Rap Volga branch. Volga branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (Nizhny Novgorod). Admissions Committee of the Volga branch

Banshchikova I.A. strives to achieve the required level of understanding of this material by students in the teaching of social science, which is achieved through the use of developing teaching methods, Shatalov’s methods, etc. Proper construction of training sessions allows the teacher to create positive internal and external motivation of students. Thanks to this, interest in the subject and in the teacher himself is achieved.

Teacher Banshchikova I.A. constantly working on improving the methodology of teaching the subject. In 2015, the teacher took advanced training courses at NIRO. Banshchikova I.A. methodological manuals were prepared for publication on the following topics: “Politics”, “Cognition”, “Recommendations for working with a source and statistical material”, “Recommendations for working with tasks of a problem type”, “Man”, “Economics”, “Social relations " and etc.

During his work at the TNF, the teacher regularly holds open lessons that cause a positive assessment among the present teachers of the department. Banshchikova I.A. participates in scientific and methodological seminars with the preparation of messages and reports to them: "Ways to improve the effectiveness of lecturing in the discipline of Social Studies", "Interdisciplinary communication in the teaching of the discipline of Social Studies", "Assessment as a means of improving the quality of teaching in the teaching of the discipline of Social Studies."

In 2011, the teacher collaborated with the Office for Monitoring and Supervision of Education at the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. She prepared materials for testing students of secondary schools in the city and region as part of the accreditation of educational institutions. Since 2008 Banshchikova I.A. regularly takes part in the work of a group of experts on the examination of the exam in social studies. In 2013 and 2014 She was the deputy chairman of the regional expert commission on the discipline "Social Studies" to test the exam.

The teacher conducts a large scientific advisory work with students. In 2009 - 2015, first-year students of the TNF PF RAP actively participated in scientific and practical conferences ("Sakharov Readings"), their work was published in the collections of "Materials of the YIII scientific and practical conference:" Freethinking: its past, present and future "( 2009) and "Materials of the IX scientific and practical conference:" Lessons of free thought "(2011). In 2012, in cooperation with the A. D. Sakharov Museum, a first-year student seminar “The fate of the country in the history of the Constitution” was held.

Sphere of scientific interests Banshchikova I.A .: the role of the subject of social science in the legal profession.

Russian State University of Justice  - This is a specialized higher educational institution established by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2001 to train highly qualified judges and court staff.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation sends for training at the branch. Training is conducted on a budgetary basis. The average number of students studying at the branch exceeds one thousand six hundred people.

The branch provides an opportunity to receive secondary and higher professional education. To improve the quality of training, students are provided with modern educational technologies, seminars, discussions and other forms of student interaction are held. In addition, students receive extensive theoretical training. Students practice internally exclusively in the judiciary. Students are granted deferment from the army. Graduates of this educational institution successfully find work in all judicial institutions of the country, as well as in large companies and state institutions. This is what gives the university a leading position among the universities of Nizhny Novgorod and the region.

The founder is the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

The educational institution is located at: Volga Federal District, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Nizhny Novgorod, pr. Gagarina, d.17-A.