What is a celtic cross? What does the Celtic cross tattoo mean?

The Celtic cross is a symbol that has been used as an amulet since ancient times. It has many properties. The traditions say that he protects from evil, grants wisdom to man. It is interesting that in itself this sign combines both masculine and feminine principles. It is used in different ways: worn as a pendant or pendant, stuffed with a symbol tattoo.

The Celtic cross is a symbol unique in its essence, because in itself it combines two cultures at once - pagan Indo-European and Christian. It looks like a cross enclosed in a circle. We can say that this symbol depicts life itself in its continuous flow. Also, the Celtic cross is a symbol of peace, harmony, balance.

The Celtic cross is also called the cross of St. Patrick, thanks to which, according to one version, this ancient symbol appeared.

There is still debate about its origin, because it is such an ancient amulet that it is not possible to know its history exactly.

There are four versions of the emergence of the Celtic cross, but they all agree on one thing - this sign, or at least its ancestor, appeared among the Celts before the advent of Christians.

The first version tells of missionaries who professed Christianity, who came to the Celts in order to convert to their religion. They saw the Celtic amulets with a cross ascribed to them their significance, since such a symbol was close to Christianity.

They did this in order not to change the traditions of the Celts, not to break their usual life, but still bring their religion to it. This practice of gradually replacing pagan symbols with Christian ones is found in many cultures, including Slavic. With the advent of the new religion, the original and traditions were replaced by Christian counterparts. A striking example of this phenomenon is.

But back to the Celtic cross. According to the second version, the Celts had known about him for a long time, but he did not play any special role with them, and as an amulet was not used. With the advent of Christianity, the symbol began to be used more widely for the reasons described above.

The third version says that the Celtic cross as such did not exist at all until the time Christians appeared there. He appeared thanks to St. Patrick, who once saw a stone with a circle depicted on it in a pagan sanctuary. Then he inscribed a Christian cross in the circle, and from the merger of the two symbols one appeared.

Therefore, the symbol is also called the cross of St. Patrick - in memory of the event, thanks to which he appeared.

According to the fourth version, the prototype of the Celtic sign was. From it came the Coptic cross, and already from the last - the Celtic amulet itself. If you compare the ancient signs, then in them you can really see a lot of similarities.

In Ancient Russia, a similar one also existed, it was considered a sign of the sun, a powerful amulet. Its significance among the Slavs basically coincided with a Celtic relative. It is also believed that - the legendary knights of the temple were borrowed from the Celts.

The meaning of the Celtic cross

Due to the fact that the Celtic sign synthesized the knowledge and wisdom of several cultures, it had several meanings and aspects:

  1. The cross itself in a circle is a world order, the Universe with everything that happens in it every moment.
  2. The circle means the inextricable connection of the past and the future. It seems to remind us that any past action will necessarily manifest itself in the future.
  3. The Celtic cross is wisdom and harmony, prosperity in any of many areas of life.
  4. The direct line is the masculine principle, the vertical line is the feminine.

The Celtic cross is a symbol of peace, harmony and balance, which depicts life in its continuous course.

Thanks to these meanings, the symbol from antiquity has been the embodiment of everything that exists in the world. There are also two varieties of this sign. The first is the image of a cross with an elongated vertical line, which reinforced male features and expressed aggressiveness and creation. The second option - with an elongated horizontal line - was femininity and softness.

It is impossible to say exactly what the sign meant among the ancient Celts. There are many theories, including some rather unusual ones:

  • as a symbol of vices that are taken under control, because they are enclosed in a circle;
  • cardinal points;
  • symbol of the four elements;
  • qualities and virtues that the Great Mother possesses.

One thing is clear - the symbol is inextricably linked with the sun, because the circle - this is the solar symbol. It reflects the change of seasons, and therefore it is important for farmers. But this is also a sign of spiritual life, because for the ancient peoples it was important not only the harvest on the field, but also the fact that a person reaps after his actions and choices in life.

In Russia, this amulet, although not widespread, acquired additional meanings. He personified with himself the divine wisdom that pagan priests passed on to their fellow tribesmen.

The Celtic amulet helped in many ways:

  • he gave protection against any evil, averted troubles;
  • helped to become more confident in himself, taught to trust relatives;
  • if the warrior put the image of the Celtic magic sign on his clothes, then he was not afraid of any weapons, and he gained incredible courage and endurance in battle;
  • the amulet made life more stable, more harmonious;
  • patronized the family, helped to understand each other and strengthen communication;
  • thanks to the Celtic cross, the mind became clearer, people made the right decisions;
  • revealed paranormal abilities, strengthened intuition.

