Didactic games to familiarize with others (senior group). Didactic games to familiarize with the outside world in the middle group

Card catalog of games to familiarize with the outside world

"Where did the bunny hide!"

Purpose:   describe, name, plants according to their characteristics and due to the environment. Compose descriptive puzzles and guess puzzles about plants.

Rules of the game: you can name the plant only after describing any trait in turn.

Game progress:

The game is held in a park, in a forest, in a park. From the group of children choose a driver, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under any plant (Tree, shrub) so that the other children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the driver describes the plant (if it is difficult, the teacher helps). Which group will guess faster, under which plant the bunny is going to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under an oak tree. The facilitator asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: “This is a tree, it has a strong, powerful trunk” (Answers of the children of the 1st subgroup), 2nd subgroup: “The leaves of this tree turn brown in the fall” (Children of the 2nd subgroup answer) . Etc. Description puzzles go until one of the subgroups is guessed.

"Where does it grow?"

Purpose:   to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to raise the speed of reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, discipline.

Rules of the game:   make out vegetables and fruits, and put some in the garden and others in the garden (imitation - pictures of the garden and the garden). The team that quickly sorted out all the items in places wins.

Game progress: Among the children are divided into two teams-brigades: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (dummies can be) laid out on the table. At the signal of the educator, the children make out vegetables and fruits to the corresponding ones with the pictures. The brigade that first finished the job wins. Children who do not participate in the teams verify the selection.

After this, the winning team is announced. The game continues with other teams.

"Our friends"

Purpose:   To expand children's ideas about the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), about caring for them, about their homes, to cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material:   lotto cards with the image of animals: a parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, hamster, turtles, etc. Small cards with the image of their dwellings (cage, terrarium, aquarium, drawer, etc.), feed.Game progress:

Lotto cards are dealt to the participants of the game, the host has small cards that are turned upside down by an image. The host takes any card and shows the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal.

For complication, you can add squats that are not related to these animals.

"Flower shop"

Purpose:   to consolidate children's knowledge of plants (meadows, indoor, garden), to consolidate the ability to find the right flower according to the description. To teach to group plants by type.Material:   you can use cards from the botanical lotto, indoor plants can be taken real, but not very large.

Game progress:

The leader is selected, he is the seller (at the beginning the leader is an adult. And then you can count it), the remaining children are buyers. The buyer should describe the plant in such a way that the seller immediately guesses what kind of plant in question.

“The postman brought the package”

Purpose:   To form and expand children's ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., learn to describe and recognize objects by description.

Material:   objects (dummies). Each is individually packaged in a paper bag. You can use puzzles.

Game progress:

The parcel is brought to the group. The host (educator) distributes the packages to each child. Children look into them and take turns telling what they received in the mail. Children are encouraged to describe what is in their bag as described or using a riddle.

"Edible - Not Edible"

Purpose:   to form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination.

Material: Ball.

Game progress:

The host calls a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object, throws the ball to one of the participants, if the object belongs to the given ones, then it catches.

You can play with the whole group at once with the help of claps (clap if the subject is not relevant).

Wonderful Pouch

Purpose:   To form, consolidate children's knowledge of various natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children.

Material:   Beautifully designed bag, different toys that mimic animals, real or imitation vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

The presenter holds a bag with objects, invites children to come up one by one and identify the object by touch, without pulling it out, and will name characteristic signs. The rest of the children should, according to his description, guess what kind of object they are not yet seeing. After that, the child pulls the item out of the bag and shows it to all the children.

“What first, then what?”

Purpose: To form and consolidate children's knowledge about the degree of maturity of vegetables, fruits, about the growth order of different plants, living creatures (fish, birds, amphibians).

Material:   Cards with different order of maturity 3 - 4 - 5 cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), growth order (seed, sprout, higher sprout, adult plant).

Game progress:

Cards with different orders are given to children. At the signal of the leader, they should quickly find and build in order with the necessary pictures in order.

Shop "Seeds"

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about the seeds of different plants. To teach to group plants by type, by place of growth.

Material:   Sign "Seeds". On the counter, in different boxes with models: tree, flower, vegetable, fruit, in transparent bags, there are different seeds with a picture of this plant.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to open a seed store. The store is equipped with four departments. Sellers are selected in each seed department. During the game, children-buyers approach the sellers and call their profession: florist, gardener, vegetable grower, forester. Then they are asked to sell the seeds of the plant they described and the method of growing them (one per hole, one per groove, “pinch”, seedlings).

"Everything is home!"

Purpose:   To form and consolidate the knowledge of children of different plants (trees, bushes), by the shape of their leaves (by fruits, seeds). To fix the rules of conduct in the forest, in the park.


Game progress:

Before a walk with children, the rules of behavior in the forest (park) are fixed. The game is preferably carried out in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the form of leaves). The teacher offers to go camping. Children are given the leaves (fruits, seeds) of different plants (bushes, trees). Children are divided into units. The teacher offers to imagine that each unit has a tent under a tree or bush. Children walk in the woods (park), at the signal of the tutor “It began to rain. Everything is home! ”, The children run to their“ tents ”. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on a tree or bush to which they ran up.

“Gather mushrooms in a basket”

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms, about the place of their growth; about collection rules in the forest.

Material:   Flat baskets, model designating a forest, flannelgraph, cards with mushrooms (edible, not edible).

Game progress:

Cards with mushrooms are given to children. The task of the children is to name their mushroom, describe it, where it can be found (under a birch, in a spruce forest, in a clearing, on a stump, etc.), what it is: edible to put in a “basket”, not edible to leave in the forest (explain why).

“From which branch of the baby”

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate children's knowledge about trees, their seeds and leaves. To fix the rules of conduct in the forest, in the park.

Material:   Dried leaves of different trees (seeds, fruits).

Game progress:

Before a walk with children, the rules of behavior in the forest (park) are fixed. The game is preferably carried out in the fall (when there are already seeds and fruits), it is possible in the summer (only in the form of leaves). Children walk through the forest (park), at the signal of the educator “All the children are on the branches!”, The children run to their trees or bushes. Children compare their leaves, etc. with those that grow on a tree or bush to which they ran up.

