Relationships for marriage. Compatibility of names in marriage and love in numerology

There are many ways to determine the compatibility of partners in love and marriage. The most common are such calculations by date of birth, astrological horoscope and by name. Many believe that names can have an important influence on the character and destiny of a person.

In order to find out what awaits you next to your soulmate, pay attention to how consonant your names are. You can also calculate compatibility with a loved one in marriage. This will help you understand exactly what you should pay more attention to in a relationship, determine your strengths and weaknesses as couples.

What names are 100% suitable in love and marriage?

It is believed that the ideal life partner can be recognized by name. Of course, one cannot absolutely say that marriage of men and with good compatibility of names will definitely be happy. In this situation, a lot will depend on the nature of the partners, their ability to accept a loved one as he is.

Many psychologists believe that the strongest alliances are for those couples in which the characters and temperaments of people complement each other.

Ideal couples for female names

  • Anastasia, Zhanna, Arina, Kristina and Oksana are very confident women with an active lifestyle. Their perfect marriage compatibility will be with men named Victor, Anton, Kirill, Pavel, Boris and Stepan. Such girls from a young age know what they want from life, in a loved one they seek support and restraint. They do not like excessive emotionality, too explicit expression of their feelings will only push them away.
  • Love, Sofia, Valeria, Victoria and Vera are careerists. Almost always put work at the forefronttherefore rarely enter into a serious relationship at an early age. They are independent, do not accept sponsorship from a loved one.

    Prefer to have a separate family budget to keep track of their income. They want to see equality and equality in marriage. They will not obey, but they themselves will not be beaten out as leaders. They should look at Roman, Stanislav, Alexei and Artem.

    Karina, Angelica, Kira, Alla, Anfisa and Barbara women are calm, home-stay. Having married a loved one, they become wonderful mistresses, fully devote themselves to the family. They choose the partner very carefully, weigh the pros and cons for a long time before tying themselves up by marriage.

    They can create an ideal union with Jacob, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Arthur and Svyatoslav. In marriage, it is very important for them to see a strong man next to them, next to whom they will feel completely safe.

    For Ulyana, Olesya, Lydia, Larisa and Polina, happiness lies in the common interests with a loved one. In marriage, they want to have a like-minded person next to them who will fully understand them. They will never pay attention to a man who is inferior to them in intellectual development.

    These women are distinguished by patience, but the main negative trait of their character is vindictiveness. They are able to close their eyes to the petty misconduct of a loved one, but insults and obvious mistakes do not forgive. An ideal marriage for these women will be with Timothy, Fedor, Nazar, Bogdan and Daniel.

    Veronica, Diana, Inga, Maya, Nina and Regina are impulsive women, accustomed to the constant attention of the opposite sex. They are very sensual, distinguished by a bright appearance and emotionality. These girls are constantly chasing time, it is not enough 24 hours a day to do everything that they planned.

    They can only relax next to their loved one, therefore they choose for their companions a calm and balanced life that will help them solve any problems. The spouse should show attention and care to them, be a good conversationalist and attentive listener. Alliances with Yaroslav, Rodion, Plato, Andrei and Leo will be successful.

Also see this table:

For male names

  • Semyon, Gleb, Anatoly, Ivan, Vadim and Nikita have the strongest marriages with Marina, Maria, Lyudmila, Julia and Elizabeth. These men are very proud, choose a partner in life for a long time, carefully looking at their behavior and upbringing. In marriage, they will always strive to defend their leading position, so they need a partner with a soft, flexible character who will turn a blind eye to their shortcomings.
  • Yuri, Vladimir, Miron, Konstantin, Mikhail and Alexander will be happy in their relationship with Margarita, Tatyana, Yana, Natalya and Olga. The main character traits of these men are restraint and almost angelic patience. In communication with a beloved woman, they are always balanced, they are very difficult to get mad.

    Pay attention to impulsive girls who do not hesitate to express their own feelings. They appreciate the unpredictability and physical beauty of women of the opposite sex.

  • Vadim, Roman, Yegor, Gennady and Andrey should pay attention to women with the names of Julia, Alina, Catherine, Eugene and Galina. Such men are very sociable and cheerful. They value their own freedom and are reluctant to tie the knot.

    They choose a partner for a long time, constantly comparing her with other women, trying to find their ideal, which they keep in mind from a young age. They want to see a beautiful woman in her beloved, who in her soul will remain a child. They are looking for girls spontaneity and an active life position.