Due to the fact that the amulet was connected with the past and present, it has been a faithful helper in various rituals and in magic since ancient times. It is also suitable for creative people, it gives inspiration, helps to reveal and develop talents.

In the form of a Celtic symbol in a circle, tarot cards are laid out, there is also a fortune-telling "runic   Celtic cross".

How to choose and wear an amulet

The amulet of the Celtic cross is inherently filled with positive energies and carries only the good. However, when choosing and using this amulet, you still need to adhere to several rules.

To the amulet with the image of the Celtic cross always attracted good luck, it must be worn constantly.

The first is material. It is best to dwell on the following:

  1. The tree - in itself, has a special energy, warmth and positive, therefore, in combination with the Celtic symbol will be a powerful talisman.
  2. Of metals, it is worth paying attention to copper or silver, because they are the best conductors of that energy and that meaning, which are enclosed in magic signs.

Some believe that the best amulet is one that is made independently. Then, in the process of creation, it is saturated with additional energy. Creating a thing, a person lays in it what he wants, making it ideal for himself.

Regardless of whether you bought the amulet or made it yourself, don’t give it to anyone, don’t give it away, don’t lose it or break it. Treat your assistant with care and respect.

Whatever thing the sign is applied to, it must be round in order to enhance its solar energy.

When wearing, follow a few more rules:

  1. Wear constantly so that the amulet always attracts luck.
  2. Always listen to your feelings. If the mascot fits and is selected correctly, then you will feel good. Negative sensations indicate the opposite.
  3. Treat the talisman as part of yourself, your assistant. Ask for help, talk mentally with a magical thing.

The Celtic amulet can also be worn by Christians, but only if they treat it not as a pagan amulet.

It should be noted that the flagwith celtic signbanned in Russiadue to the connection with Nazi symbols.

Celtic Cross Tattoo

It is not surprising that some people want to wear such a powerful amulet all the time. This is helped by tattoos with a Celtic cross. However, not everything is so simple here.

Firstly, such a tattoo helps only good people, those who pursue good goals, and do not act out of selfishness and the desire to get glory, power, wealth. Bad people mercilessly punish the sign and attracts only trouble.

Often they do not just crossed lines in a circle, but a cross with wings. Such a tattoo also acquires the meaning of innocence, purity. Also, the pattern should be smooth, symmetrical.

Depending on the part of the body, the meaning of a tattoo with a Celtic cross will change:

  • back - protection from negativity;
  • chest - cleansing of bad energy;
  • the head is harmony, spiritual development, but such a tattoo will make people quick-tempered even more irritable;
  • neck - the development of creativity;
  • right shoulder or arm - gaining wisdom, connection with ancestors, finding one’s vocation, place in the world;
  • left shoulder or arm - connection with the other world.

However, a tattoo applied below the waist will lose its strength.

Negative values \u200b\u200bof a tattoo appear only if it is used by people belonging to radical organizations, as well as criminals. In this case, the symbol is interpreted incorrectly in accordance with the worldview of a particular group. By itself, the ancient sign carries only positive meaning.

The value of tattoos for men

A tattoo with a Celtic cross sign will help only good people, those who pursue good goals.

This symbol as a tattoo is suitable for men who have already found their place in life, have grown spiritually and are aware of the whole meaning of the Celtic cross, its meaning, influence.

When applying drawings, you need to be very careful, make sure that it turns out exactly the way the young man himself wants. Therefore, in advance you need to draw up an accurate template of a certain size, possibly with the addition of additional characters or runes. It is recommended to use the symbolism of one people, in this case, focus on Celtic culture.

Men should not get such a tattoo on their calves, because it will be regarded as disrespect for the Celtic traditions. It is better to apply on the back, forearms or hands.

The value of tattoos for women

For girls, a tattoo is perfect if you make it in the form of ornate or floral patterns.

The meaning of the figure in this case is as follows:

  • sincere, deep faith;
  • tenderness, vulnerability;
  • sophistication, grace.

Girls most often apply a tattoo on the shoulder blade or forearm.

Prison Meaning Tattoo

In prison, the Celtic symbol takes on a very negative meaning.

