remember that you are not obliged to answer there right after someone wrote to you. First, complete the work you started, and then write, unless something is very urgent. Remember, when something distracts you from some process, its implementation is much less efficient, this is a scientific fact.

Keep yourself focused

Read books without being distracted by extraneous incentives. The more boring the book, the better you train your ability to concentrate. But many boring books are quite useful, so let this exercise also serve as a good occasion for you to learn new things and improve your professional and personal qualities. Observe the time during which you should not be distracted, but only read, let it be an hour or two. You can measure this by the number of pages read, as you wish. And until this time passes - no extraneous matters! The same applies to your work, affairs. Do all this without being distracted and noting time for execution. (First of all, read this article to the end, with short breaks, if necessary, but not distracted by external incentives)

Keep an eye on what people are telling you, learn to listen to your interlocutor. All this, at first, is very complicated. Attention will constantly float away, but let it not upset you or annoy you, just when you realize that you are distracted, calmly turn your attention back to the subject of concentration. Slowly but surely, your ability to concentrate will improve.

Chat less on business

In the company of other people, you do not need to say everything that comes to your mind, interrupt and rush to speak out. Listen calmly to others to the end, try to speak on the merits and on the topic. Pause before answering, ponder your answers. No need to chatter, keep an even and calm intonation.

Give up bad habits

Smoking is ADHD's biggest ally: a cigarette takes your attention and hands and only contributes to the development of the syndrome. People often start smoking due to their inner anxiety bursting, inability to sit still doing nothing. So it was, for example with me. I don’t smoke for a long time. About how to quit smoking, you can then read the article on my website, I gave the link above.

Drink less alcohol. Have you ever wondered what is the phenomenon of the so-called beer alcoholism? Not only in the love of a foamy drink, as such, but in the fact that beer, like light alcohol, allows you to take sips often, as a result, your hands and mouth are constantly busy. And if in pauses, you also smoke, and chat between puffs, look at the screen with one eye, then this takes all your attention and only contributes to the development of attention deficit, in addition it is also very harmful. So try to avoid noisy gatherings in bars for beer and cigarettes, it’s better to relax in silence and try to relax.

Learn to endure waiting

Try to relax, do not fidget, standing in line, do not run out to smoke every 10 minutes, because you have nowhere to put yourself. Try to relax all this time.

Take long and relaxing walks

A measured walk in the fresh air is good for relaxing and getting out of the rhythm of ADHD. So after work, instead of continuing to bombard your brain with new chunks of information (Internet, TV, conversation), take a walk along the street, you can even be alone. Try not to think about the problems of today, generally think less and look more around, noticing the environment. Thoughts flow calmly and measuredly, try to relax as much as possible.


This is perhaps the most effective and reliable method for the prevention of ADHD and many other unpleasant ailments! How meditation works, I’ll tell you now. Have you noticed that it combines all of the above methods? This is the principle of counteracting the symptoms of ADHD, which I mentioned above. You do the opposite of what causes you to have attention deficit disorder and so get rid of it: if you want to twitch - you make yourself sit quietly, you want to switch from tab to tab - you control yourself and don't allow it, it's hard to listen to the music album to the end, you feel strong gusts to get up - do not do this, that’s all.

Meditation is a session of relaxation and concentration, which has an extremely positive effect on the psyche and fully implements the principle of counteracting ADHD! When you meditate, firstly, you try to direct attention to some object (image, physiological process in your body, a phrase in your head), thereby developing concentration skills, secondly, calm down, sit for about 20 minutes in a motionless, relaxed position. You will really want to get up and interrupt this process, your body will want activity, but you will fight this desire, pacify it and re-direct your attention to its subject!

Is it possible to come up with the best exercise in order to learn how to be relaxed and deal with internal anxiety ?! Meditation helped me a lot, and not only in eliminating ADHD, thanks to it all the work on myself was done, during which all positive metamorphoses occurred in me and I was able to formulate the conclusions that filled my site and, in particular, this article.