  • For Nikolai, Stanislav, Igor, Oleg and Valery, Victoria, Nadezhda, Valentina, Anna, Ksenia and Anastasia will be a wonderful party in the marriage. Men with such names are very masterful, in relations with a partner they emphasize their own independence, rarely share their emotions. Infrequent compromises are therefore required of their spouses unlimited patience.

    A woman for them is the personification of warmth, kindness and thrift. Arriving home after a hard working day, they want their beloved to meet them at the doorstep, hug, kiss, feed a delicious dinner. In gratitude they will idolize and pamper their beloved, are able to turn mountains to see a smile on her face.

    Leonid, Denis, Eugene, Alexei, Maxim and Ilya will find their happiness in alliance with Lyudmila, Daria, Irina, Eugenia and Svetlana. These men with solid principles of life, have a complex, stubborn character. In communication with a beloved, there are often harsh and impulsive, which leads her to hysteria.

    They need a flint woman who will not pay attention to their explosive emotions and words spoken in the heat of the moment. The spouse wants to see a sensible, smart girl. They choose a soul mate, which will become their ally and partner, will support and respect his opinion in everything.

What is perfect compatibility?

We make up a certain opinion about a person by pronouncing his name for the first time. For example, the owner of the name Gregory due to the rolling letter "P" may seem to us a confident and even aggressive person.

The name Konstantin in its sound speaks of the strength of willpower and the habit of standing on one’s own. Alexander combines leadership qualities, as indicated by the first letter of the alphabet at the beginning of the name, and the habit of pursuing his own, as evidenced by the sonorous ending.

Each letter and sound is perceived by a person in a special way.. Some are more sympathetic to us already by ear, even if we have not seen their owners. Our brain, processing information received through the ears, makes certain associations with what we like and what can be unpleasant.

If you want to know the most accurate result of compatibility with a partner, then pay attention also to his last name and patronymic. Often they are able not only to enhance the personality traits of a person, determined by his name, but also to reduce them or completely change them.

  • By its sound, the owner of the name Sergey can build strong stable relations with Tatyana, Victoria or Maria. A suitable party would also be a woman named Arina. In such a union will be present not only love, but also a strong friendship. Partners will feel good each other’s mood and desires, supporting their beloved when necessary.
  • For Andrei, Natalia, Anna, Elizabeth and Marina can become wonderful darlings. In such couples, lovers will take care of each other's interests, put their loved one above their own. The relationship will be filled with vivid stormy emotions, as each partner will consider that he knows what is best to do in a given situation.
  • Alexander has good compatibility in love with Anna, Elena and Olga. People who join such unions will complement each other, like two halves of one whole. Often partners in them have similar energy potential, therefore they are able to fuel the life balance of the forces of a loved one, like a battery. People with these names have one of the most favorable compatibility.
  • For a man named Dmitry, Svetlana, Ekaterina, Oksana and Sofia will become suitable parties.  But the alliance with Angela or Anastasia is not so successful. A strong passion will bind people in it, but as such there will be no deep feelings between partners.
  • The owner of the name Tatyana has good name compatibility with Miron, Sergey, Konstantin and Mark. In relations with Maxim, the girl will be waiting for frequent conflicts due to misunderstanding, and with Vladimir or Anton one should keep an eye out, since the likelihood of the beloved person is unfaithful.
  • Lyudmilam is often pretty Roman, Oleg, Victor and Denis. It is important for them to have common interests with a partner, to feel that they are on the same wavelength. Girls with this name are accustomed to trust the opinion of their other half, they like to make plans for a joint future, they become wonderful parents.
  • A woman named Maria is very romantic, has a light and even airy character. Gleb, Andrey or Ilya are perfect for her. Men with such names are more mundane and will balance their beloved soaring in the clouds. The strongest such unions are if partners enter into them already in adulthood.
  • Elizabeth should pay attention to Ivan, Vladimir, Maxim and Victor. Such men have a subtle sense of humor, and this is exactly what Elizabeth is looking for in her beloved in the first place. Over time, the relationship in the pair becomes only stronger, partners begin to completely trust each other, confidence in the future comes and a feeling of happiness and tranquility.

The way relations between people develop is determined not only by the characteristics and inclinations of each of them, but also by the numerical vibration that characterizes any union - business, friendly, love. Knowing the number uniting one or another pair allows you to predict how the relationship will develop, and determine in which direction the energy of the partners should be directed, because sometimes you can achieve something that turns out to be unattainable for a person acting alone.