It is applied to the body by people who are constantly living in danger, never knowing a quiet life. As a result, the cross of the ancient Celts takes on the meaning of life, the result of which will be violent, cruel death.

Everyone chooses which legend to believe in and what priority will be given to an amulet with a Celtic banner. After all, it is faith that charges the amulet with a special power that helps its owner in achieving goals.

Julia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

The sacred symbol of Irish culture has been known for a very long time. Tattoo with a Celtic cross has become extremely popular. They are embroidered, painted and used to protect against spirits. What is the history of this ancient Indo-European symbol?

At the beginning of their history, Celtic crosses served as an attribute for rituals and   Mysteries. The energy of all four elements is interwoven in the patterns - Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Everything changed when Christianity stepped on Irish land with its leader - St. Patrick. He is still loved and revered in this country.

The cross of St. Patrick became the foundation of faith. According to one version, in order for pagan residents to quickly get used to the new religion, they came up with a special sign that is close to their worldview, connecting the cross of Christianity and solar Celtic patterns. But this is only an assumption, since many stone crosses with similar patterns dating back to the pagan era were found in the territory of Ireland.

Another theory is as follows. The sign of the Celtic cross dates back to the Coptic, which, in turn, is very similar to the Egyptian Ankh. This assumption looks convincing, if only because both characters have the same meaning and are graphically almost identical.

The Celtic cross was perceived as a symbol of Christianity, but in the 60s of the last century neo-fascists began to use it. To some extent, this is justified by the fact that this is an amulet of a warrior. Gradually, the Celtic cross began to bear political meaning, and a tattoo with it flaunts not only on the shoulders of new pagans.

Symbol Meaning

The Celtic cross amulet is an ordinary cross, which is enclosed in a circle. Slight protrusion of the pattern is allowed outside. Most often, the details of the mascot are decorated with Celtic ornaments. For Christians, this plexus is interpreted simply and clearly: the circle is Eternity, the cross is love and sacrifice. Their points of view are followed today.

Pagan meaning does not always reach us in its original form. So, there are rather strange assumptions: a symbol of vices in check, cardinal points, four elements and personal qualities of the Great Mother. Do not rely on the first interpretation that comes across. One way or another, we do not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this symbol means in the ancient Celts.

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There is no doubt that the circle is solar, that is, a sun. Therefore, it symbolizes the harvest, the protection of the warrior and the peasant, the right choice and spiritual life. In Russia, it is a sign of the highest power, the divine connection of the priest and the gods, protection from dark forces and a symbol of their destruction. The Celtic amulet is able to provide reliable protection and inspire confidence even in the most difficult situations. This is the mascot of a warrior, which means the will to win. In addition, the signs on the surface of the amulet symbolize wisdom without borders, which pacifies cruelty and gives a person cold reason. Their abundance in the Scandinavian ligature enhances the effect of the amulet.

Use in magic rituals

The multifaceted meaning of the Celtic cross and its rich history make it possible to use it as an attribute of magical rites. The symbol of boundless wisdom gives a person the ability to bind together the past, future and present. Crosses mean devotion and sacrifice, which allows them to be used as a sign of devotion to the craft. Signs can be drawn inside the ritual circle or on a spiritualistic table.

The Celtic cross in the mystical rite is a symbol of the telepathic connection between the two worlds. For people with developed intuition and creative abilities, this sign brings fame and happiness to self-realization. It protects the gifted person from evil thoughts and empty prejudices, providing a strong connection with the powerful energy of the ancestors.

The choice and application of the cross

It is better if you make a Celtic cross on your own, but there may be a difficulty with materials and equipment. Now it’s easy to find worthy ready-made amulets.   Remember that they must be carefully selected before using amulets. First of all, pay attention to the material from which the Celtic cross is made. The symbol should be made of natural artifacts - copper, wood, silver. Other metals and plastic are not suitable for the manufacture of amulets. They are best used for trinkets in which the value has worn out over time.

The Celtic cross is worn as a pendant on the chest or simply draw it on existing talismans. In the second case, choose those that have a round shape. They are easier to charge on solar energy. A good connection with the amulet provides support not only to you, but also to your home.

You do not need to wear this sign all the time. This is only required at first. Subsequently, it is enough to put on the cross only in those hours when you need its support and during the rites aimed at establishing a connection between the worlds of the dead and the living.

The Celtic cross is an ancient magical symbol, which, according to popular belief, grants wisdom to a person and protects from negativity. It is used as a talisman, tattoo or amulets. Let's talk about the features and meaning of this symbol.