"When does this happen?"

Purpose:   Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in the nature and life of animals in different seasons of the year.

Material:   Large lotto cards with a picture of any season. Small cards with patterns of signs of different seasons.

Game progress:

The game is held as a lotto. The presenter has small cards that are turned upside down by an image. The host shows a card with a model, players say what it is and when it happens. The child explains why this card is needed just for him. The one who closes his card first wins. But the game continues until all participants close their cards.

"Guess the description."

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate knowledge about the appearance of natural objects (animals, plants, fish, insects, etc.). Develop memory, speech.

Material:   Cards with various types of animals, fish, birds, insects, according to the number of participants or more.

Game progress:

Cards are distributed to children. Their task, without showing, is to describe the object so that others can guess who is shown on their card. You can use puzzles.

"Russell animals home"

Goal: Develop   and consolidate the knowledge of children about the places of animals, the names of their homes. To develop speech.

Material:   Flanelegraf, different natural zones of the earth (illustrations). Small cards with a variety of animals, birds, etc.

Game progress:

On flanelegraf different natural zones of the earth are located. Children have small cards with a variety of animals, birds, etc. The task of children is to name their animal, where it lives, and put near the desired natural zone on a flannelograph.

"Traveling Underwater"

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate knowledge about fish: marine, lake, river; about marine life, plants, and their habitat.

Material : Large lotto cards with a picture of any reservoir. Small cards with fish, aquatic animals, plants, etc.

Game progress:

The teacher offers to go on a water trip through different reservoirs. You can divide the children into teams. Each team goes on a journey to a specific reservoir. Then the children select living objects for their bodies of water from the total number of small cards. The team that knows the inhabitants and plants of their pond better wins. Or the game is held like a lotto.

"Fourth Extra"

Purpose:   Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of the classifications of various natural objects. Develop logical thinking, speech.

Material:   cards with a variety of objects.

Game progress:

Cards are displayed: three - of one kind, and the fourth of another. The task of the children is to identify the extra card and explain their choice.

You can complicate the task and conduct the game verbally. Calling objects and objects.

“Let's harvest”

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate children's knowledge of vegetables, fruits and berries. Their place of growth (garden, vegetable garden, garden, tree, bush, in the ground, on the ground).

Material:   Baskets with models: vegetables, fruits and berries (one basket). Models of vegetables, fruits and berries, or cards from lotto with vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

In certain places of the group, pictures are placed with a garden and a garden where dummies or cards are located. Children can be divided into two teams gardeners and gardeners. At the signal of the leading team, they are harvesting in their basket with the model. Condition: Only one item can be carried.

"Vegetable store"

Purpose:   To develop and consolidate children's knowledge of the external signs and characteristics of vegetables and fruits, their external signs for storage and harvesting, and methods of their harvesting.

Material:   A flat image of salting jars and compotes, sourdrums, storage boxes, freezer. Sets of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries.

Game progress:

Each child has a set of small cards with vegetables, fruits and berries. Divide the children into teams (depending on the number of children). Each team makes its own “preparations” from its vegetables, fruits and berries.

Or, from the total number of small cards, teams (pickles, kvass, stack for storage) choose which preparations require certain vegetables, fruits and berries.


Purpose:   To form and expand children's ideas about the nutrition of domestic and wild animals (birds, animals), to foster a caring attitude, interest and love for them.

Material:   cards of different animals, birds, insects, food, vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

Children are encouraged to feed animals at the zoo. The game is a lotto type. The host shows cards with food, insects. The player who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal or bird.

Games and experiments

File cabinet

Group: Second Junior


"Water coloring"

purpose : Identify the properties of water: water can be warm and cold, some substances dissolve in water. The more this substance, the more intense the color; the warmer the water, the faster the substance dissolves.

Material:   Water containers (cold and warm), paint, stir sticks, measuring cups.

An adult and children examine 2-3 objects in the water, find out why they are clearly visible (the water is clear). Next, find out how you can color the water (add paint). An adult offers to color the water themselves (in glasses with warm and cold water). In which cup will the paint dissolve faster? (In a glass of warm water). How will the water color if there is more dye? (Water will become more colored).

"Hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water."

Suggest using molds to make figures of sand. Make children aware that their hands are dirty. What to do? Maybe let's shake our palms? Or blow on them? Are your palms clean? How to clean your hands from sand? (Wash with water). The teacher suggests doing this.Output: What have we learned today? (Hands will become cleaner if you wash them with water).

Storm in a glass.

Children are invited to put a straw in a glass with water and blow into it. What is it? (It turns out a storm in a glass of water).

"Wet sand takes any shape you want."

Offer to put a handful of sand into the cam and release it in a small stream. What happens to dry sand? (He rolls in). Let's try to build something out of dry sand. Are the figures obtained? Let's try to wet dry sand. Take it into the cam and try to pour it out. Does it also roll in easily? (Not). Pour it into molds. Make the figures. It turns out? What figures did you get? What sand did the figures make of? (From wet).

Output: What have we learned today? What sand can I make figures from? (From wet).

“Plants drink water.”

Put a bouquet of flowers in tinted water. After a while, the stems of the flowers will also stain.

Output:   plants drink water.


Show children the hourglass. Let them follow how the sand is poured. Give children the opportunity to experience the duration of a minute. Ask the children to put as much sand in their palm as possible, squeeze their fists and watch a trickle of sand running. Children should not open their fists until all the sand has spilled out. Offer to reflect on the saying "Time is like sand," "Time is like water."


"Different legs stomp on a snowy path"

Teach children to get clear footprints in the snow. The teacher teaches children how to get clear footprints in the snow. Taking the child by the hands, makes an imprint of his figure in the even snow. Shows how to get various shapes out of snow.

"Ice slide"

Show the children how to make a slide for the doll. With the help of children's shovels, the teacher and the children make a slide for the doll out of snow, then water it and watch until the end of the walk what happens to the slide. Then they roll the doll from the ice slide.