For analysis, enter the name and surname of both partners:

Determine Name Compatibility

Description of Compatibility Numbers

Compatibility Number 1
Vibration of a unit gives such a pair enviable strength and energy, and at the same time the desire for power. The fate of such an alliance is equally affected by both partners, who think in a similar way. Should such a couple become the head of any enterprise - and it will begin to flourish, grow, dynamically develop. Such a couple will not experience a lack of ideas, bold projects, or original solutions; she won’t have to suffer because of the lack of like-minded people.
By working together, such partners can achieve excellent results. It is noteworthy that fame and power excite them no less than money, but in their quest for the heights such people do not violate moral principles and always try to follow, if not the letter, then the spirit of the law.

Compatibility Number 2
Such a pair is strong in mutual understanding; partners help each other always and in everything, sincerely striving to achieve common goals, and their relationship is based on absolute trust. Collaboration on equal terms will be fruitful: if you divide into a commander and a performer, you will not achieve such high results.
  The vibrations of the deuce have a beneficial effect on those who have chosen the diplomatic field, and contributes to the implementation of plans whose purpose is to help others. The sincere interest of such a couple with the fate of others will make it attractive to everyone. Spouses, united by a deuce, rarely quarrel and easily find a common language, because they understand how important compromises are. A cozy house, always open for friends and those who need help and support, is a must for such a couple.

Compatibility Number 3
Thanks to the vibration of the three, affecting this union, partners receive an enviable charge of creativity. Together they can succeed in art, and in any other field of activity that requires an unusual outlook on things. This couple will be extremely popular: usually partners are surrounded by friends, easily make acquaintances, find like-minded people and those who share their interests. The attraction of partners to each other in this pair is very strong and does not fade over time.
  The vibrations of the three will help such a pair succeed in any field that requires interaction with other people. The participants in this union should stay away from politics - a side effect of the influence of the troika is usually frivolity, inability to protect the interests of others.

Compatibility Number 4
The couple, influenced by the vibrations of the four, partners combine hard work, determination, energy and loyalty to traditions. This combination is well suited for business relationships, and the four brings friendship and love unions to a calm that is not conducive to strong passions and the manifestation of emotions. There are pluses to this: relations do not take away a lot of mental strength, there are no crises and long recessions in them.
  In work, members of such an alliance succeed. The vibrations of the four help them to plan their time wisely, set their priorities correctly, and organize the work of other people.
The influence of the four also contributes to success in entrepreneurial activity, because it helps to make decisions in time, to fight against internal apathy, and simply gives energy. Favorable areas for work are construction, farming, and finance.

Compatibility Number 5
The vibrations of the five in the relationship of any couple will bring the spirit of adventure, adventurism and a constant desire for a new one. Since in this case the influence of the five is unifying, both partners experience a thirst for constant changes. Together, they move from place to place again and again, look for ways to expand their field of activity, start a new life every time the old one is at least a little bored. There is no uniformity in these relations, but they lack stability. Under the influence of the five, both begin to live one day, forget about the need to take care of the future, plan it.
  The vibrations of the five will help such a couple succeed in entrepreneurial activity, make a lot of useful contacts, succeed in any activity where communication and the ability to influence others are important.

Compatibility Number 6
The vibration of the six will give this couple a unique ability to enjoy life and accept it as it is. Partners seek only what they can achieve without wasting energy on goals too large or too far. Among the priorities of such a pair, caring for loved ones occupies an important place; the ability to help and care for all members of the unions united by the six is \u200b\u200bvery highly developed.
  Such couples attach great importance to family life, personal relationships. Partners are able to maintain peace and sincere disposition towards each other even when they have differences. They always confront negative external influences together. Such a pair can be separated, but the spiritual connections that exist in it are unbreakable.

Compatibility Number 7
The influence of the sevens makes any couple think about things that seem to be not very important from the point of view of everyday life. Partners are interested in philosophy, occult sciences, magic. They strive much more to comprehend the secrets of the universe than to achieve material prosperity, power, and glory. The ideals of such partners may not correspond to the generally accepted ones, in some ways even go against them; the pair, united by the seven, always remains true to its principles.
In any situation requiring an early decision-making, participants in such an alliance feel uncomfortable. But working in a calm, measured rhythm, they will be able to achieve excellent results - if only because they are creative in any business. The ability to sympathize and worry, as well as alleviate other people's suffering, makes such people indispensable in medicine.