The history of the symbol goes back to ancient times and is shrouded in many legends. This is a unique symbol whose meaning is based on the beliefs of Christianity and Hinduism.

The meaning of the mascot is in the following aspects:

  • It looks like a cross enclosed in a circle. A symbol of the structure of the world and the interconnection of all processes in it
  • Embodies wisdom and unity, helps achieve harmony and prosperity in all areas of life
  • And the circle is the personification of the connection of the past with the future. This means that everything experienced in the past will certainly affect your present.

The Celtic cross is a symbol of everything, the relationship of female and male energy. Therefore, it contains qualities such as masculinity and aggressiveness, but also creativity, creation, femininity and gentleness.

The meaning of the Slavs

The ancient Slavs gave the Celtic cross their own special meaning:

  • This is the personification of the power of the Higher powers, the wisdom of the Gods, which was transmitted from the rulers of the Universe to the priests
  • The cross protected from all sorts of troubles and negativity, granted confidence in the future and in loved ones
  • Warriors put it on their uniforms to fill with fearlessness in battle and to be invulnerable to enemy guns
  • He also symbolized strong family relationships, granted mutual understanding, prosperity, harmony and happiness. He helped to make life stable, taught to soberly assess each situation
  • The cross represents the connection of the past with the present and the future, therefore it was often used in magic rituals
  • Helps develop intuition and psychic skills. It is believed that he can endow a person with supernatural abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis.

The cross is an assistant to creative natures. Gives inspiration, develops talents, helps to discover incredible creative abilities. Protects from all kinds of negativity coming from the outside world.

How to choose and wear a talisman?

The Celtic cross, a photo of which you can see below, is used to make a variety of amulets and talismans.

If you decide that this symbol suits you, it is important to adhere to certain rules so that the amulet is only beneficial. They are as follows:

  1. Pay attention to the material from which the talisman is made. It should be wood, copper or silver. The tree is endowed with a special, warm energy that attracts positive to your life. And metals are excellent conductors of energy information embedded in magic symbols.
  2. Ideally, if you do not buy a talisman, but make it yourself. During the manufacturing process, a thing will be filled not only with magical power, but also with your own energy. As a result, there will be an individual adjustment to your personality characteristics and qualities, and the talisman will immediately “recognize” the owner in you
  3. It is advisable to wear the amulet on the body all the time. Therefore, try to opt for jewelry with a Celtic cross. It can be a pendant, bracelet or ring.
  4. Regardless of what will be an amulet, this item must have a round shape
  5. Listen to the sensations of your soul when you start wearing the amulet. You should be comfortable. If there are unpleasant sensations, feelings of anxiety, excitement, then it is better to stop wearing the talisman. This suggests that you picked it up incorrectly
  6. Remember that an amulet is not just an inanimate object, it is a piece of your own soul. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to conduct mental dialogues with him, to ask for protection and help in all endeavors. This will provide an excellent energy connection.

Important:   don’t donate the amulet to anyone. Protect it so as not to lose or break. Careful attitude and constant use are the guarantee that the Celtic cross will work as correctly as possible.

Watch the video about the mysterious meaning of the ancient amulet:

Like a tattoo

A lot of people seek to fix the magic of the amulet by printing its image on their own body. But not everyone understands the danger of the misuse of the ancient magic symbol.

The catch is this: the Celtic cross as a tattoo will help you only if you pursue good goals. If you strive to acquire strength and power through magic in order to direct them to the detriment of others, you will find yourself a deeply unhappy person.

Depending on the location on the body, a tattoo with a Celtic cross has the following meanings:

  • Back - provides protection from dark forces
  • Chest - helps cleanse yourself of negative energy
  • Head - helps to achieve harmony and enlightenment. But categorically it is impossible to use people quick-tempered and aggressive: it is fraught with mental disorders
  • Neck - develops creative qualities of nature
  • Right shoulder or hand - helps to comprehend wisdom, gain the experience of ancestors, find one’s vocation, understand one’s purpose, reveal true values \u200b\u200bfor oneself
  • Left shoulder or arm - endows with magical abilities, helps to establish a connection with the other world, creates a powerful energy barrier
  • Below the waist - the strength of the ancient sign is lost, such a tattoo will be just a decoration of the body, but it does not have magical properties

It is very important that the tattoo has an absolutely even, symmetrical shape. Therefore, you need to contact professionals - tattooists who have many positive reviews and are masters of their craft.