  "Snow town"

Teach children to make koloboks out of snow and a big house. A teacher makes snow koloboks out of snow and suggests that children do the same. Then he shows how you can build a big house out of small koloboks, which is called the snow fortress.

  "Colorful figures"

Teach children to paint snow figures. On a walk, the teacher makes figures from the snow with the children: snowmen, turtles, pies, a snow town from small lumps of snow. The caregiver takes out the multi-colored warm water in a spray, and the children paint water figures from the snow.

"Water may spill, or may spatter."

Pour water into a watering can. The teacher demonstrates the watering of indoor plants (1-2). What happens to water when I tilt a watering can? (Water is pouring). Where does the water come from? (From the nose of a watering can?). Show children a special spray device - a spray bottle (children can be said to be a special spray bottle). It is needed in order to spray on the flowers in hot weather. Spray and refresh the leaves, it is easier to breathe. Flowers take a shower. Suggest observing the spraying process. Note that droplets are very similar to dust, because they are very small. Offer to put your hands, spray on them. Palms have become what? (Wet). Why? (They were sprayed with water). Today we poured water on the plants and sprayed them with water.

Output:   What have we learned today? What can happen to water? (Water may spill, or may splatter).

"Helper water."

After breakfast, there were crumbs, stains from tea. Guys, after breakfast the tables were dirty. Sitting at such tables again is not very pleasant. What to do? (Wash). Than? (Water and a rag). Or maybe you can do without water? Let's try wiping the tables with a dry cloth. It turned out to collect the crumbs, but the spots remained. What to do? (Wet a napkin with water and rub well). The teacher shows the process of washing tables, invites children to wash the tables themselves. During washing, emphasizes the role of water. Are the tables clean now?

Output:   What have we learned today? In which case do tables get very clean after eating? (If they are washed with water and a cloth).



To acquaint children with the properties of floating objects. The teacher makes boats out of paper for children, and then they launch them into puddles. If this happens in a group, floating and metal toys are allowed into the basin with water, then they watch what happens to them.


To acquaint children with the properties of "diving" toys. Children are given tennis balls and show what happens to them when they are thrown into the water.

  The Buruns

Each child receives a plastic cup and a cocktail tube. The tutor shows how to get breakers in a glass.

  “Let's get some water”

Teach children to use a sponge to collect water. Each child is given a colorful sponge. The teacher fixes the children's knowledge of the color on the sponges, then shows how to collect water from the table into the basin with a sponge.


Teach children to make foam from shampoo. Pour warm water into a basin, then add shampoo. Beating hands with water, they get foam. In such water you can bathe a doll.

"Sunny Bunnies"

Teach children to play with a sun bunny. Take out a mirror on a plot on a sunny day and teach children how to start a sun bunny. Organize games with a sun bunny.


To introduce children to the property of sunlight. To tell children how a shadow arises, to observe the movement of a shadow.

  "Multi-colored glass"

To introduce children to the properties of clear glass. Hand out colored glass to children and watch through them how the world around changes.

Magic brush.

Purpose:   To acquaint with obtaining intermediate colors by mixing two (red and yellow - orange; blue and red - purple; blue and yellow - green).

Game Material:   Red, blue and yellow paints; palette; brush; pictograms with the image of two color spots; sheets with three drawn contours of balloons.

Course of the game: The adult introduces the children to the magic brush and suggests that they paint two balls on the contour sheets, as on a sample. An adult tells how paints argued about which of them is prettier, whom to paint over the remaining ball, and how the magic brush made friends with them, offering paints to color the remaining ball together. Then the adult offers the children to mix on the paint palette (in accordance with the pictogram), paint the third ball with new paint and name the resulting color.

Light heavy.

Purpose:   introduce that objects are light and heavy. To teach to determine the weight of objects and group objects by weight (light - heavy).

Game Material:   Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene, a variety of objects and toys; opaque containers with sand and leaves, pebbles and fluff, water and grass; character selection ("easy", "heavy").

Game progress:   Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka choose toys that each of them wants to bring with him to friends. There are several options for choosing toys:

● Toys from the same material, but different in size. The adult asks why Gena will take larger toys, and checks the answers of the children by weighing the toys in her hands;

● Toys made of the same material, but some are hollow inside, while others are filled with sand. An adult asks what toys Cheburashka will take and why;

● Toys of the same size from different materials. An adult finds out who will carry which toy and why. Then the adult offers the children to choose a “treat” in buckets that Cheburashka and Gena can convey, and finds out: how to find out which bucket Cheburashka can convey and which Gene? An adult checks children's assumptions by looking at the contents of the pails.

Card file of games and experiments with water, sand

for children of the 2nd younger group.


Acquaintance with water.

"Water is pouring."

Purpose:   To acquaint children with the fact that water is pouring, we release water and it flows. The water is clean, clear. Through her hands are visible, soap. Water washes away the dirt. Water must be protected.

Equipment:   basin, napkins, soap.

Vocabulary work:   pouring, clean, transparent, eyes, cheeks, mouth, tooth.

Stroke and leadership:

The teacher introduces a basin of clean water. And offers to play with her, reading a poem:

Vodichka, vodichka, wash my face,

So that the eyes shine

So that the cheeks burn

So that the mouth laughed, so that the tooth bites.

Children sneak in the water, pass it through the hands.

Questions: What kind of water?

True, look how pure the water is, hands can be seen through it.

Suggests soaping his hands with soap.

Look and tell me, what kind of water flows from your hands? (dirty).

That's how dirty your hands were. So what washes away the dirt? (Water and soap).

Do I need water? To whom? (That's right for us).

Everyone needs water, it must be protected. The crane does not need to be opened strongly, do not indulge in it.


"Why do we need water?"

Purpose:   To acquaint children with the properties of water, to tell why and for whom it is needed. Develop cognition in children. To nurture a caring attitude towards water.

Equipment: watering can with water.

Vocabulary work:   it pours, you can drink, wash your hands, water it with plants so that they grow.