Compatibility Number 8
Such a couple has every chance to succeed, because where the eight is, there is glory, power and wealth. All the members of the union strive to achieve all these benefits in an honest way: the number uniting such a pair does not allow them to commit low, immoral acts. In implementing their projects, the couple seeks not to violate either the spirit or the letter of the law, therefore it enjoys well-deserved respect, is considered respectable and worthy of trust.
  The desire for justice, the desire to help those in need, to support those in need, often leads a couple who are under the influence of the eight, so such people are eager to do charity work and are not indifferent to the authorities, which can change the world for the better. Legal and legislative activity attracts united by the eight; they are also interested in insurance and financial activities.

Compatibility Number 9
The union, which is influenced by the nine, attracts with its versatility: such a pair has many features and monotony will never overshadow the relationship. Partners easily go through life together, their thoughts and feelings are common, and their aspirations are aimed at the same goal. Nine strengthens the ability to absorb information; no field of knowledge seems to such people too boring.
  This couple will succeed in studying the esoteric sciences. Good results will be achieved in the field of psychology, sociology and other social sciences. Nine develops the ability to abstract thinking, the perception of theoretical knowledge, generalization, as well as planning and modeling. Such a couple will be fascinated by scientific and research work, requiring both logic and intuition. The participants in such an alliance are brought together by a desire for travel, learning new things, as well as a tendency to reflect on issues that determine the fate of mankind.

Since ancient times, people believed that stars influence fate. The compatibility of the zodiac signs in love can influence the choice and help to avoid problems in the relationship between a man and a woman.


Table of compatible and incompatible zodiac signs

Astrology researchers have calculated the pattern of happy relationships in matching pairs of signs. We found out the probability of successful falling in love or complete incompatibility.

In the table you can see the compatibility of the zodiac signs in love in percent.

Red indicates good compatibility, pink indicates medium, blue indicates low compatibility.

Horoscope of compatibility by zodiac sign, name and year

In the Eastern horoscope there is no habitual separation by months. A sign characterizing a person is given to him not by date, but by year of birth. The cycle of the Eastern horoscope consists of twelve years. Each year takes place under the auspices of a mythical creature or animal. Each patron year has a special meaning and strength with which it gives people born in this period.

The eastern horoscope is divided into triads:

  1. First: Dragon, Rat and Monkey. The patrons of this triad give the desire for absolute good or evil. People born in this period are not exchanged for trifles.
  2. Second: Snake, Rooster and Bull. People of the second triad are endowed with a tendency to painstaking work, they are stubbornly moving towards their goal.
  3. Third: Dog, Tiger and Horse. Representatives of the third triad are excellent interlocutors who know how to influence others. They often have a large circle of friends, but there is a need for only one loved one.
  4. Fourth: Goat, Pig and Cat (Rabbit). The last triad gives rise to people with pronounced creative abilities. Its representatives have a subtle intuition.

You can learn more about the eastern horoscope in the video. Video shot by Fun Studio channel.

No less important when choosing a life partner is the compatibility of names. It is easier for partners who are matching each other in name and in the sign of the zodiac to interact with each other and avoid sharp corners in relationships.


Aries begins the zodiac cycle. Representatives of the sign are inherent in initiative, energy and often expressiveness in actions. Neither patience nor tact is peculiar to them. With all this, Aries are desperate fighters for justice, persistent in the pursuit of their goals. Until the end of their lives, these people retain an almost childlike belief in the best, not subject to vices. On the other hand, Aries are often egocentric and may not notice others on the way to the dream.

Most compatible names

Of male names with a sign, they are best compatible:

  • Boris
  • Stepan
  • Arkady.

In addition, good compatibility can be traced with the names:

  • Andrey;
  • Boris
  • Mark;
  • Egor;
  • Vladimir

Among the perfect female names are:

  • Alla
  • Anna;
  • Margarita
  • Angela
  • Larisa
  • Anastasia
  • Lydia

Of all the options, the tandem of Aries with the Tiger is considered the most favorable. Such a couple will amaze others with a stream of emotions and passion. For all their fiery nature, such alliances are durable.