Meditation is not magic, it is a simple exercise that everyone can do. To find out, read the article here.

Information starvation

In one of them I described an exercise that will be very useful for people with ADHD!

If your child has ADHD

Often, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder begins to manifest in childhood. But remember that when you are trying to determine the clinical picture of a child, make allowance for the fact that children are always more active than adults and it is more difficult for them to sit quietly and hold attention than we do. That which is abnormal for us may be normal for a child. So do not ring the bell if you find ADHD symptoms in a child. It's okay, calmly work with him, applying competent and gentle educational measures.

If your child is too active and absent-minded, then all the tips that are suitable for an adult will help him. Take long walks with him, teach him to do exercises that require concentration (chess, reading, modeling airplanes, etc.), control his leisure time spent on the Internet, develop his memory and concentration, teach him how to follow his movements and calmly explain to him simple words about all the bad things that will happen to him if his anxiety and distraction are transferred to adulthood. The main thing is not to press and not force, find the line that separates wise education and aggressive dictatorship and do not go beyond it.

And if you teach a child to meditate from childhood, it will be great! Already upon reaching maturity, he will not have all the problems that we could have experienced: problems with the nervous system, anxiety, impulsiveness, anxiety, irritability, bad habits, etc. Only if an adult needs to meditate 15 - 20 minutes per session, then the child will have enough 5 - 10 minutes.

Do not worry if working with a child does not immediately lead to the desired result. Do not lose your patience. Most children’s and adults’s problems can be solved, but only if you don’t turn away from them, ignore their causes, don’t leave them to the arbitrariness of careless doctors, and work with them consciously, methodically, independently.

Problems with concentration are a real scourge of modern society: more and more people complain of fatigue, distraction and inability to focus on an important task. This can be a consequence of multitasking and information overload, as well as a manifestation of a specific mental disorder - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Theories and Practices tried to figure out what ADHD is and how to deal with it.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder reveals all the weaknesses of psychiatry as a science: it is difficult to find a more controversial, vague and mysterious disorder. Firstly, there is a high risk of misdiagnosis, and secondly, scientists are still arguing whether it’s a disease at all or a variant of the norm — and if it’s a disease, can ADHD be considered a full-fledged diagnosis or is it just a set of symptoms, perhaps not united by one cause.

The history of studies of attention deficit disorder (which got its current name only in the second half of the 20th century) began in 1902, when pediatrician Georg Frederick Still described a group of impulsive, poorly absorbed information children and hypothesized that such behavior is not associated with developmental delays. The hypothesis was subsequently confirmed - although the doctor could not explain the reasons for this phenomenon. After 25 years, another doctor, Charles Bradley, began to prescribe hyperactive children benzedrine - a psychostimulant derived from amphetamine. Stimulants were very effective, although again, for a long time, doctors could not understand the mechanism of their effect on patients. In 1970, the American psychiatrist Conan Kornetski first put forward the hypothesis that the disease may be associated with a reduced level of certain neurotransmitters in the brain and such drugs help to increase it. The first methods of diagnosing the syndrome were proposed by the American Psychiatric Association only in 1968, and in Russia they started talking about it only in the second half of the 1990s, and that was without much enthusiasm.

A cautious attitude to this topic can be understood: the study of ADHD and the development of diagnosis criteria have been accompanied by scandals since the 1970s - the creators of the American directory DSM-4 were accused of the fact that their description of the disorder caused an epidemic of overdiagnosis in children and adolescents. Some doctors and parents chose medicines as the path of least resistance: it was easier to feed difficult children with medicines than to cope with their features by pedagogical methods. In addition, amphetamine-type drugs prescribed for active and uncontrolled children sometimes migrated to the arsenal of their housewife mothers: stimulants gave strength and helped to cope with housework (the most spectacular horror story about what domestic abuse of such drugs leads to is the mother’s story the protagonist in Requiem for a Dream). In addition, the criteria for diagnosing the disorder changed several times, which also caused a flurry of criticism. As a result, attention deficit disorder was highly discredited and for some time hit the tops of "nonexistent diseases."