Stroke and leadership:

Look what I brought. What is it?

Right. This is a watering can, and there is water in it. See how clear, clear water is. Why do we need water?

It’s right to drink, wash your hands, and why?

Do we drink it, but do animals and plants need it? Yes, they need to die without her.

Let’s go to the flowerbed and water our flowers so that they grow, bloom and have beautiful flowers.

Actions of children together with the teacher.

Experience with water

"Drowning - not drowning."

Purpose:   To acquaint with the fact that objects can sink in water, while others float on the surface. To develop the ability to distinguish objects that are heavy and which are light, the desire to know. Educate curiosity.

Equipment:   water basin, pebbles, rubber toy duckling.

Vocabulary work:   to enter into the speech of children the words are drowning, swimming, heavy, light.

Stroke and leadership:

The teacher introduces a basin of water objects.

Educator: Guys, look what I brought to you. The teacher shows children objects.

What is it with me? (true, pebbles and duckling).

Look, I'll show you the trick.

The teacher lowers the pebble and the duckling into the water.

What is it guys look, why the pebble drowned, and the duckling swims?

Invites to touch the pebble.

What is he like? (heavy).

True, he is heavy, so he is drowning.

What about the duckling? (easy).

Therefore, it does not sink, but floats on the surface.

Children play with water and toys.

An experience.

“Water can be cold and hot.”

Purpose:   Continue to develop the sensations of children - to learn to distinguish between cold and hot water, correctly put it in words. Water is our helper. To foster a sense of cleanliness and neatness in children.

Equipment:   two plastic containers with cold and hot water.

Vocabulary work:   cold, hot.

Stroke and leadership:

The teacher introduces water containers. And offers to determine where the cold and where the hot water. It’s hot in one basin and cold in the other, so you can’t put your hands in it.

Guys how to check. Do not know, you need to touch the tank.

The teacher and his children touch a container of cold water.

Which basin? Children answer: cold.

Then they touch the hot water tank.

What pelvis do you think?

True, hot because the water is hot.

From it you can make warm water. The teacher mixes water in one container in front of the eyes of children.

Now you can touch it with your finger.

Let's say: "Wash, wash - do not be afraid of water."

Water helps us to be clean and tidy. We do not want to be messy. Children, everyone needs water, she is our assistant, she must be protected.

An experience

"Colorful water."

Purpose:   Continue to acquaint children with water, that it is clean, which flows from the tap. Everyone needs clean water, it must be protected. But water can be made colored by adding paint to it. Such water becomes opaque, nothing is visible through it.

Equipment:   water tank, paint, pebbles.

Vocabulary work:   activate in the speech of children the words pure, transparent, opaque, color.

Stroke and leadership:

The teacher makes a glass of clean water and paint. Offers to see what he brought.

Educator: right, I brought you clean water and paint. Guys, why do I need paint? Do not know. I will show you the trick.

What kind of water?

True, clean, transparent, hands can be seen through it. What have I got in this jar? That's right, paint.

Look, I took and poured some red paint into a jar of clean water. What do you see, what color has the water become? (Red).

I poured blue into this jar, and into this yellow one. What has water become color? Right, yellow and blue.

Let's see through this water if we can see each other. Now I will throw something into the water. Tell me what I quit? Anya, and now you quit. Look, can you see what you left? Why not see? (The water is dirty, not transparent).

That's the trick we did, I liked it. Water can be different.

An experience

"Solid water."

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, to draw their attention to the fact that water can be solid if frozen, ice is also water. To develop attention, curiosity. To nurture a caring attitude towards water.

Equipment:   container with plain water and frozen.

Vocabulary work:   water flows, liquid, solid, does not flow.

Stroke and leadership:

The teacher brings in a jar of plain water and a container of ice cubes, previously frozen in the refrigerator.

Educator: look what I brought to you?

In one jar, I have simple, clean water. It flows, liquid.

You can wash your hands in it, what do you think? Right, you can.

Now look, what's in this jar? That's right, ice. What are they, touch? True, they are cold. And they are solid.

What are “made” of ice? Right out of the water. This is also water, only it froze in the refrigerator. Can such water flow? That's right, no, but what do we do. Let’s put it in the sun and see what happens.

Time passes and the teacher with the children checks a jar of ice.

See where the ice floes disappeared? No, they did not disappear at all, but turned into water. The sun warmed it, and the ice floes melted. Also, the ice melts in the spring.

The game is fun with water

"Circles on the water".

Purpose:   To provoke a positive - emotional response in children. To develop the ability to blow a stream of air, folding lips with a tube. To instill a desire to play with water.

Equipment: basin with water.

Game progress: The teacher makes a basin of water.

Game motivation: I want to show focus with water.

The carer leans over the basin and blows into the water.

Look at the water circles appeared.

Invites children to do the same.

The actions of children.

The game is fun with water

"Launching a boat on the water."

Purpose:   To provoke a positive emotional attitude. Develop a desire to play with water in the summer. Raise a desire to play together.

Equipment:   a basin with water, boats.

Receptions: 1. Surprise moment: the introduction of boats.

2. Game motivation: let's see who will sail the boat further away.

3. Indication: start in turn, do not push with your hands, blow your lips, making a tube.

4. Actions of children.

5. Encouragement: Well done, all the boats sailed away.



“Why do we need sand?”

Purpose:   To draw the attention of children to the things that surround them, for what we need them. Continue to consolidate the skill takes care of the world around them.

Vocabulary work:   activate the words in children’s speech: sandbox, sand, protect, play with it, pour, pour. Make buildings with a shovel, bucket, molds.

The conversation:

The teacher invites children to the sandbox.

Look what I brought. (Shows a spatula, bucket and molds).

Children call what the teacher brought.

Why do I need these toys?

Right to play.

What is this? (Points to the sandbox).

Sandbox, sand lies in it.

And why do we need it? True, for playing with him.

How can we play with sand? children respond, the teacher helps them with answers and shows actions with sand.

Well done, they said correctly, I can pour it from a mold into a mold. Blind something, dig with a spatula.