Representatives of this sign will take from life everything that they want. They are distinguished by patience and determination, they are ready to wait a long time for the right moment and equip personal comfort. Taurus is often passive and ready to expect suitable opportunities than to contribute to their appearance. However, this does not prevent the sign from possessing the true gift of realizing beautiful dreams.

Most compatible names

Lovely couples form Taurus with men who hold these names:

  • Pavel;
  • Yuri
  • Valery.

High compatibility is observed with the names:

  • Alexander;
  • Denis;
  • Radmir
  • Anatoly.

The perfect batch of Taurus will be the owners of the names:

  • Nina;
  • Zinaida
  • Dina.

The most compatible oriental sign

Balanced Taurus forms the best pair with a gusty Horse. She does not allow the phlegmatic Taurus to fall into apathy. He, in turn, helps the short-sighted horse to prioritize, direct energy in the right direction.


Gemini is an air sign, which gives them ease in communicating with people and making important decisions. They easily have others around them, often possess high intellectual data. It is extremely difficult for the interlocutors to make the Gemini take a different point of view, the representatives of the sign will insistently and tactfully insist on their own, turning any argument into the right direction. Often, Gemini simply passes uninteresting or unpleasant information to their ears.

Most compatible names

Great partners for Gemini will be men with the names:

  • Igor
  • Konstantin;
  • Daniel.

Good compatibility with name holders:

  • Nikita
  • Stanislav;
  • Maksim.

Gemini will find reliable wives in girls with names:

  • Jeanne;
  • Alexandra;
  • Valeria.

Good name compatibility:

  • Elena;
  • Yuliya;
  • Nellie.

The most compatible oriental sign

A faithful partner Gemini will be the Cat. He will keep comfort in the house and keep the impetuous lover or lover from rash acts. The twins, in turn, will support the Cat in his creative endeavors.


Cancer is the most emotional of all the signs, but it always keeps emotions locked up, it does not immediately open to others. His secrecy is directly related to his sensitivity and vulnerability. Cancers have an excellent analytical mind, which allows them to apply for leadership positions. Unfortunately, many representatives of the sign experience difficulties in communicating with others, subconsciously trying to hide their spiritual softness under the carapace of sharpness and causticity.

Most compatible names

In love, Crayfish will be happy with the name owners:

  • Victor;
  • Artyom;
  • Leonid.

Good compatibility is tracked with names:

  • Benjamin;
  • Michael;
  • Konstantin;
  • Arkady.

The best combination with female names:

  • Bogdan;
  • Dina.

Compatible with names:

  • Diana;
  • Sofia;
  • Juliet;
  • Olesya.

The most compatible oriental sign

Cancer will gain reliable support in the face of the Dog. Partners with seeming external coldness are emotional, the family for them becomes the most important life priority.

a lion

Lions are proud and ambitious. Representatives of this sign strive for luxury and recognition. They are characterized by a love for broad gestures, often excessive generosity and a greed for flattery. Lions with constant success climb the corporate ladder.

Most compatible names

Male names suitable for Leo's beloved:

  • Ilya
  • Yaroslav.


  • Peter;
  • Ruslan;
  • Eldar.

Feminine names suitable for Leo's lovers:

  • Irina;
  • Emma.

A wonderful couple will be:

  • Lada;
  • Daria;
  • Marina;
  • Ella.

The most compatible oriental sign

The dragon will become an ideal for Leo in his love of showiness and will shine with him. A little competition is possible in the pair, which in the future will develop into stable and harmonious relations.


Virgos are known for their heightened sense of justice, adherence to truth. Representatives of the sign are attentive to the smallest details both in character and in appearance, subtly feel any lie and insincerity. Virgos are sensitive natures who find it difficult to come to terms with complexities and disharmony.

Most compatible names

Named male lovers

  • Gleb;
  • Timothy;
  • Denis.

Reliable support will be:

  • Vsevolod;
  • Dmitry;
  • Egor;
  • Gennady.

The most harmonious will be the union with the girls whose names:

  • Angelina
  • Diana;
  • Lyudmila.

Virgin virgin compatible with:

  • Natalya;
  • Alice
  • Alloy;
  • Lydia

The most compatible oriental sign

Virgo is often subject to doubt, but the Tiger, unlike her, fearlessly encounters life's difficulties. Such a tandem will easily compensate for each other's shortcomings, creating a loving couple.