Nevertheless, the experience of psychiatrists has shown that the problem, however classified, still exists: a certain percentage of the population experiences difficulties associated with poor concentration of attention, inability to organize itself, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Often, these features persist in adulthood, and are manifested strongly enough to create a person (especially ambitious) serious problems in school, work and personal life. But usually the disorder is perceived by others and the patient himself not as a serious illness, but as a manifestation of personal flaws. Therefore, most adults with this set of symptoms do not go to the doctors, preferring to use their strong-willed struggle with their "weak character."

Attention deficit disorder causes difficulties in patients even at school: for a teenager with this diagnosis, even if he has a high IQ, it is difficult to absorb material, communicate with peers and teachers. A person with ADHD can plunge into a subject that is subjectively interesting to him (however, as a rule, not for long - such people tend to change their priorities and hobbies frequently) and show vivid abilities, but it is difficult for him to perform even simple routine work. At the same time, he is not good at planning, and at a high level of impulsiveness, he can even foresee the immediate consequences of his actions. If all this is combined with hyperactivity, such a teenager turns into a school teacher’s nightmare - he will receive poor grades in “boring” subjects, surprise people with impulsive antics, disrupt order and sometimes ignore social conventions (since it will be difficult for him to focus on expectations and requirements of others).

It used to be that with age, the disorder "resolves" by itself - but according to recent data, in about 60% of children with ADHD, symptoms of the disease continue to occur in the adult state. An employee who is unable to sit until the end of the meeting and who misses important instructions by his ears, a talented specialist who tears off important deadlines, is suddenly distracted by some personal project, an “irresponsible" partner who is unable to organize his home life or suddenly drops a lot of money for some strange whim - All of them can be not just weak-willed slobs, but people suffering from a mental disorder.

Diagnostic Issues

According to various estimates, 7-10% of children and 4-6% of adults suffer from this disease. At the same time, the popular idea of \u200b\u200ba patient with ADHD as exclusively about impulsive fidget is already outdated - modern science distinguishes three types of disorder:

With a focus on attention deficit (when a person has no signs of hyperactivity, but it is difficult for him to concentrate, to work continuously with the same task and organize his actions, he is forgetful and easily tired)

With a focus on hyperactivity (a person is excessively active and impulsive, but does not experience significant difficulties with concentration)

Mixed option

According to the DSM-5 American Classifier of Mental Disorders, the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be established no earlier than 12 years. In this case, the symptoms should be presented in different situations and situations and manifest themselves strongly enough to significantly affect a person's life.

ADHD or bipolar disorder?One of the problems in diagnosing the syndrome is that, in some ways, the syndrome intersects with other mental illnesses - in particular, with cyclothymia and: hyperactivity can be confused with hypomania, and fatigue and concentration problems with signs of dysthymia and depression. Moreover, these disorders are comorbid - that is, there is a high probability of getting both at the same time. In addition, suspicious symptoms may be associated with non-mental illness (for example, severe head injury or poisoning). Therefore, experts often recommend that those who suspect themselves of attention deficit disorder, before going to psychiatrists, undergo a routine medical examination.

Gender nuances.  Last year, The Atlantic magazine published an article stating that women have ADHD differently than men. According to the studies described in the article, women with this disorder are less likely to show impulsiveness and hyperactivity and more often - disorganization, forgetfulness, anxiety and introversion.

The T&P editors remind you that you should not rely on self-diagnosis completely - if you suspect ADHD in yourself, it makes sense to contact a specialist.

Loss of control

In the development of ADHD, a genetic factor plays an important role - if your close relative suffers from this syndrome, the likelihood that you will be given the same diagnosis is 30%. Modern theories associate ADHD with functional impairments in the neurotransmitter systems of the brain - in particular, with the balance of dopamine and norepinephrine. The dopamine and norepinephrine pathways are directly responsible for the executive functions of the brain - that is, for the ability to plan, volitionally switch between different stimuli, flexibly change their behavior depending on changing environmental conditions and suppress automatic reactions in favor of conscious decisions (this is what the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman calls). All this helps us to control our behavior. Another function of dopamine is to maintain a “reward system” that controls behavior by responding to “correct” (in terms of survival) actions with pleasant sensations. Violations of this system affect motivation. In addition, people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may also have abnormalities in the serotonin balance. This can cause additional problems with organization, a sense of time, concentration and control over emotions.