Guys, can I take it out?

True, no, if we take out each time, then we will not have sand at all in the sandbox. It must be protected.

The teacher offers to play with sand and distributes toys.

Sand experience

"Wet - Dry."

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between dry and wet sand. To draw the attention of children to the fact that buildings can only be made of wet sand. Develop attention. To instill a desire to play.

Vocabulary work:   dry, wet, crumbles.

Equipment:   two containers with sand (dry and wet, two molds.)


The teacher makes transparent sand bowls and molds.

Guys, look what I brought. I brought you sand and molds. Let's make a little cake with you. The teacher first pours dry sand into the mold, turns the mold over and knocks on it. It opens and all the sand crumbles, the fist does not work.

What guys happened, why didn’t we get a little fist?

What sand do we need for this? That's right, wet.

Guys, look at the dry sand, it is light, it crumbles in your hands. And wet - dark, it does not crumble in your hands, you can make a lot of Easter cakes out of it. In order for it to be wet it must be poured with water.

The teacher gives children toys and offers to play in the sandbox with wet sand.

Sand play

“Let's bake pies ...”

Purpose:   Continue to improve the children's ability to play with sand, pour, turn, sculpt. Develop imagination. Raise interest in sand games.

Equipment:   toy Bear, shovels, buckets, molds.

Game progress:

The teacher brings the Bear.

Game situation: Guys, Mishka came to visit us, he will have many guests. Game motivation: let's help him bake a lot of pies.

The teacher distributes molds and shovels.

The teacher shows and accompanies them with words.

We collect sand, pour it into a mold, turn it over, knock and raise the mold.

The actions of children.

Sand play


Purpose: To continue to teach children to dig a hole in a scoop. Develop motor skills in children. Raise a caring attitude towards animals.

Equipment:   shovels, toys - stick in the sand with a picture of a dog.

Game progress:

The teacher introduces a stick and a dog.

Game situation: a dog came to visit us, she doesn’t have a home.

Game motivation: let's make her a house.

Teacher show: the teacher takes a shovel and digs a hole, then puts it on a stick in the hole.

The actions of children.

Encouragement: Well done, guys, now she has a house.

The game is fun "Drawing in the sand."

Purpose:   Continue to teach children how to draw individual pieces. Develop motor skills in children. To instill a desire to paint in the sand.

Equipment:   cases from pens.

Receptions: 1. Game motivation: the teacher invites you to draw on the sand.

2. Actions of the teacher: the teacher begins to draw the sun, and the children draw the little rays. (Grass, flower).

3. Note: you can draw while sitting.

4. Actions of children.

5. Encouragement: well done, that’s such a beautiful picture.

When playing, discover the world!

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Card file of games to familiarize with the environment for children 3 to 7 years old Prepared by the teacher of the kindergarten "Berry" Malysheva EB

2 “Where did the bunny hide!” Purpose: to describe, name, plants according to their characteristics and from the connection with the environment. Compose descriptive puzzles and guess puzzles about plants. Rules of the game: you can name the plant only after describing any character in turn. From the group of children choose a driver, the rest are divided into two subgroups. The driver hides the bunny under any plant (Tree, shrub) so that the other children do not see where the toy is hidden. Then the driver describes the plant (if it is difficult, the teacher helps). Which group will guess faster, under which plant the bunny is going to look for it. For example, a toy is hidden under a pine tree. The facilitator asks the 1st subgroup a riddle: “This is a tree, it has a strong, powerful trunk” (Answers of the children of the 1st subgroup), 2nd subgroup: “The leaves of this tree turn brown in the fall” (Children of the 2nd subgroup answer) . “Our friends” Purpose: To expand the children's perception of the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (fish, birds, animals), their care, their homes, to cultivate a caring attitude, interest and love for them. Material: lotto cards with the image of animals: a parrot, aquarium fish, parrots, hamster, turtles, etc. Small cards with the image of their dwellings (cage, terrarium, aquarium, drawer, etc.), feed. Lotto cards are dealt to the participants of the game, the host has small cards, turned upside down by an image. The host takes any card and shows the participants. The participant who needs this card raises his hand and explains why this card is needed specifically for his animal. For complication, you can add squats that are not related to these animals. “Where does it grow?” Purpose: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to increase the speed of reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, discipline. Rules of the game: to make out fruits and vegetables, and put some in the garden and others in the garden (imitation of the garden picture). The team that quickly sorted out all the items in places wins. Among the children are divided into two teams-brigades: vegetable growers and gardeners. Vegetables and fruits (dummies can be) laid out on the table. At the signal of the educator, the children make out vegetables and fruits to the corresponding ones with the pictures. The brigade that first finished the job wins. Children who do not participate in the teams verify the selection. After this, the winner team is announced. The game continues with other teams. “Flower shop” Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of plants (meadows, indoor, garden), to consolidate the ability to find the right flower according to the description. To teach to group plants by type. Material: you can use cards from the botanical lotto, indoor plants can be taken real, but not very large. The leader is selected, he is the seller (at first the leading adult. And then you can count), the remaining children are buyers. The buyer should describe the plant in such a way that the seller immediately guesses what kind of plant in question.

3 “The postman brought the package” Purpose: To form and expand children's ideas about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, etc., to learn to describe and recognize objects by description. Material: objects (imitations). Each is individually packaged in a paper bag. You can use puzzles. The parcel is brought to the group. The host (educator) distributes the packages to each child. Children look into them and take turns telling what they received in the mail. Children are encouraged to describe what is in their bag as described or using a riddle. "Edible not edible" Purpose: to form and consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and berries. Develop memory, coordination. Material: Ball. The host calls a vegetable, fruit, berry or any object, throws the ball to one of the participants, if the object belongs to the given ones, then it catches. You can play with the whole group at once with the help of claps (clap if the subject does not belong to the given ones) “A wonderful bag” Purpose: To form, consolidate children's knowledge about different natural objects (animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.). Develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech of children. Material: A beautifully designed bag, various toys that imitate animals, real or imitation vegetables and fruits. The presenter holds a bag with objects, invites children to come up one by one and identify the object by touch, without pulling it out, and will name characteristic signs. The rest of the children should, according to his description, guess what kind of object they are not yet seeing. After that, the child pulls the item out of the bag and shows it to all the children. “What first, then what?” Purpose: To form and consolidate children's knowledge of the degree of maturity of vegetables, fruits, the growth order of different plants, living creatures (fish, birds, amphibians). Material: Cards with different degrees of maturity of cards for each item (for example: green, small tomato, brown and red), growth order (seed, sprout, higher sprout, adult plant). Cards with different orders are given to children. At the signal of the leader, they should quickly find and build in order with the necessary pictures in order.