Libra is characterized by charm and friendliness; they perfectly find a common language with any person. The sign is characterized by an extremely careful attitude to relatives, an almost mystical ability to predict situations. The endless craving for a better understanding of the issue often leads Libra to indecision and inability to take a decisive step.

Most compatible names

The names of twins are suitable:

  • Semyon;
  • Albert
  • Philip.

A harmonious pair will turn out with:

  • Arkady;
  • Valery;
  • Potap;
  • Basil.

A good combination for Libra will be in a relationship with the ladies whose names:

  • Elizabeth;
  • Svetlana
  • Catherine;
  • Ruslana.

The most compatible oriental sign

Libra and Pig form a loving couple. The representative of the air sign gives the partner refinement and restraint, in return receiving energy to fight indecision and unconditional trust.


Scorpios have a strong character, self-confidence, which often borders on unceremoniousness and selfishness. The trick allows them to deftly maneuver in any dispute, to turn the situation in the right direction. The vivid personality of Scorpio often attracts the attention of both supporters and ill-wishers.

Most compatible names

Representatives of the sign will be comfortable with men named:

  • Arthur;
  • Kirill;
  • Svyatoslav.

Good compatibility with male names:

  • Yefim;
  • Ivan
  • Danil.

A successful marriage awaits Scorpio with girls named:

  • Svetlana
  • Eugene;
  • Tatyana.

Good compatibility with representatives of the sign with the names:

  • Pauline;
  • Angelina
  • Arina.

The most compatible oriental sign

The alliance of Scorpio and Goats will be favorable. will give Kosa ambitiousness, share his inner strength, which, in turn, will soften its harshness.


Sagittarius is extremely straightforward, great friends and hardworking employees. The tactless remarks thrown by Sagittarius usually arise from the complete inability of the latter to hide their emotions. Representatives of the sign are charismatic, have a clearly defined leadership position, are not afraid to defend their opinion.

Most compatible names

Amorous archers will suit partners with names:

  • Matvey;
  • Edward;
  • Svyatoslav.

Good compatibility is observed with the names:

  • Yaroslav;
  • Andrey;
  • Arkady.

The most compatible oriental sign

Sagittarius often find family happiness in alliance with the Roosters. Sagittarius relieves the partner of unnecessary pretentiousness and temper, he in response supports Sagittarius in everything, takes care of comfort.


Capricorn is an earthly sign, so its representatives are always firmly on their feet, confidently follow their goal. Capricorns are practical and restrained, reluctantly converge with new people, but devoted to old friends infinitely. Sometimes this approach brings Capricorns a lot of trouble, but they rarely can change their behavior. Thanks to their qualities, representatives of the sign achieve stunning results in their careers and business. For all that, they are reliable family men.

Most compatible names

The names of the chosen ones are:

  • Arthur;
  • Trofim.

Go well together:

  • Sergey;
  • Alexander;
  • Fedor.

The chosen ones in a successful marriage often bear the names:

  • Hope;
  • Svetlana
  • Amalia.

The names will be successful:

  • Olga
  • Valeria.

The most compatible oriental sign

Happy couples create Capricorns with Rats. Both signs are very practical, which allows them not to quarrel over household issues. The sociable Rat will allow Capricorn to concentrate on his tasks, leaving the partner the opportunity to establish relations with the environment. Capricorn will save a loved one from unnecessary fuss and pettiness.


The air sign of Aquarius is famous for its ambiguity. Its representatives are full of contradictions. Open and friendly, they rarely find a friend whom they could trust. Despise wealth, but always gravitate to comfort. Strong creative nature with well-developed intuition.

Most compatible names

Aquarians are happily married to men named:

  • Anatoly
  • Anton;
  • Rostislav.

Suitable partners by name:

  • Konstantin;
  • Gregory
  • Marat;
  • Eugene.

Female names most suitable for the chosen one of Aquarius:

  • Lily;
  • Angelica;
  • Anna.

Compatible with:

  • Tatyana;
  • Julia
  • Alevtina.

The most compatible oriental sign

Snakes in tandem with Aquarius form bright creative pairs. Both personalities in relationships complement each other. A wise Serpent will help Aquarius get rid of distrust, and in return he will help to cope with excessive perfectionism.


Pisces completes the zodiac cycle. This sign is characterized by a high susceptibility of subtle matters. Fish are extremely responsive and highly dependent on the opinions of others. On the one hand, this quality allows them to form a wide circle of acquaintances, on the other hand, there is often a danger of falling under the influence of manipulators.