Despite the fact that tattoos are now considered to be completely normal and they are applied by people who do not belong to subcultures, there are a number of images whose significance is ambiguous. For example, a tattoo with a Celtic cross. On the one hand, this image is often perceived as something pagan. On the other hand, this particular tattoo is closely related to the image of Jesus Christ.

The history of the Celtic cross

The Celtic cross is a crossed line in a circle. It is believed that it was this symbol that was brought to Ireland by St. Patrick, the first Christian missionary. According to this theory, a Celtic cross tattoo, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, unites a symbol of religion and the sun, speaks of the unity of God and nature. Such a symbol arose due to the fact that pagans often worshiped precisely natural phenomena., therefore, it was extremely important to combine these concepts in order to attract them to Christianity.

In the image of this symbol you can also find hints of fish and chrysma - another important symbol of Christianity as a religion. The first is also called Ihtis. In fact, both characters are related to the spelling of the name of Jesus Christ.

Celtic Cross Shoulder Tattoo

Other symbol names

The Celtic cross also has other names. For example, it is called the solar or the cross of Columbus. The first option is often used in a simple design, like a cross located in a circle. There are no other symbols near the picture. This image does not explicitly refer to Christianity. Columbus was one of the apostles of Ireland. His sermons played a large role in the adoption of Christianity in the ranks of countries.

Celtic Shoulder Cross Tattoo

Did you know?   St. Patrick and Columbus were connected, albeit by less obvious ties. These two great preachers indirectly intersected. So, the great-grandfather of St. Columbus was a robber who stole a young man who was to become St. Patrick. So, the Celtic cross tattoo, the meaning of which is presented below, is closely related to the names of two saints.

Celtic cross on the leg

Meaning of Celtic Cross Tattoo

Tattoos such as the Celtic cross have many meanings. Some of them have a negative meaning.   However, this does not stop those who wish to see such an image on their skin. So, the main meanings of the Celtic cross tattoo, the sketches of which are diverse, can be attributed to:

  • Humility before difficulties. Often this symbol is considered a reference to the patience of Christ. Therefore, a person who decided on this kind of tattoo, as if emphasizes his calmness, the ability to silently survive adversity;
  • Patience. In this case, this value is similar to the previous one. The Celtic cross serves as a reminder that you need to save face, not take revenge on enemies, remain a good heart;
  • Relation to religion. Not everyone who considers himself an atheist decides to get a tattoo with a cross. therefore this image may be considered a designation of a particular religion;
  • A symbol of the suffering experienced by Jesus. In this sense, the tattoo serves as a reminder of how the god’s son, who came to the people, was tormented. This is a tribute to him, as a desire to make amends for the wines of mankind.

Volumetric Celtic Cross

Negative Celtic Cross Tattoo Meanings

As mentioned above, a tattoo with a cross in a circle has negative values. The fact is that it was this symbol that was used by the Nazis as the emblem of their party. Since then, modern neo-Nazis or skinheads use this kind of tattoo as a symbol of the superiority of the white race over others. However, it is worth noting that tattoos of precisely these groups do not contain the symbolism of Jesus, that is, his initials or name. Often this is just a fancy cross, decorated at best with ornament.

Celtic cross tattoo with a crown on his chest

I did not make a tattoo with a Celtic cross for a reason. The fact is that I used to be an atheist. But, gradually I came to the realization that I believed in God, his Essence. No, I did not become an ardent supporter of Christianity, perhaps I do not live according to all of his commandments. But I really began to believe. Therefore, the Celtic cross for me is a symbol of the transition from paganism to true religion. The tattoo is small, hidden under the heart. Therefore, only those closest to me see it.

Cyril, Nizhny Novgorod.

Celtic cross tattoo on a shoulder blade with a rose

The location of the tattoo. Application Methods

Did you know?   Not only the Celtic cross, from a completely peaceful tattoo, became a symbol of Nazism. A similar situation occurred with the swastika. The initial meaning of the so-called rotif is the designation of the sun and its rays. But, thanks to the use of this symbol by the Nazis, many still perceive this image extremely negatively.

Celtic cross tattoo in color with a greenish tint

The color scheme of a tattoo is often monochrome. Use black, brown and gray shades. Very rarely there is a cross made in bright colors. The tattoo itself can be concise, consisting only of a circle and a cross, and may contain a number of characters. It is also customary to decorate the Celtic cross with ornaments from smooth lines, waves, circles. However, some prefer the more masculine version when the tattoo is decorated with squares and triangles of different sizes, intersecting each other.