4 “What insect, name it?” Purpose: To formulate the concept of “insect” in children. Recognize and name insect representatives: a fly, a butterfly, a dragonfly, a ladybug, a bee, a bug, a grasshopper Didactic material: Cut images of insects. Methodology: Children should collect a picture for speed, name an insect. If someone is at a loss, you can use puzzles. "Root Tops" Purpose: To teach children to make a whole of parts. Didactic material: two hoops, pictures of vegetables. Methodology: Option 1. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables in which the roots go for food, and in the blue hoop those that use the tops. The child goes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable here. (in the area of \u200b\u200bintersection of the hoops there should be vegetables that use both the tops and the roots: onions, parsley, etc. Option 2. On the table are the tops and roots of vegetable plants. Children are divided into two groups: the tops and roots. Children are the first groups take the tops, the second roots. On a signal, everyone runs scattered. On a signal “One, two, three, find your pair!” “Guess what’s in your hand” Didactic task. Find out the named object using one of the analyzers. Game action. Run to to the caregiver with an object recognized by touch. Rule. Look at what lies it’s impossible to hold it in your hand. You need to know by touch. The course of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in his hands behind his back. Then he shows everyone any vegetables. Children who have the same vegetables in their hands Note: The game is recommended for children 3 to 4 years old “Guess what I ate.” Didactic task. Learn the subject using one of the analyzers. Game action. Guessing the taste. Rules. You can’t look at what is put into your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is. Equipment. Choose vegetables and fruits that are different to your taste. Wash them, peel, then cut into small pieces. On the table in the room where the children are sitting, they lay out the same objects for control and comparison. The course of the game. Having prepared fruits and vegetables (cut into pieces), the teacher brings them into the group room and treats one of the children, after asking him to close his eyes. Then he says: “Chew well, now say what you ate. Find one on the table. ” After all the children complete the task, the teacher treats all children with fruits and vegetables. Note. In the future, you can offer children to call the word taste sensations. The question should be asked so that in cases of difficulty, children can choose a suitable name for determining taste: “How did it become in your mouth?” (Bitter, sweet, sour.)

5 “Find what I will tell” A didactic task. Find items on the listed grounds. Game action. Guessing a plant according to the description of signs. The rule. Recognized vegetables or fruits can be called only at the request of the educator. Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the hallmarks of objects are clearly visible to all children. The course of the game. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher offers one of the guys: “Show me on the table, and then name what I told you about.” If the child copes with the task, the teacher describes another subject, and the task is already performed by another child. The game continues until all children guess the item as described. “Describe, I will guess.” The didactic task. Highlight and name the characteristic features of the subject in response to questions from an adult. Rules. You can not name what they describe. Answer the questions of the teacher clearly and correctly. Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out on the table. The teacher’s chair is set so that the plants are not visible to him. The course of the game. The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, select one. I will ask what he is, and you answer. Just don't say its name. I will try to guess by your answers. ” Then the teacher begins to ask questions in a certain sequence: “What is in shape? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there pits? What color? ”And so on. Children answer questions in detail. After the guys talk about the characteristic features of the subject, the teacher guesses riddles. “What is gone!” A didactic task. Name the plant from memory (without visual control). Game action. Guess which plant is gone. The rule. You can’t see which plant is being harvested. Equipment. On the table put 2 3 familiar to children from previous games of the plant. The course of the game. The teacher offers the kids to see what plants are on the table, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one plant. When the children open their eyes, the teacher asks: “What plant is gone?” If the correct answer is received, the plant is put in place, and the game is repeated with another subject. Note. The above games are recommended for children 3 to 4 years old. “Find the sheet I will show.” Didactic tasks a. Find items by similarity. Game action. Running kids with certain leaflets. The rule. You can run (“fly”) on command only to those who have the same leaflet in their hands as the teacher showed. Stroke and gr. During the walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and suggests finding the same. Selected leaves are compared in shape, noted how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher leaves everyone with a leaf from different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher picks up, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. Such leaves flew here. Show how they flew. " Children with maple leaves in their hands are spinning, and they stop at the command of the educator. The game is repeated with different leaves.

6 “When does this happen?” Purpose: To teach children to distinguish the signs of the seasons. Using the poetic word to show the beauty of the different seasons, the diversity of seasonal phenomena and people’s activities. Didactic material: For each child, pictures with landscapes of spring, summer, autumn and winter, a poem of the seasons. Methodology: The teacher reads the poem, and the children show a picture with the image of that season, which is mentioned in the poem. "Beasts, birds, fish" Purpose: To consolidate the ability to classify animals, birds, fish. Didactic material: Ball. Methodology: Option 1: Children become in a circle. One of the players picks up an object and hands it to the neighbor on the right, saying: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? ”The neighbor takes the item and quickly answers (name of any bird). Then he passes the thing to another child, with the same question. The subject is transferred in a circle until the stock of knowledge of the participants in the game is exhausted. They also play, calling fish, animals. (you cannot call the same bird, fish, beast). Option 2: The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word “bird”. The child who has caught the ball must choose a specific concept, for example, “sparrow,” and throw the ball back. The next child should name the bird, but not be repeated. Similarly, a game is played with the words "animals" and "fish." “Fold the animal” Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about pets. Learn to describe by the most typical features. Didactic material: pictures depicting different animals (each in duplicate). Methodology: one copy of the whole pictures, and the second cut into four parts. Children examine whole pictures, then they must form an image of the animal from the cut parts, but without a sample. “Fourth Extra” Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of insects. Didactic Material: None. Methodology: The teacher names four words, the children should give an extra word: 1) a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, a bumblebee; 2) wagtail, spider, starling, magpie; 3) butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; 4) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, chafer; 5) bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee; 6) grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito; 7) cockroach, fly, bee, chafer; 8) dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug; 9) a frog, mosquito, bug, butterfly; 10) dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

ECOLOGY DIDACTIC GAMES CARD FOR JUNIOR GROUP “Where the Bunny Hid!” Purpose: to describe, name, plants according to their characteristic features and from the connection with the environment. Write descriptive puzzles

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   "What has changed" The didactic task. Find items by similarity. Game action. Search for a similar item. The rule. A recognized plant can be shown only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.