Fishes easily adapt to new conditions, which gives them the opportunity to work productively in multitasking mode. However, it is important that representatives of the sign keep their finger on the pulse, since their approach to work can be beneficial to unscrupulous authorities.

Most compatible names

Favorite Pisces names are:

  • Vlas;
  • Denis;
  • Makar.

A happy union can be with:

  • Paul
  • Jacob;
  • Timothy.

The ideal pair will be:

  • Inga;
  • Marina;
  • Kseniya.

An alliance with:

  • Regina;
  • Catherine
  • Yana.

The most compatible oriental sign

A reliable partner to Pisces will be the Dog. The dog will protect your loved one from communicating with selfish people. The fish will soften excessive directness and stiffness of the partner.

A lot of literature has been written on astrological and numerological compatibility. Often the patterns considered from the point of view of these teachings are reflected in real life. Similar issues are being investigated by the science of anthroponymy, which studies the history of the appearance of names. Some of her followers went further and proposed the most harmonious combinations.

Ideal couples for male names


The leader by nature needs an equal partner. Too soft women are not suitable for him, as well as feminists. A reliable support for Alexander will be Valentine, who will motivate him for new achievements, sincere Elena or active Veronica.


Men's energy attracts the attention of the opposite sex. He is rarely alone, but far from always happy in love. Andrei should pay attention to Elizabeth, Lyudmila, Margarita.


Thanks to excellent sociability, she does not experience communication problems, including with the opposite sex. For him, a very important spiritual connection with the chosen one. Complete understanding with Vladimir is possible with sincere Maria, emotional Tatyana or sensual Angelina.


Amorous Dmitri marries early. By nature, they are romantics, have a compliant character, are ready for compromises. Selfish and powerful ladies can easily crush them. The owner of this name has the best compatibility with patient and economic Olga. Relations can also develop with Nadezhda or Sofia.


Loving Ivan is easily carried away and also easily parted with women. His chosen one should take an active position and not let the relationship go by itself. Energetic Allas, independent Victoria and self-confident Nina possess the necessary qualities.


Cautious, prudent and pragmatic, not in a hurry to get closer to a potential chosen one. His other half should be his reliable rear. Michael needs a gentle woman who will not strive to take a leading position. These characteristics are more consistent with Elena, Natalya, Tatyana.


Not looking for passions and violent emotions. She respects her partner and expects the same attitude towards herself. The "safe haven" for Paul will be a sensitive Nadezhda, optimistic Ulyana or kind Catherine.


Uncertainty often prevents him from adjusting his personal life. He needs a sensitive and understanding partner who does not attempt to change him. Sergei is likely to have a relationship with Anastasia, Vera or Margarita.


It has a malleable character and a phlegmatic temperament. He needs an initiative woman who shares his interests and knows how to maintain a conversation. Yuri has very good sexual compatibility with Barbara, high chances to build strong relationships with Polina or Maria.


An amorous and emotional man is looking for an energetic partner who will support all his undertakings. He comes to a decision on marriage late because of a subconscious fear of disappointment in his wife. The best party for Yaroslav is a balanced woman named Galina or strict Dina.

Ideal couples for female names


The focus on self-realization often interferes with her personal life. She will not sacrifice a career for the sake of the family. However, Anna is devoid of self-interest and responsive. She will be able to achieve harmony in relations with Alexei, Konstantin, Artem.


Very demanding and selective Faith approaches relationships with all seriousness. Romance is not for her. The owner of this name is aimed at material success and sees with him the same man. She will be able to achieve a lot in tandem with assertive Alexander, punchy Vadim or hardworking Semyon.


Strong-willed Daria is trying to take a leading position. In relationships, she often shows an explosive nature, so her partner should be as diplomatic as possible in order to avoid conflicts. Romantic Valery, patient Gennady or caring Ilya can do this role perfectly.


The owner of this name will surround her partner with care and attention, but only if he matches her reference image. She has a high chance of a lasting alliance with David, Dmitry and Oleg.


Irina has few novels in her life, since she approaches each of them with a characteristic seriousness. In men, she values \u200b\u200bhonesty, the ability to support, and the ability to take responsibility for her actions. Ideal partners: Vladimir, Leonid, Igor.


Restrained in the manifestation of their emotions. Often hides internal experiences and needs a person who will understand it without words. Larisa has good compatibility in love and marriage with outgoing Andrey, sensitive Stanislav and tactful Eugene.