I made a tattoo with a Celtic cross very, very small. It is located on the hip. For me it is a symbol of the culture of Ireland, which is very close to me. I am not a particularly religious person, although I was baptized in childhood. Tattooed on such an intimate place so that I would not be confused with skinheads. The tattoo is made in several shades of black and gray. I still don’t understand how the master managed to draw so many curls on such a small tattoo that the cross looks fluffy and carved! But I really like it.

Anastasia, Arkhangelsk.

Video: 100 tattoos with a Celtic cross

Celtic cross tattoo on the photo

The Celtic cross is a symbol quite popular and probably known to everyone. However, in tattoo culture, he is not as popular as it might seem. The art of tattooing continues to evolve, and with the advent of new styles, interest in the old is gradually weakening. Well, this is only at hand for those who are looking for a truly original image.

Today we will talk about the origins of this symbol, explain the meaning of the Celtic cross tattoo, talk about some unconventional plots and styles of work.

Symbol story

Legend has it that the Celtic cross in the form in which we know it today first appeared in Ireland thanks to St. Patrick, who preached Christianity in these parts. He tried to explain that his faith was not so radically different from the original faith of the Irish that the fundamental principle is the same for all religions. He made a cross - a symbol of Christianity - in, a symbol of the sun. All ancient beliefs prescribed to honor the solar deities, praise them for the warmth and light, thanks to which there is life on earth, so this symbol helped to convert more Irish to Christianity.

The prototype of the Celtic cross was the solar cross, the images of which were found in Europe and Asia and date back to the Bronze Age. Now the attitude to this symbol is ambiguous. The reason for this was the use of the solar cross as the emblem of the Nazi party of Norway, which was later adopted by neo-Nazi and racist movements. So such a bright symbol became associated with intolerance and cruelty. By the way, the same fate befell the swastika, which initially carried exclusively positive significance.

What is the meaning of the image of the Celtic cross?

So, what does a Celtic cross tattoo mean in terms of modern tattoo art?

Like any solar symbol, the Celtic cross speaks of the cyclical and infinite life on earth, the rebirth and rebirth of the human soul. Based on this ancient interpretation, it can be said that a person wearing a Celtic cross tattoo on his hand sees its significance in constant spiritual growth, gaining new experience, self-knowledge and self-improvement.

If we talk about the Christian aspect of this sign, it indicates an unshakable faith.

Celtic cross - the merger of two different worldview concepts that complement each other. It is also believed that the four sides of the cross is a symbolic image of the unity of the four elements that form the world around us, or the designation of the four cardinal points.

The tattoo with the image of the Celtic cross speaks of a person’s desire to deeper know his own nature and the world around him, the desire to comprehend the secrets of life, to have knowledge about the essence of things.

Styles and Stories

Of course, when it comes to the most suitable style for depicting this ancient symbol, the imagination immediately draws.

With the help of such drawings, the ancient Celts tried to symbolically convey the beauty of the surrounding world. The ornament was applied not only to clothes, household items, weapons and walls of dwellings, but also to their own bodies. Even then, the art of tattooing was known to people and revered. Works in the Celtic style are not so common now, so creating a unique image will not be so difficult.

If you like a more original and unconventional approach, consider a do-it-yourself sketch concept. It also involves the use of an ornament, but it is depicted using dots plotted at different intervals.

Ideal places for a tattoo with a Celtic cross - shoulder, forearm, hip and lower leg. If a lot of work is planned, it is best to choose the back as a canvas.

Looking through the photo of the Celtic cross tattoo, you can draw a lot of interesting ideas for your own sketch. Most often, realistic images imitating a stone bas-relief, armor decorated with a Celtic cross and traditional ornaments are found. The cross is also decorated with wings. By the way, the number of clover leaves can dramatically change the meaning of a tattoo: a four-leaf clover is considered a talisman that brings good luck in all endeavors, and a three-leaf clover is considered a symbol of the Christian faith (there is a belief that St. Patrick explained the principle of triunity to the Irish using the example of clover with three leaves).

The Celtic cross has also become an integral part of the Gothic subculture of the end of the last century. You can often find gloomy monochrome images of the Celtic cross with a tombstone, crows, trees with flying foliage.