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Osipova Tatyana Leonidovna City Petropavlovsk GKKP "Nursery Garden" Ak Bot "Educator Synopsis of organized educational activities Age group: middle group Educational area:" Knowledge "Introduction

  Natalya Dippel



Teach children to navigate by road signs, follow the rules of the road. To cultivate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other.

GAME CHALLENGE: To navigate in a traffic situation.


Follow the rules of the road. Monitor the implementation of the rules by others.


Models of houses, cars, small toys, road, road signs, small toys of men.


The road is laid out on the floor, layouts of houses, road signs are placed. Children share toys - cars and cars, remember the rules of the road. Violated traffic rules, delayed. The game is repeated until they learn to follow the rules of the road. For each violation, tear off the petal from the control card. Wins   the one who has kept all the petals.



Introducing children to nature.


To shape   respect for the natural environment, the formation of   knowledge of the interdependence of nature and man. To give children ideas about what relates to animate and inanimate nature.


Panel "Living and inanimate nature", flowers, leaves, palms, petals to a large flower with inscriptions that relates to wildlife.


1 option "Flower of Life".

Together with the children, the teacher collects the flower - of life, the children determine what happens to wildlife - reproduction, breathing, movement, etc. When they collect the flower of life, they pick up small flowers and put them on the picture where wildlife is shown, give an explanation of why they think so.

Option 2 "Man-made and miraculous world"

Together with the educator, children determine what is done by human hands and what is created by nature. Explains the rules games   - children find objects that are created for people and put on them "Palm", and on those objects that are created by nature put "Leaf". When the game ends, the children explain why they think so.



Use children's knowledge of objects surrounding them.


To shape   realistic views of objects used by boys and girls (clothes, shoes, toys, sports equipment). To consolidate knowledge about the objective world. Continue to teach children to use in speech sentences of complex construction, common sentences. To develop systematic thinking in the process of expanding knowledge about household items, group by purpose. To foster interest in the objective world.


A panel with figures of a girl and a boy, pictures of clothes, shoes and toys.


Children examine small pictures with clothes, shoes, sports equipment and toys, then lay out on the panel what the boy needs and what the girl needs. When they finish the game, they explain why they think so.


TARGET: Using knowledge of the world around.

TASK: To shape   realistic ideas about the world around. To consolidate the ability to work with questions, to independently compose them. Continue to teach children to use in speech sentences of complex construction, common sentences. Activate and enrich the dictionary. To develop visual perception, attention and memory. To foster children's interest and love for nature.

MATERIAL: TV layout, pictures cut in half.


On the TV screen, half of the picture, children among the other half of the pictures are looking for the second half of the picture from the screen. When they find a soul mate, make up a picture from two halves. Based on the picture, children make up a story or answer questions asked by the teacher

Find a tree

Equipment:   fruits and leaves of different trees.

1st option.   The teacher describes the appearance of a tree - its size, color, leaf shape, the presence of seeds and fruits. Children independently determine what kind of tree it is and after the teacher’s words: “One, two, three - run!” - run up to him.

You can describe plants that are in the class using the words shape coloring   and etc.

After the game, the most attentive and disciplined students are noted.

2nd option.   The teacher gives children leaves and fruits of different trees. On a signal, everyone runs up to that tree from which a leaf or fruit that he has got is ripped off.

What changed?

Equipment:   subject pictures.

On a typesetting canvas the subject pictures are displayed: flowers, leaves, fruits.   At the signal of the host, the children close their eyes. The host takes one or two pictures, and the children call what picture is gone.

Make a bouquet

Equipment:   subject pictures.

Pupils examine pictures and clarify the names of the colors depicted on them. Then, at the request of the host, “make up” bouquets of garden, forest or wildflowers.

Find a pair

Equipment:   leaves and fruits of different trees.

The players are divided into two teams: one distributes the leaves, the other - the fruits. At the signal of the leader, the children become pairs so that the leaves correspond to the fruits.

A correctly composed pair passes through the “magic gate” (two children with their hands raised up). If the task is not performed correctly, the gate closes (arms raised lower).

Find three identical leaves

The game is played in the fall during the tour.

The teacher shows children a leaf of a tree, a bush. Children must find three corresponding leaves, provided that they cannot be torn from the trees - only fallen leaves can be picked up.

The one who will complete the task wins.

Make a leaf ornament

Equipment:   leaves of trees.

The teacher lays out an ornament of leaves (for example, two leaves of maple, one leaf of chestnut, etc.). Children continue to lay out this sequence on their own.

The game can be held as a competition between two teams. Each team in a given pattern makes an ornament. The team that first performs the task correctly wins.

What did people grow up?

Equipment:   real fruits and vegetables or their images.

Children are divided into teams. One of them “collects” vegetables, the other - fruits. You can collect real objects or pictures with their image.

The team that completed the task faster wins.

Where did the nesting doll hide?

Equipment:   nesting doll.

The teacher shows the children a small nesting doll, then invites them to close their eyes and hide the toy behind one of the plants in the classroom. Children open their eyes and the teacher describes them a plant (stem, leaves, flowers), behind which is hidden a nesting doll. The one who correctly named the plant first wins.