Partnership oriented. She will readily take on the role of the guardian of the hearth. Caring and attentive Marina will be happy in family life with Vitaly, Yegor, Roman.


The tendency to idealize other people often prevents her from building strong relationships. She is in a hurry to love, not having time to figure out a person. Next to the impulsive and unpredictable Oksana there should be a mundane man, for example, confident Alexander, resolute Maxim or organized Mark.


Her energy is directed towards social life. He loves outdoor activities and does not tolerate tediousness. Next to her, Svetlana sees a purposeful man with specific intentions and clearly set priorities. A worthy party to her will be Vsevolod, Victor or Leo.


Due to its natural charm, it is always in the center of male attention. He does not like to openly demonstrate feelings, but in his soul is sentimental and vulnerable. Julia will be able to reach mutual understanding with Daniel, Roman or Cyril.

Name compatibility. Find out how you fit together! Find out how you fit each other! Many women, getting married, are tormented by thoughts: is this the man? Moreover, such concerns may arise after many years of marriage. How not to make a mistake when choosing a partner? It turns out that the answer lies in numerology. Each letter of the name corresponds to a certain number. Add all the digits of your full name (do the same with the name of the partner) and find out about your compatibility.

Name compatibility

For example, take a couple of Mary and Paul. Maria \u003d 5 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 6 \u003d 22 \u003d 2 + 2 \u003d 4. Paul \u003d 8 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 4 \u003d 22 \u003d 2 + 2 \u003d 4. The compatibility of the union can be found below.

The results of the compatibility of partners in marriage:

1 and 1 - the relationship is complex, as both partners try to maintain a leadership position. A couple can be happily married if both husband and wife compromise.

1 and 2 - partners fit together like a thread with a needle. In such a family reigns love and harmony.

1 and 3 - a stormy union.  Family relationships are like living on a powder keg.

1 and 4 - good compatibility.  Over time, partners can become bored. It will save a common cause.

1 and 5 are stormy relationships that suit both.

1 and 6 - strong relationship,  in which partners provide each other all the necessary support.

1 and 7 - relationships often start with a habit,  which over time develops into very close bonds.

1 and 8 - in these respects it is necessary, so that partners are on equal footing. Otherwise, collapse is possible.

1 and 9 are a stunningly harmonious union.

2 and 2 - conflicts are often caused by the inability to find a compromise.

Read also:

2 and 3 - one of the most harmonious unions.  Long life together and many children.

2 and 4 - relations can be harmonious,  if partners become more open and sincere.

2 and 5 - happiness in pair is possible,  if both partners push their ego.

2 and 6 - partners in this alliance are looking in the same direction.

2 and 7 - a successful marriage, if the relationship began with friendship.  In the future, the bonds will only become stronger.

2 and 8 - husband and wife expect the same from life, therefore, their union is harmonious and durable.

2 and 9 are completely different people,  but this does not prevent them from creating a strong and happy family.

3 and 3 - if partners will give each other freedomthen the union is doomed to success.

3 and 4 - marriage will be longif love arises between partners.

3 and 5 - happiness in marriage is possible  if the husband and wife will have common interests.

3 and 6 are another incredibly harmonious union.

3 and 7 - partners are not alike and have different outlooks on life. However, they manage to build strong relationships.

3 and 8 - one of the most unsuccessful marriages, in which there are many quarrels and misunderstandings.

3 and 9 - the same aspirations of partners hold them together.  Over the years, their relationship only grows stronger.

4 and 4 - partners in such relationships are often bored.

4 and 5 - different views on life and relationships  in particular, they do not allow these partners to build strong and long-term relationships.

4 and 6 are a fairly reliable marriage.  Largely due to the fact that partners have the same outlook on life.

4 and 7 - from the very beginning of the relationship, constancy and calm reign here.  One of the partners may become bored over time.

4 and 8 - not the most successful marriage.  Each partner wants to lead in a relationship.

4 and 9 - a high probability of a happy and strong marriage.

5 and 5 - a successful marriage with a bunch of kids.

5 and 6 are unpredictable relationships.  Every day in such a marriage is like a surprise.

5 and 7 - partners are completely different from each other,  but that is what holds them together.

5 and 8 - excessive ambitiousness of one  of partners interferes with happiness in marriage.

5 and 9 - life can lead to discord.