Disorder or personality trait?

The concept of neurodiversity is gaining popularity - an approach that considers various neurological features as a result of normal variations of the human genome. Among the interests of adherents of neurodiversity are both sexual orientation and gender self-identification, as well as some genetically determined mental illnesses, including autism, bipolar disorder and attention deficit disorder. Some scholars believe that many of the behaviors that are diagnosed with ADHD are natural personality traits that do not indicate the presence of unhealthy abnormalities. But since such traits impede a person’s functioning in modern society, they are labeled “frustrations”.

Psychotherapist Tom Hartman has developed a spectacular theory of "hunter and farmer", according to which people with ADHD have preserved the genes of primitive people responsible for behavior that is optimal for hunters. Over time, mankind switched to agriculture, requiring more patience, and the “hunting” qualities - quick reaction, impulsiveness, susceptibility - began to be considered undesirable. According to this hypothesis, the problem lies only in setting goals, and the ability of people with the syndrome to “hyperfocus” - a strong concentration on a subjectively interesting task to the detriment of all others - can also be considered as an evolutionary advantage. True, Hartman is difficult to consider an objective researcher - ADHD is diagnosed in his son.

But in any case, this theory has a sound grain: since one of the most important criteria for mental health is the ability to successfully cope with everyday tasks, many problems can be smoothed out by choosing an appropriate field of activity. That is, one where routine processes and patience play a lesser role and “sprinting” temperament, the ability to improvise, curiosity, and the ability to easily switch between various activities are appreciated. For example, it is believed that with ADHD you can make a good career in sales or entertainment, in the art and in the “adrenaline” professions (say, fireman, doctor or military). And you can become an entrepreneur.

How to be treated

Medicines Psychostimulants containing amphetamine (aderol or dexedrine) or methylphenidate (ritalin) are still used to treat ADHD. Other drugs are also prescribed, for example, noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (atomoxetine), hypotensive drugs (clonidine and guanfacine) and tricyclic antidepressants. The choice depends on the specific manifestations of ADHD, additional risks (a tendency to addiction to drugs or concomitant mental disorders) and a desire to avoid certain side effects (an approximate list of “side effects” from different drugs can be found)

Since in Russia psychostimulants are firmly entrenched in the list of dangerous narcotic substances that are not available even with a prescription, domestic psychiatrists use atomoxetine, guanfacine or tricyclics.

Psychotherapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which, unlike many other psychotherapeutic schools, focuses on working with consciousness, not the subconscious, is believed to be useful in ADHD. For a long time, this method has been successfully used in the fight against depression and anxiety disorder - and now there are special programs for the treatment of attention deficit disorder. The essence of such therapy is to develop awareness and not allow irrational patterns of behavior to seize power over human life. Classes help to control impulses and emotions, fight stress, plan and organize your actions and bring things to the end.

Nutrition and Supplements.  You can try to adjust your diet in accordance with the advice of foreign medicine. The most common recommendations are to take fish oil and avoid sudden spikes in blood glucose (that is, say no to simple carbohydrates). There is also evidence showing the relationship between a deficiency in the body of iron, iodine, magnesium and zinc and an increase in symptoms. According to some studies, small portions of caffeine can help concentrate, but most experts still do not recommend leaning on coffee. In any case, setting the diet is more of a “supportive” measure than a full-fledged way to combat the disorder.

Schedule. People with ADHD more than everyone else need planning and a clear daily routine. An external “backbone” helps to compensate for internal problems with systematization and time management: timers, organizers, and to-do lists. Any large projects should be broken down into small tasks and laid down in advance in the plan for periods of rest and possible deviations from the schedule.