The game can be continued at the school site, in the park.

Tops and roots

Equipment:   real "tips" and "roots" of vegetables or pictures with their image.

The game is held during a walk.

  • 1- th option.   The teacher divides the children into two groups. One of them he distributes "roots" (onions, turnips, carrots, potatoes   etc.), the other is the “tops” of these plants. All the "tips" and "roots" mixed up. At the signal of the teacher: “One, two, three - find your couple!” All the children pick up a couple.
  • 2- th option.   "Roots" stand still. "Tops" run around the site. At the command of the teacher, they must stand so that the tops and roots are one.

The correctness of the assignment can check the "magic gate" (two children) or the teacher himself.

What vegetables are needed for borsch?

Equipment:   real vegetables or subject pictures with their image.

The teacher offers children to “cook” borsch for dinner. Pupils choose vegetables that are needed for borsch ( cabbage, beets, beans, carrots, onions   etc.). Among vegetables should be those that are not needed for borsch (for example, cucumber, zucchini   and etc.).

What first, then what?

Equipment:   subject pictures.

The teacher gives children fruits and vegetables. On a signal: “Find your vegetable!” Children in the hands of which have vegetables and fruits of the same name are united in groups. In each group, they are placed, observing the sequence of ripening - from unripe to ripe. The team that builds quickly and in the right sequence wins.

Equipment:   subject pictures depicting vegetables, fruits and insects.

Object pictures are placed on the table face down. Players take turns taking pictures. Anyone who takes a picture of an insect loses its course, i.e. He doesn’t put the picture on the table, but puts it back, and all the pictures are mixed again.

The winner is the one with the largest “harvest” of vegetables and fruits.

We will harvest in the field, in the garden, in the garden

Equipment:   subject pictures.

Three teams are harvesting: the first in the field, the second in the garden, the third in the garden. The team that first completed the game task correctly wins.

Puzzle Game "Forest"

Equipment:   Pictures of forest plants.

The teacher makes riddles, children guess them. If the answer is correct, the host shows a puzzle picture.

At the end of the game, a conclusion is made: different plants grow in the forest - trees, shrubs, berries, flowers, mushrooms, etc.

Children agree who will be a flower and sit on chairs in a circle. The host (a chair is not provided for him) begins to "weave" a wreath, calling any flower. The named “flower” takes the lead of the hand and in turn calls the next flower. Gradually, the "wreath" becomes longer and longer. After the last participant of the game is included in it - a “wreath” of gossip. All the “flowers” \u200b\u200bincluded in it, together with the host, lead a round dance around the chairs, reciting verses. After the host’s words “flowers wilted”, the children try to take chairs. Anyone who is left without a place continues the game and begins to "weave" a new wreath.

For round dance you can use the following verses:

Dandelion. Golden dandelion. He was beautiful, young. He was not afraid of anyone.

Even the wind itself. Golden dandelion Aged and turned gray,

And as soon as he turned gray, flew away with the wind.

3. Alexandrova

Necessary - not necessary

The host says: “I want to plant a garden. Do you need cabbage? ”Children answer:“ I need *. Listing vegetable plants, the leader also names fruit plants, flowers. Which of the children was mistaken - pays phantom.

"Having planted * a garden, children continue the game - they begin" to plant a * garden. The leader, listing fruits, uses the names of vegetables and flowers.

The one who never made a mistake wins.

What grows in the forest?

On the instructions of the leader, the players take turns calling the plants that grow in the forest. For example, the first one says: "Butter". The second: "Raspberry *. Third: "Spruce * etc. Anyone who gave the wrong answer or could not remember the name of the plant in time leaves the game.

The winner is the one who could name the last plant.

By analogy, you can offer children other game questions: What is growing in the field? What grows in the meadow? What grows in the garden? What is growing in the garden?

Where is it growing?

The teacher throws the ball to the children in turn and calls the plant. Having caught the ball, the child must quickly answer where it grows - in the garden, in the forest, in the field, in the meadow.

Forest - garden

The teacher names forest and garden plants. The task of the players is not to make a mistake in dividing them into groups and clap their hands only when the name of the garden plant sounds.

At the end of the game, the winner is determined - the one who has never made a mistake in the continuation of the whole game.

"Nature and man"

Purpose:   to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what man is created and what nature gives to man.

Materials: ball.

Game progress:   the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by human hands or exist in nature, and the person uses them; for example, wood, coal, oil, gas exists in nature, and people create houses and plants.

"What is man made?" asks the teacher and throws the ball.

"What is created by nature"? asks the teacher and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Who can’t remember skips his turn.

"The birds have arrived."

Purpose: clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bbirds.

Game progress:   the teacher calls only birds, but if he suddenly makes a mistake, then the children should stomp or clap.

For example. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts.

Children stomp -

What is wrong? (flies)

And who are the flies? (insects)

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta.

Children stomp.

Birds arrived: pigeons, martens ...

Children stomp. The game continues.

Birds arrived:

Doves of tits

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even owls are crampons

Swans, starlings.

You are all well done.

Bottom line: the teacher, along with the children, clarifies migratory and wintering birds.

"What it is?"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.

Game progress: the educator makes up an object of animate or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guessed it, the next subject is guessed; if not, the list of signs is increasing. For example: “Egg” - oval, white, brittle, solid on top, inside most often liquid, nutritious, can be found in a peasant's yard, in a forest, even in a city, chicks hatch from it.

"I know".

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of nature. Develop cognitive and


Game progress: children become in a circle, in the center - an educator with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the class of objects of nature (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who caught the ball says: “I know five names of animals” and lists (for example, moose, fox, wolf, hare, deer) and returns the ball to the educator.

Other classes of objects of nature are called analogously.

"What would happen if they disappeared from the forest ..."

Purpose: consolidate knowledge of the relationship in nature.

Game progress: the teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the inhabitants? And if the birds disappeared? And if the berries were gone? And if there were no mushrooms? And if rabbits had left the forest?

It turns out that it was no accident that the forest brought its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They cannot do without each other.